
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Samael and Lucifer

While Satan and the rest of the gang are trying to finish their tasks as soon as they can, Lucifer, on the other hand, has already finished his tasks.

With Samael on his back, comfortable and happy in silence, a happy teenage girl clings to and presses her small breasts against Lucifer's ripped chest. She has short tentacles hair, with eye bags underneath her eyes, pale-soft skin, and wears a blueish shirt dress.

Lucifer genuinely smiled, seeing his little brother and the girl happy to be with him.

"Let's go... I hope everything turns out OK."

They then vanished as Lucifer leapt towards the rift.

However, before all this calm, bliss, and reconciliation happens,

There was carnage first.

After Lucifer left the Colosseum and entered the rift, where exactly was Samael?

Lucifer immediately slams Samael on the ground in anger.

In Surprise, Samael speaks with all the dirt and pebbles that cover his whole head.

"Big Brother Lucifer, you've finally come! I've been waiting for you."

"..." Lucifer didn't speak; instead, he looked at Samael and waited.

"Big Brother, I've missed you. So why did you ignore me all this time and abandon me? All for that girl?"

"Abandon you? Don't misunderstand, Samael. I simply left heaven. I didn't abandon heaven or my brothers. As a matter of fact, besides my knights and Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, all of you abandon me."

"That's not true, since... I love you, Elder Brother!"

Then, all of a sudden, Samael forcibly lifts his head up from the ground with his face smiling and blows up his surroundings using his power as he releases it from his hands.

Lucifer immediately loosened his hand from Samael's head and backed off, wary yet serious and calm.

Because the explosion created a large crater, the dirt, mud, stones, and other materials were destroyed.

Serious and firm, Lucifer looked at Samael.

Samael slowly turned and stood firm from afar to face Lucifer.

Without eyes, Samael's eye socket smiled as he smiled at Lucifer. His face is filled with euphoria as he steams and drools.

"Big Brother Lucifer! What's with the sore face? I came because of you! Aren't you happy that your little, lovable brother came to see you?"

"Samael, you look well." Lucifer sighs first, then speaks, calm but alert.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? I've waited a long time to see you again!" Samael was jumping, spinning, and dancing as if his excitement could barely be contained.

Lucifer looks around and sees one lady who has long green hair, one of the girls who has blonde short hair, a girl who has curly brown long hair, and a black short-haired girl... All of them are unconscious and injured, and their seductive clothes have been torn off, not because of the explosion caused by Samael but rather because it seems it happened before Lucifer got there.

Lucifer approaches the naked and unconscious young woman, who has long, curly, brown hair.

Lucifer wasn't fazed by seeing a naked girl lying on the ground, but instead he squatted down and gently touched her left shoulder.

From that point forward, a gleam of light beams and wraps around the girl's entire body, healing and erasing all bruises and injuries.

The girl gradually opened her eyes at that point.

"Mmm~ What just happened?"

For a brief moment, the girl looks around, groggy, only to notice a hot-looking guy in front of her.

"W-w-who are you?!" Surprised yet charmed, the girl instantly got flustered.

Lucifer simply smiled, pointed his finger to the girl's forehead, and touched it; and then the girl vanished, only to reappear in front of Li Jing.

Both the girl and Li Jing were surprised and shocked for a moment before Li Jing assisted her and retrieved a long coat from her dimensional pocket.

Li Jing was on the top floor of Burj Khalifa, within her own office room, sitting on the sofa as if she were exhausted.

After Li Jing helps the girl, another naked girl shows up. a woman who has long green hair.

"!" Li Jing and the other girl were surprised to see another girl suddenly appear before their eyes.

Then another naked girl appears. One of the girls had short blonde hair.

Then there was another, a young woman with short black hair.

"Don't tell me Lucifer is doing this!" Li Jing looks at the glass window, remembering Lucifer in her mind while assisting the girls who show up in her room.

Return to the location of Lucifer and Samael...

Samael looks at him in disgust and spitefulness.

"What is this, brother? You care about these lowly life forms? These disgusting insects? That's so unlike you, Elder Brother."

Lucifer put his right hand in the right pocket of his pants, then took a pack of cigars, lit one up, and smoked it.

After exhaling some smoke, Lucifer disappears from the vision of Samael!

"!" Samael was startled and caught off guard by the impending danger.

All of a sudden, Lucifer's right fist was already on the right side of his face.

"How long do you have to speak, Samuel?"

When his fist landed on Samael's face, he was blown away, and all the dirt, nearby trees, and stones shattered and exploded as a result of the impact.

As Samael had been blown away, Lucifer immediately disappeared and appeared above Samael, who was lying down on the ground and had stumbled off the side of a huge stone.

At that point, Lucifer was going to strike, as his right foot was about to kick Samael in the face.

However, Samael strikes back, as a weapon suddenly appears from his right hand, aimed at Lucifer's face.

Lucifer noticed it and immediately moved his head away from the incoming thrust of Samael's weapon.

He kicked the weapon and leapt back away from Samael for a moment.

"The 'Lance of Michael'... I never thought you would go so low as to steal Michael's weapon."

Samael stood up, then swung the lance twice as high as his height.

It has a cross-tip shape made of light, with a handle made of silver that has futhark runes carved into it.

"I didn't steal it, Elder Brother Lucifer. I simply borrowed it."

Lucifer sneered and took a smoke before saying anything.

"Borrowed it? Of course... Michael wouldn't simply give it to someone else unless he cared about or trusted them. He's that kind of angel, after all. But..."

Then Lucifer disappears once again and appears behind Samael, going for his head as he launches another kick at him.

"It's not enough..."

Samael noticed his disappearance, and he immediately took action as he used the lance to block Lucifer's kick.

"Ugh!" Samael felt the impact through the lance, which made him blow off once again.

Lucifer didn't stop; instead, he immediately made a move as he moved too fast and attacked Samael without giving him an opening or chance to fight back.

Impact and shock waves have been generated in the sky as a result of Lucifer's barrage of attacks on Samael.

Back, front, sides, head, neck... Lucifer attacks Samael with only brute force and speed. But with a heavy kick and a heavy punch from him, it was enough for Samael to only do one thing: block his attacks.

"What is this?! He hasn't used any angelic power, and yet his onslaught is hurting me!" Samael's thoughts as he continuously blocks Lucifer's attacks.

And then Lucifer speaks while he punches and kicks Samael's whole body.

"Samael, even if you have the Lance of Michael, you won't be able to defeat or destroy me."

And then, in frustration, he burst himself up, using the angelic grace within.

"I am not here for you, brother!"

Lucifer, in such vigilant action, flew back.

"...I am here for her."

Lucifer took one last smoke, then threw it away and disappeared to continuously attack Samael once again, but this time his fist and his feet are covered with angelic power.

"Samuel, I think you have already forgotten who I am! Allow me to make you remember that I am Lucifer. In this world, in this multiverse, and in this multidimensional space, not even Michael can defeat me. What makes you think that you can pass through me to get her?"

Samael smiled as he was barraged by Lucifer's attacks.

"I am not... Someone else does."

"!" Lucifer jolted for a moment as he lost focus, making Samael take that chance and strike back.

Lucifer, who was unfocused for a moment, may have been grazed by Samael's weapon, the lance of Michael.

Even with such a small graze on his stomach, instead of blood, his angelic grace started leaking from his vessel, but Lucifer remained calm and firm as he looked at it.

Samael smirks and speaks haughtily.

"Brother, how is it? I'm improving, aren't I? Seeing you bleed... makes me want to see it more!"

At that moment, Samael leapt toward him and struck back.

pierce, thrust, cleave, and swing.

Lucifer dodged every single strike that went for him.

"What is this, brother?! Why are you dodging? Are you scared? Worry not, brother! Once I have you with me, I'll make sure you won't feel pain or suffer anymore. I'll have your body only for me, without any of your pitiful vessel's limbs! I'll be your servant for eternity!" Samael's tone came back to his euphoria state. He smiled as he drooled and steamed.

Lucifer looks at him, firm and unfazed, and speaks softly.

"Azathoth, come forth."

Samael came to a halt and leapt away as the dark and empty space cracked from Lucifer's back.

A tentacle with glowing eyes has emerged from the dark and empty space.

Then slowly... 10, No. Hundreds of tentacles were slowly coming out, and it continued until it unveiled itself.

It has no body, but it has infinite tentacles composed of all the bright stars of the visible multiverse as his eyes. Its face at its center is veiled in darkness, with infinite razor sharp teeth around it.

The whole entire biome suddenly became dark and pitch black, as if the entire sky—no, the entire galaxy itself—had been engulfed by infinite tentacles composed of eyes made by bright stars of the multiverse!

"Lucifer, why have you called me?" It speaks in a million voices: male, female, old, young; its tone is so mixed that you can't tell what it is.

"Azathoth... I'd like to ask a favor." Firm and calm, Lucifer speaks.

"What is it?"

"Eat Me and My Brother."


Azathoth took a moment to realize what was going on, as he saw the lance of Michael in Samael's hand.

"Geez... calling me for this? Wait! I have talked to Father Kaos. We're currently playing UNO..."

"Ok, no hurry. Thanks, by the way." Lucifer looks up with a blissful smile on his face as he speaks genuinely.

All of the eyes were closed at that point.

Kaos, also known as chaos or the void, was the original formless void and orderless state preceding the creation of the multiverse and the cosmos. The void became the primordial entity that rules over the void and the abyss, along with one of his sons, Azathoth.

Samael looks at his brother, Lucifer, shocked and in dismay.

"Why are Azathoth and you on good terms?"

Lucifer glared at him, pissed.

"It's Elder Brother Azathoth to you, Samael..."

Samael gulped and was anxious.

"And as for why Azathoth and I are on good terms, it's because he's one of the beings, along with myself and my knights, who created a multiverse..."

"B-b-but... he's awake. All of the multiverse will be in danger. All the Father's creation will be in danger."

"Azathoth has never slept, and he's never been dangerous... most of the time." Lucifer shook his head a bit as he remembered how Azathoth had caused problems.

Then, in the midst of their conversation, all the eyes opened!

"I am back! Sorry for the wait..."

"No, it's alright. So who won?"

"Of course, Father. He had a good card in his hands. Hahahaha!"

"I see... So, Azathoth, who will Uncle Void play with while you're away?"

"In the meantime, Father said, he will play with Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth. They've been pestering him since earlier this morning."

"Ohh... What are they going to play?"

"Hmm... Given the fact that the old man is on roll, I think in this case they'll probably DVR-COD, DVR-CS, or probably some DVR-MOBA out there."

"I see..."

"To be honest, given the facts, those kids' attitude... I don't know what they're going to play."

"Hahahaha! Talk about parenthood!"

"...Yeah, it's quite a hassle. Anyway, it's time for you two to go."


At that moment, Azathoth dives in and swallows both Lucifer and Samael. His body shrinks to the size of a city as soon as he gets close, then disappears in thin air by opening a gigantic dimensional portal underneath them, between ground and sky, and diving into it.

As they disappeared, Lucifer and Samael landed in complete emptiness.

"W-where are we?"

As Samael wonders around, Lucifer immediately attacks him.

In swift action, Lucifer continuously attacks Samael all over his body.

"What's the matter, Samael? Why are you worried if the surroundings are all dark?"

Samael may be blind because of the way he is designed, but he can still sense his surroundings. This time, however, he could not detect anything, not even his elder brother, who is currently attacking him. as if Azathoth had instantly swallowed all of his senses.

"What the heck is happening?! Why can't I sense anything?!"

All Samael can do is endure Lucifer's attacks.

"What's up? You can't sense anything, can you?"

In the nothingness, Lucifer's voice is calm yet cold, as if he felt nothing for a moment.

"...Samael, there's something I'd need to tell you. We're outside of reality. Only those beings that Azathoth keeps close to him are the only ones able to use all their senses inside his domain. So, as your elder brother, I don't want to destroy you. I don't want to put you in jail either. So it's either you stop this madness you are doing, or I'll beat the living shit out of you and cut you into several pieces until you won't be able to beg for me."

"..." Samael didn't say anything, but what Lucifer said was right.

Samael was starting to bleed without knowing it. His feelings of pain, his emotions, and his physical sensations were long gone, as he didn't realize his hands and legs had been cut off. He's exhausted, but he doesn't know; he thought he was frustrated and angry but was unable to feel it out.

"I can't feel anything. My hands, are they still there? If I speak, will I be able to convince my brother? Will saying sorry end this misery, and will my brother forgive me?"

His thoughts were all over his head, as he was unable to let the emotions inside him go, as his eyes teared up for no reason. Because of Azathoth's power, his slightly cold tears were unable to make him feel.

At that moment, his head was sliced off from his neck without him knowing it.

Lucifer, who let his little brother's head float, stood in front of it and spoke softly.

"This Lance... I'll bring this home to Michael; and you, Samael, make a decision right here, right now. First, you stop being a product of how you were designed and act better. The 2nd option is, I'll destroy you here and let Azathoth have your grace; and the 3rd option is, stay with me, and I'll let you know how creation has evolved during the eons that have passed."

Samael, who only hears his brother's voice and has no idea where he is or if he is even alive and not a figment of his imagination.

However, despite this, he continues to call his elder brother Lucifer.

"Brother, I'll choose the 3rd option, but there's something I wanted you to know..."

Lucifer has spoken: "What is it now, Samael?"

Samael smiled as he coughed up blood, even though his head wasn't attached to his body and he was struggling to speak.

"Elder Brother, You might know the truth... But that girl you created? Lucy, right? I know who she is..."

Lucifer twitched as he became pissed off.

He gripped Samael's face tighter and spoke.

"Do I sound like I care, Samael?"

Samael smirked and then spoke in an impolite manner. "You say that, but don't you care for her that much?"

Lucifer released a small amount of his angelic power and blew in Samael's face as he was infuriatingly speaking to him: "Enough with this nonsense of yours, Samael."

Although Samael's face turned horribly red as his vessel skin was torn off, he still spoke as if nothing were wrong.

"Elder brother Lucifer, she's not what you think she is. She's far greater than you..."

"!" Lucifer didn't let go; instead, he gripped him tighter.

"...What you created isn't a creation, but a discovery! Big Brother Lucifer, you are the angel who knows everything! No secrets can be hidden from you."

Lucifer leans back and speaks calmly and collectedly.

"...If you're talking about the Forgotten Book, then I knew who she was. If you just think properly, Samael, you'll realize by now why Father and Michael allow her children to enter Heaven but she does not. Because she never belongs anywhere, not even in Hell or the Void."


"Our father is known as God, our aunt as the Darkness, and our uncles as Void and Death... But Lucy's real name is 'Soul', and she is our father's younger sister. So if you think you'll have me in a corner and bargain with me, then think again."

"If you know how important and special she is, then why wouldn't you use it against Father?!" In shock, Samuel coughed up blood.

Lucifer let go of Samuel and sighed, as if all his anger and frustration had faded away.

"Seriously, how many of you think I despise Father? I know Father wrote it in such a way that it made me appear to be the evil son of a bitch, but I love Father more than anything else. So, why would I destroy Father—our Father? huh? Samael?!!!"

"No, this is not true! According to legend, YOU, elder brother, will murder your father! And I would be your helper!"

Lucifer sat in the darkness, exhausted, snapping his fingers as his angelic grace shone on Samael, mending his severed body.

All of Samael's limbs and injuries were instantly fixed, and he is back to the way he was.

From that moment on, Samael began blindly waving his hands around, as if he were looking for his brother.

"You fucking idiot... I never wanted to kill my father, not at the very beginning or even in the future."

With Lucifer seeing his little brother waving his hand around, he then caught and held Samael's hand and pulled him towards him, forcing him to sit on his lap.

Samael was surprised for a moment, but simply ignored it as he instantly realized who had pulled him in.

He knew he couldn't feel anything, whether physically or emotionally, but the actions that Lucifer did to him made him remember his elder brother's brotherly love towards him.

"I'm sitting in his lap! Yeah! It's been a long time!" Although he was happy, he felt not a single thrill running through his body. However, his thoughts rose up with his memories of Lucifer... The good times as brothers.

"Then why did you leave Heaven?" He acts bluntly toward Lucifer as he moves his hand, finding his elder brother's hands.

Lucifer doesn't seem to mind his little brother's actions as he lets his hands make contact with his hands.

"Because Father assigned me to rule hell." Lucifer calmly replied to Samael, calm and collected.

"Then... the reason you took a lot of souls, was it because of her?"

"No way... The soul and Lucy are two different matters. Lucy was created entirely by chance and through a series of experiments."


"Yeah... it took me 700 years before I was able to create Lucy, and if it wasn't for the book, I wouldn't be able to create her."

Samael looked up at his brother; however, he saw nothing but empty space and darkness, as if he didn't understand what Lucifer was talking about.

"Adam and Eve's are practically made from her. I recently discovered the truth, after millions of years have passed, of why she can't go to heaven... And I realize it must be because Father's creation, not heaven, is her home."

"Then, all this time, the book I've read was simply made to make you look bad, even if you're not?"

Lucifer sneered a bit, then tapped Samael's face, who was still looking at him at the moment...

"No, it's all true. What we did in humanity was all true, but the serpent wasn't just me... Aunty Darkness, Uncle Void, and Father are also part of it."

"What do you mean, brother?"

"Well, it's all started after Aunty Dark and Father were arguing about what they would do to their little sister. They find out, including me and Michael, that aunty 'Soul', which is Lucy, is practically innocent and beautiful before the dawn of creation. So we... No, they decided to use their younger sister as collateral to create life. But they don't know how they will do it since they don't want to tarnish their relationship directly with their younger sister's 'WILL' any more than they are going to use and sacrifice her to create life. So they decided to use me and told me to deceive Aunt Soul; after that, Father and Aunt Darkness, including Uncle Kaos and Death, divided her primorial God power to create Adam and, later, Eve. With that, all the shenanigans start. But that wasn't in the story, so I am just telling you in case you misunderstood that part as well."

"So... how did you know that it was Aunt Soul when you created Lucy?"

"How? I don't... The book told me so."

"The Book?"

"Yes, the book that holds all the records of all the living beings. 'HER' BOOK..."

Samael gulped, then went silent for a moment before changing the topic to something else.

"I see. So, all of the books I've read about you were lies?"

"Not really... "I carved our father, uncles, and aunties so that they would be remembered throughout the creation." Then Lucifer looked up, even though there was nothing there... "As you grow older, you realize that evil is sometimes necessary to ensure that both good and bad deeds will be remembered."

Samael gulped for a moment, then lowered his head and spoke frighteningly.

"Elder brother, please destroy me."

"Hmm? Why?" Lucifer replies to him, calm and collected.

"Because I freed the Watchers' Angel from the jail without Father's permission."

"And you honestly think Father didn't know that?"

Samael was shocked as his mouth opened and closed from the realization.

"I guess I am still naive. Of course, Father would know that. Why wouldn't he?"

"Actually, almost everyone knows it. I, for one, am aware of it, including Michael."

"Eh?" Samael looked at him in shock and bewilderment.

"...for how we know. That... we can't tell you."

Then Lucifer scooted Samael away for a moment, tapped his knee, and stood up.

"...Now then, let's head back. I am sure Lucy is waiting for me."

Then Lucifer yelled.


"Yeah, dude... You done?"

All of a sudden, Azathoth's eyes have opened!

Like a star in a dark night, it glimmers all over the place.

"Yeah... Thanks a lot, by the way... And also, what do you want after this?"

"Hehehe." Azathoth giggles before he answers Lucifer humorously. "You know me well... Hmm... Let me think about it: VDPS 5 from year 2322. My kids informed me that the games at that time were hot! I love the Virtual Dive games. I can't wait to have it all for myself!"

"Hahahaha! Why? Did Ogdru Jahad and Nameless [Things] not let you borrow their console?"

"Hmph!" was the sound of irritation from Azathoth. "Those little pricks are selfish little brats. Nameless in particular... that little bitch who ignored me as if I were nothing when I told her to marry like his brother Ogdru Jahad."

"Come on, Azathoth, give your daughter a break. If she doesn't want to get married yet, then it's up to her. Don't pressure her just because Ogdru Jahad already has a wife. "

"She'll end up hikikomori if she keeps doing this."

Disappointed yet concerned, Azathoth's tones change into those of a worrywart.

"Hahahaha! Relax... How about this: why don't you send her to my newly built city... on the newly built planet? Nameless likes me, so I am sure it won't be a problem."

"Now that you mentioned it, let's do that!"

"It's decided then!"

"Alright! Let me get you guys out first and give that child of mine into your care!"

From that moment on, Azathoth spits out Samael and Lucifer from his domain as he teleports them outside and back to where they had originally disappeared.

As they were standing above the sky and returning to reality, Azathoth telepathically communicated with Lucifer.

[Lucifer, Don't leave yet... I'll bring my daughter out to you. So please wait there.]

Azathoth's entire body, which engulfed the entire cosmos, instantly disappeared, making the sky gleam again with life and light.

"Ok... I'll wait."

As Lucifer waited, he took out the pack of cigars, took one from it, lit it, and put the rest back in his pants' right pocket.

As he smokes, Samael asks curiously.

"Brother, what are we waiting for?"

"We're waiting for Nameless to come... We'll take care of her together. So let's wait for a bit."

"I see..." Samael's voice sounds troubled and concerned about something as he looks away for a moment.

Lucifer quickly glances at his little brother and speaks calmly.

"Are you worried about those little birds you set free?"

"Well... Kinda."

"Forget them... I'm sure they've been destroyed or devoured by now."


"Samael... I'll say this one last time. Forget them!"

Lucifer glared at Samael, cold yet fierce.

Samael, who saw his brother's gaze, instantly made him shiver.

"I understand, Elder Brother Lucifer." Samael replied to him in a wimpy tone, avoiding his brother's gaze.

From that point forward, a crack appeared in front of them, and, all of a sudden, something appeared from it, speeding towards Lucifer.



The girl landed on Lucifer's chest after her sudden tackle.

Lucifer, surprised for a moment, taps the girls' heads as he realizes who it was.

"It's been a long time, Nameless."

"Yes~❤, Elder Brother Lucifer~❤, it's been a long time~❤"

In heat, the girl looks up at Lucifer. Her face is completely red, she's breathing heavily, and her purple pupil eyes made from galaxies have turned into a heart shape while she looks at Lucifer in excitement.

Lucifer looks at her calmly and talks to her as if all her reactions toward him were normal.

"You'll stay with me. So let's go?"

"Yes~❤ anywhere, as long as I am with you, Elder Brother Lucifer~❤"

"Alright then, hold on to my arm."

The girl didn't go to his arm; instead, she tightly wrapped her hands around Lucifer's chest.

"I am good here~❤"

"Oh... Ok." Lucifer awkwardly smiles, then taps the girl's head and sighs.

After that, Lucifer looked at Samael and said,

"Samael, hop on my back."

Samael awkwardly flew towards his brother's back while looking at the girl, Nameless, clinging to his elder brother's chest.

"Well then, brother."

As Samael wrapped his body around his brother's back, putting his arms around his brother's shoulders and his feet around his brother's body and on the girl's head, who is currently wrapping her body around his brother's chest.

Nameless, the girl's name, who felt the feet tap on her head, spoke annoyingly to Samael.

"Hey! Move your feet! You bastard!"

"I wanted to, if you weren't leeching off on my brother's chest, you bitch!"

"These two seriously..." As he looks at these two kids causing a commotion with him in the middle of it, Lucifer sighs.

"Can't you two stay still? If you two don't behave... I'll leave you two here."

"Yes! Elder Brother! We will behave! I am sorry!"

Both Samael and Nameless speak at the same time, making both of them instantly irritated.

"Hey, stop copying me!" Nameless grumbled as she glared at Samael.

"No, you bitch! Stop copying me!" Nameless replied to Samael as he gazed upon her.

Lucifer, who had reached his limit, smacked the two kids with him.

"Are you two going to behave or not?"

The two whimper from getting smacked on the head.

"Yes... Sorry, Elder Brother Lucifer."

Then Lucifer snaps his finger and opens another rift.

"Now, we're going back."

As Lucifer and the two kids with him disappeared, they reappeared and revealed where they were. in the bathroom, where Li Jing is currently taking a shower in a close room.

"!" In surprise, Lucifer immediately snaps his finger and teleports himself out of the bathroom.

Li Jing, who heard a snapping noise, goes to the door of the shower room and opens it.

"Who is it?" befuddled but cautious

But Li Jing saw no one in the bathroom, making her think that it must be just her imagination.

"Hmm? No one's here?"

As soon as Li Jing saw no one, she perplexedly closed the door and went back to take a shower.

Meanwhile, after Lucifer snaps himself out of the bathroom with Samael and Nameless with him.

He reappears in the lounge room, where Jesus, Buddha, Amihan, Brahma, the Jade Emperor, Amaterasu, and Xiwangmu are.

"Luci!" Everyone said the same thing as they were shocked to see Lucifer in front of them.

"Hey guys." Lucifer said, as he casually responded with an awkward voice.

Then Jesus, who appears to be troubled, speaks.

"Luci... Where are the triplets?"

"I'll get them... But please take care of Samael for me."

"Eh? Just me?"

"Yeah, get off me."

Samael, sad and depressed, climbs down from her brother's back.

"I'll be back, so behave yourself for the meantime, Samael."

"I understand, Brother..."

"Then see you later."

Before Lucifer leaves, Nameless looks at Samael, then taunts him with her middle finger up and her tongue out, as if she is saying, 'Take that, you little shit!'

Samael's notice of her taunt instantly made him pissed off.

"You little!"

Then Lucifer snaps his finger, opens a rift, and jumps off with Nameless still hugging him.

Pissed and now enraged, Samael clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

"That bitch... once she comes back, I'll beat the shit out of her!"

Meanwhile, where the triplets and Mei are, they're unaware of what's happening outside of the rift.

Li Xuan Hu is injured yet exhilarated, as he is currently fighting a dozen men.

Mei is protected by Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, who stand behind her.

They are also fighting a dozen men who are also injured, exhausted, and yet exhilarated.

While being surrounded by a dozen men, a man's voice is suddenly heard.

"I am astounded that you can reach such heights at such a young age. Now, I am more convinced why my little brother got injured, as well as the other families' young masters."

Slowly, the voice gets clearer as the man walks in front.

A man has curly short-brown hair, yellow eyes, pale skin, a ripped physique, and a tall body.

It was Isake!

"...You're not just a monster, you're on a whole other level."

Isake smiled at Li Xuan Hu with an arrogant look on his face, and Li Xuan Hu grinned back at him, then giggled.

"Would you look at that? Snow White has finally arrived behind his 24 bitches. hehehehe..."

Isake wondered for a moment what Li Xuan Hu was talking about, then spoke firmly and calmly.

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'snow white,' but you're right about these 24 being my bitches. they're my servants."

"...No wonder they're loyal to you. You are gay."

"!" From that moment on, a familiar voice was heard from above.

Isake looks above, including Li Xuan Hu, who somehow recognized the voice.

"This voice..." said an exhausted Li Xuan.

As everyone looks up, a silhouette of a man and a girl stand above.

Then it vanishes instantly.

"!" Isake was surprised by the sudden disappearance of the two people above them.

Because he was unable to anticipate the incoming strike, a knee kick was about to land on his face.

Then it lands...

Isake was blown far away from where they were.

"If you're scared to fight, then don't act tough. Otherwise, you'll get hit."

Then, all of a sudden, Nameless also made a move, as she instantly killed all 24 men surrounding the triplets and Mei.

How Nameless did it is unknown.

The 24 men simply ruptured from existence as they got sucked into the void without a single noise being heard.

"Elder Brother Lucifer, who are these kids?" Nameless asked, firm yet somehow annoyed, as she scratched her head while flying towards Lucifer.

"Ahh these? These boys are my sons."

"Eh?" Nameless halted as she was shocked!

"Father..." Li Xuan Hu said.

Li Xuan Hu breathing heavily, as if all his fumes and last energy were about to go off.

"...I've come to pick you all up."

"I'm sorry, Father, but I'm a failure." Then Li Xuan Hu lost his consciousness and fell down.

However, before he even goes to the ground, Lucifer goes to him and catches him.

"You're no failure. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, while those who humbly exalt themselves will be exalted. For only FATHER knows who will rise to prominence in the eyes of the world."

Lucifer put Li Xuan Hu in his arms and carried him.

"...time for you all to go home and rest."

Lucifer stood up and glanced at Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, who were covering a girl.

"Nameless... can you take my sons and the girl with you?"

"Ah! Yeah, sure..." Nameless was spaced out for a moment before she responded hurriedly.

She walks towards Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, making Li Baihu blush, while Li Qing Long and Mei simply have an awkward and shy reaction towards Nameless.

"It's time for us to go home."

Lucifer opens a rift and walks into it with Li Xuan Hu in his arm, as well as Nameless with Li Qing Long and Baihu and Mei, carrying them using her tentacle hairs.