

It was the Year 3020 when the earth declared world war VII. Nuclear weapons were used to defend or destroy enemy countries, it was total chaos. The war ended however the damage was far to great that earth was full of radiatioactive residues from the atomic weapons. One more problem is that Earth's Core was already faltering. Earth has lost its magnetic field and the core stopped spinning. Humanity was on the brink of extinction

2 years later a human named Eric Arkanov discovered elements (The life and death Element) that will soon propel human evolution further and with reverse engineering he found a dimension something that sustains life capable of being the host of the parasitic civilization of humanity. The World Union that ended the war united humanity once again to enter the dimension through a technology derived from a particle accelerator .

1.7 million entity has been identified, preparing system gene injection. This is what everyone heard as they entered the realm. Humans discovered that thid world was inhabited with beast from highly Intelligent to creatures that only move through instinct. Weapons werent much of a use and not even explosives work on them. Eric used the elements to create 7 artifacts using his knowledge on new elements thus discovering the fact that killing and eating the flesh of beast made them stronger, faster and have a longer lifespan. It also had the chance of dropping a crystal that contains an ability or an innate armor even shapeshifting into a monster wasnt impossible. They also discovered a system giving them bit of knowledge about their bodies before and after changes.

At some point Humans were once again conquering the lands and due to killing many beast they discovered that they could evolve and their were many types of "genes" that would determine how strong you would get but this also means the stronger the beast the stronger the gene. Slowly understanding the concept of the world Eric Arkanov, the great scientist, created a category system for the people to understand the threat level of a beast and how benefitting it would be to them if ever they take it down.

According to him "genes" are divided by category and those are:

Normal genes, a normal gene grants you a bit of strength. It is said that one gene grants strength enabling you to carry a 5kg dumbell (not counting the innate strength)

so to evolve it would need 100 "genes" so a normal gene evolve would have 500kg of strength

Fierce genes, a fierce gene grants you inhuman strength and provides increases your defense a bit. It is said that one gene grants strength worth 20kg (not counting the innate strength)

so to evolve it would need 100 "genes" so a normal gene evolve would have 2000kg of strength. Unlike normal genes Fierce genes and above have a chance of dropping ability crystals. When broken you will immediately get the ability. Ability is also divided by category which is Commom, Rare, Epic, Sacred, Divine, Universal grade. The fierce gene monsters has a chance of dropping a common, rare and epic.

Hybrid genes, they grant you a 100kg of strength and a defense able to sustain bullets from a high powered gun. ( 100kg per gene)

The skin gets harder but still smooth (per gene). The hybrid gene monsters have a chance of dropping an Rare or Epic ability.

Sacred genes, they grant you 200kg of strength per gene and enhanced defense and enhanced senses per gene. They might drop ability with Epic rarity.

Celestial genes, they grant you 500kg of strength per gene. They enhance senses and defense. Enable you to fly for a period of time (increases duration per gene). Celestial genes have a chance of dropping Sacred - Divine ability

Last but not the least Dimensional gene, It gives you 5000kg of strength per gene. Enhance senses and defense. permanent ability of flight once 50 dimensional gene or above is reached. Regeneration increases per gene (can regrow limbs and other parts of the body). Each gene has a regeneration enhancement however compared to dimensional gene they are worlds apart. Dimensional gene beast might drop a Sacred, Divine or Universal grade ability.

Beasts are also classified into groups. There are Normal, Fierce, Hybrid, Sacred, Celestial, and Dimensional. You get different genes if you kill a different class beast. It is also not guaranteed that a beast will give genes nor an ability. Beast has also the ability to evolve into a higher grade.

Human also evolve base on their genes.

when a gene reaches 100 humans will evolve but that will depend on the person if he/she wants to evolve. The lifespan also increases along with your gene. A person with normal gene evolve they would simply be called evolver while a person with max fierce genes will be called High Human. A person with max hybrid would be called hybrid but a person with Max sacred genes would be called Noble While a person with max celestial gene would be called a celestial. The dimensional gene evolver would be called dimensional guardian. Everytime a person evolve their genes resets to zero but still retains their strength and powers. The final form to which they will evolve hasnt been known yet


Many Years have passed since the arrival of humans they also named the World Arkanov to give respect to Eric Arkanov who gave them a new start and hope.

Now Eric is very old and weak therefore he handed the 7 artifacts that he made to the 7 strongest warriors in the land. "Guard this treasure for they will send humanity to greater heights. They are the key to our evolution" he said this as he slowly closed his eyes and passed away. The people mourned for months for the death of one of their savor and could be said to be the greatest mind humanity ever had.

"I have no experience on writing a story and english is not my first language so please bear with it for now and pls tell me your suggestions on my writing :)"