
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
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43 Chs

The origin of all.

Before the creation of the world, there were five siblings living in harmony and happiness.

Their names are "Death," "Kaos," "Darkness," "God," and "Soul."

These five entities of primordial beings of origin will soon make a sacrifice that they will forever bind by their guilt and suffering.

In the garden, which is filled with clean, plain grass, flowers, trees, and animals that are living in good harmony, there's a little girl running and playing among the crowds of creatures that surround her.

a girl who was enjoying the fun of being free and in liberty.

Then, from the top of the hills, a silhouette of a man wearing a white tank top, white shorts, and white slippers stands and looks at the girl from afar.

until he yelled.



Down the hill, a girl surrounded by lovable animals got surprised for a moment by the sudden loud voice echoing all over the place.

The girl sat up from the clean ground and looked around her to see where the sounds were coming from.

Until she sees the man standing on the top hill.

"Big Brother God!" The girl waved and smiled as soon as she saw the man on top of the hill.

Like an innocent girl, she replied back and yelled as well.

"Big brother, God! Come here! Play with me!"

God, who hears her loud and clear, sighs, then teleports himself and appears in front of Soul.

From that moment on, God looked at Soul, frowning.

"You... You... You little... Just how many times do I have to tell you? Wear some clothes! Every time you go out and play in these plain fields, you're always naked! Sister Darkness and the rest keep scolding me because of it!"

"Ehhh~~ but Big Sister Darkness' clothes that were made for me are making it hard for me to move."

Soul pouted and playfully replied to her brother, God.

which God finds annoying.

However, giving to his little sister is innocent and kind. He himself holds his feelings and sighs.

"Fine... If that's how it is, I am practically wasting my time reminding you about your clothes. Anyway, it's time to go."

"Ehhhhh~? Is it that time already? Ok!"

Soul stood up from the ground, naked, from top to bottom.

Her face is smiling like a child, her aura is full of joy and happiness, and her voice is full of innocence.

as soon as she stood up and held God's arm.

God, look at the animals surrounding them.

"Go back."

"!" With a single command, all animals calmly walk away.

However, before all of them left, Soul looked at them and spoke loudly.

"Don't worry, everyone! We'll play later! I'll come back for sure! So be sure that you all get ready soon! Understand!?"

as the animal made a sound as if they understood Soul's statement.

Soul giggled a bit and then looked at his brother, God.

God, who was looking at her quietly, smiled back as soon as he saw his little sister's innocent and lovable smile.

"So let's go?" Genteel and calm, God spoke.

And Soul replies to him: "Yes, Brother!"

From that moment on, God snapped his finger, and both of them disappeared!

only to reappear in a room where Darkness is sitting on the sofa while drinking tea, Death is sitting on the sofa reading a book, and another person is standing in front of the window.

The man has long red hair and is wearing a red suit, red pants, and red shoes.

As soon as God and Soul appear, darkness and death immediately jolt to witness Soul naked.

"Soul!!!" in shock, Darkness has spit some of the tea inside her mouth.

While Death calmly shuts the book he's reading, he then snaps his fingers, and a large towel appears in his hand.

Death stood up, walked towards Soul, and covered her naked body.

"Seriously, every time. Can't you at least wear clothes for once, Soul?"

Death's calm and genteel voice made Soul blank for a moment until she replied blissfully.

"Don't wanna! Big Sister Darkness dress is so uncomfortable to wear. So I don't want to. Rather, I want to wear the type of clothes you wear, Big Brother Death, as well as Big Brother Kaos!"

As Soul surprised Death, she then pointed at the man who was standing in front of the window.


Death was blank for a moment until the man who was standing at the window, named Kaos, turned and immediately leapt towards Soul.

"My adorable little sister, Soul, wanted my type of clothing?! You should've said it from the very beginning! If that's what you want! I'll make one right here, right now!"

The man has firm brown skin; his entire body is well-built; his face is well-matured; he has a red beard and a red mustache; his iris eyes are blood red; and his sclera is pure darkness.

Although his well-built body is unmatched by how he behaves, his attitude matches that of a doting parent. His aura is blissful and full of joy, and his attitude is like a child eager to please his siblings.

He hugged and rubbed his cheeks against Soul's cheeks; he then lifted Soul up, making the towel fall off.

"!" Darkness once again spews tea from her mouth due to seeing her little sister, Soul, naked.

Kaos, on the other hand, smiled gleefully while lifting up Soul and spinning themselves around.

Soul, who has no shame about seeing herself naked, just laughs and enjoys her brother playing with her.

"Soul, from now on! I'll send you the best clothes! So promise me you'll play with me from now on!"

"Okay, Brother! I will!"

"Then let-"

Before Kaos even finished what he wanted to say, Darkness, who was behind him, smacked his head as she yelled to both of them.

"Would you two stop it already?! And you, Soul, take that towel and cover yourself up!"

Darkness glared at them in anger, as if the goth violet lolita dress she was wearing was blazing on fire and emitting killing intent on her whole body.

"I am not repeating myself! So either you two behave yourselves right now, or I'll make you!"


Soul responded without a trace of fear, while Kaos responded otherwise, as if he were terrified to see Darkness' blazing eyes.

Kaos put Soul down and sat down on the sofa near him, where Death was reading the book he was reading before, while Soul grabbed the towel that fell on the floor and sat on Darkness' lap soon after she hid her body.

Darkness, who jolted for a moment for her little sister to jump on to her lap, doesn't mind it; instead, she pats her little sister's head and puts her arms around her little sister's body as she finds her adorable.

God, who was quietly watching the event while eating an apple, walked toward where Death and Kaos were and sat down beside them.

From that moment on, the room suddenly tensed up, until Death spoke.

"So on to the topic... about Soul creating a life. Are you sure everyone here is okay with it?"

While everyone became silent and awkward, Soul, on the other hand, was eager and happy as she smiled and flailed her feet in joy.

"Big brothers! Let me create a life! You all have all your servants, children, and toys, while only I have yet to create life! I want something that I consider mine. Besides, I am sure everyone of you doesn't like me using your kids and creations for my entertainment, especially of Big Brother's God's creation. There's one event: Big Brother's children, Lucifer and Michael, fought each other because of me. I don't want your precious children to fight each other because of me."

As Soul mentioned in the last statement, her voice suddenly changed from a happy to a sad tone. Her expression was so dejected that Darkness had to console her by rubbing her head.

"It's alright; I am sure God would understand. So don't feel so burdened about it. Isn't that right, God?"

Darkness looked at God, telling him through her eyes, "Say yes!"

"Yes! It's alright, Soul! You don't have to worry about those two getting into trouble. They're always like that. Besides, I built those two differently from the rest of my creation, so there is no need to be concerned over such meaningless things. How about this? I'll lend you Gabriel and Rafael later to play with as soon as we're done here. With them, I am sure the dispute will be lessened!"

Rather than being happy, Soul responds to God with such doleful expression.

"Ok, Big Brother..." Soul said.

God saw Soul's gloomy expression and immediately got agitated and concerned.

"Soul, how about this! After this, let's play together!"

From that moment on, Soul's eyes gleamed!

"Really, brother?! You'll play with me?!"

"Of course! Have I ever made a statement that never happened?" Troubled, God made an expression of someone full of guilt.

"Of course not! Big Brother has never lied to me! Hehehe, I believe you!"

Seeing her smile at him innocently with full trust and faith

God touches his chest and squeezes it tight. Although he doesn't have a heart to ache, the guilt, shame, and remorse are keeping God from feeling something inside his chest.

"So when are we going to start? I believe you said you were going to teach me how to create! Let's start! I want to play with Big Brother already!"

With such happiness of soul, Darkness, whom she is sitting on, has whispered through her ears.

"Soul," Darkness said in such a low and cold voice.

Soul turned and looked at her innocently.

However, as soon as Soul turned herself around, Darkness touched her forehead and said: "Sleep."

From that moment on, Soul lost her consciousness and fell to the floor.

Darkness, God, Death, and even Kaos look upon one of their kin with a sense of guilt and sorrow.

As God squeezed his chest, Kaos bit his lips, Death gripped his fist tight, and Darkness cried out as her tears overflowed from her eyes. Their expressions are full of sorrow and guilt, as the sin they're about to commit will forever set stone inside them.

"We're so sorry, Soul! I hope you forgive us!" God said.

"The only way for you to create life is for you to give birth to yourself, Soul." said Darkness.

"You're far more unique than us... So we decide: we'll grant your wish and give birth to life. You will be the primordial recipe for the new creation we're about to do." Death said it in such a calm yet regretful tone.

"We'll miss you, our dear little sister." Kaos said in a depressing tone.

From that moment, for the last farewell

"Soul, we all love you." said everyone inside the room, full of regret yet filled with love.

Then God clapped his hands and spoke firmly.

"Let's start the preparation! Our little one won't sleep long enough! so we better hurry!"

Darkness wipes her tears, and she too firmly replies.

"You're right!"

She looked at God, then at Kaos.

"Kaos! Is her vessel ready?!"

Kaos replies firmly as well!

"Yes! God and I work hard for this! 'Adam' is ready!"

Then darkness looked at death.

"Death! Her book! Her book is securely hidden away?!"

"Soul's record is firmly locked and secured in the depths of emptiness."

"Well then, the project Adam commences now!"

God immediately plunged his fist into Soul's stomach, creating a hole around it. From that moment on, God began to suck all of the soul's divine essence and primordial power into his hands.

Slowly, Soul's divine bodies continue to disappear as all gathers on to God's hand like a black hole being sucked into.

Then, eventually, Soul's entire body disappeared and turned into a flaming ball. Its colors are black, white, red, yellow, and blue.

"Beautiful as always. Her divinity is us combined. I expected our little sister. You are truly better than us."

Mesmerize God, and darkness has spoken.

"Now, Kaos! Take out Adam!"

As soon as Death yelled, Kaos snapped a finger.

And the body of a naked and lifeless young man, around 19 years old, has appeared.

He has short white hair, fair-white skin, and a well-built body.

As soon as Adam's lifeless body appears, Kaos catches it before it falls to the ground and then lies it down on the floor at the center, where everyone is.

"Here," Kaos said, while carefully lying Adam down on the floor.

As Darkness saw Adam's bodies, she was surprised for a moment.

"The body is quite complex. Are you two sure this body can reproduce?"

Then God replies bluntly to darkness.

"Not really; this body needs a partner to reproduce."

"Then where's the other one?" Darkness asked in concern and curiosity.

"That will come later... First, we need to see Soul, and this vessel here would be able to hold Soul's divine power. If not, then we will start everything from the beginning." Said by Kaos in doubt.

However, as Kaos spoke in such a dismaying tone, God spoke with such confidence.

"No, I designed this vessel myself. It will never fail! I put my divinity in here the same way as Kaos, so it will never fail! Watch, and I'll show you!"

After his last statement, God plunged his hand holding Soul into Adam's stomach.

Adam's body immediately had a jolt, as if an electric shock had struck it.

One shock, two shocks, then a third shock.

Adam's shut eyes have opened.

Slowly, Adam is starting to regain consciousness; his blue and red eyes attract and lure darkness and Kaos.

until Adam spoke.

"hasjwerjasgdhj" Adam's words are gibberish and odd.

However, even though Adam's words are entirely different from what God and the rest are using, they still understand what Adam has said.

Adam is basically saying, "Who are you?"

From that moment on, Darkness was bewildered, just like the others, like Kaos.

But between God and Death, their expressions were different. Instead of being shocked, surprised, or perplexed, they gleamed and smiled.

"It's a success!" God said this in excitement.

followed up by death.

"With this, our little sister will continue to live on..." Then Death looked at God seriously and spoke firmly after saying, "God, knock him out! Let's go to phase 2!"

As soon as Death said that, God put his finger on Adam's forehead and said: "Sleep."

Adam lost his consciousness, and Darkness and Kaos began to bewilder themselves as to what these two, God and Death, were saying about the success of the project.

The operation is clearly a failure, but God and Death said otherwise.

Thus, Darkness asked with concern yet was wary.

"God... Death... What are you two talking about?"

"What do you mean?" God replies to her sister bluntly, yet he is confused about the question that his sister asked.

"What do you mean we've succeeded? Soul clearly lost her memories! Just which part of this is considered successful? Are you two losing your mind? We clearly destroyed our sister! The project is supposed to be—"

Before Darkness even finished her statement, God spoke.

"—for her to create..." God gazed at her sister grimly and coldly.

and continue to speak such a cold yet true truth.

"Our little sister wishes herself to create from her own divinity, which I granted. I, God, her older brother, will do anything for my sister to be happy, even if she has to lose her memories in the process. We've made the decision that we will grant her wishes. I even use Lucifer just to convince her to stop thinking about creating her own."

Then God looked at darkness, both angry and frustrated.

"Do you honestly think I wanted to witness my own sister lose her memories? Soul knows me as a good brother and will stay that way! I will be her Father, who will always watch her for eternity! I will not abandon her for my selfish entertainment!"

"Not going to abandon her? Good brother? Are you kidding me!? You still have the nerve to say that after all of these?! I gave you this task because I was so sure you'd be able to keep her safe! And yet this happened!"

As the room filled with tension and anger, Death yelled.

"Silence! Both of you!"


"Darkness! Would you keep your mouth shut for one second and let God do his job?"

"What did you say?" Darkness frowned as she glared at Death.

However, Death did not get intimitated; instead, he firmly yelled Darkness once again!

"I said silence! God is doing his job, and Soul isn't in grave danger. Her memories lost are temporary; it's not eternity. Her memories will eventually come back at the right time."

"When will that be?" Darkness asked.

Annoyed, Death replies.

"As a matter of fact, we can open her memories right here, right now. But that will affect our little sister's ability to create her own creation. So we can't do that! God just simply locked up her memories. If you are already judging the outcome when the process hasn't finished yet, then, be my guess, misinterpret this sacrifice we've made for something else. So... let me ask you this: what's going to be? Either you shut up or decide to bring her memories back."

Then Death opens his hands. A glass key appears to be gleaming and floating on his hand.


Death hands the key over to darkness, making darkness troubled yet tense up.

Death continued to speak as he handed over the Key to Darkness.

"I am supposed to be handling that thing. But since you don't like the idea of our sister having no memories of us, use that key as you see fit."

Darkness looked at the key then, at Adam's unconscious body, where Soul is, and then looked at the key again before closing her hand and hiding the key away.

"My apologies. I'll stand down for now. But this key... I will hold it."

"Sure, but keep it carefully."

Darkness didn't reply; instead, she stepped back and sat on the sofa, letting God and the rest continue the process.

She surrendered, yet she was still worried and concerned about what the outcome would be once the process was finished.

Then Kaos asked.

"Hey God... Why don't we watch Adam in the Garden for a few days? If he listens or not likes our sister, then that would be great, wouldn't it?"

"Not a bad suggestion. But I think it's better if he has attendees."

Then God looks at darkness.

"Sis, can we use Lilith for a while?"

"Sure, use her. I am sure Lilith is with Michael and Lucifer right now. Although I don't mind lending you Lilith, how am I going to explain this to anyone? Sure, Lucifer and Michael already know about this, but the rest of our kids still don't know about this charade."

"I'll handle it. Just let me use your child for a while." God said.

"Alright then..."

"I'll send her to the garden; the rest are your works, God."

Then Darkness snaps her finger.

"It's done," said Darkness.

From that moment on, God stood up and stretched his arms.

"Alright then, let my art of writing skills behold you. Let our sister become the dawn of history itself. For I, God, shall give my sister paradise!"

And thus the dawn of creation has started.

God let Lilith become Adam's first partner. But soon God saw Lilith unfit to become his partner, and thus, God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs.

For awhile, Adam and Eve lived in harmony until Lucifer interfered with them through God, darkness, death, and Kaos' commands.

Although Lucifer hated the idea, he had no choice but to follow, as this command came from his father and the rest of the family above him.

Using one of his abilities, he turns himself into a serpent and deceives Eve into eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

in which God, Darkness, Kaos, and Death thought it would bring greater benefits for Soul's creations to evolve to become better and greater.

However, this tree is so sacred to all the angels that not even they are allowed to touch it. In which God saw the opportunity to use the incident to banish Adam and Eve and use the experimental planet for them to live on.

After Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, God granted Lucifer the right to rule Hell. Samael didn't like the idea of his elder brother, Lucifer, the most dignified and favorite son of God, leaving heaven to rule Hell. At that time, in some eyes, Hell was a barren place where trash and failed creations were thrown off.

does after Lucifer left, along with trusted people such as Satan, Leviathan, Mammon, Beelzebub, and Belphegor.

Samael has begun to corrupt most of his fellow brothers, starting with Samyaza, the leader of the Watcher angels, the Grigoris.

After that, Samael used his brother's identity to become Lucifer himself and wage war against heaven, which Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael stopped.

Michael knows that this isn't the work of his brother, Lucifer. However, when he reported it to his father, God told him to just let it be.

Then, after the war between angels ends, Lilith leaves heaven and goes with Lucifer to reside in hell.

700 years after Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, they resided and lived on earth, had children, and died. Lucifer took Adam and Eve's bodies and robbed them of the remaining remnant of soul inside them.

However, since Adam and Eve's descendants have reproduced more and more, collecting the remnants of Soul's divinity will likely be impossible.

And so, a couple of thousand years later, another rebellion sparks; this time, Samyaza leads the demise of the angels as they all succumb to lust and greed.

Taking the daughters of soul's creation, descendants of Adam and Eve, and Cain's following generation of offspring, the watcher angels have reprocreated, creating the 1st generation of failures on earth.

The Nephilim.

With the remnant of Soul's divinity and the combining of God's divinity, even in such a small amount, their power is far greater than any normal angel.

However, even with such turmoil happening on earth, there is one man named Enoch who hasn't succumbed to the corruption of the sons of God.

Enoch was the son of Jared, a grandson of Mahalalel, a descendant of Kenan, then Enos, and all the way to Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve.

Enoch was never meant to become an envoy of heaven, but it was necessary as Lucifer and the rest noticed the problems that were happening on earth.

Thus Lucifer and his units used Enoch to pass messages in heaven, in which Belphegor used his power to dreamwalk inside Enoch's head and relay the message to their Father, God.

as Enoch had received the divine message through his dreams from Lucifer and the rest have done to him.

learning about the existence of Nephilim and all the corruption that the Watcher Angels have done in the mortal world.

Michael and Gabriel tried to warn God about it and decided to invite Enoch to heaven, in which Gabriel used Rem's sleep to get Enoch to heaven.

However, that wasn't enough...

Even after Enoch received the message from God, relayed God's warnings to the watchers, later died, and got into heaven with the assistance of Archangel Gabriel, the savagery and corruption continued on earth.

And so...

Methuselah, son of Enoch, waged war against corrupted humans, fallen angels, and Nephilim.

However, even he wasn't enough to stop the madness that was happening on earth.

And it continued even after his death.

Until the day of judgment came,

God, already well aware of it, has made preparations to flood the earth and destroy all the rebels and their offspring.

However, Lucifer received the news of God through his brother, Michael. Lucifer responded and made a report to Michael to pass the message to God, as he found a pure and kind descendant of Methuselah.

His name is Lamech.

Lucifer found Lamech and his son, Noah, up on the mountain where his family resides.

Lucifer witnesses the different nature of Lamech's son, Noah, from the rest of the family of Adam and Eve's descendants.

Unlike Cain's descendants, who have all been consumed and succumbed to the corruption of fallen angels, Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve and the ancestor of Enoch, Methuselah, and Lamech, has made himself secluded and remains pure from the rest of the family.

Away from corruption and desire, God and the rest of the primordial beings, like Darkness, Kaos, and Death, have made the decision to protect and help the remaining untainted creatures from the corruption of God's children.


The world continues to become tainted and uncontrollable, as some humans tend to forget God and the rest of the primordial beings and think of themselves as higher and better than God.

and that was the last straw.

God, Kaos, Death, and Darkness agreed that it was time to cleanse the earth and start new ones.

However, God and the rest can't interfere with Soul's creation.

and thus...

God has commanded Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Belphegor, and Beelzebub to flood the earth in exchange for all the remnants of Soul's divinity from the people who died in the process—

—will be theirs.

Lucifer agrees with his father's decision, and thus, after Lamech dies, Noah grows up to be a fine young man.

God sent a message to Noah directly to build the ark, in which only his family and God's creation are allowed to live.

And the Lord said: "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

And so, during the 120 years, all Noah has done is build the ark that God has proposed for him.

with the help of Lucifer and the rest in shadow, providing him with trees, strength, and all. Noah has successfully built the ark after 120 years.

At the end of the last year, of the last week, of the 1st day of the 7 days, God sent Noah's message once again: "Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation. Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth. For in seven days I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living thing that I have made I will blot out from the face of the ground."

And thus, on the 2nd day after God sent a message to Noah, a flock of birds came; on the 3rd day, four-legged land-dwelling creatures came; on the 4th day, two-legged creatures; on the 5th day, slithering animals; on the 6th day, insects; and on the 7th day, the final day, Noah and his family themselves.

On the last day before the flood came, the last attempt of Cain's descendants came to take the ark.

They charged and raided the ark with the intent of killing Noah and his family.

However, in the last moment before they even came close to the ark, Lucifer, who was watching above, made a huge crack around the ark, making the people unable to enter or attack the ark.

From that moment on, Leviathan, who was with them, used his power to outburst a huge amount of water and start the procedure of flooding the earth.

Then, with the help of Satan, Belphegor, and Beelzebub, the flood accelerated until the entire earth was engulfed by water.

In 40 days and 40 nights, storms, rain, and clusters of thunderstorms have continued.

a complete annihilation of humanity that mixed nothingness, hopelessness, screams, and despair.

Many people tried to beg for help and mercy from God, but it was all for naught as God didn't answer or save them.


After the 40 days and 40 nights of storm they created, Lucifer and the rest of the gang have stopped and started to collect Soul's remnant divinity among the people who died, along with the Nephilim who perish, as well as the fallen angels that have been left behind on earth who didn't choose sides, whether going to hell or locked up in heaven, but instead indulged in the desires of lust and greed.

Everything that died was the price for Lucifer and the gang.

And so for another 110 days, Noah has to find land where he can start.

After that, the rest is history.

There's a century of... the glory days of the heroes.

The glory days of the legends

The rise of the myth

The upbringing of talents

The return and start of Pagan alchemy, magic, spells, and curses

The beginning of immortal beings

The emerging of celestial beings

The creation of so-called gods and religions

The start of the prophets

The Rise of the Emperors

The rise and fall of the Kings

And the last...

The New Age, in which Jesus disclosed the truth before becoming one of the celestial beings

After that, the 'believers' spread the new scriptures with the help of disciples, followers, and admirers, teaching what is good and right, morals and principles, and desires and actions to the people around the world.

with the guidelines of the scriptures from various sects.

It became the fundamental structure of the new age's teaching.

such as science, philosophy, math, history, language, and technologies.

The story continues as everything expands and becomes unstoppable.

Some humans have made use of Providence, through which they were transported into another world that God has made.

As God continues to create new worlds, new universes, new parallels, and new dimensions with different scenarios, different plots from the original, and different outcomes, Soul's divinity continues to expand.

Among the reincarnations, one of them is Lucifer's creation.

was none other than Lucy herself.