
1. 1000 years...

I don't know how I became like this but, as long as, my memories go, I was always like this.

I seem to have forgotten about something but whenever I try to remember it, my head hurts so much that, it's like someone is drilling it using a machine.

It's been a 1000 years now so, I'm at least that old but even back then, I looked like this.

Jade-like fair skin which appears to be a little pale because of my inherent constitution, red lips like the colour of fresh blood and glittering dark eyes just like the countless of dark nights I've lived, beautiful yet lonely.

I have been alone since a long time, due to my natural instincts that are carved into my bones, I forced myself to stay in an isolated island, so that, I won't harm someone when my desires run wild.....

I know I'm abnormal and not human but still, just like them, I do get lonely.

In this godforsaken island, I've spent the 1000 years of my live cultivating and cultivating some more.

Though I was lonely and had an inkling that I have forgotten something really important still I persevered and after a 1000 years, due to my high cultivation, I'm now able to control my desires and am able to live without the 'food' I need, at least something good came out from this.

I've always asked myself, why am I going through so much pain? I should just give up on my life and believe me, I tried...but the world didn't allow me to die just like that.

Even when I tried to impale my heart, which stopped beating the day I regained consciousness 1000 years ago, some unknown force came into effect and my hands just didn't budge.

After failing for some time, I also gave up on it....

Living life alone for so long, of course, had certain effects on me.

I haven't said a word ever since because there is no one to talk...

Even though I have been alone ever since... I don't cope well with it...

I cried for years but after so long they have dried up....

It feels like I am suffering from facial paralysis...I forgot how to smile.


When I woke up a 1000 year ago, I found myself in front of a huge dome, it was still lit up but there was no one there.

It was like living a nightmare where you were the only being on earth...and to make it worse, I felt huge changes going through my body, changes that will be stuck to me for eternity like a curse. I felt my heart stop beating, my body going cold, colder than normal beings like the blood that should be rushing through me stopped its flow and I could sense humans from where I was, even though there was no one near there, now that I think about it, it did make sense, I was not sensing humans themselves but the thing that flowed through them, their blood, my food.

Yes, I instinctively knew that I was a vampire...but I didn't quite remember what I was doing there or who I was?

But before I could give much thought to it, I felt my throat dry up...ah~ I needed blood.....

I knew that it was in my nature but I also knew that I shouldn't hurt humans and should not drink their blood, it's just that a part of my heart was very reluctant to do it.

I chose to fled the place but before I did, I saw a black box by my side.

It was neither big nor small, a note was pasted on it with a single "V".

Somehow I felt a deep connection with it and before I knew it, I was fleeing that place with a speed that should not be possible for a normal human with the box in hand...

A fleeting thought surfaced into my mind, "Where are you, hyung?"

But I didn't know who it was meant for, it was pure reflex on my part and the situation I was in didn't allow me to give it too much thought...

That was the first day of my life...

I fled that place, that country and found myself an island to live in, away from people and the world.

I didn't mind being alone though I was lonely, still, I couldn't let myself hurt someone.

It's been too long that the time back then feels like fragments of a dream rather than reality....

I tried opening the box but couldn't.

I know it might have some clues to my past and myself...but it never opened even though I tried everything I could, it was just like my memories from my past, it was tightly locked....

I'll be done with this story by tomorrow.

It's a short story...

Happy Reading!!

AtsukiJooucreators' thoughts