
"Rebirth of the Lost Soul"

In the bustling city of Delhi, Arth Sharma was an 11th-grade student burdened by immense pressure to excel in the highly competitive Exam. This pivotal test held the key to his future Yet the relentless demands of academic excellence, combined with the overwhelming expectations from his family, became an unbearable weight upon his young shoulders. Trapped in a vortex of stress and despair, Arth tragically tries to took his own life, unable to bear the crushing strain any longer. However, What he didn't expect was that the gods themselves would answer his call As his spirit departed his earthly vessel, Arth found himself in a mystical plane, greeted by ancient gods who revealed a profound truth – his life had been imbued with a greater purpose, one that transcended the confines of a single existence. Throughout his mortal journey, Arth had always felt an inexplicable void, a missing piece that left him incomplete. The deities, their forms radiating with celestial power, bestowed upon him a sacred gift. But little did Arth knew that he was just some pawn in the grand scheme of these Gods.

theUsual_one · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Arrival in the Capital

Quill, once known as Grey, finally arrived in the capital after a long and arduous journey with the assassins. As the city's towering spires and bustling streets came into view, he reflected on the events that had led him here.

The journey had been grueling. After faking his own death, they had stayed hidden in the forest for three days to avoid any potential investigation. The forest was dense and dark, providing ample cover but also making their stay uncomfortable. The food they had was bland and barely edible, a far cry from the lavish meals Grey was used to at Stormwind Estate. The assassins didn't talk much, maintaining a stoic silence that left Grey alone with his thoughts.

Occasionally, the assassins would ask questions about the mission. One of them, a tall figure with a scar across his face, asked, "Why did you choose to do the mission the day after you left the estate?"

Quill replied, "Because if I had done it near the estate, the body would rot later, and they might investigate my body, which could cause us problems."

The assassin nodded, seeming to understand the logic behind the plan.

After crossing the forest, the first thing Quill did was dye his hair brown. This simple act symbolized the end of Grey and the birth of Quill. He also bought a hood to cover his head, ensuring he didn't stand out among the group of assassins.

The journey to the capital took two more weeks. During this time, Quill maintained his guise, blending in with the assassins and learning from them. As they approached the city, he couldn't help but compare it to his birth place. The capital was vast, with streets teeming with life. Market stalls lined the roads, selling everything from exotic spices to intricate jewelry. The buildings were a mix of towering stone structures and quaint wooden houses, each one telling a story of its own.

Majestic towers pierced the sky, their tops adorned with fluttering banners displaying the kingdom's crest. The air was filled with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares, children playing in the streets, and the constant murmur of the city's inhabitants. It was a stark contrast to the quiet, secluded life he had led at the estate.

To enter the capital, they had to present their identities. Fortunately, the assassins had already made arrangements. They approached the city gates with a confident air, handing over forged documents that allowed them entry without arousing suspicion.

Quill followed the assassins through the winding streets, marveling at the sights and sounds of the city. Eventually, they arrived at an ordinary-looking house in a quiet neighborhood. The lead assassin knocked on the door with a specific pattern, and after a moment, the door opened to reveal Alderic.

Seeing Alderic made Quill's heart lift with relief and joy. Here was a man he could trust, who had played a crucial role in his plan.

"Welcome," Alderic said, a sly smile on his face. He exchanged a few words with the assassins, who nodded in response. After a brief conversation, Alderic handed them a pouch of money. The assassins accepted the payment and, as they left, one of them gave Quill a nod, perhaps acknowledging their shared journey and his resilience.

Quill stood in the doorway, watching the assassins disappear into the bustling streets of the capital. He felt a mix of emotions—relief that he had made it this far, sadness for the life he had left behind, and determination to move forward with his plan.

"Come inside," Alderic said, gesturing for Quill to enter. "We have much to discuss."

Quill nodded and stepped inside, ready to embrace the next phase of his journey.

The interior of Alderic's house was a stark contrast to the grandeur of Stormwind Estate. It was modest but charming, with wooden beams running across the ceiling and a stone fireplace crackling warmly in the living room. Shelves lined the walls, filled with books and trinkets collected from Alderic's travels. The furniture was simple yet cozy, with plush cushions and soft blankets draped over the chairs. A large, well-worn rug covered the wooden floor, adding a touch of warmth to the room. The scent of fresh bread and herbs filled the air, making the house feel inviting and homely. Despite its modesty, there was an undeniable sense of warmth and love within these walls, a testament to the family's close bond and simple, contented life. 

he realised that although this house was not that big compared to Stormwind estate but this was the capital and even the smaller houses with only two rooms would cost a fortune.

Inside, the second thing Quill saw was a young girl, about seven years old, with brown hair and brown eyes just like Alderic and a face full of mischievousness like a child should have unlike Quill . As soon as the little girl saw Quill, she hid behind a sofa, peeking out cautiously.

"She's quite shy with strangers," Alderic commented, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Quill asked curiously, "Is she your daughter?"

Alderic just smiled and picked the girl up from behind the sofa. The girl hugged Alderic tightly, her shyness melting away in her father's arms.

"Her name is Klara," Alderic said, introducing her.

Before Quill could say anything to her, Klara, now safely in her father's arms, wrinkled her nose and declared, "You stink."

Quill felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him, and Alderic laughed heartily. "Yeah, you should go take a bath. My wife will take you there."

At that moment, a lady emerged from another room. She introduced herself as Teresa, Alderic's wife. Instead of shaking hands, she patted Quill on the head, reminding him that, despite his experiences, he was still just a ten-year-old boy running away from his family.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Teresa said kindly.

Quill followed Teresa toward the bathroom. Before he disappeared around the corner, he glanced back to see Klara happily playing with Alderic's beard. A pang of longing for a simpler, happier life shot through him, but he steeled himself, knowing that the path he had chosen was necessary. He had to be strong, not just for himself but for the future he envisioned.