
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

Family Dinner

After the meeting went smoothly, all of them talked to each other about the stories they could share.

And it continued until Nameless and Li Jing's kids, along with the kids that they saved, came knocking on the door.

"Mom! Dad! Dinner is ready!" Li Xuan Hu said.

As soon as Lucifer and Li Jing, including the people inside the room, heard the voice, all of them flinched as they halted the conversation for a moment, until Li Jing responded.

"Alright! We'll be there right away!"

"Ok, Mom! But can we enter? There are a few people who want to meet father and your friends, mom."

"People?" Li Jing was unsure who these people were who wanted to meet Lucifer and her friends. However, letting the kids do what they want is a bit disrespectful to everyone.

Thus, Li Jing looks at Lucifer anxiously.

Lucifer caught her troubled eyes and then touched her hand calmly.

"It's ok, let them in."

Li Jing exhaled as if her nervousness had suddenly disappeared, and so she yelled.

"Ok, you can go in!"

And Lucifer snapped his finger, and the lock that kept the door closed unlocked and opened as soon as Li Xuan Hu gently pushed it.

"Excuse us for the intrusion."

Scared yet respectful, Li Xuan Hu opens the double door wide.

As it was opened and before Li Xuan Hu entered the room, Li Baihu barged in like a kid excited to see his parents.

"Mom! Let's hurry up! Grandma and Big Sister Nameless have made a lot of delicious food!"

Li Jing smiled as she found her son's reaction adorable.

Li Baihu went in, walked towards her mother, and hugged her. Li Jing replied to her adorable son's attitude by patting her head.

Meanwhile, Li Xuan Hu and Li Qing Long quietly entered and walked forward towards their parents, while one of the two kids they rescued, the girl, went and hugged Leviathan, while the other, the boy, went to Amihan, shyly approaching her while offering his hand to her.

Amihan finds it a bit confusing, but as she saw the red face and shy attitude of the boy, she went along and held his hand, offering it to her.

Nameless, on the other hand, who also followed them from behind, walked towards Lucifer and hugged him tightly.

Li Jing, who notices it, doesn't look bothered by her actions or find them annoying; instead, she finds them adorable.

Lucifer, who was a bit perplexed by Nameless' sudden action, tapped her head and asked.

"What's wrong, Nameless?" Lucifer asked curiously.

"Nothing... It's like I just want to hug you right now."

"Hehe, alright... I understand. Feel free to hug me all you want."

"Alright! Let's go outside before Mom goes here and barges in!"

As Li Jing said that, everyone agreed and stood up and walked outside, happy and in a blissful atmosphere around them.

As they walk to the hallway, Li Jing notices a familiar person—a man with long ears who's holding a woman in his arm—along with two young men and women.

The man who looks familiar has pointy ears, white porcelain skin, a firm body, blue eyes, and long silvered hair. He is wearing a long white silk dress, layered with silvered light armor, and a white cape with golden edges.

It was her father!

The man looked at her as he noticed a group of young men and women, along with kids, walking towards them.

However, as he soon noticed the group of people walking towards them, his attention instantly locked on Li Jing, the girl he talked with not long ago.

"!" His eyes were surprised, yet he looked troubled about what he could do next.

Should he greet her and tell her that he is her father? Or should he lie and just be here to meet her mother, Li Na, to talk some business? Or should he hide the facts about his identity and just be invited?

But all that trouble in his thoughts went down the drain as Li Jing, his daughter, ran off towards him and hugged him without second thoughts.


Shock and surprise from Li Jing's sudden statement have left both him and the family that he brought along with him speechless and stunned!

The woman that was clinging to his arms was so surprised that she instantly became stone-faced in a state of shock, while the two young men and women who were standing beside him went blank and tried to comprehend the situation. What was all this about?

"F-f-f-father w-w-what is this???" The young woman said this as her voice stutters in shock.

Then, followed up by the young man beside him,

"Father, don't tell me you..."

The two young men and women who question their father have now hit a critical point of doubt and trust.

However, their father, who's in a tight spot, is now having mixed feelings of happiness and anxiety!

His good and evil thoughts of morality are whispering in his ears.

the good saying: "Isn't it great that your daughter accepted you? Hug her! She is your daughter after all!"

Then the evil saying: "Are you crazy? Push her away! You already have a family with you right now! If you accept her as her child, right now, you'll end up admitting you did some infidelity behind your family's back!"

Then the good one uses his lasso against the evil one, which has words written on it saying 'Repent and Confess'.

As the evil thoughts have been tided and captured, the good thoughts pin the evil one and say: "She is his daughter! You piece of crap! If he pushes her away and does not accept her, he's no different from trash! So shut up!"

And so the man decided by hugging her daughter tight and speaking in such a soft yet relaxed tone of voice.

"My daughter!"

A warm welcome and delighted feelings have been expressed around them while bystanders like his children and his wife, and Lucifer, her children, and her friends, are watching them.

Li Jing's kids, who are watching her mother hug a man and say, "Father" have shocked Li Qing Long and Li Baihu; however, Li Xuan Hu, on the other hand, found the situation interesting as he was curious who that man was.

Meanwhile, Lucifer and the rest of the gang, including the two kids with them, are watching the scene as if they were watching a 'Drama' series.

Lucifer, along with Nameless, Satan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathan, and Asmodeus, are watching the scene in disgust. Their expressions are so gross, as each of them is starting to get nauseous. Even Belphegor, who's just listening, has his face turn pale, like he's sick.

However, Jesus, Buddha, the Jade Emperor, Brahma, Amihan, Xiwangmu, and Amaterasu, along with the two kids with them, were all delighted and moved by the wonderful scene they were all witnessing.

while the man's kids and his wife are all devastated and crushed by the sudden truth they have witnessed.

And so, as Li Jing felt her father hug her, she gently pushed him away, looked at him upwardly, and talked to him with such joy and delight.

"Father, I know you have a lot of questions, like how do I know you as my father despite us only meeting once? I'll answer all your questions later along with Mom, but first, let's have all dinner tonight!"

Then Li Jing grabbed her father's hand and forced him to go with her with such a delighted look on her face.

"Let's go! Grandmother and Grandfather are all waiting!"

Unable to get out of his daughter's grip, the man simply let himself go off with her as he smiled and felt warmth.

However, his kids and his wife, who were still in shock and just jolted, came back to their senses and immediately yelled.

"Father, wait up!" said the young man, still shocked and wary.

"Father, what's the meaning of this?" said the young woman, devastated yet furious, as she ran off and followed her father.

And then, finally, the wife came to her senses and immediately yelled so loudly that her voice echoed all over the corner of the corridor.

"Khyrmin Aymer!!! Get back here, you! or I'll kill you!"

And so the charades finally end, leaving the rest of Li Jing's gang along with her kids and the two children behind.

Jesus took a glance at Lucifer, who was currently pale and still grossed out.

"Lu... let's go now. I am sure Madam Li Na is probably irritated from waiting on us."

"y-yeah..." Then Lucifer shifted his attention to someone else as he tapped Nameless' head and asked, "Nameless, the dining hall, where was it?"

"The 10th room on the left is the grand dining hall."

"I see, then..." Lucifer then lifted his right hand and was about to snap a finger.

However, before it happens, Buddha speaks.

"Wait, Luci! Li Jing and those people... do they know where the dining hall even is?"

"Now that you mentioned it, if that's the case, I'll include them too."

And so Lucifer snaps his finger, making everyone, including Li Jing herself, along with her father and her father's legal wife and their children, disappear, only to reappear inside the grand dining hall.

Upon arriving, the room contained three large glass round tables, each with 10 gold chairs placed around it.

However, upon arriving, Li Jing immediately decided that everything had to be arranged so that the kids were where they should be and the rest were where they should be while the close families were together.

Although her father and his family were stunned by the sudden teleportation, Li Jing simply ignored them; instead, like a proper host, she organized the chair arrangement.

Thus, she took a few chairs from one table and arranged them on another table.

As the one table has fewer chairs, Li Jing glances at the two kids, including her children and Mei.

"Li Xuan Hu, Li Qing Long, Li Baihu, Mei, and the two kids with us. You six, this is your table."

After the kids' table has been set, Li Jing has now started to arrange chairs for where her friends will eat.

Samael, Nameless, Satan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Jesus, Buddha, Brahma, The Jade Emperor, Amaterasu, Xiwangmu, and Amihan.

Although the table was large enough to fit, the atmosphere around it somehow felt heavy and tense, especially when it came to Samael and Nameless, who were somehow annoyed and irritated as they sat close to each other.

Although Satan and the rest and Jesus and his friends had no problem sitting together as they simply understood the situation, Samael and Nameless glared at Li Jing like a spear, piercing her all over.

Li Jing senses the gaze towards her while arranging the chair; however, she simply ignores it and moves on.

Awkward and confused, she wonders what the hate was all about?

"What's wrong with them? Why are they looking at me as if they wanted to kill me? What did I do that made them stare at me like that?"

Although she's concerned about them, Li Jing remains calm and offers her friends a seat.

"Everyone, this is your table. Please have a seat and enjoy tonight's dinner."

Quivering, like a rabbit serving a hunter a meal, Li Jing spoke to her friends while averting her eyes away from both Nameless and Samael.

After that, Li Jing continued and arranged the last table where she and her family and her father's family were going to eat.

Lucifer, Li Jing, Li Na, Meira Eillee, Li Lei, her father, Khyrmin Aymer, and his family have looked at each other before sitting.

As her family sat, Li Jing turned his attention to his father and offered him a chair to sit on.

"Father, here..."

"Ah, thank you, my daughter!"

As Li Jing offered her compassion, her father smiled awkwardly and sat down as he sensed the gaze that was piercing his back from his wife and his two kids with him.

However, before something happens, Li Jing offers her father's legal wife and her stepsister and stepbrother a seat.

"Madam, please have a seat."

Li Jing offers the chair beside her father, Khyrmin. Even though Li Jing is aware she's just the illegitimate child, she still has to respect her father's legal wife and kids, whether they like her or not.

Thus, she gave them a genteel and innocent smile, as she respected them and treated them with care.

The young madam smiled gracefully as she too got captivated by Li Jing's compassionate attitude.

"Call me Lysa Aymer. That's my name."

"!" Li Jing was a bit surprised as the woman's attitude changed and she became nice and cute.

Thus, Li Jing simply responded to her gracious smile.

"It's an honor, Madam Lysa Aymer."

After the wife has sat, the young woman and a young man are the next to offer a chair. Sitting next to their mother, Li Jing offers two chairs for her stepbrother and stepsister.

However, since Li Jing doesn't know their names, she has a hard time calling them out.

But her father, Khyrnim, along with Lysa, called their children out.

"Kyris, sit down with us," said her father in a collected yet firm tone.

The young man flinched for a moment as soon as he heard his father's voice. And from that moment on, the young man sat down calmly.

Then Lysa called out her daughter.

"Lyka, your sister is offering you to sit down. So sit."

As Lysa has spoken, her daughter quivers. Lysa's voice became fierce and sharp while she looked at her daughter with a knife-like gaze.

Lyka saw her mother's gaze and followed her mother's command as she quivered as she sat down.

Seeing Lyka quiver, Li Na, who was on the other side and away from her husband's family, made a comment about it.

"Treating your own daughter lower than nothing makes me wonder why Khyrnim even chose you. I guess a crow is still a crow no matter how white it is."

Lysa twitched as soon as she heard Li Na's sharp comment toward her.

While the others, including Li Jing and her grandparents, were bewildered and embarrassed by what Li Na had said, everyone kept their mouths shut and simply acted like they hadn't heard it.

"Oohhh, I thought when people say that if the child behaves well, it's all because the parents behave well as well. It looks like in this case, it's good that your daughter didn't get your attitude. I guess the fruit fell far from the tree?"

"I could do the same for you; I guess sleeping with him satisfied your desire and made you ensure your enthronement as an empress? How lucky of you! You know I was planning to attend your wedding, but somehow I never got an invitation or was told what day your wedding was going to happen. I wonder why? Do you perhaps think that I would wreck your wedding day?"

Li Na gave Lysa a smirk as she spoke calmly, yet her words were sharp.

Lysa replied with a smile and a calm yet cold response.

"Wreck? Oh please... Why would I bother inviting you? Are we even close? I feared that if I ever invited you, you might not only kill me but also kidnap my husband away too. You are that kind of person, after all."

"Oh my... what kind of person do you think I am? A stalker?"

"Aren't you one?"

With calm yet sharp and menacing words, Lysa replied back to Li Na.

Li Na twitched as Lysa's words struck her heart and touched her to the very core of her being.

"What did you say, you bitch?!" Li Na spoke as she emitted killing intent.

"Are you talking to me, you fucking whore?!" Lysa responds in anger as she too emits a killing intent.

As both of them glared at each other as if they couldn't wait to kill one another, they also released a tremendous amount of killing intent.

Awkwardly, Li Jing slipped and walked away from Lyka, moving towards her mother to calm her down before things became troublesome.

"Now, now, Mother, calm down, please. My friends are here, and the kids are also here, please."

Li Na glanced at her grandchildren and the kids besides them, clicked her lips, and brushed them off as she found herself annoyed.

She didn't speak, but instead she responded by taking a chair and sitting down on the opposite side of the table, where on the other side were her husband and his family.

As Li Na sat down, her mother and father giggled a bit and spoke, as if they found it amusing and embarrassing.

"You two really never change after all these years." Eillee, Li Na's mother, said as she giggled watching her daughter having a conflict with someone.

"Just when are you two going to reconcile? You two already have kids, yet you still act like children." Lei, Li Na's father, said he was woeful and embarrassed a bit by his daughter's attitude.

As the two spoke, Lysa stood up from her chair and bowed down.

"My apologies for showing such an attitude, Madam Eillee, Lord Lei! I hope you forgive me." Elegant and respectful, Lysa seeks forgiveness from Li Na's parents.

Lei and Eillee both replied to her, respectful and calm, as they took a chair and sat down beside her daughter, Li Na.

"It's alright. There's nothing to apologize for. It's normal for two friends to love and hate each other. Isn't that right, Lei?"

Eillee said as she looked at her husband.

"Yeah... Just like my wife said, no need to apologize."

And so, as everyone sat down, Lucifer looked at Li Jing and took a seat as well.

After confirming that everyone has sat down, Nameless claps her hands.

At that moment, the center round tables gleamed like lasers, and various types of meals appeared.

from fried chicken skin to salad, and many more!

Some are fresh, some are cooked.

However, even though the same meal has been served, the drinks are different from the others.

As for the table where the kids are, the drinks that have appeared on it are orange juice, different types of soft drinks, and water.

while adults are prepared with wine, alcohol, beer, and water.

With such magnificent foods finally set upon everyone.

Li Jing, in such joy, claps her hands and speaks enthusiastically.

"Everyone, please enjoy the meal that Nameless and my mom have cooked for us."

However, as everyone was about to eat their meal, besides Li Jing's parents, her father's family, her kids, and the children with them, everyone felt something—a familiar presence.

None of them have reacted or spoken, but they all became stiff and cautious.

Outside the room, two people are walking. One is a man, and the other is a woman.

The man is whistling with such a beautiful tone, deeming life and warmth, while the woman is humming in a cold yet beautiful tone.

walking towards where Lucifer, Li Jing, and the rest are.

The man and woman stood in front of the door.

At the same time, everyone inside the room who felt the presence was close to them and standing outside of the door has become anxious.

Satan mumbles, "No way!"


As Satan mutters, the door to the room has opened!

A man and woman have appeared.

"My children, Daddy's here!"

From that moment on, as soon as the man and woman walked in, disturbing the family dinner they were having, Lucifer, Satan, Belphegor, Mammon, Leviathan, and Beelzebub stood up in shock!

"Father!!!" All six of them spoke loudly in a state of shock and bewilderment.

"It's been eons since we've talked this close, my children. How are you all?"

The person has short white hair, brown skin, a fine body, a sharp golden iris, beautiful looks, and the height of a teenage person around 20–23 years old. He's wearing a Hawaiian outfit: a colorful polo, a white t-shirt underneath, brown shorts, and a pair of slippers.

The man spoke with a calm demeanor as he smiled. His voice is soft yet alluring. His golden iris eyes are sharp, yet you can sense peace and love. His aura was covered in the superiority of a lord, but he gave you the signal of the type of being that welcomes anyone. His smile looks normal, yet you can sense the genuineness.

Then the man spoke once again.

"...Daddy's home."