
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

As they descend from heaven

As they left, Li Na and her parents saw everything and were bewildered by it.

"No matter how I see it, our granddaughter has become amazing. Did you teach her about that which she called: 'Void space'?"

"I did teach her about magic, but that's all the basics and nothing more. Though I was still speechless, how did she come up with that kind of magic spell? "

"I see... But still, it's impossible for her to create something like that with such limited knowledge. So how?"

Meira is starting to have second thoughts about her granddaughter, Li Jing, and how her granddaughter could have achieved such a feat.

However, in the midst of her thinking, her husband, Li Lei, spoke in.

"Aren't you forgetting her current husband right now?"

Both Meira and Li Na were startled and looked disturbed as Li Lei spoke.

"…Her husband is quite amazing, and I'm sure he's powerful as well. I can only imagine that that guy perhaps taught our daughter before, in secret. "

In that moment of quiet ambience, Li Na raises her voice.

"But, I never saw that kid before! Although she said he was her friend, I still have doubts about that guy. The only person I know she interacts with is those kids' father. Besides him, I do not know anyone else."

Then, as her father was done eating, he gently laid down the spoon and fork and spoke firmly to his daughter, Li Na.

"Li Na... Did you carefully watch her during the time her husband died? Or did you just let her be?"

"I gave her a space at that time, father. I let her hunt alone most of the time. But I don't think she could-"

Then, in the midst of her reply, a sudden statement came from her daughter, which rose up in her memories.

an event when she asks her daughter, Li Jing, where she goes at night.

However, even by thinking that so, Li Na still remembers the description of the person that clearly wasn't Lucifer that Li Jing had met that night, but instead a royal who had a blood relationship with Li Jing's late husband.

But the possibility that there might be a small scenario where Li Jing could have met Lucifer without Li Na's knowledge is intriguing.

Thus, Li Na takes a deep breath and calms down for a bit before speaking to her parents.

"…I think you are right, father. He might be her friend. To be honest, in these 7 years that have passed, I never actually focused on her but instead on her kids. "


"But, father… She said she summoned him. But from where?"

"Does it really matter? She summoned him because she knew that he was the only one she could rely on during that time. It doesn't matter where he came from, or who he is, or what he was. The only thing that matters right now is that our Li Jing is happy with that guy. "

Meira sighs and speaks generously to her daughter.

"He's right…"

"I understand… I shall support them when the time comes. "

Li Na stood up, cupped her hands and then bent down to her parents.

"If I may excuse myself… I shall prepare myself for the festival. "

"Of course; enjoy." Meira waves her hand with such delight on her face.

Meira and Li Lei stretched their arms as Li Na left, having finished eating and talking with their daughter.

"Lei… What do you want to do after this? Actually, I have a few in my mind, but if you don't have anything to do, can you accompany me for the meantime?" Meira said with a shy tone.

"Hmm... Well, sure; I don't mind. But where do you want to go? " replied with such a blunt answer, while picking his teeth with a toothpick.

"I want to visit the slave market."

"Slave market? You don't mean Doleuro's market, right?"

Li Lei frowns as he glares at his wife, Meira, who faintly smiles at him.

"Jeez... You two really can't get along with each other? Calm down, ok? I won't talk to him or even try to approach him. I'm going to check the store to see how many slaves he has."

"Why do you need to? It's not like we need slaves. "

"Haizz..." Meira sighs as she's fed up with Li Lei's annoying attitude.

"Has your brain become senile because of the ages that have passed? Our granddaughter needs slaves to create a city. She needs people, alright?! I am sure Li Jing is thinking the same thing!"

Although Meira's suppressing her anger, her tone of voice can't help but to form into an annoying voice due to the fact that her husband, Li Lei, has conflict with a person named Doleuro.

"You do know… Even if that guy is a bastard, he's not a scumbag. He treated his slaves with care and only let them become part of the people. He knew that his slaves wouldn't be mistreated by them. So why are you so mad every time I mention that guy?"

"I never hated him because of that. I hated him because that bastard tried to r@pe me before! You have no idea how terrible I feel about that guy. I don't know why, but, no matter how hard I tried, I could never win against him... and always ended up in bed with him on top of me. "

As Li Lei recalled the nightmare he had been through with a man named Doleuro,

Meira, who saw his reaction, grins mischievously for a moment, and then wholeheartedly smiles.

Her whole face, along with her eyes, turned into a bully, as everything smiled upon Li Lei for hearing such amusing little things.

"Ohhh... I see. Now that's news to me. I've never heard of that before. It's no wonder that you're like that. So it's not anger, nor hatred, but fear. If I remember correctly, you and him were actually best friends before. You know what?"

Meira paused for a moment, then stood up and gazed down upon him with a mischievous smile on her face.

Li Lei caught a glimpse of her and immediately thought it was a smile of nothing but trouble.

"You... don't tell me..."

Meira sneered, then fled as she yelled before leaving the restaurant.

"You don't have to come! I'll have a long chat with him!"

"You Bitch!"

With such joy, Meira left with a smile on her face, leaving her husband extremely frustrated yet miserable and despondent.

As Meira left her husband, his daughter, Li Na, came back, along with Orthros and Alessa.

"Father, are you OK..."? Did something happen? Where's mom?"

Li Na asks about her mother while already wearing extremely well-dressed clothes: a long silk dress and a golden wig.

Li Lei doesn't have the energy to reply back, but he gathers all the tiny bit of energy left in his feelings to reply to his daughter.

"Your mom… She left... Don't worry about her... She'll be alright... For now, I'll take a rest... and hope that this is all just a dream... "

With such dejected spirit, Li Lei stood up and left, heading back to his room upstairs.

His daughter, Li Na, and Orthros, along with Alessa, had just quietly looked at Li Lei perplexedly as he left.

"Just what happened while I was gone?"

While Li Na was concerned for his father, Orthros and his daughter were quite disturbed and bewildered. What was that about?

They were curious but were afraid to ask because they might offend him if they went any further.

Thus, they chose to keep their curiosity to themselves and keep their mouth shut.

Then Li Na turns with a delightful smile on her face, immediately forgetting about her parents' matters.

She cupped her hands and bowed to Orthros.

"Sir Orthros, we will never forget your kindness that you bestowed on us. Allow me to give you something in exchange for our stay. "

Li Na gazes down at her finger where a ring is on.

At that moment, her ring gleamed and released a small amount of energy along with an item from it.

Another ring appeared on the hand of Li Na and was immediately handed over to Orthros.

"Here... Sir Orthros. There are tons of different types of herbs, spices, and tea leaves in that ring."

"Why thank you… Anyway, there's something I'd like to ask. The tournament will be held today. Won't you guys participate? My kids are planning to participate in a tournament... Since you're all here, we thought it was a good chance to test my daughters' skills and see if they're worthy enough to be your vanguard."

"Ah… about that. My deepest apologies, but, my daughter can't participate... "

A disappointed reply came from Li Na, making Orthros depressed.

"I see."

However, seeing how he reacts, Li Na speaks immediately after.

"... Sir Orthros, don't get down on yourself. My grandkids will surely participate. "

"Your grandkids?! But there is no children's tournament in every ten years of the festival...!"

Orthros was surprised and began to wry. Even his daughter Alessa was shocked to hear the response from Li Na.

What kind of grandmother would let their grandchildren participate in an adult competition where all the participants are twice their age?

Li Na smugly smiles at them and confidently approaches them like an air-headed person.

"Sir Orthros… Allow me to tell you something you don't know. My grandkids are very strong and do not know how to hold back. "

The smug face of Li Na left Orthros and Alessa speechless.

Moments later, a space hole opens!

"Alright! Let's go!"

Li Jing, Lucifer, and their kids came out of Void space at the same time, while wearing exclusive butler suits for Li Jing's kids. Both Li Jing and Lucifer were wearing luxurious modern attire.

Lucifer wears a white blazer, black long sleeves underneath, white jeans, and white shoes, while Li Jing goes in as a black silk cocktail dress embroidered with the morning sun and star threaded by golden threads, layered by a large silk silver scarf embroidered with the moon and sky threaded by golden threads and golden edges, along with the crystal shoes she's wearing.

Her alluring beauty and long silver hair were off the charts.

Li Na, along with Orthros and Alessa, had been allured by her beauty, making them stunned.

"Hmm?" Li Jing turned and caught a glimpse of her mother looking at them.

"Mother! Sorry to make you wait, but... What's with the get up, mother?"

At first, Li Jing has this enthusiasm within her, but as soon as she sees her mother's disguise, her expression immediately changes to confusion and dismay.

And thus, she looks intensely at her mother from head to toe.

Li Na, who finds it a little creepy, asks.

"W-what... is it weird that I wear this?" Li Na was jolted then responded to her daughter's agitation.

"…" Li Jing didn't respond for a moment, but instead she directly looked at her mother's eyes with a face of uncertainty.

"Mother... everything you wear is not weird, but I find it strange. Why do you need to wear a wig?"

"a-ah… this, your grandmother and grandfather suggested that I have to wear a wig."

Li Na's eyes rolled as she was afraid for her daughter to find out the real reason behind her actions.

Li Jing leaned back and sighed.

"Mother... I am warning you. But don't you dare do something troublesome while you're like that. "

With the serious eyes of Li Jing, her mother, Li Na, was startled and then frighteningly agreed with her.

"I-I understand…"

"All right, let's go!"

Li Jing turned away from her mother and looked at the kids and Lucifer with a smile on her face.

And thus, Li Jing's family left, while Li Na followed them behind, confused and bewildered.

"I am her mother… Why did my child treat me like her kid?" Thoughts by Li Na as she follows her kids from behind bewilderedly.

Orthros, who watched them leave, flustered a little bit, and then perplexedly spoke.

"I thought her daughter was already beautiful as she is; but, now... she looks like a night goddess under the morning sun."

Alessa, his daughter, just agrees with her father by nodding.

And then, it suddenly became intense, as if Orthros had spoken seriously.


"Yes, father?"

"You heard Mrs. Li Na... Tell your sisters, don't hold back. Don't underestimate them just because they're kids. "

"Father... you might not know, but we have already witnessed one of those kids' power."

Orthros was jolted by surprise, making him turn and look at his daughter intensely.

"What did you say?"

"We saw it, father... and it's terrifying. I don't think my sisters would be willing to risk their lives and participate in this year's festival. If Mrs. Li Na said that her grandkids don't know how to hold back, then I am sorry, father, but so do I too. I don't want to participate, father. Please forgive me. "

"Are her grandkids really that strong?"

She shook her head in terror and shivered in fear.

Alessa nodded and then responded.

"... Father. Can you kill a dozen magicians and magic swordsmen twice? No, ten times your strength? For a mere boy, one of those kids, killed 10 times stronger and trice of his age in an instant. "

She gulped, then spoke again with such a terrified voice.

"Father... Remember the people in House LawLor? Those Dao of Sky Dragon magic users who serve in the service of the young master Cian LawLor. "

"Yeah... I remember those guys. They tried to harm Skylyn."

"They're now dead..."

"What?! That's impossible! They may not be the best in this whole country, but it's not possible for them to die against a mere kid!"

Orthros has begun to shiver, not just in fear but in mixed feelings of joy, fear, confusion and denial.

"... Alessa. I think you don't have to worry about that anymore. "

"Eh? Why is that, father?! They're literally born as monsters!"

"I am not talking about you participating in a festival; I am talking about the kids."

Alessa looks at her father perplexedly and then asks confusingly.

"I don't understand what you are saying, father."

"Alessa... Lady Li Jing's kids are still young, but yet they are strong, as you say. Consider what they will become when they reach maturity. Then your future would be secure. "

Orthros smiles at his daughter blissfully, as he taps her shoulder.

"Father!!! You can't be serious! I am like twice the age of those kids. " A flustered response from Alessa as her face turns completely red.

"Is that even a problem? By the time he comes to his age, then, it won't be a problem. "

"I won't participate in this stupid game of yours, father! I'll tell mother about this!"

Embarrassed by her father's statement, Alessa left with mixed feelings.

"Say what you want, but I don't think you'll find anyone better than them."

Orthros was fed up with the situation and his mixed feelings of excitement.

As he looks at his daughter's silhouette leaving him, he sighs and then clenches his fist.

"Just one kid is enough. Just one. We shall have that talent in our family!"

And thus, his schemes begin...

Meanwhile, outside of the restaurant,

Lucifer and Li Jing, along with their kids and grandmother, have caught everyone's attention as they stroll around the streets.

Whispering, murmuring, and love struck as people around them were captivated by their elegant and sophisticated beauty.

Lucifer and Li Jing and her family simply ignore the attention and move forward.

As they strolled around in the city, Li Jing and Lucifer saw a group of people with very familiar faces from afar.

There is a familiar silhouette that both of them instantly recognize.

"Are those..." Says Li Jing, who is befuddled and confused from afar.

"Yeah... I think so." Perplexed and dumbfounded, Lucifer replies.

"Why… Why are they here, Lu?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Should we ignore them, Lu?"

"No, let's go talk to them."

Li Jing looks at her mother and casually grabs her kids and hands them over to her mother.

"Mom... Can you take care of them for a moment? We're just going to check some people out. I promise we will be back fast!"

Both Li Na and her kids were immediately dumbfounded, as they saw Li Jing's puzzled expression.

Li Na, who was confused for a moment, has just simply agreed.


"Thank you, mother!" A sign of relief from Li Jing, as she's very thankful for her mother's response.

Then she leans forward to see her kids.

"You guys… Behave for a moment, ok? Mommy's gonna be back later, I promise, we shall enjoy our festival as a family. "

Then Li Jing kissed each of her kids on their foreheads.

From that moment,

Li Xuan Hu casually asks, with a firmly stated

"Mother... Where are you going? Please answer us honestly, so we won't be worried. "


Li Jing gulped for a moment, then took a glance at Lucifer, who was also surprised by Li Xuan Hu's statement.

Then Li Jing glares at Li Xuan Hu and straightly answers her kid's question.

"Mom is just going to check some people and see if those are people that I've known of. So stay here with your grandmother for the meantime, and behave... okay?"

Li Jing Pat Li Xuan Hu's head and then smiled.

From that moment, Li Xuan Hu's reply was so woeful.

"I understand..."

Then Lucifer talks in the midst of it.

"Li Jing... Hurry up, before we lose sight of them."


At that moment, Li Jing stood straight, then tapped Li Xuan Hu.

"Smile... I promise I'll come back later."

And thus, Lucifer and Li Jing run off away from them.

Upon leaving her kids, Lucifer and Li Jing found themselves in front of the people who had very familiar looks.

A man with long hair parted in the middle and a long beard; with fair brown skin, light brown hair and blue eyes; wearing long white robes with baggy sleeves. (Jesus Christ)

The other one, a man with an Ushnisha head, long ears, golden complexion skin, light brown hair, and sky blue eyes, was tall, slim, with an athletic physique, wearing Kasaya robes. (Buddha)

A man with long hair and a long beard, fair skin, a firm physique, black hair and black eyes, dressed in a green Mianfu with golden edges and embroidered with dragon and sky, threaded with gold and silver strands, stood beside them. (Jade Emperor)

Among them, there's a very peculiar person who has four faces and four arms. He has a long white beard, has golden complexion skin, light brown hair, and black eyes, and wears kasaya robes and a lot of golden ornaments and items. (Brahma)

Besides a peculiar man, there are two very beautiful women wearing silk and exquisite dresses.

One is wearing a graceful and elegant white silk kimono dress, while the other one is wearing a sophisticated and magnificent pinkish Hanfu silk dress. (Amaterasu ōmikami and Xiwangmu niangniang) they have long, smooth, soft hair, fair white smooth skin, and pinkish lips and beautiful eyes.

The girl wearing a white kimono with gold and red edges is embroidered with the sun and sky. She has sophisticated golden eyes and elegant dark-blue hair.

The girl beside her, who is wearing a pinkish Hanfu silk dress, embroidered with white tiger and golden edges, has beautiful sky-blue eyes and magnificent golden hair.

As they stand behind them, the peculiar old man who has four faces notices Lucifer by one of the four faces.

So one of the four faces speaks.
