
"Marvel: Earning Rewards by Scrolling Through Short Videos"

As a seasoned wage slave, Jiang Cheng suddenly finds a strange short video app installed on his phone. By simply scrolling through these short videos, he can earn cashback and other rewards. What Jiang Cheng doesn’t know is that the characters from the American comic worlds can also see these videos! As a result, everyone in these American comic worlds starts breaking down. Iron Man: “Are you kidding me? I’m not smarter than a raccoon?” Batman: “My superpower is being rich, who doesn’t agree?” Thor: “Fake! That 500-pound guy can’t possibly be me!” Superman: “What? Batman actually made me bleed?” ___________________________________ Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Check out my Patreon for more advanced chapters patreon.com/Twilight__scribe (40 Advance chapters)

Twilight_Scribe · Cómic
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Chapter 45: The Celestials Surpassed?

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(40 Advance chapter

#### Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)

Nick Fury, the seasoned and battle-hardened king of agents, couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. The Butcher's audacious move of using a baby as a weapon had left him flabbergasted. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who climbed up from frontline operations, Fury had seen countless ways to kill. He had even witnessed someone using a pencil to kill three hitmen. But using a baby to kill? That was something he had never seen or even imagined.

"Can this really be happening?" This was Fury's first thought after watching the spoiler. Despite having seen the baby shoot lasers in the incubator, he had never anticipated Butcher using the baby in such a manner during a crisis. It was beyond normal thinking.

Fury was genuinely impressed. First, there was the jaw-dropping move with the small stature and explosive power of the "Butcher," and now, this baby weapon. This team was full of talents, making Fury secretly admire them.

After marveling at the Butcher, Fury muttered another name, "Compound V," his brow furrowing. The video clearly spoiled that the baby superhero was entirely artificial, created using this so-called Compound V. This was completely unexpected for Fury. What secret organization had developed such a world-changing substance? Had someone already advanced the research on super soldiers to the point of directly replicating Superman? This seemed incredible to Fury.

Since Captain America's emergence seventy years ago, numerous military and other agencies had secretly tried to replicate the super-soldier phenomenon. Even S.H.I.E.L.D. had invested massive resources into this endeavor. Yet, no one had succeeded, except for the Hulk, a half-successful result of General Ross's experiments.

Now, the mysterious screen suggested someone could directly create superhumans? This caught Fury completely off guard. Who could it be? Fury sank into deep thought. If someone had developed Compound V, who could it be? Obviously, just speculating would lead nowhere, so Fury quickly summoned Black Widow, assigning her the critical task of investigating Compound V and its creators, including Butcher and the other members of The Boys.

"Understood, sir!" Black Widow responded briskly, turning and leaving swiftly.

#### Eternals

In a seemingly ordinary house in South Dakota, Ajak, the leader of the Eternals, looked at the screen and couldn't help but mutter, "This can't be true." She had seen something unbelievable: humans using Compound V to create an Ikaris-like being. It seemed like a joke. When had human technology reached such a miraculous level?

Unlike other Eternals, Ajak was not in the dark about their true origins. She knew the Eternals weren't from some faraway planet called Olympia but were created by the Celestial Arishem. Therefore, she found it hard to believe humans could replicate what Arishem had done. The Celestials, after all, were supreme beings responsible for creating countless stars and the fundamental elements of the universe. If humans could replicate these warriors, it meant they could do what Arishem could, which seemed absurd to Ajak, who held the Celestial in the highest regard. She knew Earth was merely a womb for birthing new Celestials, making the concept even more preposterous.

#### DC Extended Universe

Clark Kent (Superman) frowned deeply, his expression resembling a withered autumn flower. Initially, when he saw the spoilers about Laser Eyes and Homelander, he assumed they were fellow Kryptonians, given their ability to fly and shoot lasers. He had even asked his father, Jor-El, about them, but Jor-El had no knowledge of such individuals. Despite this, neither Jor-El nor Clark gave it much thought, believing it was possible they were simply unfamiliar names from their vast planet.

However, now Clark realized he had been mistaken. The ability to shoot lasers didn't necessarily mean someone was Kryptonian; they could be enhanced humans created by Compound V. This revelation struck Clark hard. He had always understood Earth and its limitations but never imagined its biotechnology had advanced to such a degree that it could create Kryptonian-like beings.

Despite this realization, Clark, with his compassionate nature, found the idea of using babies for experiments utterly unacceptable. It was too cruel for him to bear.

As the New Year approaches, old acquaintances wish all readers a prosperous new year, achieving all your desires and reaching the pinnacle of life!