
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

New Morning

After Lucifer and Death had a conversation last night, Death left the room while Lucifer once again cuddled Li Jing, who was asleep, and then slept beside her.

And so they went to sleep.

Of course, as the morning comes, Lucifer gets up first.

He gets up from the bed, half naked, and he then looks around with his eyes still hazy.

"Haizzz... I forgot I am not on my earth. This world is way too behind in the modern era. There's no coffee here, and I am pretty sure the tea is horrible as well."

Lucifer is depressed and dejected as he faces palming himself out of trouble.

Li Jing started moaning and then awoke.

As she opened her eyes, Li Jing made a sweet and lovable sound. "Mmmn~"

From that moment, Lucifer speaks firmly and intensely.

"Li Jing… Tell me you have coffee in your possession. "

"w-what?" Li Jing immediately woke up and was dumbfounded to hear such an intense and serious voice from Lucifer in the early morning.

"I can make a coffee maker, but without coffee beans, it's practically useless..."

Lucifer's face gets dejected little by little, making Li Jing perplexed.

"Is coffee really that much of a big deal?!"

"You easterners can live with just tea, but us westerners, coffee is life."

"!" Li Jing, who was on his back, got up from the bed, was speechless and bewildered, just hearing a ridiculous statement from Lucifer.

She sighs and speaks from behind him, leaning on his back.


Li Jing opened her dimensional space and took a brown pouch and handed it over to Lucifer.

"What is this?" Lucifer was confused as Li Jing handed it over to him and put it on his lap.

He picks it up and opens it.


"Yep, those are coffee beans."

With a trembled voice from excitement, Lucifer turns around to thank Li Jing, but only finds out Li Jing's beautiful smile.

She smiled at him, as if an angel had appeared before him.

In such enthusiasm, Lucifer grabs Li Jing's face and then kisses her!

Out of surprise, Li Jing got startled!


Then Lucifer released her.

"Thank you so much!"

Lucifer smiles, then turns away, leaving Li Jing dumbfounded and blank for a moment.

Lucifer snaps his finger once again, and a coffee mug appears.

He creates water, fills the mug, and with his power, he grinds a few coffee beans into bits.

He filled the mug with coffee beans and put water in it.

As it's all done, Lucifer heated it up with his power.

and drank it after.

"Truly satisfying..."

With such blissful satisfaction, Lucifer smiled as he sipped his coffee.

Meanwhile, on his back, Li Jing is tidying herself up.

She took a bucket, filled it up with water from her magic, and then took out a mirror, a towel, and a wooden comb from her dimensional space.

She washes her face carefully, grabs her towel and then dries her face.

As she's done with her face, Li Jing grabs her comb and the mirror to brush herself up.

With such proper mana control, Li Jing manipulated the mirror and let it float on the air in front of her face.

As she uses the bucket filled with water to wash her hair, she then brushes it, making it easier to brush smoothly and nicely.

After that,

She neatly places the bucket on the bed, and she then summons a spirit from her void space.

"Please help me."

Just like the spirit she asks in her void space, five of them appear.

"Gladly master."

The fairies assist her with joy and enthusiasm in fixing her hair, giving her a proper facial treatment, and then assisting her in looking more blooming yet simple.

"Thank you..."

Li Jing smiled at the fairies even though her face was still bloated from sleep.

The little fairies hug her face as they get praised by Li Jing herself.

"Well then, master... we shall excuse ourselves. Call us if you need us."

"I will."

Then Li Jing opens her void space and lets the little fairies leave.


On the other hand, while drinking his coffee, Lucifer watches Li Jing carefully as if she is his amusement.

"I am amazed that she knows how to handle her body... I guess, living as a girl and as a mom with kids turns a guy into a woman. I can only imagine all these years she's been through. I bet her mother has scolded her a lot of times to take care of her body. Lucy was quite barbaric back when I created her."

While Lucifer is watching Li Jing, Lucifer spaces out for a moment, not realizing that Li Jing is already done tidying herself.

"Hey? Lu... are you OK?" Li Jing looked at Lucifer with curiosity and concern as she sat on the bed, grabbed her wooden slippers from her dimensional space, and then wore them up.

Lucifer has come to his senses and is agitated.

"A-ah?! Yeah... I am OK."

"Ok... if you say so."

Li Jing then stood up, stretched her arms and body, and then took a deep breath and exhaled a couple of times.

And then she is ready to go.

"Alright... today is the 2nd day of the festival! Better enjoy it while it lasts."

At that moment, Lucifer held his mug and downed it in one go.

"I don't know why you're excited about such a boring festival like this. If you want, let me build the city right now." As Lucifer spoke confidently, he stood up calmly and hugged Li Jing from behind.

Li Jing, who was totally unfazed, speaks annoyingly.

"You can build a city, alright. But it's nothing but an empty space filled with rocks and nothing else. In order to create a society, you need business, money, education, laws, power, and more people. Without those, it's pointless."

"Hmm... you're right. Other than people, we already basically have everything."

"That's why it's not easy!"

Lucifer looks away for a moment before he leans his face on Li Jing's shoulder and then nonchalantly smiles.

"Hey... How about we buy some slaves? Regardless of race... "

"What did you say? Slave? For what? To let them work for us? You're truly something, Lu... Have you no remorse in your body?"

"Oh jeez... Not like that, you dumbass. I am talking about letting them become part of our society. Of course, they have to work for a living, but not as slaves but as common people. We'll provide jobs for them later once the city is finished, but in the mean time, we have to find a place for them to stay. "

Li Jing holds her chin as she thinks deeply about what Lucifer told her.



"Let me apologize to you, but... I think you're right. However, we should build the city first. That way, when we buy slaves, we can organize them easily."

"See? I told you I was right."

Lucifer gave Li Jing a peck of a kiss on her cheek.

"Hmph… Someday, I'll make you say, You're wrong."

Li Jing brushed his face away from Lucifer and pouted.

Lucifer removed his face from Li Jing's shoulder, then smiled and tapped her head.

"I'll wait for that day... Anyway, let's go. I think your mom is already awake. "

"Then at least put some clothes on!"

Lucifer grins and speaks nonchalantly once again.

"Do I have to?"

Li Jing looks at her speechless and disgusted, seeing how Lucifer acts in front of her.

"Never mind... I was so stupid to even ask, let alone be concerned about you. "

Li Jing walks towards the front door, annoyed and pissed.

Lucifer, who heard her clearly, immediately snapped his finger and created a white shirt.

Lucifer changes instantly from arrogant into a cool person.

and then immediately put his shirt on.

Li Jing cast a glance at him before departing, and was taken aback by Lucifer's sudden transformation.

"W-what's up with you? Didn't you say…"

Before Li Jing said any more than she had to, Lucifer spoke in the midst of it.

"No need to say more, you're right... I forgot I have you now."

Lucifer embarrassingly looks away from Li Jing as he shyly speaks to her.

Li Jing became dumbfounded for a moment, before giggling a bit.

"Hehehehe… You're so funny, Lu."

Lucifer was embarrassed even more as his face turned completely red.

"Let's go, Lu!"

Li Jing offered her hand to Lucifer as she smiled at him.

Lucifer took her offer and put his hand on her with his face covered in red from embarrassment.

Lucifer, on the other hand, became a new born maiden, covered in embarrassment as they left the room, while Li Jing had a blissfully smiling face.

Leaving the room, in the hallway, her kids were waiting outside patiently.

"Mother…!" said her children, who were hungry and drowsy.

"Oh my, oh my... I forgot that we're in the Inn of Orthros."

"Mom, we're hungry." In sync, her kids said it while half asleep.

"Alright, alright. Let's head downstairs. I am sure that Sir Orthros is already awake."

As they head downstairs, both her mother, Li Na, and her grandparents are already awake and waiting for them.

"Finally… You guys woke up."

With a smile on their faces, Li Na greets them.

"Good morning, Mother. Good morning, Grandmother, Grandfather. "

Li Jing smiled at them as she greeted them back, and was followed up by her kids, who were with her.

"Good morning, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Great Grandfather."

Then, at the same moment as Lucifer, Li Jing, and her kids walk towards them, Li Na glares at Lucifer.

"So… How was it?" With the annoying voice of Li Na, she speaks, but still tries to calm herself down.

Lucifer has caught her glance, but he never replies; instead Li Jing speaks to her mother.

"Mother, please… The kids are here too. "

Li Na took a small glance at her grandkids and immediately brushed off her face away from them with such a bitter attitude.

"Just hurry up next time when waking up! We're hungry waiting for you guys to show up!"

"We're sorry, mother..." Li Jing awkwardly smiled at her mother, and then immediately took a seat at a different table with her kids and Lucifer.

From that moment, Sir Orthros has shown up with his kids behind him, Alessa, Aleksei, and Skylyn.

As Li Qing Long, Li Baihu, and even Lucifer himself have been taken aback by the beauty that has appeared before their eyes, as Alessa, Aleksei, and Skylyn are dressed in such exquisite and elegant silk clothes.

Both Li Qing Long and Li Baihu awaken from drossy eyes and immediately transform into captivated heart eyes.

Lucifer, who was sitting beside Li Jing, smiled and spoke softly.

"Li Jing… Don't you think it's better if you wear those kinds of clothes?"

Lucifer wasn't awed by the beauty of the women, but the dresses they wore.

With his face closer to her, Li Jing shoved his face away with her attitude irritated and embarrassed.

"Fuck off!"

"Good morning, everyone. Once again, allow me to express my gratitude for choosing our place to stay; it's truly an honor and a pleasure to have you all. Please allow us to serve you all with the most decent morning breakfast we have."

Both Li Jing's mother and her grandparents just smiled through their faces, as they appreciated the nice attitude that Orthros had present.


Orthros took a bit of a glance at his eldest daughter, Alessa.

At that moment, Alessa nodded a bit, then walked away for a moment, and came back with maids and food with her.

Although it's not a modern maid's outfit, the dresses that the maids wear are neat and clean.

Serve it on a silver tray with a silver plate with a spoon and fork.

With a menu of sliced bread, warm soup, fresh sliced different fruits, bacon, omelette eggs, and fried rice.

As the maids serve them each plate filled with food, Li Jing notices something strange.

Thus, she asks.

"Sir… I hope you don't mind if I ask, but... won't you get trouble from your regular customers if you close your store because of us?"

Orthros Look at her and smile mischievously.

"Thank you for your deep concern about my business, Lady Li Jing, but that won't be a problem. So please... just enjoy your stay here."

"Oh is that so? Sorry for asking, then…" Li Jing lowers her head a bit at Orthros.

"It's alright, no worries..."

Then, at that moment, the maids were done serving them.

They step back a bit, as Orthros speaks politely once again.

"Now then, excuse us; please enjoy your meal, everyone."

Orthros and his kids lowered their heads at them and left, along with the maids with them.

Lucifer holds his spoon and fork and takes a slice of omulette egg and bacon.

"The spoon slid right into it. soft and fluffy...A half raw cooked egg; I guess this world has a bit of culinary knowledge in the modern era." and then took a bite. "Fluffy all the way to the center! Soft and melty... The moment I put it in my mouth, it fills me with a gentle aroma."

Then he took the bacon next.

As Lucifer enjoyed his meal, he took a quick glance at his surroundings.

He has put a smile on his face because of Li Jing and her kids, who are enjoying their meal with him.

"I guess eating with them makes the taste even better!"

And thus, memories of Lucifer's past have arisen in his thoughts; his father, his mother, and his brothers... Having fun with each other, like family and all.

"I haven't been this happy since when I was together with Mother, Father, and my brothers..." is a smooth, blissful thought that Lucifer has, as he continues eating his meal.

Li Jing, who is sitting beside him, has taken a quick glance as her kids stop eating for a moment and look at Lucifer with concern in their faces.

"Lu, are you ok?!"

Tears?! They overflow from Lucifer's eyes!

"Are the foods not to your liking?""

With such concern, Li Jing stopped eating and took a closer look at Lucifer's face.

However, before she takes a step closer, Lucifer gently drops her spoon and fork and waves his hand in between him and Li Jing to stop her taking a step closer.

"No, I am alright."

"Are you sure?" Li Jing asked, concerned.

"It's just the food is so... so warm... and delicious. I remember my family."

"!" Li Jing jolted for a moment, and then simply held Lucifer's face and wiped his tears.

Lucifer returns her blissful smile and the woeful face of Li Jing, as he taps her on the head then smile as well.

"Hehe, thanks..."

Then Lucifer turns his face around and looks at Li Jing's kids, who are looking at him bewildered.

"Sorry for that, if I caused a bit of commotion..."

Li Xuan Hu, who looks at him straightly, immediately responds, calm and collected.

"It's alright, father..."

Li Xuan Hu responds in such a cool way, followed by Li Baihu speaking in such an enthusiastic way.

"Yep! It's totally alright!"

However, Li Qing Long looks away and then speaks softly without looking at Lucifer, who is in front of him.

"At least now, I know you have a soft side... father."

Lucifer just smiled a bit as he saw the reaction Li Qing Long had towards him.

"Well, thank you to you all..."

As Lucifer expressed himself authentically through his smooth emotions,

Li Jing spoke in the midst of it, with her voice enthusiastically expressing blissfulness.

"Alright, that's enough! This is the 2nd day of the festival! So today we will enjoy it together. As a Family!"

"Yeah!!!" An immediate response by Li Baihu and Li Qing Long, who can't control their joy, while Lucifer and Li Xuan Hu calmly and gallantly eat their breakfast quietly.

and thus continue their meal with vigour.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the table were Li Na and her parents, Li Lei and Meira Eillee.

Li Lei, Li Na's father, looked at his child, calm and yet collected.

Although the space between Li Jing's table and her parents' table was a bit far, Li Na still could see the commotion on Li Jing's table from their table.

In the midst of the intense look of her daughter, Li Na, to her granddaughter's partner, Lucifer, Li Lei speaks.

"Isn't it time for you to let Li Jing be on her own, Li Na?"

As Li Lei took a bite and gulped his food, he spoke to his daughter.

"…She's already old enough and had a big dream for her kids. The guy seems reliable and well fond of her kids and willing to support her to the extent that he'll take the matter of building the city on to himself. "

"But, father..." concerned and worried voice from Li Na, as her face looks pitiful.

"Li Na, Li Jing's not you; don't treat her like you. She's a mother now. I don't want you to treat her like she's still a baby. It's time for you to let go... and support her just like a mother, never interfering in her love life. Birds sometimes need to learn to fly on their own, leave the nest, and create on their own. So, Li Na, it's time for you to become a grandmother. "

"Ok... father." a bit salty and stinging in her heart, as she replied to her father in such a low voice and took a bite of her breakfast.

Her mother, who was just listening to them while eating her meal quietly, had spoken softly.

"Li Na... Did we get involved when you first felt love from your husband? We didn't, did we? Even when you have trouble, we just continue to wait until you come back with us along with Li Jing, who has already born. "

Then her father speaks once again.

"She's right; her father might be here as well. He's a royal, right? There must be a chance that he will attend this prestigious event. So it's better if you introduce him to her, if there's a chance for them to meet, that is."

Li Na Jolt immediately as her father mentioned Li Jing's father.

She felt a cold sweat and shivered through her spine as she tried to calm herself down from eating.

With a stuttering voice, Li Na speaks.

"F-f-father... p-please never mention that bastard here! He has no right to her or to meet us. He chose to live alongside his new family. A bastard like him is best to disappear. "

"Say what you want, but I highly doubt you can stop that guy from meeting her, right?" said Li Lei as he calmly took another bite of his meal.

Then Meira speaks.

"By the way, he never met her, right? Not even once?" Meira gets curious looks as she speaks to her daughter calmly.

"No, mother..."

"Then, it's better if you don't get near your daughter in public... That way, he or she won't recognize each other, even if they met by chance."

"However, I don't think I could do that."

"How so?"

"I already promised to them that I would go with them during the festival week. And the kids are looking forward to it."

"I see… I guess it can't be helped. Then, put up a disguise."

"But I don't have things with me that could disguise me up?!"

"No problem, my child. Let's ask old man Orthros if his daughters have some to spare for us. I am sure they'll lend us out."

As she nodded to her mother, she took a bite of her meal, and then said in such a low voice, "I understand, but it still would be better if he didn't show up..."


Both her mother and father heard a bit of Li Na's voice, but couldn't grasp what it was. As they wondered for a moment.

However, seeing how their daughter, Li Na, remained unfazed, they simply ignored it and continued eating.

As they continue to eat, on the other side of the table, Li Jing and her kids, including Lucifer, her husband, have now finished their meal.

"Ok, you kids... It's time for you to take a bath!"

"Eh~" was said by her kids, as they stood up.

As well, Li Jing has stood up and opened her Void space.

Lucifer is surprised to see her and her sons entering the void.

"Wait! You're going at the same time?!"

Li Jing turned and looked at him innocently before answering him straightly.

"What? Aren't you going to join?"


Lucifer got flustered and stood up.

"Of course I am!"

With a smile on his face, Lucifer shoved both Li Jing and their kids into the void.

And thus they left, leaving their parents without even saying a proper excuse.

Sorry... I was unable to update a new chapter yesterday.

My mom was sick. I had to take care of her...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Jesmer_Raposoncreators' thoughts