
MC Minor Information

Name: Seth

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Original Skills: [Awareness 3], [Empathy 1], [Calm Mind 2], [OCD 3]

[Awareness]: You have a heightened awareness of your situation and the space around you.

[Empathy]: You have an increased understanding of the emotions of others and yourself

[Calm Mind]: You can think calmly under pressure

[OCD]: You can notice minor things out of place

Talent: Gifted

Physical Attributes: Above Average

Personality Traits:

• Pussy: Seth is the first person to run away when danger is around or if he feels something is off, he would just as easily leave you for dead if he was getting chased

 Selfish: Seth doesn't really like sharing all that much

• Disrespectful: Seth doesn't say it aloud much, he can and will, but he mostly speaks badly about others in his mind

• Loyal: Seth is actually very loyal to those he acknowledges, being selfish and leaving those for dead doesn't exist to those he acknowledges

• Truthful: Seth doesn't like to lie, he can, but most of the things that come out of his mouth he truly believes

• Respectful: Seth actually speaks very respectfully towards others as long as you don't piss him off

• Shameless: Seth if proven wrong or if overpowered would easily and shamelessly give up, if confronted by Negan and asked who he was, Seth would easily say he was Negan

• Nice: Seth has a sort of compassion for others, this compassion doesn't take precedence over himself of course, but he is not one to just watch people suffer for no reason

• Lazy: Seth doesn't like to over-exert himself

• Prideful/Spiteful: When it comes down to it, the only way Seth would put in his all for something is in spite, his pride not to lose and his spite against that person will have him breaking limits

• Nonchalant Fr: Seth does doesn't care much for what doesn't concern him, if anything, things he doesn't care about might as well not exist

Subtle Quirks:

• Foot Tapping: Seth taps his foot rapidly when stressed

• Apologizing: Seth unconsciously insults people in his mind, and immediately apologies in his mind afterward

• Separate Thoughts: Pretty much just intrusive thoughts taken to the next level, almost split personality but not that far

• Perceptive: Seth is normally very quiet and because of that he is intuned with his surroundings, understanding a lot of things from minor information around him. This is not always correct but he simply builds on that to make it more correct, and in the end it normally puts him in the right direction

• OCD: Seth absolutely despises being dirty, and dirty environments, especially bugs