
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

The Great burden of being the eldest.

"Oh, you've finally arrived. Hehe. Is hiding behind your men a privilege of being a master?"

Isake smiles.

He finds it amusing to hear such mockery. However...

"...Not really. I can call them off, but that's for me to decide whether I will or not. and since you're different, I won't. You're strong—stronger than those imperial families I've seen. So the foolish decision I could make against you will be a simple mockery from you to make me let down my guard."

"Tsk! I thought a fool like you would get baited by such a small insult. I guess you're better than those two crippled brothers."

"Not really... It's just as the eldest of the family, it's my duty to seek justice for what happened to my brothers."

Li Xuan Hu's eyes widen as he is surprised for a moment, and then he smirks and giggles a bit.

"It's heartwarming that you're willing to fight someone you've never met for the sake of saving your family from the trouble they've caused. If it wasn't stupidity, I don't know what is."

Although what Li Xuan Hu said was true, Isake, on the other hand, has no idea how everything ended up like this. He was blinded by familial love, so he ignored the activities that his family was doing in the shadows. No, it's more likely he wasn't aware of it at all and instead got false information and lies from his own family.

"I assumed you were not just here for me but for my brothers as well, right?"

"..." Isake didn't respond; instead, he simply glared at Li Xuan Hu's smug face.

"I just wanted to let you know that getting our heads around this won't be easy. Here, let me show."

Immediately after Li Xuan Hu speaks firmly, he stretches his left arm directly toward Isake, opens his hand, and pulls Isake with force.

Using his mana and spiritual essence, Li Xuan Hu managed to pull Isake from afar.

Isake, who was unguarded for a moment, was surprised by the sudden force that pulled him towards Li Xuan Hu.

"Ugh!" Unable to break free from the force that was holding him, he gritted his teeth in frustration.

Isake's men act quickly after realizing what has happened.

Pulling their swords, blades, and axes, they leapt towards Li Xuan Hu and engaged.

However, even Li Xuan Hu notices it; he just stays calm and collected.

For him, he knows his brothers will move at their own will.

And they did!

Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, in swift action, leapt as well, towards the side of their elder brother, Li Xuan Hu.

By utilizing the Ki force imbued in their arms and legs, both Li Qing Long and Li Baihu kick and punch the servants of Isake that are about to attack their brother.

From the moment Li Qing Long and Li Baihu successfully dispatched ten men who were attacking their elder brother with such perfect assistance, Mei, who was behind them, also assisted them.

She tried to control the ten men Li Qing Long and Li Baihu had dispatched in the process by using her strings, but the men she tried to control had instantly broken free from her strings.

"They break free?!" In shock, Mei was bewildered by what she saw.

"Damn it! They're stronger than the last ones!" Her thoughts were frustrated and concerned at the same time.

Thus, she took immediate action by using her surroundings as her puppets.

By connecting her string to the huge stones, rocks, trees, and mud, she immediately connected all of it to each of the men that were thrown off by Li Qing Long and Li Baihu.

In surprise, the men were stuck by each object that was attached to them.

They are all calm and collected as they attempt to remove everything from their bodies. However, before they even took off one of them, Mei exploded everything.

A large explosion happens around them, creating a sudden burst of wind, dust, and dirt.

Then, simultaneously, as Isake was about to get pulled close to Li Xuan Hu, he decided to cast defensive magic on himself.

[Full Body Harding!]

Being pulled inevitably, Isake took a guard stance as he guarded his head, closed his legs on to his chest like a turtle, and closed himself up.

As he noticed Isake's body enhancement, he also immediately applied counter-offensive magic and elements to his right fist.

Imbued with fire, water, wind, and lightning, he also enhanced his whole body with strengthening magic and agility enhancement.

When Isake got too close, he punched him in the temple with a right hook and unleashed explosive magic.

Although Isake was able to block and endure it with his left arm as a guard, the powerful force that landed on him still shocked him.

"Ugh!" in pain, Isake was blown away from Li Xuan Hu's explosive magic.

However, Li Xuan Hu didn't stop there; he immediately pulled Isake once again using his force, and from that moment on, he immediately imbued his right feet with the same magic and elements.

Li Xuan Hu leaps and kicks Isake's back head, which is currently unprotected.

"Guah!" Unable to foresee the possibilities, Isake took heavy damage.

After getting hit heavily, Isake got slammed on the ground; his guard instantly gave up, his defensive magic disappeared, and his vision instantly became hazy.

His body trembles in pain and shock.

He attempted to stand, but Li Xuan Hu attacked him again.

Imbued with the same magic enhancement, Li Xuan Hu barraged Isake's head with a heavy punch.

"Guah!" Like a human punching bag left on the ground, Isake gets buried by Li Xuan Hu's barrage.

Isake is coughing up blood and losing consciousness and strength.

"What's happening right now?! W-why am I getting beat up by some pathetic little kid?! Where are my people?! What are they doing?!" His thoughts were both frustrated and confused, as he hadn't expected this worse scenario.

Isaak gritted his teeth, firmed his body, and burst himself up, knowing his people couldn't help him.

He stood up, swinging his left hand as he tried to grasp Li Xuan Hu.

However, in an unexpected turn of events, Li Xuan Hu, who immediately noticed the change in Isake's atmosphere, stepped away from Isake, leaping back before becoming entangled in Isake's hands.

"..." Li Xuan glared scornfully at Isake, who was now coated with translucent armor.

Everything gleams blue and emits a red fire blaze, including the helmet. Isake stood still and gazed back at Li Xuan Hu.

He didn't say anything instead...

He instantly disappeared from Li Xuan Hu's vision.

From that moment on, Isake strikes back!

One powerful roundhouse kick to the face of Li Xuan Hu!

Unable to block and anticipate the attack, Li Xuan Hu got blown away!

Isake didn't stop and immediately leapt towards Li Xuan Hu, followed up by a translucent sword aimed at Li Xuan Hu's neck!

Li Xuan Hu senses the killing towards him and the sword aiming at him and kicks the sword up; however, Isake sees his right feet coming and decides to block it using his left arm.

"..." Li Xuan Hu calmly looked at his right foot being blocked by Isake, and as things happened so fast while he was blown away, Li Xuan Hu decided to stop his momentum from being blown away as he put his right arm on the ground to back flip himself up, and at the same time, using his left foot, he kicked and parried the sword that was aimed at him.

As the translucent sword flew because of Li Xuan Hu's kick, Isake immediately made another one, a trident, by materializing it from his translucent armor plate.

Isake came to a halt as he skidded up and stood still.

After flipping back away, Li Xuan Hu stood still and calmly gazed at Isake.

He glanced at the translucent trident, then at Isake's translucent armor once again.

He didn't say anything; instead, he burst himself up, then used his aura to coat his entire body in a fluid-like aura that emits lightning, water, and fire.

When fire and water collide, steam is produced, completely obscuring Li Xuan Hu.

Then at that moment, Li Xuan Hu disappeared, and so did Isake as well!

In a flash, both of them exchanged blows, but only Li Xuan Hu could land a hit.

Li Xuan Hu avoids every cleave, thrust, and swing made by Isake.

Like flowing water, Li Xuan Hu moves flawlessly. He punched, kicked, and then dodged Isake's attack.

Each of Li Xuan Hu's strikes contained an elemental essence; using it along with his insane body enhancement, his strike became heavy and explosive.

Isake's translucent armor has begun to crack from Li Xuan Hu's strikes and explosion.

"!" Isake, who was calm and focused on defeating Li Xuan Hu, has heard a small cracking sound in spite of everything that happened.

He took a quick glance at the left side of his translucent armor, where the cracking sounds came from, and saw the crack.

"..." Knowing his defense was fraying, he burst his right foot while thrusting his trident at Li Xuan Hu, who had been dodging everything.

"!" As the sudden burst came, Li Xuan Hu flinched!

He was able to dodge the quick thrust, but was unable to parry or even dodge the incoming attack from Isake.

Isake let go of his trident and grabbed Li Xuan Hu's face the moment he got the chance.

"Ugh!" Surprised by the sudden attack, Li Xuan Hu immediately attempted to free himself from Isake's hand grip on his face by punching hard and exploding it.

However, with a translucent vambrace protecting his forearm, Li Xuan Hu failed to get free.

When he sees Li Xuan Hu's distressed expression, Isake smiles diabolically.

"Caught you now, you little bitch."

"!" Unable to break free from Isake's grip, Li Xuan Hu took a guard position, bracing himself for a barrage of punches, just as he had done to Isake. However, Isake thought something else as, with his right hand grasping Li Xuan Hu's face, his left hand created another trident from his translucent plated armor.

Li Xuan Hu notices the trident and immediately shudders!

He knows that if he ever gets struck by that trident, it'll be an instant death.

"Time to die, kid." Then, without hesitation, Isake stabbed Li Xuan Hu with his trident, leaving three holes in Li Xuan Hu's body.

"Guah!" Li Xuan Hu vomits a lot of blood as his arm and body immediately lose strength.

As blood began to pour out of Li Xuan Hu's nose and mouth, his vision became blurry, then hazy.

"Damn it. I got careless. I suppose I won't be able to see Mom any longer." His thoughts were racing as he tried to recall everything that had happened to him during the fight, as well as his mother's smile and the training his mother had given them to help them grow stronger.

Isake withdrew the trident from Li Xuan Hu's body as he noticed Li Xuan Hu's consciousness was beginning to fade, and then let him go.

Li Xuan Hu's body stumbled on the ground, bleeding to death.

At the last moment, he tried to look at Isake's back, who was now walking away from him.

"Damn it, I am stupid. I'm a little overconfident myself, hehehe." He then tried to smile, as if joking around within his thoughts, but instantly lost it because he was unable to control his muscle.

"I am sorry, Mother." Li Xuan Hu cried out before losing consciousness, with his body covered in blood on the ground.

Like a person who is exhausted after exercise, Isake took a rest and lost the translucent plated armor, vanishing it like dust in the air.

He stumbled on the ground as he lost his strength to stand up, forcing him to kneel and spew out a lot of blood.

"Guah!" in pain, Isake tried to hold on to the nearby tree, then sat down and relaxed himself.

"Damn it! The toll using that technique!" Then Isake's glance at Li Xuan Hu's dead body lying on the ground not far from him.

"I commend you, you little sh*t. For you to be able to dodge and block everything, you are truly a monster. However, you became careless. You are overconfident and toying with me, knowing you can kill me anytime."

Then Isake smiled a bit and spoke softly.

"Although I know you can... I guess I got lucky. But still, for such a young age to be able to reach such heights, I wonder who your master is."

Then he sighs...

Isake stood up and stretched his body, arms, and legs after taking a brief rest.

"alright! Time to kill those two boys and take Mei as a gift for my little brother."

He then walked towards where Li Qing Long, Li Baihu, and Mei were.

However, before he even got away,

A sudden, heavy gust from behind caused him to stop for a moment.

Isake has begun to feel a sudden cold wind, making him cautious before he looks at his behind.

"W-what is this? Don't tell me..." Puzzled and worried, his face began to sweat.

As he turned, he saw a man sitting beside Li Xuan Hu's dead body.

A black man with four green wings, curly long brown hair, and wearing long white robes with baggy sleeves is holding a long golden staff with a cross at its tip in his right hand and a lollipop in his left hand.

It's Raphael!

"Would you look at that... You've already died? Man, you are really troublesome, aren't you? If your mom ever knows about this... she'll yell at me, for sure."

He scratches his head and jokes around as if this is nothing.

"That's why... I'll take over your body before I fix you. Since, according to the script, Lucifer and Nameless will come soon, now then..."

Raphael put his lollipop on Li Xuan Hu's dead body's right hand and then breathed in for a second.

From that moment, Raphael's mouth opened, and a green cloud went out from the body and dove inside Li Xuan Hu's mouth.

From that moment on, Li Xuan Hu's dead body went into convulsions due to Raphael taking over his body.

And then...

Li Xuan Hu's eyes open...

A voice of Raphael and Li Xuan Hu mixing with each other can be heard as Raphael speaks using Li Xuan Hu's body.

"It's great to have a young body!"

He grips his lollipop, puts it in his mouth, grins, then kip-up himself up and stands up.

Then he stretches his arms, neck, body, and legs.

"Man... His body is something—huh, it's well built. But my voice... Let's change it 1st."

Raphael, who is using Li Xuan Hu's body, has touched his neck. At that moment, a green light gleamed upon it.

Raphael then made a sound after briefly removing the lollipop from his mouth.

"Ah! Ahhh! A, E, I, O, U... Ahhhhh!"

As Raphael tried to speak, testing out Li Xuan Hu's voice, he once again smiled blissfully.

"Alright, my voice is done. Next my vessel!"

Raphael turned, crouched down, put his hand on his vessel, and made it disappear, leaving only his golden staff behind.

And then, after Raphael examined Li Xuan Hu's body and took care of his vessel, he grabbed his staff from the ground and looked in front of him, where Isake stood in fear from afar.


Raphael looked at him innocently and began to walk towards him, his face beaming.

And then Raphael stops, stands in front of Isake, and looks at him upwardly with such an innocent look on his face.

"Hello... Can you do me a favor? Will you stop chasing these kids for the sake of everything?"

"!" Isake jolted for a moment.

Although Raphael is smiling with such an innocent and playful look using Li Xuan Hu's body,

Raphael's energy and their surroundings suggest otherwise.

A green fog grips Isake's neck, lifting him off the ground, while trees transform into spears and rocks into sharp spikes aimed at all parts of his body.

Raphael wasn't asking; it's an order!

"Ugh!" Isake tried to firm himself up and look down on Raphael.

"Who the heck is he?! This is not the kid that I've fought before! What did he do to that kid?!

His thoughts were confused and frustrated, all because his body was exhausted and battered from fighting Li Xuan Hu; if he tries to exceed and surpass his limit, it will be a risk and a gamble as to whether he can defeat Raphael or even get out alive.

Then Raphael speaks once again menacingly with a smile on his face.

"Nod if you agree; shake your head if not."

He simply nodded in response because he was afraid.

Then Raphael smiled and released him from the binding.

"Great; we're good, then... I am going to get going."

Raphael then simply walks away from Isake, who immediately kneels on the ground in cold sweat after being released.

Isake took a deep breath and looked back at Li Xuan Hu, who happened to be Raphael, who was using it.

He gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, equipped his translucent armor, created a trident once again, and leapt towards Li Xuan Hu in an attempt to attack him from behind.

"Die!" yells Isake, thrusting his trident into Raphael's back and stabbing him.


As soon as the trident touched Raphael's back, it shattered into pieces like a cup breaking on the hard floor.

"!" Isake's eyes widen in surprise, and he is perplexed by what has occurred.

Raphael, on the other hand, paused for a moment and turned.

"I just showed you obedience, and you immediately refused it... instead of obeying it."

Then Raphael lifted his right hand and pointed at him.

Isake, who was perplexed and terrified, shivered to his core when he saw Raphael point a finger at him.

And then, with stern eyes and a cold atmosphere, Raphael simply moved his index finger to the right.

At that moment, Isake's whole body, like a piece of garbage, had been slammed onto the hard tree near him.

And then Raphael pointed his finger to his left, and Isake's whole body got slammed on the hard tree once again.

Isake is helpless, like a puppet that is being controlled.

Raphael didn't stop there as he continued to point his finger to every direction he wanted, moving Isake's body like a cold person who saw Isake as nothing but a bug.

"Guah!" was slammed everywhere uncomfortably, and Isake spewed blood from his mouth and nose.

"If I wasn't being generous, I would erase you already or cripple you with just a single word. However, anyone who disobeys Father's plan will be punished. You should be lucky; I only did this to you."

Raphael speaks softly yet menacingly, his eyes stern and expressionless.

"For the love of God, please sleep already."

From that moment, Raphael pointed his finger up, making Isake body go up as well.

as Isake's body went under the cloud.

Raphael then drew his finger downward.

Isake's body was moving so fast at the time that, like a rocket crashing to the ground, it exploded, leaving dust, dirt, and a crater in its wake.

Unconscious and wounded, Isake has been left behind by Raphael like trash.

"Gosh, what am I going to do now? This isn't supposed to happen."

Raphael sat down and sighed.

"This is such a hassle."

Raphael then stood up and walked towards Isake, crouching down to touch and heal him.

Isake's body gleamed from Raphael's angel power as his body getting fix.

From that moment on, after the light fixed Isake, Isake gained his consciousness.


Isake jolted and hurriedly pushed himself up and tried to stand up, but as soon as he saw Raphael crouching down and looking at him, he stumbled on the ground and moved away a bit from him.

Raphael looks at him normally and calmly.

"I fix your body, kid, and I recommend you get out of here."

"!" Isake flinches, unable to move because of the weight of his fear.

"...My brother is coming, and he's not merciful like I am, and when he sees you, he'll--"

Raphael spoke as he turned his back on Isake, pausing for a moment to cut his words.

"You know what, forget it. It's inevitable anyway, so I don't have to say everything. Well, anyway, good bye and good luck."

Then Raphael disappears, leaving Isake's behind.


In confusion, Isake was stunned for a moment, then came to after Raphael left.

He stood up, clenched his fist, and checked his body, arms, and legs.

"Hmm? What the-"

Isake notices that all of his fatigue, injury, and wounds are returning, as if the damage he sustained in his previous battle and attempt to fight Raphael has vanished.

"Did he cure me? But why? Wait a minute... He said his brother was coming... Don't tell me. Another man like him is coming."

Isake realizes that Raphael's power is far greater, and knowing that another one is coming will end in nothing good.

The words that Raphael told him have echoed in his head: "I advise you to get out of here... My brother is coming, and he's not merciful like i am, and when he sees you-"

He clenches his fist and swiftly runs towards where the rest of his subordinates are.

"Damn it! Why are just those kids being protected by powerful people?! Damn it!!!! No wonder they are haughty and confident! Damn you all!!!"

Then he continues running until he arrives moments later.

However, upon arriving, he sees that Li Xuan Hu is already exhausted and beat up.

"what the?!"

What he saw perplexed and confused him.

"Don't tell me... the man inside him already went out? Even if he does, why is that kid's power somehow weak?"

Isake didn't show himself up; he just observed everything and saw Li Xuan Hu battling his subordinates in such a weak state.

"He's talented... To fight in such a weak state is something only a talented person could do. He's monster through and through."

Then he speaks and walks towards Li Xuan Hu, who is calm and yet careful.

"I am astounded that you can reach such heights at such a young age. Now, I am more convinced why my little brother got injured, as well as the other families' young masters."

Everything halts and moves away from each other.

Li Xuan Hu jumped back and stood still where his brothers and Mei stood behind him, while Isake's subordinates jumped back and stood beside him.

As soon as Isake shows confidence, one of his subordinates speaks in such a low voice.

"Young master, thank God you're ok."

Isake nodded as he replied to his subordinates.

"...I applaud your efforts. You're not just a monster, you're on a whole other level."

Isake smiled at Li Xuan Hu with an arrogant look on his face, and Li Xuan Hu grinned back at him, then giggled.

Isake acts arrogantly, as he thinks that the man inside him is no longer with them.

He thinks that as long as he plays cool and collected like before, he has a chance to kill them once and for all.

"The man inside him is already gone, and he's in such a weak state, and the brother that the man is talking about wasn't here yet. Then there's a chance! A chance to kill them all!" His thoughts went insane as he was both frustrated and mad at the same time.

Then, Li Xuan Hu speaks.

"Would you look at that? Snow White has finally arrived behind his 24 b*tches. hehehehe..."

Isake paused, his face puzzled by what Li Xuan Hu had said.

"Don't tell me he doesn't remember everything at all. His memories about what happened up until now have been altered. This is great...!"

He grins, thinking that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thus, he continues to act normally and replies to him confidently.

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'snow white,' but you're right about these 24 people are my b*tches. they're my servants."

"...No wonder they're loyal to you. You are gay."

"!" From that moment on, a familiar voice was heard from above.

Isake gazes above in shock and concern, as does Li Xuan Hu, who recognized the voice.

"This voice..." Li Xuan Hu said exhaustedly.

As everyone looks up, a silhouette of a man and a girl stand above.

"No way! Don't tell me!" Isake's confident face turned into terror and despair.

Then the silhouettes of the man and the girl vanish instantly.

"!" Isake was surprised by the sudden disappearance of the two people above them.

Unable to anticipate the incoming strike; a knee kick in the face was about to land on his face.

Then it lands...

Isake was blown far away from where they were.

leaving him bleeding and unconscious as he stumbled and slammed onto the huge rock.

As he left behind an unconscious body, his subordinates disappeared.

The story continues on to the present, where Lucifer took his kids back and left everything behind.