
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Belphegor, the angel, only wants peace and quiet.

Bel, who left with responsibilities, is now annoyed and furious towards Beel.

Bel, enraged, leaps from his cloud and walks towards the demons left behind by Beel.

"Hey! You all!!! Listen up!!! In this world, I am in charge!!! So whatever you all want to do, make sure you all do not disturb me!"

His cute and lovable voice makes the demons not take him seriously.

Some blush, while others turn away from the temptation.

"He's so cute!!!!"

"I want to take him!"

"If I am 20 years younger, I want him to be my little brother!"

And it continued on, with none of them listening to every word of Belphegor's saying.

Bel saw each of the demons' expressions and got pissed off and yelled at them.

He has an upright and lovable face and the height of a 7-year-old child.

Belphegor confronts them.

"...Are you guys even listening?!!!!"

Bel's tantrum made the girls unable to hold it together any longer. The urge of Belphegor's cute face and cute voice made one girl leap towards him and hug him all of a sudden.

"!" Bel stumbled from a sudden tackle from one demon lady that leapt towards him.

"What the??!!! What's wrong with you?! Get off me!" In surprise, Bel tried to push the girl, who suddenly tackled and hugged him.


It's all for naught.

The girl never budges or even gives Bel a sign to let go; instead, she hugs Bel even tighter.

"...I said let go!!!"

As Bel was trying to get away from the girl, he didn't notice the pact. No, the demons had already surrounded him.

Like hungry predators, the demons look upon him with faces filled with affection and thirst.

Some girls' faces are red, some are drooling, some are breathing heavily.

"I can't take anymore..."

Bel looks at them, afraid and scared.

"W-w-what are you girls trying to do..."

And the girls continue to mutter while listening to Bel's words.

"...Yeah, I can't hold it anymore either."

"He's mine..."

"...No, he's mine."

as he looked at them with a scary expression on their faces. Bel began to sweat as he saw each of them getting close to him slowly.

"Y-y-y-you d-d-don't tell me..."

As Bel was being surrounded by demons, he cried out.


Meanwhile, outside, Beel went back to where his friends and comrades were.

He stands beside Leviathan, tired yet happy.

"Welcome back, Beel..."

He didn't greet Beel with respect but rather with irritation.

"What's up with that tone, Levi?" Beel frowned a bit, then spoke, a bit upset.

However, Leviathan looks up at him, then speaks soberly.

"Are you fucking serious? Bel has been talking in his sleep, saying he'll kill you. What the fuck did you do?"

As he shifted his position and yelled at Beel, Leviathan used his thumb and pointed at Belphegor at his back, mumbling words like: "Beel... I'll kill you." and "You'll pay for this, Beel." and then, "I know you're out there, and I know you'll come back. When you do... I'll kill you!"

Beel's look at Belphegor asleep made him feel awkward and ashamed.

He knows that what he did is shameful towards Belphegor. However, since he didn't have any choices, Beel just simply looked away after hearing Belphegor's sleep talking.

Having a cold sweat while looking away, Beel replies to Leviathan, knowing he's the one who babysits Belphegor.

"Ah... About that... I sent some people to Dream World... So he has a company... a lot of companies."

In shock, Leviathan quivers, then speaks firmly.

"You motherfucker, you actually did it! You crazy son of a God. Come here... Sit! Ignore this little fucker and let him suffer! HAhahahahah!!!"

He wasn't quivering in fear; instead, he was quivering in excitement!

He scooted over and gave Beel the seat that originally belonged to him, with a bit of a smile on his face.

Before Beel sat down, he smiled as well, then replied, "Right? I know it's the right decision!"

Meanwhile, behind them, where Li Na, Jesus, and Satan are sitting,

Li Na curiously whispered to Jesus, who was sitting beside her.

"Who is that guy, sir?"

When Jesus notices Li Na getting close to him, he simply leans forwards towards Li Na, then replies in her soft and low voice.

"Ahh, that's Sir Beelzebub, Madam... He's the old man who just left earlier today. "

"Ehhhh???" In shock, Li Na tried to hold her expression and her voice.

"How? How did an old man become so young?" puzzled Li Na. She was eager to know how Beel became young.

Thus, Jesus replies to him with a proper explanation, yet a simple one.

Jesus smiled at her and then spoke softly.

"The thing is, madam, he wasn't a really old man. He just looks like an old man because he hasn't eaten anything in a long time. Remember what we just said earlier that he just had a business to take care of? And I said, He's just hungry? Here's the result of it."

As Jesus explained in a way, he wasn't really lying. Although he never gave her a straight answer, his replies weren't that far from the truth.

Li Na, who heard Jesus's explanation to her, looked at Beel and thought about how Beel looked before and after.

She replied to Jesus, puzzled yet still in shock: "Oh... Ok, that's why."

However, Li Na was still not convinced, so she began to think within her thoughts; just how?

And so it continues...

Meanwhile, inside the Dream World where Belphegor and the demons are...

After Belphegor got caught by demons, he found himself in a perilous and troublesome situation.

Belphegor became the Demon Girl's play toy.

His peaceful and quiet place instantly became a playground with him as the center of the attraction!

He was being dressed up as a girl like it was a fashion show.

Embarrassed and ashamed, Bel's face became red hot.

"Why am I being treated like this?! I am Angel!!!"

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Belphegor is the incarnation of one of the Seven Deadly Sins, sloth, characterized by negligence and apathy. An ArchDemon, Prince, or even depicted as one of the Knights of Hell.

However, in forgotten lore, Belphegor was one of the subordinates of the 4th son of God, Phanuel, the Archangel, who is roughly translated in the New Testament as "the face of God". Phanuel is the brother of Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel.

As a subordinate of Phanuel, Belphegor's ranks in heaven rose from a mere 'Angel' to become 'Dominions'.

Although Belphegor's rank is higher than Phanuel's, his connection to God has become far from close.

The thing is, in heaven, the higher your rank, the further you are from God. As an angel like him, Belphegor became less and less interested in his job when he became a 'Dominion' angel.

And thus, when God commanded Phanuel to command his Legionaries to guard the Garden of Eden, of which Belphegor happened to be one, Belphegor became lazy, as he saw no opportunity nor honor in being guard of the Garden of Eden, knowing there were Cherubim with them.

Legend has it that Belphegor is also one of the reasons why the Garden of Eden became corrupt. However, none of the 'Dominion' Angels were to blame; instead, they accepted their mistake with honor and knelt before God, pleading for punishment as they repented for their sin.

But God granted them mercy, and Belphegor, unable to contain his guilt, requested Phanuel, his superior, before becoming a "Dominion" angel.

However, when he seeks Phanuel and asks for God to punish him, as well as the other 'Dominion' angels.

Phanuel simply responds to him: "Who are you to question our Father's words and mercy that he bestowed on all your sins?"

Belphegor was simply shocked and speechless.

Yes, questioning God's words and seeking more than he grants you mercy is nothing disrespectful and sinful towards God.

Bel realized that when Phanuel questioned him.

He knew what he and his colleagues did was wrong, no, a sin... Thus, when he finds out that a mere serpent was the cause of their problems, he becomes devastated.

He thought that at very least 1 angel had become rogue, but no... a serpent with will and intelligence was the only cause of all his burden of guilt and self loathing.

After the devastation, Belphegor became a wanderer within heaven. He didn't work or find any interest in humanity, even after Adam and Eve had been cast out of the Garden of Eden.

However, when Lucifer questions God about humanity's flawed design and departs from Heaven, he, Satan, Beel, Mammon, and Leviathan join together and rule Hell for eternity because they see no purpose in being in Heaven and accept that they will never be bound by God's command and will forever be barred from entering Heaven.

However, even in Hell, Belphegor still stays the same. He never hated humanity nor showed interest in them in the first place. Which is why when Lucifer, Beel, Satan, Mammon, and Leviathan walked on earth and watched their father's creation begin to be corrupted by Grigoris, they're the ones who tried to stop them...

By warning them that if they continue to corrupt the earth and their father's creation, their punishment will be more severe than just taking their wings.

Some Grigori, like Azazel and Furcas, listen to Satan, Beel, and Lucifer. However, as others ignore them, they think that Lucifer and the rest are nothing but hypocrites.

A lot of Grigori are jealous of Satan, Beel, Leviathan, Mammon, Belphegor, and Lucifer for the reason that none of them have been punished like them. They see that they're favored by God. Even though they left heaven, they were still able to keep their angelic grace and their wings. Seeing that they still have the power that their father bestowed on them only made the Grigoris hate them more.

As Lucifer and the rest see that their warning didn't make them stop, Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Beel, Mammon, and Belphegor made a plan...

is to find a man and make him a messenger to God and Heaven.

Thus they find Enoch.

As the story progresses, they take a few Grigori and place them in Hell, making them residents and safe from harm.

While Belphegor continues to use his power to relay a message to Enoch through dreams and visions and connect him to him through his commander, Phanuel.

Until the day when Enoch is brought to heaven with Uriel as his guide.

From that day, Belphegor's job is done.

With all the stories behind him being forgotten, Belphegor begins to wonder...

"What the fuck am I doing right now?"

Belphegor's eyes rolled due to the confusion and delirium caused by the stress and his company that Beel handed him.

Then, Belphegor snapped it, and yelled.

"For GOD's sake! All of you, stop!!!!"

"!" in surprise, the demons halted and looked at Belphegor, who was currently wearing a pink polo dress.

His angry and pouty looks made the girl charmed instead of scared.

However, they sat still, silencing themselves and listening to Belphegor.

Belphegor glared at them as he was fuming in great anger, but with a cute face and gorgeous voice, his anger was being sent in an entirely different direction than the way he wanted.

They are rather amused, like a sister or a mom spoiling their son or little brother.

"I'll ignore all the rude and insolent actions that you all took against me. However, there's something I'd like to ask! At least one of you can answer it! 1st... I want to know where you guys come from!"

In dismay, each of the demons looked at each other, until one demon raised her hand and stood up.

"We... We-We're from the kingdom of Layrost."

A little girl who looks around 15 years old is dressed up in a high-waisted orange dress. She has one horn on her side of her head, green short hair, eyes like an emerald, and a tail that at its end looks like a ball.

Bel looks at her and nods as if he's satisfied.

"Since you answered my question, then, I want you to ask more. But first, introduce yourself to me. It would be impolite to call you without knowing your name."

"A-ah! My name... My name is Lysi... Lysi Cera."

The girl frets out a little bit, but manages to introduce herself in such a manner.

"Then, nice to meet you, Miss Lysi."


The girl blushed a bit, as he saw Belphegor's genteel smile.

"Then, my next question is... why did my brother bring you all here?"

"He's brother?"

The girl pauses for a moment, including everyone around them who looks at Bel, as she and everyone else think that Beel and Belphegor don't look like each other, especially that Beelzebub was an old man who became young.

"He said he'd take us to the promised land, but somehow we ended up with you. Although this is better than getting killed by him. "

Belphegor instantly understood everything, as the girl explained to him briefly.

Belphegor took a moment to look around him and replied: "Well, if it's him... then, it's reasonable. But he brings you all here."

Belphegor's veins popped up as he became irritated, remembering Beel and his ploy to get to him.

As he became irritated, another demon rose up and spoke.

A middle-aged woman in a seductive gown; she has blue eyes, blue long hair, and a tail with its tips shaped like a heart.

"I'd like to ask something."

Her voice is a bit scared yet respectful.

Belphegor turned to see who was it, then replied.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I want to know how long we have to stay here?"

"I don't know..." Belphegor replied to the girl flatly with a straight face.

Perplexed by Belphegor's reaction and reply, the woman asked him again.

"...Then, how do we get out of here?"

"You can't unless I say so." Belphegor replied flatly once more, but this time he continued before the girl said anything.

"...If you have nothing important to say, then please stop asking me. You can't get out of this place, unless I say so. My brother put you all here because he wanted you all to be safe. And it's my responsibility to keep you safe. The outside world will be busy for a few days. So until then, stay here and enjoy yourselves. "

Then Belphegor claps his hand...

At that moment, a replica of Marina Bay Sands appears from afar.

Without a sound or a quake on the floor from the demons sitting, the Marina Bay Sands replica appears as if a mist simply disappears around it.

"...That's where you're all going to stay, so help yourselves and enjoy."

Everyone was surprised by the sudden glass sky towers' appearance.

Some of them were awed, but some of them were afraid yet concerned.

From that moment, Belphegor simply floats himself up, then moves towards the marina bay sands.

However, before he even left, Belphegor talked to them with that soft yet lovable voice of his.

"Follow me. I'll show you all around."

Everyone simply stood up in silence with a troubled and perplexed expression on their faces as they followed Belphegor from behind.

Although there were no roads or places besides the glass sky towers to explore, however, once Belphegor went inside the automatic sliding glass door, with them following behind,

That's where it all began, with each of them astounded by what they saw.

A hundred thousand human automatons wearing formal business attire greeted Belphegor as soon as he entered.

Although they're Automaton you can easily mistake them as if they're human for how they dress and how they move and react.

Some of them are female automata wearing dark blue cocktail dresses or dress skirts and tops, simple yet elegant neck jewelry, black heels, and a simple yet elegant gold watch, while some male automata are wearing black three-piece suits, neck tie or bow tie, black leather shoes, a collared shirt with cuffed sleeves, and a gold watch.

Every single one of the automatons greeted Belphegor with a look of diligence and meticulous work.

"Welcome back, Lord Belphegor!"

Belphegor simply nodded as he was greeted.

Meanwhile, the demons behind them were stunned by the interior of the premises.

Then Belphegor turned around and looked at the demons and spoke.

"Everyone... Could I please have your attention for a moment?"

Belphegor claps for a moment, then speaks loudly.

"My people here will guide you to your designated rooms for you to stay, although it's a bit far, but do enjoy your stay. You have everything here: entertainment, a relaxing spa, swimming pools, a shopping mall where you can get whatever you want, and a food court where you can eat whatever you want. So if you have anything to ask, don't be afraid to ask or call your guide."

Then Belphegor raised his right hand and moved a little as a signal to his people to move on and do their job.

From that moment, every automaton walks towards the demons and assists them with a blissful smile on their faces.

"My lady, let me guide you to your room, for I will be your personal attendant."

"I'll be your personal guide during your stay here, my lady."

"Allow me to be your guide, Madam."

Then it continues, as every automaton presents themselves with respect and integrity to the demons.

However, there is one demon who turned down the hospitality.

It's the two sisters that Beelzebub speaks of, who were granted mercy by not being killed.

The girl who was wearing a camisole and carrying her sister, who was asleep due to Beelzebub's spell, has now caused a bit of a problem with their attendant.

Belphegor caught the commotion and simply went over there as he walked toward them.

"What seems to be the problem?" Belphegor said, with a firm yet concerned voice.

His attendant, a male automaton, replied to Belphegor with the utmost respect as he lowered his head.

"Yes, Lord Belphegor! She said: she won't leave unless her sister wakes up!"

Belphegor looks up at the unconscious young lady in the arms of the tall girl.

Belphegor sighed for a moment, then lifted his right hand and placed it on the unconscious lady's head.


The girl slowly opened her eyes as she moaned when she woke herself up.

"W-where am I?" The girl said as she woke up from a slumber.

Her sweet and cute voice made Belphegor greet her with a soft and yet sweet voice.

"Good morning, young lady."


The girl was instantly charmed as she turned and her eyes locked on Belphegor's cute eyes and gorgeous looks.

She shoved her sister and leapt towards Belphegor and embraced him instantly.

"Who's this cute boy!!!"

The attendant and everyone else were shocked and felt anger as they turned and saw their lord being disrespected by a lesser being.

They instantly emit a tremendous amount of power within the premises, making the tinted-glass wall crack.

Every demon, including the girl wearing a camisole beside them, was surprised by the sudden release of the servants' power.

The attendant that was close to them immediately tried to yell at the girl in a rage.

"How dare you! Releas-!"

However, before even the automata that were near them could yell at the girl,

Bel noticed the attendant's and all of his servants' rage and intent on killing the girl who was hugging him and simply raised his left hand and waved as if to tell them to calm down.

Although every demon inside the premises, including her sister, was frightened of imminent danger posed by each of their personal servants that were currently serving them, the girl that was hugging Belphegor didn't seem to notice it.

Was it because the girl was simply dumb? Was it because she was due to excitement? Or did she not notice it because she didn't care for a second?

Either way, Belphegor simply didn't mind it since his previous experience with demons not long ago was way worse.

"Please get off of me..." Belphegor said in his sweet and lovable voice.

The girl simply replies to him with a mischievous tone, and her expression seems to indicate she is enjoying hugging Belphegor.

"I don't want to..."

Belphegor smiled at the girl's sister, who had been watching them the entire time.

From that moment of smile, Belphegor taps the girl on the back of her neck at high speed, causing the girl to fall asleep again.

With the girl unconscious, Belphegor held her in his arms and gave her to one of his attendants.

"Here, take care of her and this girl as well."

The servant simply nodded with respect and replied to him with a firm voice. "Yes, Milord."

Then Belphegor shifted his vision for a moment and clapped.

"Ok, everyone back to your work!"

Then everyone goes back the way it was, with the two sisters being escorted to their room, leaving Belphegor behind.

From that moment, Belphegor finally gained his peace as he went outside, still wearing that pink polo dress.

"Finally! Peace and quiet!"

Or so he thought.

As soon as he went outside the premises, Belphegor felt a tremendous amount of power from the outside world of his dream world.

Belphegor's face became wary as he wondered what was happening outside.

"This power... it's Lucifer and Death!"