

A virus plague has killed millions of people except young men. Years later, it evolved and took over a physical form to overcome humanity. Despite this, most humans are also fighting each other in order to survive due to shortage of resources. How would Carlth Genesis deal with this chaotic world earth has turned into.

Vhix · Fantasía
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9 Chs


We are on a train station.

There were fences on the side, ground and rails.

The waiting ground seems to be large while there's a higher ground on the entrance.

It was not that huge but was enough to fit multiple people.

There were also entrances on the side but it is lower ground.

"As I promised, I will take you all to paradise!" we hear a motivated speech from a man.

He had an undercut and seems to be about 24 years old.

He had black slightly spiky hair, black serious eyes and tanned skin.

He had a companion; a woman with curly and short brown hair and yellow eyes, a man with blue short hair and black serious eyes, a man with bangs and red eyes and last but not the least, a green haired girl with blue turtle hoodie.

They seemed to be leading a group of people on a train.

"Lucas, they're still chasing us" says the girl on a hoodie.

"I know" says the tanned man.

"What should we do?" the girl on the hoodie asks.

"Tsch" he clenches his teeth.

"Let everyone in and let's check out if we could deal with them" says the man with red eyes.

"Much better" the girl with curly hair reacts.

Finally, all the people manage to enter the train.

Lucas picks up a radio and says something.

"Mechanic, start it and go to the place we marked"

"There'd be a huge building there where everyone will get what they need"

"Food, Clothes, Medicine, All of it"

"It's the paradise!" says Lucas.

"Thank you for helping us this far Mr. Lucas" says the mechanic.

The train then starts and goes away.

The 5 anticipates the incoming threat they assume.

Just as they expect, 6 appeared.

Two of them are familiar; Leila and Chronos.

They had companions as well;

A man with built body wielding a covered katana and wears tank tops, he had a beard and ponytail.

A man with a black hat and looked as if he likes cards. He had a dark brown hair and black serious eyes.

A man with a clothe that seems to cover his arms but had an ability to materialize guns. He had a messy grey hair and wears a beanie.

And last but not the least, a woman with purple hair and purple eyes wielding a staff.

"Where are you trying to do?" Chronos asks as she levitates along with her crystals.

"Outlaws?" she adds.

The woman with the staff spins her weapon then speaks.

"Don't mind me. I'm just here for the mission and reward... like always" she says then smiles.

The man with ponytail holds his sword and makes metal sounds.

The man with hat smirks while the man with a beanie summons a P90.

As Lucas sees that they're trying to intimidate them, he speaks out.

"Don't move an inch" he threatens.

"It'll be chaotic" he adds.

The woman with curly hair summons a spear.

The man with red eyes and bangs summons a great sword.

The man with blue short hair summons his steel gauntlets.

The girl with turtle hoodie summons crystals as well.

"I don't even care if we're twins, I'll kill you if you make a mistake" the girl with turtle hoodie threatens Chronos.

"Scary" she says then smiles.

Strong gust of wind flows as everyone tries to taunt on each other.

"I don't understand why are you all trying so hard to stop us"

"We're just trying to give people what they deserve!" says the man with red eyes and bangs.

Chronos rolls in the air as she levitates, stops and crosses her legs as she lies in the air on side position then talks.

"It's a mission. It's literally on the board" says Chronos then smirks.

"I know you know what missions are, you Syrum smuggler" Chronos adds as she points to Lucas.

Everyone was surprised.

"What is she talking about?" the curly hair asks Lucas without looking.

It was silence for 5 seconds until Lucas starts speaking.

"It's true"

"I smuggled the Syrums" he admits.

Chronos then moves her palms on her face as she lies in the air by her stomach then speaks with a smug "See, you're a criminal" she says.

"What are syrums?" asks the man with short blue hair.

The man with katana then starts talking.

"Syrums are liquids that unlocks a human's hidden traits and power when injected" he explains.

Everyone on Lucas' side was surprised but the curly hair asked him.

"Are those the thing you injected us to become this?" she asks.

"Yes. I smuggled them" Lucas answers with eyes closed.

He then opens them and continues talking.

"But I did them to do what is right. That Co. is doing what we do for years and achieved nothing"

"They're just clearing and clearing a place again because they failed to maintain it"


"They intentionally fail to maintain it" he says.

"What they're doing isn't helping"

"They may say, they're doing this to make places habitable and more humans would thrive"

"But it's a big lie!" he angrily ends it.

Chronos clenches her teeth then immediately answers.

"You're a lie, criminal"



"Degenerate" she angrily speaks.

"Let me ask you Chronos. Do you really think you're working on the right side?" Lucas asks Chronos.

Chronos paused.

She then replied.

"I sure do and I get rewarded for it" she answers.

By signing, Lucas commands his gang to stand back.

Naturally, the other side did as well without Chrono's commands.

Chronos looked at her gang as they move then looked back to Lucas.

Lucas then starts talking.

"Are you sure people benefit from what you do?" Lucas asks.

"I'm sure they do! We clear stuff for them so more places becomes habitable!" Chronos nervously replied.

"If you're really sure. Tell me how many people had talked to you and say thanks" says Lucas.

Chronos went silent.

It lasted for 5 seconds as she starts blinking randomly.

"It's an endless loop" says Lucas.

"You clear a place, they intentionally pretend that Corons conquered the place again when its them planting those at the first place"

"Make up your mind. Human race is dying and you're helping the wrong people" says Lucas.

Suddenly, a voice speaks in the distance.

"Join us, sister" says the girl with turtle hoodie.

"Spacia..." says Chronos whispers as she's about to shed a tear.

She then stops levitating and slowly goes down to stand up.

After that, she started talking.

"I'll be honest" Chronos speaks as she looks down.

"I know what you're doing is right"

"But the thing is..."

"That dumb shit turtle..." she then clenches her teeth then looks at Spacia in the eyes as she cries.

"You failed to save me!" she shouts.

"Spacia?" the girl with curly hair looks at her as well as the others.

"B-but..." Spacia starts stuttering.

"The disease had no cure way back. I don't know what to do"

"If I do know, of course I'll save you because you're my sister" she explains.

"You don't know what to do?" Chronos then sarcastically looks at her.

"More like... you don't wanna do anything" she says then sends a fake smile.

She then tells a story.

"It was noon, I have an extremely high fever"

"The viruses already conquered me"

"I am shivering"

"My body hurts"

"My head hurts"

"And you know what you did when I was on that bed hoping I could live?" says Chronos then wipes her tears.


"Do..." Spacia slowly replies.

"What did you say?" the man with red eyes asks.

However, Chronos replied.

We see Spacia taking care of Chronos as she lies in bed.

Spacia and Chronos was currently wearing dirty casual clothes as this very moment and Spacia was carrying Chronos by her head.

The house seems to be compilation of materials that can be loot such as spare wood, spare roof, wires and plastics.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything" says Spacia as she looks at Chronos' face.

"Sister... save me..." Chronos replied as if she's struggling to breathe.

She then coughs.

There were blood on her mucus and saliva.

Spacia gave a panicking look as she sweats.

She then holds Chronos' hands and speaks as she cries.

"I really couldn't do anything"

"I'll be leaving you now Chronos..." she says then stops holding her hand.

She then drops Chronos on the bed and walks away.

"I don't wanna see you die" she tells without looking.

Chronos watched her walk away until she finally disappears.

Now on present, we see Spacia giving a look of guilt.

"You left me alone"

"You are very irresponsible" says Chronos as her emotions modify the tone of her speech.

Gust of wind flows again as they stare on each other.

"But I took care of you and tried my best hoping you'd survive!" Spacia screams out.

"The moment you coughed blood, I considered you dead"

"But that doesn't mean I don't love you!" she explains.

Chronos ignored then removes her hoodie to fix her messy hair.

After fixing, we fully see her short white hair and motivated eyes.

"Lucky enough, Professor Victor saved me and recruited me to the Co. after I was cured" says Chronos.

"I owe my life to him and I'll do everything the Co. wants me to do" she adds.

She then returns the hoodie.

"I can't even believe I'd see you there" says Chronos then looks away.

Lucas then interrupts.

"So you say, you will do everything even if its wrong?" he asks.

"What do you mean wrong? You're all outlaws" Chronos replied with serious tone.

Lucas then crosses his arms.

"But you said..."

"You know what we're doing is right" says Lucas.

Chronos paused again.

She then replied.

"Outlaws are outlaws regardless of what you do" says Chronos then she smiles.


"I don't give a fuck" she ends.

Lucas and Chronos had a staredown for about 7 seconds.

Chronos looked away on the last 2.

Lucas finds this as an opportunity to steam his hands and punch Chronos to the face.

As the fist comes, Chronos sensed it and looks.

She gasps then the punch caused her to slide back and lie using her right arm.

She then checks out the damage.

Her lips were bleeding.

"What did you do!?" she screams.

"Something you deserve" Lucas replied.

After this, the man with katana immediately moved and pushes Lucas to a fence using the handle.

He then attempts to connect it with a stab but the girl with curly hair disjoints it with her spear by slamming downwards.

Lucas gets himself together and punches the man with Katana on his face.

He attempts to slash but the girl with curly hair blocks again then impales him upwards.

As the man with katana was impaled upwards, the man with a hat sends out a card that exploded to the girl with curly hair.

She was pushed to the fence.

The man then dashes and attempts to land another card but it was blocked by the man with red eyes and wields a greatsword.

The card then explodes on the sword but the man stood his grip and he resists it.

He then runs towards the card throwing man then performs a downward swing that crushed him.

He was crushed while holding a card.

"Splat" Leila reacts from a distance.

"I actually don't wanna help" says the man with a beanie.

Suddenly, he sees an opening.

The man with greatsword was panting.

He then summons a sniper rifle and attempts to shoot him.

Finally, he shoots.

We see the bullet travelling as it pierced through the man with red eye's head.

It was a direct hit.

"Edgar!" the woman with curly hair notices.

The name of the dead man seems to be Edgar.

"Edgar!" Lucas shouts as well.

He then slowly drops.

Spacia notices it as well and look at where is it from.

She sees Leila and the man with a beanie.

Seeing the man with a beanie is carring a gun, she then immediately blasts him with crystals.

There were so many of then and his crushed body was pinned on the wall.

Leila felt the impact and realized she doesn't wanna help at all.

She stood back in fear and stayed.

Chronos heard it and asks Leila.

"What is that?" she asks.

Suddenly Leila starts running away and passed to Chronos.

Chronos then slowly stands up and looks.

She sees Spacia has summoned crystals as she points somewhere.

She then goes out and sees the man on a beanie crushed and pinned by the crystals.

His eyes suddenly falls and rolls then looks at Chronos.

Chronos gasps.

She then watches Spacia's next move.

The woman wielding a staff sneakily goes on her side then attempts to cast a spell.

An energy was charged at the top of the staff and is now ready to land a blast.

Chronos immediately notices it and she dodged but it caused the woman with curly hair to get hit on her gut.

It made a hole and she looked at it.

Lucas notices and calls her name.

"Adari!" he shouts then catches her as she drops.

"Adari, respond" Lucas talks to the woman with curly hair who seems to be Adari as he carries her by her head.

Her reaction looks empty and doesn't respond at all.

Full of anger, Spacia summons crystals and blasts the woman.

She then pins her to the fence and followed.

"Spare me"

"Spare me" the woman begs.

Spacia levitates and creates a long spear then stabs the woman on the gut, creating the same hole.

She then removes the spear and watches the view behind and smiles.

The woman died.

Meanwhile, the man with katana stands up and removes the spear that impaled him.

He unsheathes his katana and sneakily charges on Lucas' back then performs an enchanted slash on Lucas' side.

Lucas bleeds.

He then immediately looks at where its from and performs a steamed downward punch on the man with katana.

The man drops and Lucas mounted him.

He then lands multiple punches.

The man died but the slash that Lucas took is just as great as the punches he sent.

He then slowly drops on the side.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind Chronos.

It was so fast and Chronos didn't notice what was happening.

Suddenly, a choke was felt on her neck.

It was the man with blue hair.

She gasps.

"Let me go!"

"Let me go!" Chronos begs.

Spacia hears it and immediately looks for her sister.

She sees Chronos getting choked by her companion.

She doesn't know how to help.

"Kiyaaak!...." Chronos screams.

As she isn't tall and was a short girl, the man with blue hair carries her upwards and constricts her gut as well.

"Hngg... yia!..." Chronos struggles.

Her legs move up and down and she lost control of her power as she is slowly losing consciousness.

"N...gnee... n...gnee..." she tries to breathe but its hopeless.

Spacia doesn't know what to do with Chronos as she is her sister after all.

She then looks for Lucas to ask him what do to.

"Lucas" she slowly turns around.

As she looks, she sees Lucas was dead.

Thinking no one is left to see her and Spacia couldn't handle Chronos screaming like a pig anymore.

She sends out shards to the man with blue hair.

"I'm sorry Clark..." she says as she lands them.

Clark stops the choke to deflect the incoming crystals from Spacia.

Chronos was sweating hard and she drops down on crawling position then coughed.

(Cough) (Cough) (Cough) (Cough)

She then started breathing rapidly to catch up.

She then looks back and sees Spacia fighting Clark.

Spacia keeps on sending crystals but Clark is just deflecting them.

Chronos watches as she lies and sees the look of Spacia's face as she fights Clark.

It was serious with shed of tear in her left eye.

She then watches.

Suddenly, Clark dashes and tackles Spacia down on the lower ground.

Spacia lost her balance causing her to hit her head first and get her neck broken.

Chronos was angered by that tackle and before Clark looks down, she blasted him with crystals causing him to drop on lower ground.

Chronos chases then summons more crystals above as Clark lies and barrages him without looking.

She then walks back and checks out if Spacia is alright.

Chronos carried Spacia by her head and removes the hoodie.

They looked exactly the same except Chronos had white hair while she had light green.

She then shakes Spacia's head by her cheek to check out if she can her wake up.

"Sister..." she calls but Spacia isn't responding.

She calls again.


Just as well, she didn't receive any respond.

She then cries again and slowly place Spacia on the ground.

Suddenly, Chronos received a message from her watch.

"Did Lucas manage to start the train?" the "Boss" asked.

Chronos ignored and looks at Spacia then hugs her as she cries.

More message kept on coming but Chronos is ignoring them.

Not so long, Chronos managed to return at the HQ with a frown.

Suddenly, a mysterious man approaches her and talks.

"You seem not responding to us" he says but was ignored.

He then holds Chronos' shoulders.

"There's something wrong with you"

"Let me give you a gift" says the man as he shows a collar from his back.

He then forcibly puts it on Chronos and immediately sends out a shock.

"Gya!" Chronos felt it and lies down.

The man then looks down at her and speaks.

"That would stay until you're fine" says the man then walks away.

Hopeless, she started checking messages she missed.

"You might be busy fighting them right now"

"We're just going wait it come on Area 3 and go Kaboom"

"Have fun Chronos"