
"Jujutsu Kaisen: The Cursed Lightning"

**This is not the story of your typical edgy, Op and invincible protagonist. Everything has its development.*** Hiro Miller, an arrogant and talented young sorcerer from America, has been sent to study at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College as punishment for his reckless behavior. Under the tutelage of the legendary Satoru Gojo, Hiro is expected to learn discipline and control. However, from the moment he arrives, Hiro's cocky attitude and shameless flirting only serve to stir up trouble. He immediately sets his sights on Maki Zenin, a powerful and serious sorcerer who wants nothing to do with him. Undeterred by Maki's rejections, Hiro vows to make her fall for him by the end of the year. He boasts of his skills, plays pranks on his classmates, and generally makes a nuisance of himself, all while trying to unravel the mysteries of cursed energy. But Hiro soon learns that the world of jujutsu is far more complicated and dangerous than he realized. With powerful curses lurking in the shadows and his own abilities pushed to their limits, Hiro must learn to control his arrogance if he hopes to survive. Balancing his pursuit of Maki, his growing friendships with his classmates, and the intense demands of his training, Hiro's year at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College will test him like never before. But if anyone is up for the challenge, it's Hiro Miller. After all, he always gets what he wants... doesn't he?

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37 Chs

Hiro Vs Yuta

The golden rays of the rising sun painted Tokyo's skyline in hues of amber and rose as Hiro Miller leapt from rooftop to rooftop with effortless grace. His golden hair gleamed in the early morning light, a confident smirk playing on his lips as he reveled in his own agility and power. The cool air whipped around him, carrying the scents of the awakening city – freshly baked bread, exhaust fumes, and the faint aroma of cherry blossoms from a nearby park.

As he sailed through the air, his keen senses picked up a commotion in the street below. A woman's panicked cry pierced the relative quiet of the morning, followed by the sound of rapid footsteps. Hiro's eyes narrowed as he spotted the source of the disturbance – a man clutching a stolen purse, sprinting away from a distraught woman.

"Looks like it's time for the hero to make an appearance," Hiro muttered to himself, a mixture of excitement and righteous indignation coursing through him. Without hesitation, he altered his trajectory mid-leap, landing on a nearby lamppost with catlike grace. He used it as a springboard to launch himself directly into the path of the fleeing thief, his movements fluid and precise.

The man's eyes widened in shock as Hiro seemed to materialize out of thin air before him. Hiro stood tall, his posture exuding confidence and authority.

"Well, well," Hiro drawled, his voice laden with mock disappointment. "What do we have here? A petty thief preying on innocent civilians? How disappointing."

The thief, caught off guard by Hiro's sudden appearance and commanding presence, stumbled backwards. "W-what the hell?" he stammered, his grip on the stolen purse tightening.

Hiro's eyes flashed with a hint of electric blue as he took a step forward, his smirk widening. "I'll give you one chance to do the right thing," he said, his tone casual but laced with underlying steel. "Hand over that purse, or face the consequences."

The thief, sensing the power emanating from the young man before him, quickly reconsidered his options. With shaking hands, he held out the purse. Hiro snatched it from his grasp, his movements almost too fast for the eye to follow.

"Now, I suggest you turn yourself in to the authorities," Hiro commanded, his voice firm but not unkind. "It's never too late to choose a better path."

The thief, stunned by Hiro's words and actions, nodded slowly before turning and walking away, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Hiro watched him go, a mix of satisfaction and hope in his eyes.

Turning back, he approached the woman who had been robbed. She stood rooted to the spot, her eyes wide with a mixture of relief and awe. Hiro's expression softened, his natural arrogance tempered by genuine concern.

"I believe this belongs to you, ma'am," he said, holding out the purse with a gentle smile.

The woman reached out with trembling hands, taking the purse. "T-thank you," she stuttered, clutching the bag to her chest. "How did you...? Who are you?"

Hiro's smile widened, a hint of his usual cockiness returning. "Just someone doing his part to make the world a little safer," he replied, his tone warm but tinged with pride. Before the woman could ask any more questions, Hiro leapt upwards, easily clearing the height of a nearby building and disappearing from view.

As he resumed his journey across the rooftops, Hiro felt a surge of satisfaction. This was his purpose – to use his extraordinary abilities to protect the innocent and fight against those who would harm others. The city stretched out before him, a maze of concrete and glass, each street a potential battleground in his personal war against evil.

His vigilant eyes scanned the streets below, searching for any sign of trouble or opportunity to help those in need. It wasn't long before he spotted something that made his blood run cold. In a secluded alley, partially hidden from the main street, stood a figure radiating an aura of malevolent energy. Hiro's eyes narrowed as he recognized the telltale signs of a jujutsu sorcerer.

Without a moment's hesitation, Hiro descended from his lofty perch. He landed silently behind the sorcerer, who seemed to be in the midst of preparing some kind of curse. The air crackled with dark energy, setting Hiro's teeth on edge.

"I'm afraid I can't let you continue," Hiro called out, his voice filled with determination and a hint of righteous anger.

The sorcerer whirled around, surprise etched across his features. "Who the hell are you?" he snarled, his hands already moving to form cursed energy.

Hiro's expression hardened, his eyes gleaming with resolve. "I'm the one who's going to put an end to your evil schemes."

In a blur of motion, he closed the distance between them. His fist, crackling with electric energy, connected solidly with the sorcerer's jaw. The impact sent the man flying backwards, crashing into a stack of crates.

The sorcerer struggled to his feet, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "You'll regret interfering," he spat, his eyes burning with hatred.

Hiro stood his ground, his posture radiating confidence and determination. "The only one with regrets here will be you," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "Your reign of terror ends now."

The sorcerer unleashed a barrage of curses, each one deadly and precise. But to Hiro, they might as well have been moving in slow motion. He dodged each attack with impossible grace, his movements fluid and effortless.

"Is this the extent of your power?" Hiro called out, his voice filled with disappointment and a touch of pity. "How many innocent lives have you ruined with these parlor tricks?"

Fury contorted the sorcerer's features as he poured more power into his attacks. But Hiro was always one step ahead, his speed and agility far beyond anything the sorcerer had ever encountered.

Deciding to end the confrontation, Hiro thrust his palm forward, sending a bolt of blue lightning arcing towards his opponent. The sorcerer's eyes widened in shock and fear as the lightning struck him square in the chest. For a moment, his body convulsed, electricity coursing through him. Then, with a final, agonized cry, he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Hiro stood over the fallen sorcerer, his breathing steady but his heart heavy. A mix of satisfaction and regret played across his features as he surveyed the scene. "Another threat neutralized," he murmured. "But at what cost?"

Unbeknownst to Hiro, his actions were being closely observed. In a hidden location, Ritsu Miller watched his brother through a series of intricate cursed tools, his expression a mixture of pride and concern.

"Oh, Hiro," Ritsu murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your sense of justice, your desire to protect – it's admirable. But in this world of the Culling Game, it could also be your greatest weakness."

Ritsu's mind raced as he considered the implications of Hiro's actions. The mental manipulation he had performed was working perfectly – Hiro genuinely believed he was on a righteous mission to eliminate evil sorcerers and protect innocent civilians. But this unwavering sense of justice could potentially complicate matters.

With a sigh, Ritsu activated a communication device. "Hiro," he said, his voice echoing in Hiro's mind. "Well done on eliminating that threat. How are you feeling?"

Hiro's voice came back clear and filled with determination. "I'm fine, Ritsu. It's my duty to protect the weak with the power I've been given. These sorcerers who abuse their abilities, who threaten innocent lives – they need to be stopped. The Culling Game has turned them all into monsters."

Ritsu nodded to himself, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I understand, brother. Your dedication is admirable. Just remember to be cautious. In this game, not everything is as black and white as it seems."

As Ritsu ended the communication, he leaned back in his chair, lost in thought. Hiro's strong moral compass and heroic tendencies, while useful in many ways, could potentially become a problem if not carefully managed. He would need to keep a close eye on his brother's actions, ready to adjust the mental manipulation if necessary.

Back in the city, Hiro continued his patrol, leaping from building to building with fluid grace, each movement driven by his desire to protect and serve. The sun had risen higher now, bathing the city in warm golden light. The streets below were coming to life, filled with people going about their daily routines, blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows of the Culling Game.

As Hiro landed on a particularly tall skyscraper, something caught his eye. A figure stood on a nearby rooftop, seemingly waiting. As Hiro focused on the person, he could make out more details – a young man, perhaps around his own age, with dark circles under his eyes and a katana held loosely at his side.

Hiro's brow furrowed as he studied the newcomer, a mix of caution and curiosity in his eyes. There was something familiar about him, something that tugged at the edges of Hiro's mind. But before he could place it, the stranger's eyes locked onto him, widening in shock and disbelief.

"Hiro?" the young man called out, his voice carrying across the space between them. "You... you're alive? But how???"

Confusion washed over Hiro, quickly replaced by wary alertness. He landed lightly on the same rooftop as the stranger, his posture ready for any potential threat. "Who are you?" Hiro demanded, his voice firm but not unkind. "And how do you know my name?"

The stranger's face fell, a mixture of hurt and confusion replacing the initial shock. "Hiro, it's me, Yuta. Don't you remember? We're friends, we've fought together!"

In the hidden observation room, Ritsu tensed as he watched the scene unfold. "His old friend," he muttered under his breath. "This could be troublesome. But no matter what happens, Hiro won't break free from my mental control."

Back on the rooftop, Hiro's mind raced, but his exterior remained calm and collected. This person claimed to know him, seemed genuinely shocked to see him. But Hiro had no recollection of him, and in the context of the Culling Game, any sorcerer was a potential threat.

As he was about to respond, Ritsu's voice echoed in his mind once more.

"Hiro," Ritsu's voice was urgent, tinged with concern. "That person before you – he's a dangerous sorcerer, far more powerful than he appears. You need to eliminate him immediately. Remember, in the Culling Game, all sorcerers are your enemies."

The command cut through Hiro's confusion like a knife, aligning with his belief that he needed to protect the innocent from the dangers of the Culling Game. His eyes hardened as he focused on Yuta, seeing him now not as a confused young man, but as a threat to be neutralized – a sorcerer who needed to be stopped before he could harm others.

"I don't know who you are," Hiro said, his voice filled with determination and a hint of regret, "or why you're pretending to know me. But I know what you are – a sorcerer participating in this cruel game. And for the sake of protecting the innocent, I can't let you continue."

Yuta's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "Hiro, what are you saying? It's me, Yuta! We're friends, we've fought together against curses. Don't you remember? We're on the same side!"

But Hiro was beyond hearing. With a heavy heart but unwavering resolve, he charged towards Yuta, his fist crackling with electric energy. Yuta, caught off guard by the sudden attack, barely managed to bring his katana up in time to block the strike.

The clash of Hiro's electrically charged fist against Yuta's blade sent sparks flying. Yuta stumbled backwards, his face a mask of confusion and hurt. "Hiro, stop!" he pleaded. "I don't want to fight you! Something's wrong, this isn't you!"

Hiro's expression remained resolute, though a flicker of doubt passed through his eyes. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice tinged with genuine regret. "But in this game, there can be no mercy for sorcerers. Too many innocent lives are at stake."

With that, Hiro unleashed a relentless assault. Each punch, each kick was delivered with precision and power, but also with a sense of reluctance. It was clear that Hiro took no joy in this fight, seeing it as a grim necessity rather than a chance to prove his superiority.

Yuta found himself constantly on the defensive, using all his skill just to avoid being hit. As they fought, memories flashed through his mind – training sessions with Hiro, laughing together over meals, fighting side by side against curses. How could Hiro not remember any of this? What had happened to turn his friend into this misguided, albeit still heroic, version of himself?

In the observation room, Ritsu watched the battle unfold with a mixture of satisfaction and concern. His mental manipulation was holding strong, keeping Hiro firmly under control. But seeing Hiro fight against his former friend stirred something in Ritsu – a twinge of guilt, perhaps, or a flicker of doubt about the path he had chosen.

But he pushed these feelings aside. This was necessary, he reminded himself. For Hiro's freedom, for the greater plan. No matter the cost, he would see it through.

On the rooftop, the battle raged on. Hiro's attacks were precise and powerful, each one calculated to disable or incapacitate, but never to kill outright. It was clear that even in his misguided state, Hiro was trying to minimize harm. Yuta, still reluctant to hurt his friend, focused on defense and evasion, trying desperately to find a way to reach the Hiro he once knew.

"Hiro, please!" Yuta shouted as he narrowly dodged another lightning-fast punch. "Think about what you're doing! This isn't you! You're not just a weapon in this game, you're a protector, a friend!"

For a split second, Hiro hesitated. Something in Yuta's words, in the desperation of his plea, seemed to resonate deep within him. But before he could grasp onto that feeling, Ritsu's voice echoed in his mind once more.

"Don't listen to him, Hiro," Ritsu commanded. "He's trying to confuse you, to weaken your resolve. Remember your mission – to protect the innocent from the evils of this game. You can't falter now!"

The moment of doubt passed, washed away by the flood of Ritsu's mental manipulation and Hiro's own sense of duty. Hiro's eyes hardened once more, though a hint of sadness lingered in their depths.

"I am a protector," Hiro declared, his voice filled with conviction. "And that's why I can't let any sorcerer, no matter how familiar they might seem, continue in this cruel game. I'm sorry, but this ends now."

The tension on the rooftop was palpable as Hiro's body crackled with electric energy, his azure eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. The air around him seemed to warp and distort, charged particles dancing in erratic patterns. With a voice that held both determination and a hint of regret, he declared, "I'll end this quickly, so your death will be peaceful."

Yuta, his dark eyes widening in realization, saw the deadly seriousness in Hiro's gaze. His grip tightened on the hilt of his katana, knuckles turning white with the force of his resolve. In a whisper barely audible over the crackling electricity, he murmured, "I'm sorry, Maki. It's him or us."

In a blur of motion, Hiro launched himself forward, his body becoming a living bolt of lightning. But Yuta was ready. In one fluid motion, he slipped a ring onto his finger, releasing a surge of cursed energy that engulfed the rooftop. The air shimmered as Rika materialized beside him, her otherworldly form a stark contrast to the urban landscape.

Rika's massive hands shot out, intercepting Hiro's charge. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shattering nearby windows and sending a rain of glass cascading to the streets below. Her voice, filled with confusion and pain, echoed across the battlefield. "Why? Why do you want to hurt Yuta?"

Hiro's response was swift and merciless. He gripped Rika's arms, his hands glowing with intense electrical energy. In an instant, a massive surge of electricity coursed through Rika's form, causing her to writhe in agony. The air filled with the acrid smell of ozone and the sound of her anguished cries.

Seizing the moment, Yuta utilized his cursed speech. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as he uttered a single, powerful word: "Stop!"

The command hit Hiro like a physical force, sending him crashing to the rooftop. Concrete cracked and splintered beneath him, creating a small crater where he landed. Yuta, panting heavily, his mouth stained with blood, thought to himself, 'Damn it, Hiro has too much power. But for some reason, he hasn't used his techniques. If he really wanted to end this quickly as he said, he would have used his Domain Expansion or that golden technique he used against Sukuna.'

Before Yuta could capitalize on the moment, Hiro was back on his feet, his body once again a blur of motion. Yuta swung his katana in a wide arc, but Hiro vanished in a flash of electricity, leaving only a crackling afterimage.

In the blink of an eye, Hiro reappeared behind Yuta, wrapping his arms around his former friend's waist. Without hesitation, he leapt from the building, both of them plummeting towards the street below. They were enveloped in a cocoon of electric energy, Hiro's power creating a dazzling light show as they fell.

Moments before impact, Hiro released Yuta and unleashed a powerful lightning bolt directly into his abdomen. The force of the attack sent Yuta hurtling into the street below, creating a massive explosion of electrical energy upon impact. The asphalt cracked and melted, nearby streetlights exploded in showers of sparks, and parked cars had their alarms triggered by the electromagnetic pulse.

Hiro landed gracefully atop a nearby car, the metal frame crumpling beneath his feet like tinfoil. The street was a scene of chaos - windows of nearby buildings were shattered, small fires had broken out, and the air was thick with smoke and the smell of burning rubber.

From the center of the crater, Yuta emerged, his clothes tattered and singed. His wounds began to close as he activated his Reverse Curse Technique. With a grim smile, he acknowledged, "Not bad."

Hiro didn't waste a moment. He launched himself at Yuta, his fist crackling with energy. Yuta managed to dodge the initial strike, grabbing Hiro's arm and attempting to throw him. But Hiro's reflexes were lightning-fast. He twisted in mid-air, his foot connecting solidly with Yuta's head.

Landing in a crouch, Hiro swept Yuta's legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground. As Yuta struggled to his feet, Hiro was there, delivering a devastating punch to his solar plexus that drove the air from his lungs.

Rika, materializing behind Hiro, attempted to grab him. But Hiro was too quick. He leapt upwards, spinning in the air before unleashing a Black Flash directly into Rika's form. The cursed energy technique, amplified by Hiro's electrical power, sent Rika reeling backward, her agonized cries echoing through the devastated street.

Yuta, gasping for breath, realized the gravity of their situation. 'Hiro might not have access to his techniques, but he's still incredibly fast. His body remembers how to fight, even if his mind doesn't. I never could beat him in hand-to-hand combat during our training sessions, and neither could Maki or anyone else. It's his specialty.'

Deciding to end this before it got worse, Yuta began channeling cursed energy to his fingertips, forming a cannon of pure malevolent power. "This ends here, Hiro," he declared, his voice heavy with resignation.

Hiro, seeing the energy gathering at Yuta's fingertips, quickly assessed the situation. 'If I take a direct hit from that, I could die,' he thought. His mind raced, searching for a way to counter this new threat.

Unbeknownst to both Hiro and Ritsu, who was watching from afar, Hiro's electrical brain activity still held fragments of his memories and knowledge. As he delved deeper into his subconscious, searching for a solution, he stumbled upon the remnants of his techniques.

Almost instinctively, Hiro extended his right hand. A sphere of purple electricity began to form, growing larger and more intense with each passing second. A look of surprise and excitement crossed Hiro's face as he realized the potential of this rediscovered technique. "What the hell is this attack?" he mused aloud, a hint of his old cockiness creeping into his voice. "I could level the entire city with this."

Yuta's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the technique. For a moment, he hesitated, the memory of Hiro's power giving him pause. But there was no turning back now. With a cry of determination, Yuta unleashed his cannon of cursed energy.

Simultaneously, Hiro launched his purple lightning bolt. The two attacks met in mid-air, creating a cataclysmic collision of energies. The point of impact became a swirling vortex of purple electricity and dark, malevolent power. Windows for blocks around shattered under the pressure, and the very air seemed to distort and warp.

For a few seconds, the two energies seemed evenly matched, pushing against each other in a dazzling display of raw power. But then, slowly but surely, Hiro's purple lightning began to gain ground. It pushed back against Yuta's cursed energy, inch by inch, until finally, it broke through.

The purple lightning, now even more powerful after absorbing some of Yuta's energy, struck its target dead on. The resulting explosion was nothing short of apocalyptic. A dome of purple energy expanded outward, vaporizing everything in its path. Cars were tossed into the air like toys, buildings crumbled as if made of sand, and the street itself was torn asunder, leaving a massive crater in the heart of Tokyo.

As the dust began to settle, Hiro stood at the edge of the destruction, panting heavily from the exertion. His clothes were tattered, his hair singed, but his eyes still glowed with that eerie electric light. He waved his hand, dissipating the smoke to reveal the aftermath of his attack.

In the center of the crater lay Yuta, battered and barely conscious. Rika hovered over him, her spectral form trying desperately to heal his wounds. Hiro approached them slowly, his footsteps echoing in the eerie silence that had fallen over the devastated street.

"It was a good fight," Hiro acknowledged, genuine respect in his voice despite his misguided intentions. He began to form another purple lightning bolt in his hand, the energy crackling ominously. "But this is where it ends."

Yuta, barely able to keep his eyes open, saw the impending attack and closed his eyes, bracing for the end. But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

In a blur of motion almost too fast for the eye to follow, a figure appeared behind Hiro. There was a flash of steel, and suddenly, a sword was protruding from Hiro's abdomen. Hiro's eyes widened in shock, the purple energy dissipating from his hand as he looked over his shoulder at his attacker.

Standing there, her face a mask of determination and barely concealed pain, was a woman with short hair and a face marked by scars. Despite the gravity of the situation, a small smile played on Hiro's lips. "Do I know you?" he asked, his voice strained but still carrying a hint of his characteristic charm.

Maki's voice was tight with emotion as she replied, "More than I'd like you to." Without warning, Hiro sent a powerful electric current surging through the blade. Maki quickly withdrew the sword and leapt back, her hands smoking slightly from the intensity of the shock.

Hiro turned to face her fully, his hand going to the wound in his abdomen. "A soul-cutting blade," he observed, his tone a mixture of admiration and frustration. "I won't be able to heal this with my Reverse Curse Technique."

Maki stood her ground, her posture tense and ready for action. Yuta, struggling to sit up, called out weakly, "Maki, Hiro... Hiro's not himself."

"I know," Maki responded, her eyes never leaving Hiro. "I saw everything."

Hiro's gaze swept over Maki, taking in her battle-ready stance and the determination in her eyes. "Let me guess," he said, a hint of his old cockiness creeping into his voice despite the pain of his wound. "You're going to say you knew me too? Well, as a sorcerer, I'm afraid I'll have to eliminate you... even if you are quite beautiful."

Maki's grip on her sword tightened, her knuckles turning white. "You never stop spouting nonsense, do you?" she retorted, but there was a flicker of pain in her eyes that belied her harsh words.

The air between them crackled with tension, not just from Hiro's electrical energy, but from the weight of their shared history - a history that Hiro could no longer remember. The devastated street around them was a fitting backdrop for this confrontation, the broken buildings and shattered pavement a physical manifestation of their fractured relationship.

Maki's mind raced as she assessed the situation. She had watched the entire fight from afar, her heart breaking as she saw Hiro, the man she loved, attack their friend with such ruthless efficiency. The Hiro she knew was still in there somewhere - his fighting style, his quick wit, even the way he looked at her with that mixture of admiration and challenge. But his memories, his sense of right and wrong, had been twisted beyond recognition.

As they faced each other in the ruins of the street, the weight of their past hung heavy in the air. Memories flashed through Maki's mind - stolen moments of tenderness between missions, heated sparring sessions that turned into something more, quiet nights spent planning for a future they both hoped to share. All of it, gone in an instant, replaced by this cruel facsimile of the man she loved.

Hiro, oblivious to the turmoil in Maki's heart, settled into a fighting stance. His body crackled with electrical energy, small arcs of lightning dancing across his skin. Despite the serious wound in his abdomen, he showed no signs of backing down. "Shall we dance, then?" he asked, a challenging smirk on his face.

Maki's response was to raise her sword, its edge glinting in the light of Hiro's electrical aura. "If that's what it takes to bring you back," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The devastated street became a battleground once more as Maki launched herself at Hiro with fierce determination. Her blade whistled through the air, aimed directly at Hiro's chest. But Hiro's reflexes were superhuman. He deflected the sword with his bare hand, electricity crackling around his palm and protecting him from the razor-sharp edge.

In one fluid motion, Hiro spun around Maki's attack, his hand shooting out to grasp her face. With a burst of strength, he slammed her into the ground, the impact creating a small crater in the already battered asphalt. Electricity surged from his fingertips, coursing through Maki's body. She writhed in agony, her muscles spasming uncontrollably as the current ravaged her nervous system.

Just as Maki's vision began to darken, a massive metallic fist came hurtling through the air, connecting solidly with Hiro's side and sending him flying. He crashed through the wall of a nearby building, disappearing in a cloud of dust and debris.

Maki, gasping for breath, looked up to see the towering form of a robotic puppet - Mechamaru. The automaton's voice, tinged with both hope and frustration, rang out across the battlefield. "Hey, Hiro! How about you snap out of it already?"

Emerging from the rubble, Hiro brushed off his clothes, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "Another supposed friend? Come on, don't you have a better plan than this?"

Before he could say more, Maki was on her feet again. She charged at Hiro, her fist cocked back for a devastating blow. Hiro met her attack head-on, their fists colliding with earth-shattering force. The ground beneath their feet cracked and splintered, windows for blocks around shattered from the shockwave.

"You're quite strong," Hiro admitted, genuine admiration in his voice despite the circumstances.

Mechamaru, observing the clash, provided commentary for Yuta, who was still recovering nearby. "Maki is physically superior to us, but it doesn't matter against Hiro. He's much faster and more skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Not even Satoru Gojo can match Hiro's speed. Plus, Hiro became even stronger after his fight with Sukuna."

As if to prove this point, Mechamaru unleashed a massive cannon of cursed energy at Hiro. The beam of malevolent power tore through the air, but Hiro didn't even bother to dodge. He stood his ground, allowing the attack to wash over him. When the energy dissipated, Hiro stood unscathed, his body crackling with even more electrical energy than before.

Suddenly, Yuta reappeared from above, his katana aimed directly at Hiro's head. With inhuman speed, Hiro caught the blade between his palms, coating his hands with cursed energy to prevent the cut. A cocky grin spread across his face as he locked eyes with Yuta. "Recovered already, have we?"

What followed was a whirlwind of violence as the three fighters engaged Hiro simultaneously. Yuta pulled his sword free and unleashed a flurry of slashes, each one aimed at a vital point. Hiro weaved between the strikes, electricity trailing in his wake like a living lightning bolt.

Maki flanked Hiro, her fists and feet a blur of motion as she unleashed a barrage of devastating blows. Each impact shook the air, creating small shockwaves that further damaged the surrounding area. Hiro matched her speed, blocking or deflecting each strike with precision.

Mechamaru provided support from a distance, firing off blasts of cursed energy and physical projectiles. The air was filled with the sound of explosions and the acrid smell of ozone as Hiro's electricity met Mechamaru's attacks head-on.

Despite being outnumbered, Hiro seemed to be in his element. He moved with fluid grace, his body twisting and turning to avoid attacks from all sides. His own counterattacks were swift and merciless. An elbow to Yuta's solar plexus sent the sorcerer stumbling back, gasping for air. A roundhouse kick caught Maki in the side, the impact amplified by electrical energy that sent her crashing through a nearby storefront.

Mechamaru, seeing an opening, charged forward, his massive metal fist cocked back for a powerful blow. But Hiro was ready. He ducked under the punch and placed his palm against Mechamaru's chest. With a burst of concentrated electrical energy, he sent a surge through the robot's systems.

Mechamaru's form convulsed, sparks flying from every joint. His voice distorted and warped as he called out, "I'm sor-ry, ev-ery-one. I can't-" Before he could finish, his systems overloaded. The robot collapsed in a heap of smoking metal and circuits, effectively neutralized.

Maki emerged from the ruined storefront, blood trickling from a cut on her forehead. She charged at Hiro once more, her eyes burning with determination. Hiro met her charge, his fist connecting with hers in another earth-shattering collision. But this time, Hiro followed through with his other hand, unleashing a devastating Black Flash directly into Maki's abdomen.

The cursed energy technique, amplified by Hiro's electrical power, sent Maki flying backward. She crashed through several buildings before finally coming to a stop, her body leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

Yuta, having regained his breath, looked at Hiro with a mixture of desperation and resolve. "I didn't want to do this, Hiro," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "But you've left me no choice. Domain Expansion: Pure Love."

The world around them shifted as Yuta's Domain took effect. The devastated street was replaced by a surreal landscape, katanas buried hilt-deep in the ground as far as the eye could see. Yuta grasped one of the swords and launched himself at Hiro, his blade singing through the air.

Hiro, however, merely smiled. "What a shame," he said, his voice tinged with what almost sounded like disappointment.

Without warning, a massive bolt of purple lightning descended from the sky. It tore through Yuta's Domain like tissue paper, shattering the carefully constructed technique as if it were nothing more than an illusion. The lightning struck Yuta and Rika directly, enveloping them in a cocoon of destructive electrical energy.

The resulting explosion was catastrophic. It created a massive crater where Yuta and Rika had been standing, sending out a shockwave that leveled buildings for several blocks in every direction. Debris rained down from the sky, smoke and dust obscuring the battlefield.

As the chaos settled, Hiro's voice cut through the silence. "I left a purple lightning bolt floating up there, just in case," he explained, as casually as if he were discussing the weather. "Always good to have a backup plan."

He walked towards the center of the crater, where Yuta lay broken and barely conscious. With deliberate slowness, Hiro picked up Yuta's own katana. He looked down at his former friend, a flicker of something - regret? sadness? - passing across his face before being replaced by cold determination.

Without a word, Hiro plunged the katana into Yuta's heart. Yuta's eyes widened in shock and pain, his life force ebbing away with each passing second. But as he looked up at Hiro, a small, sad smile formed on his lips. "At least," he whispered, his voice barely audible, "I died facing my best friend."

Hiro's expression remained impassive as he turned to face Rika. The cursed spirit was wailing in anguish, her spectral form flickering with grief and rage. Hiro extended his hand towards her, his voice cold and clinical as he uttered two words: "Blue Lightning."

A sphere of intense blue electrical energy formed in his palm before launching towards Rika. The attack struck her dead center, its purifying energy tearing through her cursed form. Rika's wails reached a fever pitch before suddenly cutting off, her form dissipating into nothingness as she was finally, truly exorcised.

The silence that followed was deafening. The devastated cityscape, now little more than a wasteland of broken concrete and twisted metal, seemed to hold its breath. Then, the sound of footsteps broke the quiet.

Maki emerged from the ruins, her body battered and bloodied but her spirit unbroken. She took in the scene before her - Yuta's lifeless body, the absence of Rika, the destruction that surrounded them. Her voice, when she spoke, was barely above a whisper, filled with horror and disbelief. "Hiro... No..."

Hiro turned to face her, his body still crackling with residual electrical energy. His eyes, once warm and full of love when they looked at her, now held only cold determination. "Don't worry," he said, his voice devoid of emotion. "You're next."

Maki's grip on her sword tightened, her knuckles turning white. She knew she was outmatched, knew that Hiro's power far exceeded her own. But she also knew that she couldn't give up. Not on Hiro, not on the man she loved, even if he couldn't remember that love.

"Hiro," she said, her voice steadier now, filled with determination. "I know you're still in there somewhere. The real you. The man I love. And I'm going to bring you back, no matter what it takes."

For a brief moment, something flickered in Hiro's eyes - a flash of recognition, perhaps, or a glimmer of the man he used to be. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced once more by that cold, calculating gaze.

"Love?" Hiro scoffed, electricity dancing between his fingertips. "That's just another weakness to be exploited. But if you insist on clinging to such childish notions, then come. Show me the strength of your love."

With those words, Hiro charged forward, his body becoming a living bolt of lightning. Maki met his charge head-on, her sword raised and her heart steeled for the fight of her life. As they clashed once more, the very air seemed to ignite with the intensity of their conflict, a battle not just of strength and skill, but of memory and emotion, of love and duty.

The fate of Hiro's soul, and perhaps the fate of the world itself, hung in the balance as these two warriors, once lovers and now adversaries, engaged in their desperate, heartbreaking dance of combat.