
"Caught in the Web of the Spider."

Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. Will include MCEU and more.

Carl_One · Cómic
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186 Chs

Chapter 3:

I put on Peter's best clothes, which was a t-shirt under an open buttoned plaid shirt and jeans. It wasn't fancy, but it was sadly the least nerdy thing Peter had. I was so going to have to change his entire wardrobe. I also discovered I didn't need glasses, no surprise there. At least now I wouldn't look like a total nerd.

I was ready by ten, and honestly I was excited as hell. This was Mary Jane Watson for God's sake! The girl of Peter's dreams! The woman who he'll one day marry! Sure there was that whole bullshit redcon thing, but fuck that!

I honestly didn't know why I was so excited. Maybe it was because I was going to meet a pretty girl, maybe it was because I wanted to see Mary Jane in real life. I honestly didn't know what I should expect, I wasn't going to be Spider-man, would she still like me?...Did I even want her to like me?

What am I saying, of course I did.

But the fact remains, it was ten, I still had two hours to kill. So with nothing else to do I sat down before the couch and turned on the TV, surfing channelled until I reached the NEWS.

The anchor spoke, "billionaire Tony Stark, also known as the superhero Iron Man, was see in Flushing Meadows in Queens today working on what many assumes to be a new expo. Not much in know about this expo, on scene reporters and bystanders have however snapped several photos and posted it online, these include pictures of Mr. Stark in his signature Iron Man suit, helping construct various attractions. Though we don't know what this expo will bring, many assume it will announcing the launch of his suits for public commercialisation."

My eyes went wide, the Stark expo, the beginning of Iron Man 2, guess I was in the Marvel cinematic universe.

I kept listening to the anchor as she went on and on about Stark's tech and how the government was growing worried about them. I knew there was nothing to worry about, Tony was an okay enough guy, but I did understand why they were scared. They didn't realise aliens were real and they would need a hero like him helping them out.

This also meant something for me, I was in the Marvel cinematic universe, and I wasn't a kid. If Sony didn't hoard the rights to Spider-man then Spidey would have been introduced to the MCU much sooner, I guessI now live in a world like that.

I whiled away two hours like that, learning more about this world I now found myself in, and soon the clock struck 12. May arrived just in time, dressed in her Sunday best and nodded at me, "I'm glad you decided to dress up Peter, I just know you'll make such a nice impression."

I blushed at the comment and followed her out. We crossed the road and knocked on the door of the house directly across from us. A few moments later, Anna Watson, a kind older lady with grey hair and a warm smile welcomed us.

"Ah Peter! So nice to see you! I heard about your little accident are you sure you're alright to be up and about?"

I smirked, "I'll be fine. I was just a spider bite."

"Oh that's my Peter," May smiled, "when I told him about Mary Jane he was so excited! Practically jumped at the chance!"

A blush grew across my face as I glared at May, "aunt May! Stop!" In response the old lady just giggled, crazy old woman.

"Well come on in then," Anna invited us in, showing us her home. It was homely, pretty pictures hanging up, a TV and fully furnished with antique looking furniture.

Just then a girl with wet hair came rushing down the stairs, two at a time, wearing green shorts and a purple tank top, holding a hair dryer. "Aunt Anna, the damn thing's broken again-"

She stopped as she realised she wasn't alone. I looked at her, and her eyes landed on me, widening in alarm. They were so green, her wet red hair clung to her scalp making her look that much more desirable.

I couldn't help it, it was the perfect timing, I whistled and smiled, "damn, looks like I just hit the jackpot."

Her face turned red as she blushed. May and Anna looked surprised, guess they never thought Peter had it in him. I chuckled at the silence, "so, you're Mary Jane?"

The girl nodded, "y-yeah. Hi.

I nodded and looked down at the hair dryer, "not working?"

"Ahm, yeah, it just kind of stopped," she nodded slowly.

I held out my hand and she passed it over, I took a look at it and using Peter's remarkable knowledge of mechanics realised the problem, "the motor's fried, I can probably fix it for you Ms. Watson, shouldn't be too hard."

"That would be lovely, thank you Peter," Anna nodded before turning to MJ, "Mary Jane, maybe it's time for you to put on something more decent."

"Ah, right," the redhead nodded quickly before turning around and walking upstairs. She looked back at me one last time, and I met her gaze. She was looking for something, I knew it, I just smiled back.

When she finally closed her room door I turned to Anna and May, "I'll go to the hardware store and get the parts to fix it Ms. Watson, I'll be back soon."






Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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