
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

You should have listened to my warning.

In the meantime, while they are having a good time,

Outside of the void and the restaurant,

Her children, Li Baihu, Li Qing Long, and Li Xuan Hu, are now in a heap of trouble.

Blood and beat up people, screams, and unconscious men are all over the place.

Li Xuan Hu holds an adult man on its neck as its face is beaten up.

The man's face is covered in blood; his eye got sucked in really hard; his feet are both broken; and his arms are all dislocated.

It's the perfect definition of beating a man into his death; let him feel the pain while doing it.

Li Xuan Hu speaks coldly and yet softly to the man he's holding.

"You all should've taken the coins; yet you all refuse… How unfortunate that your ignorance kills you for your spoiled brat master. "

Then Li Xuan Hu coldly snapped the man's neck and let it go as if it were trash being tossed away like nothing.

Li Xuan Hu turns and looks at the kid covered in bruises, broken legs, and blood all over his body and face.

The kid was startled as he caught a glimpse of Li Xuan Hu's eyes underneath his mask.

Li Xuan Hu's gaze on the child is like a spear piercing his soul.

A cold-blooded gaze of terror and death has been set upon him as Li Xuan Hu walks towards him slowly, then squats down in front of him.

The kid got scared seeing Li Xuan Hu squat down in front of him.

He wanted to say something and beg for mercy; however, due to the overwhelming terror and power, he couldn't.

He gulped and tried to look at Li Xuan Hu's eyes as his eyes were covered with tears and blood.

"You know... I wouldn't get more pissed off if you just all never insulted my mother. But I guess you can't take back what you've said earlier, can you now? "

Li Xuan Hu gazes at him as his eyes blaze with anger.

The kid got frightened even more as he saw the horror of the abyss deep inside of that gaze.

At that moment, Li Xuan Hu grabbed the kid's mouth and forcibly took the tongue out of his mouth.

"Since your tongue is quite sharp, let me blunt it for you and help you take your sharp words back into your mouth."

As the kid's mouth opens while its tongue is out, Li Xuan Hu forcibly grabs the kid's jaw and head and pushes it hard up, letting the kid bite his own tongue to the point where it cuts in half!

The kid screams and vomits tons of blood, along with broken teeth, while at it.

However, Li Xuan Hu didn't just stop there...

As the boy screamed due to his pain and agony,

Li Xuan Hu picked up the other half of the tongue that fell from the ground and forcibly put it into the boy's mouth and made him swallow it.

By holding the boy's jaw, Li Xuan Hu closed the boy's mouth till he swallowed the half of his tongue along with his own blood.

The boy struggled for a bit, but due to his broken legs, feet, and arms, all of it was futile.

Li Xuan Hu saw the boy gulping for a moment, and so he released him immediately.

Li Xuan Hu stood up and turned away from him.

However, before he walks away, he has parting warnings for him.

"Hear me this… Next time I see you in front of us again, I'll make sure you wish I had killed you. "

As the kid heard his warming and got terrified, and he then lost consciousness due to the overwhelming terror and blood loss.

Li Xuan Hu didn't look back but instead walked towards his brothers, Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, who watched the whole scene quietly.

"Let's go back to Mom... This place is not even worthy of our time. "

Li Qing Long and Li Baihu just nodded to Li Xuan Hu as they followed him from behind when they walked away from the one-sided murder scene.

Meanwhile, at the moment as well, Alessa, the lady who had been assigned to watch them by his father's order, has now gone pale and terrified of what she has witnessed. Along with two girls, Aleksei and Skylyn, her sisters, with the same hair color but yet different haircut, pinkish eyes, and almost the same set of divine clothes as Alessa's wearing.

The three, using magic to conceal their presence and physical appearance among the crowd, have witnessed all the horror of Li Xuan Hu's actions.

The girl who was named Skylyn, the short pink-haired girl, has shivered and scared just looking at the atrocity that happened to Li Xuan Hu's victims.

She couldn't speak due to the terror and cruelty, so she grabbed her sister's clothes for support from where she was standing.

Skylyn's sister, the one Skylyn holds, named Aleksei, who has long pink-haired; a bit taller than Skylyn but not as tall as her sister Alessa, tries to comprehend her thoughts and then speaks calmly.

"How could a child do these kinds of things instantly?!"

She bit her lip to overcome her fear and the terror of her thoughts.

"This is... wicked! A truly unpleasant sight! Although the city regime has done a lot of enormities to the people of this empire, For them to receive such a hundredfold punishment from a kid! This is a..."

Before Aleksei finished, she wanted to say

Her elder sister, Alessa, has spoken in the midst of it.

"This is an abomination... Remember what happened before that kid did all of this? "

The girl named Aleksei didn't respond to her sister, but instead she tried to remember before this atrocity all happened.

...an hour before all this happens.

After Li Jing's kids left the restaurant, Li Xuan Hu, Li Qing Long, and Li Baihu took a stroll.

Although Li Baihu is a problem child, he remembers his mother's warning to all of them.

Thus, he behaves just like his brothers.

They stroll and stroll around every inch of this city until they stumble into a stall cart that serves grilled meat.

However, although it looks normal and it smells delicious, it is due to the fact that all of them are hungry, which is the reason why they stopped.

They go towards the stall and talk to the person that runs the stall.

At that moment, a young girl around their age runs to welcome them.

"Welcome… what can I do for you? "

Li Xuan Hu is immediately fascinated by the girl and speaks politely yet in a gentleman's way.

"Umm... Excuse how much for the grilled screw meat? "

Although Li Xuan Hu speaks nicely,

The girl found it weird and strange due to the fact that all three of them were wearing weird masks.

The girl tries to reply to Li Xuan Hu calmly.

"It's only worth 15 bronze coins."

"…" Li Xuan Hu and Li Qing Long looked at each other underneath their masks and went speechless.

And then, Li Baihu speaks to the girl...

"That's surprisingly cheap! Are you sure it's only worth 15 bronze coins? " In excitement, Li Baihu rejoiced for a moment, as his voice went loud, and he then calmly spoke to the girl as he wanted to confirm the price.

"Yes, Sir! It's really only worth 15 bronze coins! " The girl was startled to hear such a loud voice from Li Baihu.

She backs off a little and speaks to them formally.

"Umm… are you here to buy? Because if you do, just pick which one you like, and then I'll grill it for you. "

"Ah…! Yes, we are here to purchase, but... There's one little problem. "

"What is it, Sir?"

Li Xuan Hu picked his pouch out from his dimensional storage and took one of the platinum gold coins out of it.

"Here… this is the problem. Do you have any change for this? "


The girl was surprised to see the platinum gold coin in front of her eyes.

She was speechless and confused at the same time.

She has a lot of questions going through her mind but doesn't have the guts to ask the boys who are in front of her why they have such a large amount of money!

"Are these guys rich?! If so, why do they go here instead of going to an exclusive restaurant!? "

And so she speaks, but this time her voice is quite peculiar and puzzled.

"S-s-sir… Although I can serve you, I think you're right. I really don't have change for that money. So I seek forgiveness for being unable to serve you well. "

"No, no, no! It's alright! You can keep the change. No need to get worked up for such small things. " Li Xuan Hu gets agitated for a moment, but immediately suppresses it, then speaks politely and softly towards the girl.

"Eh...? But sir,... " The girl goes aghast as she responds to Li Xuan Hu's delight offer.

And then, Li Qing Long speaks in the midst of it all, in his sweet, soft voice.

"I am pretty sure my brother would agree that you can keep the change. So no need to get worked up, ok? Besides, this might be your lucky day. "

Although he said it softly, his mask said otherwise.

She looked at Li Qing Long and Li Xuan Hu for a moment, then took a deep breath and sighed deeply.

"Alright then… What is it that you want? "


Before Li Xuan Hu even speaks, Li Baihu speaks, then points out the meat he wants.

"I want 5 sets of these, 6 sets of that, and 9 sets of those... All of that is mine. "

"O-oh… Will do, sir…" Hearing such a large number of orders for one person, let alone a child, disturbed and perplexed the girl.

Then she glanced a bit at Li Xuan Hu and Li Qing Long, as if she wanted to ask if that's all of it they were going to order.

Li Xuan Hu caught the girl's eye behind his mask... and spoke politely.

"I'll have the same as my brother does."

And thus, Li Qing Long follows and speaks as well.

"Yeah, same here as well…"

The girl got agitated and responded confusedly as she took the order.

"I will do my best to serve you, young masters… It might take a while to prepare, but please forgive me for that. "

As Li Xuan Hu speaks, he waves his hand as well.

"Worry not, we can wait... So just calm yourself. "

The girl just bows down a bit as a sign of respect and grace to Li Xuan Hu.

And thus, the girl starts to roast the meat they've ordered.

While waiting, Li Qing Long spotted something from afar.

A group of men are causing trouble for each store they pass through.

Without them hearing the conversation, Li Qing Long got curious.

"What's up with those guys…?"

Li Xuan Hu immediately replies to his brother and speaks softly.

"Remember what Mom warned us about, Li Qing Long."

"I know; I know!"

Li Qing Long shrugged off the thought and looked elsewhere.

At that moment, his eyes caught something that would make his attention rise towards it.

"Brother, look..."

Li Qing Long taps his brother's shoulder, Li Xuan Hu, as he points out the thing that caught his attention.

Li Xuan Hu looks in the direction where Li Qing Long pointed and sees what it is.

A set of cooking tools were on sale at the other store, which is not far away from where they were.

"Brother, aren't mom's tools already old? Buying those would make a great gift for mom. " Li Qing Long asked his brother, as his tone was totally complacent about it.

"Hmm… now that you say it, it would make a great gift. But still, I wonder what it is made of. It would be better if it was made from rare metals. "

And then the girl intervenes in their conversation, as she heard all of it.

"Ahh… that store, Sir? You have nothing to worry about all the items they sell. "

"Is that so?" Li Xuan Hu responded in quite an intriguing tone.

"Yes, Sir?! Although all of it is quite expensive, it is genuinely worth it. The material they use is made from a rare metal called Aqua Tears. It is quite a dense metal that can maintain its magnificent figures for such a long time. "

"Woohh Brother. Let's take a look and buy it for Mom! "

Li Qing Long is eager to go, but Li Xuan Hu has some doubts for a moment, then replies with such a calm and sweet voice.

"Alright… Let's buy a set! I bet Mom would love those, for sure! "

In a hurry, Li Qing Long and Li Xuan Hu left, leaving Li Baihu behind the stall.

In the meantime, the girl who is grilling the meat for Li Baihu and his brother has begun to speak softly.

"I'm sorry, Sir... Are you guys here for the festival events? "

"Hmm? Excuse me? " Li Baihu was startled for a moment as he tilted his head up from the meat, then looked at the girl who appeared to be speaking to him.

The girl got perplexed as Li Baihu looked at her under his mask.

And so she speaks softly, once again.

"It's just… I am curious if you and your brothers are here for the festival events. "

"Festival Events? What's that? "

The girl was left dumbfounded by such a straight response from Li Baihu.

"It's the Tournament Festival events. All the people and beings from various countries, whether they are from prominent families or not, have come to participate in such events. "

"Oh... I see. Thanks for the information, but I don't think me and my brothers have time to spare for an event like that. "

"I see…" As a result, the girl keeps doing what she's doing and never asks again.

However, from that moment of silence, Li Baihu has questioned something about her.

"Young Lady... With all due respect, I am curious... Who's that little girl behind you? "

A peculiar little girl, around 2 years old, sleeping right behind the stall peacefully caught Li Baihu's attention.

"Ahh… her? She's my little sister. I've got to take care of her since I am the only one in our family that is left to be called 'family'. "

"Oh, that's very nice of you…" Li Baihu smiled underneath his mask, as he heard how genteel and caring the girl was towards her sister and her family.

"Thank you…" The girl smiled back, as she heard the sweet voice of Li Baihu and her wonderful compliment.

At that moment, in the midst of a wonderful atmosphere, a group of young kids, along with a few adult men, arrived in front of the stall.

One of the kids gazes at Li Baihu as he joins in and walks towards the stall.

The boy is wearing high-quality clothes enough to be considered noble just by looking at him; he has short-brown hair, yellow eyes, and pale white skin.

The boy looks at the girl and speaks softly and calmly.

"Mei, when will you accept my proposal? You don't have to do this anymore; just accept my proposal and you'll live as a noble. "

"With all due respect, young master Cian LawLor, but I am afraid I have to refuse. So please stop bothering me anymore. I have no interest in marrying or being part of your family, so please just leave me alone! Can't you see I am working?!"

"Mei!!! Don't tell me, have you forgotten our agreement?!"

"Don't spout nonsense, I never agreed to that agreement! You killed my fiancée! You took everything away from me! My family! Our Clan! Our wealth! Everything else?! And yet you have the guts to talk like this in front of me?!"

"Mei!!! I am telling you, it wasn't me who ordered to do that!!!"

"Yeah, right! It wasn't you, but your fiancée and your family and her family did! "

The boy got silent after that.

As things got heavy and the atmosphere became dreadful, Li Baihu just stepped aside for a moment and moved a bit away from them. However, he still waited for his order to be done.

Meanwhile, the girl, named Mei, has continued her work and grilled the last few meats while she ignores the boy causing trouble in front of her stall.

A few moments later, one of the boys, besides the boy named Cian Lawlor, notices Li Baihu once again.

"Hmm...? You 'Which country are you from? "

And the statement was immediately followed up by the boy, named Cian Lawlor.

"What's your name?"

Everyone looks at Li Baihu intensely. However, Li Baihu simply ignores him and just continues looking at the meat that is being grilled.

Mei, who had heard it had gone perplexed, took a glance at Li Baihu, who was at the side of the stall.

She didn't speak for a moment; however, she slowly felt the urge of anger from the boy in front of her.

So she speaks softly enough for Li Baihu to hear.

"Umm... They are talking to you, sir."

Li Baihu immediately replied to her directly without ill intention.

"Yeah… I know, but I have no obligation to answer them, do I? " Li Baihu's tone is blunt as the crowds around him, including the people around the boy, have become dumbfounded and bewildered.

However, the boy who was asking became silent and then yelled at Li Baihu moments after.

"You!!! Who do you think you are, to ignore me like this?!!! Don't you know who I am? I am the third son of the Lawlor household, the son of Duke Blake Lawlor, Cian Lawlor!"

However, even with a proper introduction, Li Baihu still simply ignores him and speaks to Mei politely.

"Mei, was it?"

"Yes, it is... What is it? " The soft and low voice of Mei responding to Li Baihu with her face is a bit perplexing.

"I think that the last batch has already been grilled enough."

"Eh? Really? Oh... sorry. OK, if that's what you want to do. "

Mei immediately grabbed a pair of wooden plates and put everything that Li Baihu and his brothers ordered on them and handed them to him.

Li Baihu grabbed one of the stools beside him, put his food on one of the vacant tables, and then sat down in front of it.

Li Baihu moves his mask a bit up for enough of him to eat silently, as he simply ignores the kid named Cian LawLor.

On the other hand, Mei took a glance as she saw Li Baihu moving his mask up a bit. Her curiosity has begun to rise as she sees a small part of Li Baihu's face.

At that moment, Li Baihu's brothers, Li Qing Long and Li Xuan Hu, came back from another store to buy a gift for their mother.

They walked towards the stall and took a glance at Li Baihu, who was already eating.

Li Qing Long yells as he quickly saws it!

"Oi! That's not fair! You started without us?!"

"The early bird catches the worm... It's not my fault if you guys are late. " A blunt response from Li Baihu

"Like heck, it was our fault?!"

"Alright, alright! Settle down! I just started... So sit down and eat. "

Li Qing Long shut his mouth and annoyingly grabbed a stool near him and sat down beside his brother.

He also moves his mask up a bit for him to eat silently, just like Li Baihu did.

However, at that same moment, Li Xuan Hu begins to notice a bunch of kids and a group of adult men who keep starting at them.

Li Xuan Hu initially thought it was strange, so he ignored it.

Then, among them, a young adult approaches them.

A young man who is well-built and well-attired stood in front of Li Xuan Hu and looked down upon them.

"You…! You guys dare to ignore and humiliate our young master?! I am trying to hold myself back since you guys are kids, but... I never thought your arrogance went way out of line. Are you guys tired of living?!"

Li Xuan Hu didn't respond, nor did his brothers, but instead Li Xuan Hu took a glance at Li Baihu and spoke calmly and softly.

"Li Baihu… Do you know these guys? "

Li Baihu didn't say anything because his mouth was full, instead shaking his head and saying, "No."

At that moment, Li Xuan Hu took a glance at Li Qing Long. However, before he even says anything to him, Li Qing Long waves his hand as if he's saying: "Not me either, we've been together buying mom's kitchen tools."

Li Xuan Hu took a glance at the girl named Mei.

Mei is a bit panicked and confused about whether she's going to speak or not.

However, she took a deep breath and spoke softly and gallantly to Li Xuan Hu.

"Sir... Let me introduce you to young master Cian Lawlor, third son of the Lawlor household, and son of Duke Blake Lawlor. "

The boy that Mei pointed out had stood firm and put his head up as he was being introduced.

However, on the other hand, Li Xuan Hu didn't speak for a moment, then took a stool as well and sat down beside his brothers.

He grabs a piece of meat from the wooden plate that is placed in front of Li Baihu and eats it.

The unbelievable response from Li Xuan Hu makes everyone around them, even the people who are just passing by, dumbfounded and surprised.

The young man who is standing beside Li Xuan Hu has started to get annoyed, given the fact that Li Xuan Hu ignores his young master that he serves.

"You, arrogant little bastards! "

With his fist clenched in anger, he slams the table where Li Xuan Hu and his brother were eating, enough for the table to break into pieces.

Some of the meat fell off onto the ground from the sudden commotion. However, somehow, Li Qing Long, Li Baihu, and Li Xuan Hu managed to catch a few of what was left.

The three of them didn't say anything or get mad about what the young man did to them, but instead they picked up the meat that fell on the ground and put it back on the plate quietly.

Mei, who was surprised by a sudden commotion, immediately moved out of her stall and helped Li Xuan Hu and his brothers pick up the meat that fell from the ground.

Mei Look at the man, then glare at the kid named Cian LawLor.

"Haven't you had enough, Cian? Not only did you ruin me and my family; now you're starting to ruin my only business, too! Is this what you're trying to say, that you're not involved in the whole thing?! Just stop it already and leave me alone! "

As she heard her shouting voice, the boy gulped for a moment and looked at the young woman, then stood down and moved away from Mei.

Then, Li Xuan Hu speaks softly...

"It's alright... No need to get worked up. "

"Eh?" Mei was surprised and became bewildered at seeing how calm Li Xuan Hu was.

"Anyway, it seems we've caused you too much trouble. Here, as payment for the trouble we've caused. "

Li Xuan Hu took a couple of coins from the pouch and then handed it over to Mei.

However, Mei immediately declined the offer out of confusion.

"Eh?! No, Thanks! The platinum gold coin you handed over is already more than enough!"

Seeing how stressed out Mei is, Li Xuan Hu gently grabbed Mei's hands and put the coins on her hand, closing it gently.

Li Xuan Hu looks at her, underneath his mask, and say…

"A couple coins are not even worthwhile for us anyway. So just accept the offer. "

The sincere and sweet voice of Li Xuan Hu made Mei's conscience immediately give up and politely accepted the offer that had been given to her.

And then, after Li Xuan Hu handed over the coins to Mei and gave the wooden plate filled with meat to his brother Li Qing Long, he stood up and stared at the boy who was looking at them.

"Cian LawLor, was it?"

"Yeah, that's right! That's our young Lord's name! " The man who has slammed the table has spoken arrogantly as he looks down on Li Xuan Hu.

"I see... So what is it that you want with us? "

The boy was vexed as he heard Li Xuan Hu's question.

However, before the boy even responds to him, Li Baihu, his brother, speaks in the midst of it.

Hearing his brother's words, Li Baihu said in annoyance, "Brother... He wants to know which country we are from."

Li Xuan Hu turns around to look at his brother when he speaks, then turns his head once again to stare at the boy.

"All because of that? You caused a commotion? For a brat, you're quite spoiled. If you want to know where we come from, then let me tell you, we live in the forest. "

"Forest? No wonder you have no manners. " The man who slammed the table and stood beside him has responded sternly.

Li Xuan Hu just continued to speak and ignored the old man's words.

"If that's all you want, then let us excuse ourselves if you don't mind."

Then Li Xuan Hu brought out his pouch bag filled with platinum gold coins and tossed it over to the boy.

"Here! Take all of that as compensation for the misunderstanding and the rudeness we caused. "

The boy caught it and curiously opened it, only to find a high number of platinum gold coins.

"!" The boy and his friends saw it and were surprised and shocked that a boy who lives in the forest could easily hand over a huge amount of money.

Then one of his groups, a young girl, speaks.

She looked at Li Xuan Hu gracefully and then smiled elegantly.

She has short, frilly violet hair, golden eyes, and pale white skin. She wears a short violet gown, adorned with gold and silvered edges, and white shoes.

"For a young age such as yourself, you sure have a huge amount of money with you. Perhaps you're from a prominent family, from a prominent country? "

"Like I said, we live in the forest. Nothing more, nothing less…"

A straight-forward and stern response from Li Xuan Hu towards the girl.

As a result, the girl smiled at him in amusement.

"Perhaps… But I refused to believe it. Well, anyhow, it's nice to meet you all. " Then she shifted her head and looked at the boy named Cian. "Young Lord Cian LawLor, if you don't mind, let me excuse myself here."

"Eh?" The boy and the rest of the group were surprised to hear such a statement from the girl.

"...I don't want to get involved in such ridiculous matters that you've started, so I'll excuse myself. I'll see you later. "

As the girl leaves, so does Li Xuan Hu and his brothers leave quietly as well.

However, before they even exit the place, the young man holds Li Baihu's arm, making the wooden plate filled with meat they've bought fall off once again.

"Who told you guys to leave?"

Li Baihu was enraged as his gaze was drawn to the ground, where a piece of cooked meat had fallen off and was being stepped on by the same person who had caused them trouble.

His eyes have gone dark and his face has started to become disoriented underneath the mask.

His rage began to seep from his body at that point.

Both Li Qing Long and Li Xuan Hu noticed and sensed it, immediately took action, and spoke to their brother and to the young man.

Li Qing Long immediately holds Li Baihu's other hand and pulls him away from the young man who's holding him.

Then Li Xuan Hu cuts in and stands between them, Li Baihu and the young man.

"What is it that you guys want from us? Haven't we already given you an amount of money? "

Being the eldest of the triplets, Li Xuah Hu spoke politely and gracefully to the young man, while Li Qing Long whispered to his brother, Li Baihu.

"Stop it, Baihu! Mom said we should stay away from trouble! So stop getting mad over a piece of meat! "

Li Qing Long speaks firmly but yet quietly to his brother to calm him down.

"I hope the great young master will forgive the insolence we committed... Please accept these coins as a sign of our mistake. They are our compensation for wasting your time. "

Li Xuah Hu lowered his head and then turned away once again.

However, they've forcibly stopped once again before leaving.

As the kid yelled at them, telling them to "Stop!"

They halted for a moment but didn't look back, but instead they started to get pissed off, including Li Xuan Hu.

And thus, the boy continued to speak.

"Have your parents not taught you any manners or proper behavior?"

"What did you say?" A stern response came from the triplets, glaring at them underneath their masks.

Then it continues... A boy wearing exquisite clothes from the kid's group speaks and joins in. However, with such an exasperated tone, he insulted them directly.

"I bet they've never been taught at all, Cian."

Then another one joins. A boy wearing well-crafted light armor.

"Yeah! I bet the coins belong to someone else, and they robbed them. "

Then another one joins in as well; a boy wearing leather armor.

He sneers and glares at Li Xuan Hu and says, "No Kidding! I am sure their mom is a runaway slave! "

From that moment, Li Xuan Hu, Li Qing Long, and Li Baihu snapped!

Their anger and their hatred have reached their limit.

"Say that again…!"

Within a 1 km radius of the city, everyone felt the sudden release of malicious intent and intense gravity.

As they stare at the kids and their aides, the triplets emit a dark-blood red aura.

Everyone around them immediately forcibly knelt to the ground. Even the bystanders, the strangers, and including the girls that had been tasked with following them, Alessa, Aleksei, and Skylyn all knelt to the ground.

"What intense Mana control!" Alessa exclaimed as she tried to resist the Triplets' immense power.

"Are these kids that our dad wanted to watch over?! You must be kidding! " Thoughts from Aleksei, who couldn't resist the intense gravity.

However, Skylyn, on the other hand, was frightened and terrified by the gravity that had taken over her.

She couldn't speak, nor even take a breath for a moment. Her mind is starting to get blank as she tries to resist; her current power isn't enough to block or hold the intense gravity that the triplets bestowed on them.

Then... a knife-like gaze from the triplets staring at them.

"You shouldn't push your luck when people are trying to be generous." Says Li Qing Long, with that soft yet cold-blooded voice of his.

"Remember this: not everything in this world runs according to your accord." Li Baihu wasn't just pissed off due to the fact of his meal getting stepped on, but also for insulting their mother. His voice is different... it's like death and terror have come and are ready to take a soul.

"Heed this... This is our last warning; leave us alone if you want to see the next sunrise. " Li Xuan Hu glares at them as he speaks calmly but yet deadly.

Everyone begins to vomit as they stare at them. Some are having difficulty breathing, while a few are trying to resist the pressure of their power, but they fail to get up on their feet. Others have started to lose consciousness as their faces slam onto the ground.

Then Mei speaks up... in the midst of it all.

Her face was covered with tears, her eyes starting to get blank, and her mouth covered with vomit.

"…Please. I am begging you...! Just stop... My Sister... will die! "

Li Xuan Hu heard her and immediately looked at his brothers, who immediately agreed with him as they nodded.

Li Xuan Hu, Li Qing Long, and Li Baihu immediately suppressed their power and calmed themselves.

"…" Li Xuan Hu didn't speak nor apologize, but instead he looked down at Mei and turned away after that.

Mei immediately tries to stand up even though her body is still in shock.

With her legs wobbling and flailing, as she runs off to her sister, and looks at her if she's alright.

Fortunately, her sister is alright for some unknown reason.

Her little sister didn't cry nor even show any sign of danger from her.

Mei didn't question anything or anyone, but instead she immediately grabbed her little sister, held her and cried.

"Thank God, you're alright!!!"

Li Xuan Hu felt a bit guilty for what they'd done. However, what is done is done.

Even if he wanted to change it back, he couldn't.

And so he ignores it and leaves.

"Let's go!"

Li Qing Long and Li Baihu just nod at their brother, Li Xuan Hu, and start to walk away.

Or so they thought.

At that moment, one of the kids' aides yelled at them!

"Insolent peasant! You dare threaten the royals? "

The man who slammed the table at them has stood up and pulled his sword from his waist!

His sword, as it was unsheathed, he immediately tried to slice Li Xuan Hu in half from head to toe in one strike.

However, Li Xuan Hu felt the killing intent from the young man as the swords were about to cut him.

"He's concentrating all of his mana into his sword!? Does he intend to cut me in half?!" His thoughts as he noticed the danger

Li Xuan Hu calmed himself down and simply dodged the strike by moving aside from it.

"Remember what Mom taught us! Keep the flow of mana calm and even. Anticipate the enemy's movement and take control of the path of his strike…"

His thoughts continued with her mother's teaching echoing inside his head.

As the sword strikes on the ground, Li Xuan Hu holds the young man's hand and tries to bend over to him.


"Disrupt the enemy's balance and... explode, using both your power and the enemy's own momentum against him."

As Li Xuan Hu anticipated the attack, he immediately imbued his arm with his mana and struck the young man with a heavy punch to the jaw.

However, Li Xuan didn't stop there.

He immediately notices that the boy and the people beside him and behind him have also started to cast a spell.

But... in the midst of it, everything has stopped!

The boy and the people beside him wondered why their spell suddenly disappeared.

"Huh? What happened? " said by everyone as a result of the unexpected events.

Then they looked around and wondered, Where are they?

An infinite void of nothingness in a dark space.

Then Li Xuan Hu speaks softly.

"Mom says there are a lot of techniques you can do when you have mana and magic with you."

"W-w-what…?" was said by one of the aides, standing beside the boy named Cian.

"... Quantum Space Barrier and Time Spell..."

"You!!! What did you do?!"

Li Xuan Hu didn't answer one of the aides yelling at him, but instead continued to talk.

"A magic user that needs mana to cast a spell won't work..."

Then Li Xuan Hu looked at them with eyes blazing with anger and hatred.

"... especially in my Space Void barrier."

"You…! Do you believe you can compete with the Dao of Sky Dragon magic users of the House Lawlor?"

At the same time,

Li Xuan Hu teleports himself to a young man who speaks to him.

"In this state? Yes. "

Then.. Li Xuan Hu broke the man's left leg cold-bloodedly.

Screams and cries came from the young man as he felt the pain of his leg getting destroyed instantly.

"M… My leg!!! Aaaaghhhh!!!"

Thus, his colleagues and his master make a move!

"You…! You bastard!!!"

As they had witnessed the brutality that Li Xuan Hu did to one of their people.

A howl of anger came from each young man and kid, including Cian, as they unsheathed their weapons.

All of their swords were aimed straight towards Li Xuan Hu.

Li Xuan Hu looks at them with pitiful eyes.


Before their attack reached him, Li Xuan Hu unleashed an incredible amount of power into his surroundings, completely overwhelming Cian, his friends, and their aides.

"Ugh!" a sound of frustration and anger as they've blown away.

"It's futile... Resistance is pointless, you ants. You are all in my domain... You all have no power here! Let me show you the consequences of insulting our Mom! "

Li Xuan Hu multiplied himself a dozen times, with the same amount of power, capabilities, talents, and skills.

At the same time, they've released a huge amount of their power and look at each of the people inside of the void.

"This... this is who I am!" Every Li Xuan Hu that appears says it at the same time.

Then all of himself moves and starts to appear in front of them.

"Rejoice, you ants... You'll about to experience the true meaning of agony and despair! "

Each of Li Xuan Hu's moves fast and attacks each of their targets as they immediately start to block the meridians of their target and also use acupressure points technique on their target, making them unable to respond or move.

While being unable to move, each of the targets felt frightened and scared as Li Xuan Hu held them down.

"Let the fun begin."

Then the torturing starts. Each person inside the void had screamed in their minds and thoughts before crying bloody tears.

Their skins getting pilled off, their bones getting smitten into smithereens, and each of their fingers' nails and fingers getting pulled off one at a time.

A horrifying and dreadful torment.

However, on the other hand, the real Li Xuan Hu walks slowly towards the kid who screams about their mom being a runaway slave.

He didn't speak nor say anything as he walked towards Kid, but instead he imbued his arms with mana.

The boy, who is dressed in leather armor, has begun to shiver as he sees Li Xuan Hu approaching him with hatred and anger.

"This… this person is strong…! stronger than father and uncle combined! He's scary! I don't want to die! Someone help me! Mommy! " As Li Xuan Hu approached, the boy thoughts became insane and worried.

Then… Li Xuan Hu squatted down in front of him and glared as he spoke coldly.

"Oi... Do you know what the greatest mistake of a person's life is?"

The kid just waved his head, scared and pitiful, when Li Xuan Hu questioned him.

The Kid sees' 'Death' within Li Xuan Hu's aura emitting from its body.

A skull-like figure with burning eyes of hatred and anger.

Li Xuan Hu sighs, then speaks softly. "I guess you won't know. Here, let me show you…"

As he said that, Li Xuan Hu pointed his finger towards the kid's left leg, then eradicated it heartlessly.

With such control of his mana, the kid's left leg has been torn apart from its body and burned into ashes.

As Li Xuan Hu hasn't blocked the meridians of the kid, nor used acupressure points, the kid squeals and rolls over in agony.

"Arghhhh!!! You monster!!!"

While the kid squealed due to the pain, Li Xuan Hu smiled evilly underneath his mask. A smile from the monster himself, devoid of remorse or pity.

He grabbed the right leg of the kid, then twisted its ankle 180 degrees.

However, Li Xuan Hu didn't stop there. He released a small amount of mana from his middle finger and then released it towards the kid's neck, making the kid throw up tons of blood.

Seeing how the kid's suffering from pain, Li Xuan Hu stops with his eyes looking empty.

He stands up silently and then snaps his fingers to the point where the copy of him disappears instantly.

"I am tired of this… If no one else saw what happened here, it's practically pointless. The people must know the punishment for your sins. "

The kids look at him, terrified and scared. "This... Don't tell me...! "

Then Li Xuan Hu looks at the man who ruined their meals and walks towards it.

The man is still alive; however, he's on the verge of death. With his crippled arms, legs, and broken jaws, his inside-out body is bleeding and unable to move or even speak. He bit his lip out of frustration and anger.

Li Xuan Hu saw it and smirked underneath his mask.

Then squat down once again.

"You… How does it feel to eat your arrogance, your mistakes, and failures? "

The man who is lying down on the ground with a broken body looks up at Li Xuan Hu and tries to spit on Li Xuan Hu's mask with his blood.

However, with the speed and cautiousness of Li Xuan Hu, he merely dodged it by moving his head aside.

"I admire your will and guts to think you are able to even move your mouth at that kind of stage." Li Xuan Hu spoke softly as he looked down on the man. "Tell me, was it worth it for you to serve that spoiled brat master of yours?"

Li Xuan Hu grabs that man's jaw and forcibly moves it to where his young master, named Cian, was.

The man Look at his young master, beat up and unconscious.

The man was surprised to see his young master he served get humiliated to this extent.

He grits his teeth and bites his lips once again and looks at Li Xuan Hu and then speaks.

"Please…! I am begging you! " Then the man coughs blood and continues to speak with all his guts. "Spare the young master!" Then he coughs up blood once more.

Although Li Xuan Hu was surprised to see and hear the man speak, despite the fact that he was supposed to block every movement of his body, Li Xuan Hu remained calm, looked at him without pity, and asked him firmly.

"Why would I do that?"

The man coughs blood then speaks. "Please... I accept my fate, but please forgive my young master for his ignorance and ego. He's still young and he's one of the sons in their household?! I am begging you to spare the young master! "

"You... Are you aware that you're begging on a child? Attitude and values aren't only for adults. Being a young person or a kid is not a reason for a person to act arrogant and ignorant. Remember this: regardless of age, human endurance and patience have their limits. Once it reaches its limits, it'll change drastically in ways that you wish you never saw. "

"!" That man was startled and gulped as he saw Li Xuan Hu's burning eyes.

However, Li Xuan Hu caught a glimpse of his thoughts and spoke softly to him.

He put his face close to the man's left ear and whispered to him.

And he said, "How about this? I'll let him live in exchange for your soul. "

"My soul?!" The man's thoughts as he was surprised by Li Xuan Hu's deal

As the man was surprised to hear such a deal, Li Xuan moved his head back away from the man's ear and then gazed upon him.

"So… your answer?"

Although the man felt nauseous, he didn't hesitate to answer Li Xuan Hu.

He speaks firmly, confident in his own will that he made the right decision.

"As long as you promise that you'll let my young master live!"

Li Xuan Hu smiled maliciously under his mask, then laughed.

"Magnificent! You guys are truly stupid people! Hahahahahaha!!! Do you honestly think I'm stupid enough to give you mercy?"

Then Li Xuan Hu forcibly held the man's neck and lifted him up, glaring at him closely.

"Don't make me laugh!!! In case you forgot, I already gave you a chance. You ants?!!! And yet you all choose to ignore it!"

With such malice emitting from Li Xuan Hu's body, the man felt shivers through his spine.

"I am done with this show…"

Li Xuan Hu calms himself immediately, then snaps his fingers and removes the void.

As Li Xuan Hu canceled his spell, all the people, beings, and demi-humans around them were shocked, surprised, and terrified by what they had witnessed!



Some of the crowds, men, women, and kids, regardless of age or race, ran away from the place as soon as they saw the piles of bodies on the ground.

However, a few of the people staying have gone perplexed and disturbed.

while others vomit and puke as a result of this heinous show!

They never dared to say anything or dared to interfere, but instead they wondered in shock...

"What exactly happened?"

Meanwhile, Alessa has gone terrified, having witnessed some bizarre event!

"W-w-what exactly happened?! I saw Li Xuan Hu being attacked by them, but how did it end like this instantly?! How did he end up like this in just the blink of an eye?!"

As they continue to wonder and think about how the kid did all this, Li Xuan Hu continues his business.

And thus it continues, as in the present situation they have seen.

As Li Xuan Hu did and left with his brothers, Li Xuan Hu started to struggle for a bit from his walk, then began to stumble on the ground.

Li Qing Long and Li Baihu immediately got worried.

"Brother?!!! What happened?!"

"It's nothing…" Li Xuan Hu, in pain, responded to Li Qing Long, who was worried sick about him.


"Just hurry, let's go back…! Find Mom! "

"Ohh... OK."

As Li Qing Long replied to his brother firmly, he immediately cast a teleportation spell on himself and with his brothers as well to instantly go back to the restaurant they left.

Upon their arrival, Li Xuan Hu immediately vomits a lot of blood.

When Li Xuan Hu collapsed on the floor, surrounded by Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, his brothers were immediately concerned and terrified.

As Li Xuan Hu keeps vomiting blood from his body, his consciousness is starting to fade...

"Damn! My internal mana core is heavily damaged! I have to repair it or else..."

Unable to speak Li Xuan Hu gritted his teeth and then bit his lips out of frustration in order to stay conscious. However, it's futile...

and then he completely lost consciousness.

Seeing that situation, his brothers, Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, immediately took action and helped their brother up.

Although both of them, Li Baihu and Li Qing Long, don't know much about medical knowledge, they still try their best to help their brother, who is in peril.

Li Baihu immediately checked his pulse.

"Brother, his pulse is OK!" Li Baihu speaks in such a distraught tone.

"Then, it is at his core!" Li Qing Long immediately foresaw the situation and ripped his brother's clothes.

In such outrageous and extreme treatment, Li Qing Long put his hand on and directly released a huge amount of his spiritual essence into Li Xuan Hu's body.

By doing so, Li Qing Long has found the problem from his brother's core!

Li Xuan Hu's mana core was severely damaged!

"Brother's core It's broken into pieces! "

After Li Qing Long focused his spiritual thoughts inside of his brother and came back after finding out the problem, he was surprised to see their mother, Li Jing, and their grandparents, the other people they didn't know yet, standing in front of them in shock and surprise.

Confused and worried, Li Jing asked her children. "Y-y-you… three… What the hell did you do…?!" Li Jing's words have stuttering, seeing the situation her children are in.

Li Qing Long removes his mask and speaks with his eyes flooded with tears and sadness.

"Mom… help brother… His core... has been obliterated. "

"What did you say?!!!"

Worried and scared, Li Jing rushes towards her son and puts Li Xuan Hu in her arms.

At that moment, Li Jing immediately put herself and Li Xuan Hu into her void space and disappeared completely in front of them. However, unlike what she did inside the restaurant, Li Jing simply transferred herself and her son into her void space without opening a portal.

Upon appearing inside her void space, Li Jing immediately imbued her left point finger with mana, sliced her two fingers on her right hand and started to draw a sigil on the floor of her void.

After finishing drawing a very unusual sigil, Li Jing also drew a sun on her back left hand and a star on her back right hand. Both of her hands had been sliced up fresh from her own fingers.

As her blood is dripping on the floor, Li Jing starts to chant.

"In the name of my father, the sun, I command thee!"

As Li Jing chants and forcibly pushes her hands together with the sun and star on the back of her hands,

A strong force has forced her to stop.

However, Li Jing didn't give up there. She continues…

"In the name of my father, the sun, I command thee!"

As she chants repeatedly, while putting her hands together with the sun and star on its back,

A man appeared, wearing a white tuxedo, white pants, and white shoes, with a glass of wine in his left hand and an apple in his right hand.

His eyes are red, his hair is golden, his skin is white, and his body is firm and ripped.

The man looks at Li Jing and speaks softly.

"Well, well, what do we have here… it appears that I am not on earth that I know of. So tell me, young lady... For what purpose have you summoned me?"

Li Jing spits some blood first, then speaks firmly.

"Lucifer… Looks like you've forgotten about me already, huh? "

Li Jing look upwardly at the man, with her face looking troubled and tired.

The man named Lucifer looks down upon them and pauses for a moment before he replies.

"Long Jiang!? No… Lucy?!!! " Lucifer's shocked response came as he looked down upon Li Jing's magnificent appearance.

"Yeah... Long time no see, Luci. "

Li Jing haggardly smiled as she looked upwardly at Lucifer, who was standing in front of her.

"How good to see you, my little Lucy."

Lucifer squats down as he looks closely towards Li Jing, curious and confused.

Li Jing looks away, embarrassed, as she notices how magnificent and charming Lucifer is.

But, time is precious; thus, Li Jing speaks out loud!

"Save my son, Luci!"