
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Phase 2: Society

After all the incidents, Lucifer and Li Jing decided to hold a small meeting.

where Lucifer and his gang are presented.

Before the day became night, everyone, including Jesus and the other celestial beings, went inside the meeting room.

Inside the room, a long rectangular table and 26 chairs are presented, of which 8 are currently occupied by none other than Li Jing, Lucifer, and his gang. However, as soon as Jesus, Brahma, Buddha, Amihan, Amaterasu, the Jade Emperor, and Xiwangmu arrived, they were instantly greeted by Li Jing, and the number of people inside the room increased.

"Welcome everyone... please sit; I have an announcement to make."

As each of them sat down, everything became heavy and serious.

"Everyone, I called this meeting because I wanted to tell you something really important, and that is..."

After a moment of pause, Li Jing speaks loudly:

"Lucifer and I decided to hold a wedding ceremony. We're going to get married!"

By doing so, everyone was stunned, not just because of the sudden shout but by the sudden revelation as well.

Everyone went silent, bewildered, and surprised.

Until Leviathan speaks like an adult while acting like an innocent child who is excited about something,

"That's wonderful! When will it be held, Milady?! Have you set a date? Do you have any idea what the theme will be? Is it traditional? Classic? or Modern? If you want, I could help you!"

"Eh?" Li Jing, who had been stunned by Leviathan's sudden and unexpected reaction, was left perplexed and unable to respond.

And it continues...

This time, the ladies—Amihan, Amaterasu, and Xiwangmu—speak in.

"Hold on, Sir Leviathan!" Amihan said it in such a firm yet respectful way.

"Hmm?" Leviathan shifted his eyes and looked at Amihan.

"I believe you should have given this more thought! I think it's best to combine the garden, modern, and classic themes. In that way, it'll be magical!"

"!" Leviathan jolted as if a sudden realization came into his mind.

Then he glowed like a child longing.

"You are right! But I think we should add a romantic theme as well; that way it'll be glamorous!"

And then a sudden cough from Xiwangmu.

"You two suggestions are great, but aren't you forgetting about the first magic ever created?"

"ah!" Both Leviathan and Amihan jolted.

"Music: What kind of music are we going to prepare? Traditional? Classic? or Romantic? You know what? It doesn't matter! Whatever it is, I, Xiwangmu, will make it elegant!"

Xiwangmu stood up, burning with determination and excitement, making both Amihan and Leviathan clap with amazement.

Amaterasu joins in at that point.

"Then... about the dress? Will it be eastern or western modern dress or traditional?"

speaking in such a casual voice.

The three replied without hesitation.

"Modern eastern dress!"

firm and serious replies from the three; Amaterasu went stiff hearing such a response.

"O-oh ok..." Amaterasu backs off, as she was scared to continue any farther.

From this point on, Satan and the rest of the gang join in.

"Seriously... it appears that Lucifer has finally crossed the line."

Satan gave Lucifer a quick glance and sneered a bit, making Lucifer gaze back at him.

"...Anyways, since this wedding is inevitably going to happen, have you two already told your parents about it? Especially you, Luci..."

As soon as Satan said that, everyone went to glance at Lucifer.

He felt that the looks of those around him made him sigh and speak tiredly.

"Haizzz~ I am sure Father already knew about this. There are only a few beings that I have to tell about this."

Mammon joins in the conversation, casually speaking to Lucifer.

"Who are these few beings?"

"Hmm... Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Camael, Zadkiel, Mom, Aunt Darkness, Uncle Kaos, and his family? The entire Norse, Hades, and Persephone? These are the only beings I'd definitely invite."

After Lucifer, Beelzebub joins in.

"Ohh... I see. What about the others? The lesser archangels."

"Those kids? Nahh. I don't like stiff, self-righteous wannabe angels. They are no different than the watchers, with only minor differences."

Beelzebub smirked and laughed a little as Lucifer made a disgusted expression on his face.

"Pfft~ I understand... Then, Lucifer, you wouldn't mind if I invited our boys here as well?"

Without hesitation, Lucifer casually replied to Beelzebub.

"Sure... Why not? The more, the better. Besides, those guys will make the event crazy; I am sure those Norse guys will love it with them there."

From that moment on, the conversation went on...

Jesus joins and makes a suggestion; Brahma and Buddha make a request; and the Jade Emperor and Asmodeus help and share their opinions.

while Belphegor went to sleep again.

As the meeting continues...

Outside, in another room, is where Li Jing's family is.

Li Na is currently scolding Li Xuan Hu, the eldest of the triplets.

"You... You! How many times do I have to tell you that you should be careful? What is this I'm hearing from your mother's friend? You actually died? Are you serious?!"

Li Xuan Hu is kneeling on the floor where everyone is gathered.

His grandparents, his brothers, and Mei, as well as Nameless and Samael, both of whom are currently playing cards with Mei.

Li Xuan Hu is terrified and turns away.

"I really don't remember a thing! What's up with that woman! Saying I died?!"

His thoughts are both angry and scared as he glares at Nameless from afar.

"That woman!!! How dare she tell a lie? That b*tch!"

As he is glaring at Nameless and making curse thoughts, Li Na notices his straight-up gaze at Nameless and immediately smacks Li Xuan Hu for not paying attention to her.

"You little! What are you staring at?! Are you even listening to me?!"

"!" In shock, Li Xuan Hu instantly got terrified as her grandmother grabbed his head and forcibly made his face look at her.

"Grandmother!" terrified response from Li Xuan Hu as he shivered from her grandmother's anger.

"From today onward, you are banned from fighting someone or even mock training!"

"No! Grandmother! Anything but that!"

"Shut it!"

"!" Li Xuan Hu gulped and was terrified.

From that moment on, Li Na turned her back away from her grandson and went to the kitchen; however, before she leaves, she has one last message for her grandson.

"I'll inform your mother and ground you for a year."

And thus she left and went to the kitchen.

As Li Na went, Nameless saw her then stand up and walk towards Li Na, leaving Mei and Samael playing cards.

"Umm... Can I help you?" awkwardly said by Li Na to Nameless, who's now standing beside her.

"Well, I assumed you didn't know how to use these things; I was thinking it would be better if I helped you instead."

"Hehehe... you are right. Can you teach me, young lady?"

Embarrassed, Li Na laughs a little and throws her pride out the window because Nameless has stated the truth.

Nameless saw her awkward laugh, made her giggle a bit, and responded.

"Of course, madam, That's why I am here. Here, let me teach you what these devices can do for you."

From that moment on, Nameless stretches her arms, cracks her fingers, and then claps twice.

"Master control open!"

As Nameless speaks, a hologram system appears from each cooking appliance, from the stove, oven, rice cooker, and refrigerator. Even the cabinets have hologram systems as well.

And then, a woman's voice speaks after the hologram system appears.

[At your service!]

"System! "Order 15 kg Grade A Kobe beef, 2 kg fresh Royal red shrimp, 50 chicken legs, 1 kg chicken skins, 4 salmons, 10 onions, 2 dozen eggs, a stick of butter, flour, 2 kg bread crumbs, 2 kg potato, 1 kg peppers, a kilo of salt, a kilo of sugar, and salad ingredients."

[Would that be all?]


[Then please wait for 5 minutes; the warp delivery will be sent as soon as it's done.]

"Got it!"

Then, smiling, Nameless looks at Li Na, who is currently perplexed by what is going on.

"Let's wait for 5 minutes; the ingredients will come soon. From that moment on, can I do that cooking instead?"

"Ah! Eh? Sure...! I don't mind! The ingredients you asked for are all unfamiliar to me, so I think I'll do the assisting here."

"Oh my, is that so? I thank you, then... Please do help to keep up my speed of cooking."


And then, 5 minutes later, the ingredients have been delivered, as they all instantly appear on the top of the large kitchen table.

[Orders were delivered!]

"Thank you!"

As soon as the package was delivered in cardboard boxes, it was organized and neatly arranged. Nameless immediately opened each box after she thanked the system.

The first box contained potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables. The second box contained 15 kilograms of grade-A Kobe beef. The third box held 2 kilos of fresh Royal red shrimp and 4 salmon, which were neatly arranged and protected by two glass boxes filled with ice-cold water. The fourth box contained 50 pieces of chicken legs and 1 kilo of chicken skins. The 5th box contained other condiments like pepper, sugar, salt, flour, butter, and bread crumbs. The last box held two dozen eggs.

And so, Nameless began to prepare the dinner.

removing the beef, then the chicken legs, from the boxes and placing them on the opposite side of the table.

While Li Na is standing to the side, Nameless notices her and immediately asks her something.

"Madam, can you please take those ones out of the box?"

Nameless pointed at the box where the potatoes, carrots, and other healthy fresh vegetables were.

"Wash them all, then peel the potatoes 1st. After that, madam, please cut all the potatoes into cube sizes."

"I understand! What about the others? How are we going to handle them?"

"Ahh! those? Well, since they are all fresh, a few of them are going to be salads, while others I'll use for a soup."

"Oh, I see... I understand, then I'll help you the best I can, so please do guide me!"

Nameless smiled after she saw Li Na smiling at her earnestly.

"Alright then, since time is tight, let's finish this!"

And so they start cooking.

Using her tentacles' hair, Nameless prepared all the ingredients with such speed.

And it continues...

Meanwhile, Li Na's parents are engrossed in a hologram TV production of Grimm's fairy tales.

Although this is the first time they witness such a thing as this, and the language is also new to them, that doesn't matter anymore, as Samael granted them a blessing of 'multi-dimensional language' using his angelic grace, and thus, they are in their own world of focus and do not care about those around them.

"Such play! It's magnificent!" Meira Eillee stated.

"Indeed it is... I hope they do these things in here too." Li Lei said

and thus they continue watching.

Meanwhile, Mei and Samael, who are still playing cards, are now being interrupted by Li Baihu, Li Qing Long, as well as Li Xuan Hu, who's currently dejected for a moment.

"Can we join?" awkwardly said by Li Qing Long.

Mei and Samael, who are sitting on the floor while playing cards, have a look at the triplets.

Mei took a quick glance at them and immediately ignored them after looking at her card, while Samael glanced at them plainly and looked fed up.

"Sure! but... after we finish this!" Firm and serious, Mei responded to them while focusing on her cards.

Then, Samael responded.

"Sure, why not... but, just like the girl said. After this."

Then Samael looked at Mei and said:

"Little girl, it's your turn now."

"I know, sir!"

Mei then drew a card... and it was a six of diamonds.

From that moment on, Mei's eyes gleamed in happiness as she shouted, slammed the cards in her hands on the floor, and spoke loudly.

"Straight flush! You lose!"

Then Samael smiled mischievously and threw his cards from his hand onto the floor.

"Royal flush..."

"Wha!!! No way!!! I lost!" Mei, shocked and devastated, kneeled on the floor, as if her entire world had been destroyed.

"Since you lost, as part of the deal, you have to choose, ok?"

"I understand, sir," Mei responds, pityingly looking at Samael.

"Which one do you choose, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Mei responded.

"Are you willing to give up your Altfen for this kid, if he's alive right now?"

Samael points at Li Xuan Hu.

"!" Mei didn't say anything, instead being surprised that Samuel knew the name she recognized.

"H-how... How did you know that name, Sir?" quivering in shock, Mei asks Samael.

Samael responded casually without creating a misunderstanding.

"I look into your memory in your head."

"!" Speechless and in shock, Mei was unable to reply and took a quick glance at Li Xuan Hu.

She's scared for a moment as soon as she looks at him. However, Li Xuan Hu notices it and says, "Please just answer him... It's ok."

Mei gulped for a moment and spoke firmly.

"No...! Altfen is my childhood sweetheart. Even though the odds were stacked against him, he went up against a family far greater than his. I can't dishonor or even trade his sacrifice and actions for someone else's. Even so, he's someone who tried to protect me, like Altfen did."

"Excellent!" exclaimed Samael, turning to look at Li Xuan Hu. "See that Kid? That's why you called it loyalty and real love."

"!" For a brief moment, Li Xuan Hu was perplexed by Samael's earnest conversation with him.

"...These things are very rare and rarely pop up. So let me teach you something."

From that moment on, Li Xuan Hu gulped for a moment before he and his brothers sat on the floor.

"...Kid, your memories have been wiped by my elder brother, whose name is Raphael."

"!" From that moment on, Li Xuan Hu remembered that name, as he had heard it not long ago, when Lucifer stopped the time.

"That name..." were Li Xuan Hu's thoughts, while he was shocked and perplexed for a moment.

"Looking at your expression, you must know him already."

Li Xuan Hu gulped for a moment before he awkwardly replied.

"Not really... I heard his name from my father... But I never met him personally."

Technically, what Li Xuan Hu said isn't a lie, because when Lucifer stopped the time, his vision was blank but not his hearing.

"Hmm..." Samael would then stare at him intently before speaking. "Based on your memories, you only heard his name because you were in a frozen state of animation at the time. My guess is... it's either Elder Brother Lucifer or Elder Brother Raphael who stopped the time when you heard my elder brother's name."

"!" Li Xuan Hu flinched for a moment, as Samuel's deduction was right!

And Samael noticed his sudden flinch and took that reaction as an answer.

"I guess I was right... Since you know my elder brother, this will be easy for you to understand. You must already know that your guardian is my brother, Raphael. Dying in front of him will likely be impossible. However, since your memories were erased and replaced by another, my brother must have had a reason."

And Samael laid his back on the floor and continued to speak.

"...and the only reason I can think of for him doing it is probably because of our father's script. So if you're thinking about getting revenge on Nameless, I think it's better if you put it away since your losses will greatly increase by doing that. My advice is to simply tell your mother that you can't remember anything."

"But I already did, and my grandmother didn't believe me."

"Hehe... Well, your mother is different; I am sure she'll understand it very well, more than anyone in your family right now."

"Is that so?" Li Xuan Hu responded doubtfully.

"Doubting? Well, that's normal in your case, I guess? Anyway..."

Then Samael pushed himself up from the floor and sat up.

"How about this? Let's make a bet..."

"A bet?"

"Yeah, a bet...!" Then, Samael grins at Li Xuan Hu, who finds Mei and his brothers, Li Qing Long and Li Baihu, strange.

"A bet, whether your mom's going to forgive you or not."


"You have doubts, right? How about we settle it with a bet? If you win, I'll grant you seven wishes of your heart's desire, but if I win... Hmm... I haven't come up with anything yet. I guess that'll be decided when the time comes! Hehehe!"

Li Xuan Hu gulped for a moment before he answered firmly and reached out his right hand towards Samael.


From that moment on, Samael offers his right hand as well and shakes Li Xuan Hu's hand as an agreement.

Samael grins as he shakes Li Xuan Hu's hand, and at that moment as well, Samael puts a brand on Li Xuan Hu's hand.

A liquid blueish light forms into an eye with one wing as Samael marks him.

However, before the mark could complete itself, it instantly disappeared.

"!" Samael flinched a bit, then immediately let go of Li Xuan Hu's hand.

Li Xuan Hu, who was completely unaware of everything, has his head titled and wonders what Samael did to cause him to panic.

Samael's marking of Li Xuan Hu had happened so fast that none of the kids noticed what Samael was doing.

However, the fact that Samael's marking was rejected by Li Xuan Hu's body terrified Samael the most.

"No way! for my marking to get rejected... Is it Brother Lucifer? No! Brother Lucifer doesn't need to mark this kid. Is it elder brother Raphael?"

It wasn't because of Lucifer or Raphael that Samael's angelic markings were rejected. It's all because of Li Xuan Hu's mother, Li Jing.

It's a curse-bound God's power that rejects any bound spell, curse, or blessing where it has ill intent.

This power didn't come from Li Jing, but Li Jing herself learned it from God himself during her 100000th rebirth. the first time God and herself met without Lucifer or even Michael being aware.

But that story will be explained later on.

And so, as Samael's marking didn't work, he realized that he shouldn't pursue it any farther as things would raise suspicion towards him; thus, he decided to act calm and collected and go back to the old-fashioned verbal deal.

"Well, we have a deal." With a smile on his face, Samael said.

As Li Xuan Hu saw Samael's earnest smile, he smiled back.

And so, Samael claps his hands and speaks in a way that shows he's excited.

"Now, then, let's play a card game again! The person who has the lowest score will take all the punishment from all the players!"

Then Samael looks at the triplets, who are looking confused because they don't know the rules of the game they are about to play.

"Ah, right! You don't know the score... Here, these are the rules."

Samael bought out a small book containing the rules of poker.

From that moment on, the triplets read the rules as fast as they could and then handed them over to Samael as soon as they were done.

"Alright! Since you've all read the rules, let's play!" Samael said it with excitement!

And thus, their game went on.

Meanwhile, back at the meeting room where Li Jing, Lucifer, and the rest of the gang are.

The wedding of Li Jing and Lucifer appears to be settled and completed. Now that new issues have been brought up by Lucifer himself, the meeting continues.

Issues such as trading, laws, orphanages, border protection, security, food, taxes, business, education, employment, immigration law, and the IRS.

However, as Lucifer stated all of that, Mammon began to think before he shared his opinions and ideas.

"Lucifer... I think having the IRS and bills is a bit too early." Firm and serious, Mammon spoke.

and thus Lucifer replies.

"What do you mean?"

"Lucifer, you are the one who is creating business on this continent; what we expect are people who need to work on us. The IRS are essentially meaningless in this situation."

"Then what do you propose then..."

"Hmm, since we don't have a shortage of funds and all, I propose an operation to develop first-generation talent."

From that moment on, Leviathan joins.

"You're not proposing to take kids, are you?"

"That's exactly what I meant! Knowledge is power! If we start creating talents right now, our country will be known throughout this whole new world!'

"But Mammon... in this world, the only known things to be learned are magic, spells, and martial arts. New doctrine will be useless if we set them off, which I presume will be your plan after."

Mammon looks at Leviathan, smiles, and laughs a bit.

"Pfft! hahahaha!!! I never said we'd adapt modern and future doctrines in here, Leviathan. Of course, we'll be the ones who need to adapt; we are the foreigners here. Remember, the rule of being a foreigner is 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do.' So we'll give them everything they want while gradually bending their international laws and developing new doctrine to change their point of view."

While Mammon speaks, he glances at Jesus, Buddha, and the Jade Emperor.

"Isn't that right, you teachers?"

Both men exchanged glances before agreeing to Mammon with a solemn smile and a slight nod.

"The best way to make paradise in the mortal realm is to feed them with desire, discipline them with knowledge, and then train them with wisdom!"

And then Beelzebub joins in.

"But if we do that, some of the countries will not stay put. I am sure war will break out."

"War is always bound to happen. It's a system that was created by our father. However, we will not be the ones to wage war, nor will we create conflict to create one. Even if our people become soft and lazy in the long run, we can still change that by drafting them into borders."

Then Satan joins in.

"Easy for you to say that, Mammon, but... people are bound to become soft when they experience paradise and peace. I assure you that drafting them into borders won't make a difference. They either die painlessly or get killed by being stupid."

"So what do you suggest..." Mammon replies in such a respectful yet firm voice.

"In my view, peace shouldn't be an option. Feed them the truth instead of lies. increase the requirements for white collar jobs, and since we won't be needing blue collar jobs inside the city, people will go to option two for them to earn some money, which is hunting some monsters. From that moment on, we'll deploy various monsters from all over the multi-dimensional universe. From rank F difficulty to the highest rank, enough for them to die instantly."

From that point forward, Mammon began to think and then speak to Satan.

"That plan is appealing, but what are we going to do about the internal problem—crimes such as abuse, bribery, and murder?"

"The Automata can handle it..."

From that moment on, Mammon went silent, and then Lucifer spoke.

"Ok, then, from that moment on, we'll take Satan's and Mammon's suggestions about the plan into consideration. On to the next subject, education." Then Lucifer looked at Jesus and the rest. "Jesus, Buddha, Brahma, Amaterasu, Xiwangmu, Amihan, and the Jade Emperor, are you up for being the teacher for the newly founded school?"

"While I don't mind being a teacher, I hope you won't interfere with what we teach the kids."

As Jesus spoke calmly and collectedly, Lucifer looked at his Satan and the rest, expecting an objection, but they didn't, which means Satan and the rest agreed with what Jesus had suggested.

"It appears that they are ok with that. Besides, you guys are known as the best teachers, so I don't think we had to argue about what you teach or what is wrong. The academy will be in your care, but of course Li Jing will be the chairman, and as for the principal, I think Nameless will be the best choice."

As Nameless immediately spoke up, Beelzebub and Satan instantly reacted in shock and terror.

"I object to that idea!"

"I concur with what Beel said!"

"Lucifer, making Nameless the principal of the newly built academy will not only bring us trouble but disaster as well!"

"What do you mean by that, Beelzebub?" Lucifer frowned a bit as he found it offending.

Then Satan continues and replies to Lucifer with the question he just asked.

"Lucifer, Nameless is a walking disaster... If she found something or someone annoying, she wouldn't hesitate to destroy it. Imagine her with children around. Rather than resolving the issue, she'd probably end it dramatically by erasing the presence of irritation in front of her face."

Speechless about Satan's statement, Lucifer has begun having second thoughts.

"Fine. It is not possible for Nameless to be the principal. How about being the chairman instead? She'll handle affairs, both inner and outer, while Li Jing will be the principal instead. In this case, Nameless will have fewer issues dealing with people and more issues dealing with paperwork. Agree?"

"I don't mind about Nameless being the chairman or so on... What concerns me right now is... What are you going to do in Samael, then?"

"What about him?" Lucifer asked for Beelzebub's awkward response.

"We can't just leave him doing nothing... Why don't you put him as her assistant, Nameless? That way, the works of Nameless will be lessened, and Samael will learn how to work."

"I like that idea!" Lucifer's eyes gleamed with excitement as he found it interesting. He grins and then laughs cryptically.

As Lucifer laughs, others, including Li Jing herself, find it weird, so she coughs to stop Lucifer from laughing.

"Ehem! Lucifer... your manners."

"!" Lucifer jolted and coughed awkwardly and kept himself collected once again.

"I am sorry for my unpleasant manners. on to the next issue. What should we do about the housing and the red district? Any bright ideas?"

From that moment on, Amihan joins the conversation.

"Umm... Although I am the youngest here, can I share my opinion?"

As they spoke softly, Lucifer and Li Jing observed Amihan's awkward earnestness and genteel demeanor.

"Of course, this is an open meeting, so speak, Amihan..." Li Jing said.

"Seniority doesn't matter in here, so just speak, young one." followed up by Lucifer.

"About the housing, I think it's better to postpone."

"How so?" Lucifer said.

"While planning ahead is important, housing villages will only become ghost towns if they are built early on with a limited population. especially when hotels provide homes and everything. I think it's better to do it once we have at least over a million family members living in our country. The advertisement for Villages will be outstanding by that time. We can lower the taxes by 2 percent for such billings and all."

"But lowering the taxes by 2 percent will likely become a problem, don't you think?" Li Jing said this with concern and anxiety.

"While that is true, Lady Li Jing, it will inevitably become a problem for us because, in the case of a normal country governed by mortals, whose funding comes from society, they rely on taxes to keep the country's GDP stable. However, in our case, we don't lack funding, and we won't be bothered by such low taxes. Although it's likely that we never needed to tax the people However, assuming you all decided to tax the people anyway, it means you want to hide from the facts; after all, you're not short on funding."

Before speaking, Li Jing and Lucifer exchange glances and carefully consider Amihan's viewpoint.

"Your proposal looks and sounds promising. Then, we shall put the housing plan on hold. Now, on to the next stop, the red light district... How shall we begin? Any ideas?"

From that moment on, Asmodeus spoke.

"Lucifer creating a red district isn't a problem; the problem is the workers."

Belphegor interjected before Lucifer could respond to Asmodeus.

"Asmodeus... I don't think the workers in the red light district are a problem anymore; it's the customers," Belphegor says as his eyes close.

"What do you mean?" Asmodeus said he was curious about Belphegor's statement.

"In my dream world, there are a lot of demons in here; all of them are women, and a lot of them are succubus, which I am currently entertaining all of at once."

Inside Belphegor's dream world, where Beelzebub put the demons he spared, a lot of them became in-heat after Belphegor left the dream world to fight Watcher angels. However, even though only a couple of hours have passed, in the dream world it's already been a week, so a lot of them couldn't contain themselves as they attacked male employees to satisfy their lust.

On one occasion, a succubus attacked a male automata as soon as their lust overtook them; shackled and bound, the male automata had no chance of escaping, and the cycle continued as many more succubus indulged in their desire for intimate sex with every male automata they could set their sights upon.

Belphegor, who was unaware of the situation at the time, came back to assess and monitor the demons in his domain. However, as soon as he returned from his brothers' battle against the Grigori, one demon tackled him from behind. a woman with a red face, who was sweating profusely, and who was naked from head to toe.

"Wha-what the heck happened here. What's up with you people." Puzzled and confused, Belphegor began to get sweaty and terrified as he was being pinned down by one of the demons.

He looks around to see if any of the automata he controls have arrived to seek assistance, but none have; instead, a group of five demons, walking naked, with beautiful, sexy, yet innocent looks and bodies, are approaching Belphegor.

Belphegor realized he was in danger and decided to return to the real world and escape. However, before he even got away, the woman who tackled him had pinned him down, held his face, kissed him, and put her tongue inside of his.

Belphegor is an innocent angel who has no experience of sexual intimacy, although he has knowledge of it; he has never had the experience of having or doing it with someone, as he chose not to. He doesn't want to be labeled like his brothers, the watchers, who plague the first world with lust and desire.

"They won't stop, do they? I guess I have no choice but to go with the flow!"

As a result, Belphegor stripped naked and satisfied every demon that came at him, and this continued even during the meeting as he interrupted Asmodeus' opinion.

And so, back in the present, Belphegor shares his opinion with everyone.

After sharing his opinion, Beelzebub remembers the girl he put in the dream world, and thus he also joins the conversation.

"Ah! Those girls are still in the dream world, as I recall."

And so, Beelzebub shifted his attention towards Lucifer and excitedly endorsed the demons to work in the red district.

"Lucifer! There are about thousands of demons in the dream world, all of whom are women capable of fighting and entertainment."

Li Jing twitched for a moment as she found it eerie.

"Hold on... How did you acquire such a large number of demons, and a woman at that, and confirm that all of them are capable of such indecent and obscene work?"

"Oh that? Hmm... it's just a hunch."

"Isn't that a bit racist to label them such as that, just because they're demons?"

"Well, you're correct, but please accept my apologies..."

And then, after Beelzebub apologized to Li Jing, Belphegor interrupted.

"No, Lady Li Jing, Beelzebub was right. They are capable of doing such jobs. As you may be unaware, here in the dream world, I have already satisfied the lust of 10,000 demons."

"Excuse me?" Li Jing was speechless and shocked, and her eyes widened as she couldn't believe what Belphegor had said.

Belphegor ignores Li Jing's reaction and continues to voice his opinion inside the room.

"I can release them if you want, but in such a case right now, it's better to send them later."

"Please send them after the second city has been established." Li Jing looks away awkwardly as she responds to Belphegor's ridiculous response.

As Li Jing agrees, Lucifer claps his hands.

"Alright, it's decided! All these plans will be effective immediately tomorrow morning! But 1st..."

Then Lucifer shifted his eyes to Leviathan.

"Leviathan, I have a job for you! Go snatch some children from this world! Regardless of race and gender, the ages must be 15 or below. The kids must have no parents or guardians to be called for, so they must be orphans, beggars, or slaves. It doesn't matter if you save them or buy them if you must. I want all the abandoned kids in this world!"

Lucifer would then grin, slam the table, and speak firm and seriously.

"We're going to call this project 1st generation talents!"

Happy New Year to everyone!

Jesmer_Raposoncreators' thoughts