
"Her Path" [GL]

Prologue "In this Kingdom, a daughter shall be born, Blessed and cursed, a Saintess not of royal blood. Beware, for she may bring victory or doom. The sky darkened by the eclipse with a shining star on above. A noble with great wisdom will bring justice or calamity" Those words of an angel lingers in the mind of the emperor as he looks into the night sky with a cup of tea in his right hand. The prophecy or the warning given by an angel is not new to them. Many witnessed that those words came from a messenger on high. "Your majesty, you think deeply of those words." A beautiful lady spoke as she walked toward the man who was quietly sitting on the balcony of the huge palace. "My queen, we both know that those words are warnings. We cannot make an enemy of the person who is favored by Heaven. The questions are, when will that child be born? What family will she be born in? Is it a noble or a commoner?" The king responded to his wife. You will feel the dignity and a mix of anxiousness in his words. "My king, I believe that whenever that time will come, we will make sure that our kingdom will welcome her with pride and compassion. She will be your subject and will lead the wars." Reassured the woman. The king closed his eyes and took a deep breath, praying sincerely in his heart that the decade old Kingdom will be blessed once the woman of prophecy borne instead of calamity and annihilation. -~- Azmaveth Assfrior Ryne vi Quillion was borne with powers. A child that is favoured by gods. A person, whose life is set in stone. What will happen if she tried going against it? What are the consequences in trying to make her own decisions? Is she just an instrument? Or what if it's all just a big misunderstanding? "Who am I?" Her question to herself.

just_ryne · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 - Monster?

"I told you. Only the princess. Why is there another child there? And a nanny? Seriously?" I heard someone from outside.

"Boss, the younger one is holding the princess tight. Should I cut their arms?" The other responded.

"What the — they are kids, you moron. Let's continue to transport them."

The door opened and now I see where we are. A small storehouse. The maid that was with us had blood on her forehead. The princess was tied up while she was sleeping. They use sleeping potions.

These imbeciles! They will pay for this.


Argh! My head hurts. I opened my eyes and two guys were in the doorway. The daughter of the duke is standing in front of me. And a maid is beside me bleeding!

Mother! Father! These are scary.


3rd Person POV

The princess started to cry. The men pulled the bleeding maid as if an animal that was hunted by a hunter.

The maid started to open her eyes however one of the men pulled a knife and killed the maid.

"Ahhhhhhhh" The princess shouted while crying.

"Stay behind me. Stop crying" the child with silver hair and some linings of red said while getting closer in front of the princess, she acting as a shield. "Who are you? And what do you want?"

The men stop throwing the dead body of the maid, look at the small child, look at each other and laugh. "Hahahaha. We want this kingdom to be like that woman. Little kid. So be obedient and follow what we will say." The man said.

"Don't take another step, bastard. You will regret this." The voice of the small child is trying to warn and scare the two men that quadruple her size.

"And what will you do my lady?" The other man said teasingly and laughed again. He walked towards them and got the princess. "You see, acting as a cool hero for your age is a joke." And they laugh again.

"Don't take her away you monster." Azmaveth said firmly.

"Or what?" And they laugh again. "Do you want to say another word to your friend princess?" The man said to the crying princess. But because of how horrible for a 5 year old child of what things they are experiencing she can't utter a word. She keeps on crying. "Kill the other one, we don't need that kid" the man who has the princess commanded the other man.

"Sure boss. Easy peasy" the underling said while he held his dagger. "Sorry kid. You're not gonna live another day. Any last words?"

"Give me back the princess and you will live." Said the child. Something is different from the way she said it that the two men paused.

Little do they know the rainbow colored eyes of the girl slowly became red and black. Red on her right eye and black on the other.

"Kill that kid immediately." the man said.

The next thing they know a hand with a dagger fell on the floor and blood gushed from where it was chopped. "Arggghh!" The voice of the man was heard. He looked at the child that he was supposed to kill and an aura of blackness emitting from the child was visible. "D-demon!" And that was the last word of the man.

The other one started running for his life as he couldn't believe what he saw. There was a monster. No, it's not a monster but a demon. "Shut up you good for nothing princess" the man is irritated by the crying princess. "Augck!" Blood gushed from the man's mouth and his half body is missing.

The princess fell on the ground. Azmaveth walked to the dead body of the man who kidnapped them. "I warned you but you didn't listen." The child said and she fell unconscious. The princess who was shocked and terrified fell unconscious as well.


Azmaveth POV

I can feel my clothes getting wet. I opened my eyes and it's dark and raining. I looked around me. I saw a dead person. His body was cut in half. And the princess. I remove the rope from her feet and hands.

With my small body, and my magic I cast a spell to lighten the princess and strengthen me then I carry her. I called a bird to look where we should go and then walk.


3rd person POV

Azmaveth walked towards the closest knight they could find.

She doesn't know how long she was walking with some rest in between then a knight who was patrolling or looking for the missing princess and daughter of a duke spotted the two kids.

"Over here!" The knight shouted while he ran toward the child who was carrying another child on her back. Both are wet and dirty. "Your highness, my lady." Before Azmaveth could have said anything, because of the fatigue she then fell down to the arm of the knight.

The incident was reported. However, the King and Duke Quillon concealed what happened to the 2 men who kidnapped the 2 children. The people of the Kingdom are now relieved that the 2 children are now safely at home. Little do they know that the effects of the incident lingers on some of the kingdom.