
Chapter 2 : I meet my new enemy

The sun rose up, and the sunlight reaches Ayō(Lixin) skin,Its morning the starting point of a new day.Ayō,yawn and get up from the bed.Its a nice and sunny morning,but little she didn't know,that there's a new someone -someone who will never going to be fooled and ruined by her,and we will know it later.

"Ayō, good morning,how's your sleep,come eat your breakfast.."

"Thank you very much, Mother, well I have a good sleep,how about you,Mother and father??"

"We did have a good sleep,like you do.Now,eat your breakfast,so you could go early to school."

"Alright,I will..

So,Lixin go to bath and got dress,and then she waved goodbye,and go to school.As,soon as she entered the school it got into an awkward silence, Ayō was known as the baddie of the school..And everyone knows how scary and mean she was.

"How annoying,everyday they are looking at me so scared.Hmp.that will teach them to not even make trouble with me or even make problems to ruin me.Cause if they do,I will tear them apart leaving them nothing.."

"Ayō,I have a present for you!Please have it..;

" Huh?? She again; you think you could just get away on what you did to me..well your wrong..!!" Umi Sana..

" What's the matter?? You don't want my gift??"

" Acting that she's so kind and caring to me..Give your gift to yourself..";

Actually,I do not need anything.!!!

" Hahhhh!!!, Alright, Sorry!!!

" Hmmp..Run away if you want, Sana!!

Every one of her classmates ,was walking away from her..They don't know,how kind and caring she is..All that she wants is to have a peaceful school life and have caring and kind friends..

From the crowd:

"Ohh! It's her!! "Big brother..

"Who is her??"

" She is Yonashi Ayō, there is a rumor that she is a Chinese girl.." Big brother stay away from her .She might cause you harm and problems too,..!!

" You look so scared,why is that??"

" Because she is a meanie she tear apart every one who she hates,every body in the school stay away from her.."

But,reason of her scary behavior is that she was been bullied a long time ago and she is just giving the bullies a payback,for all that they have done to her..

"Is that so??"

She looks so awkward..

" Because,she really is awkward..She is the most awkward person on the school..So,don't involve yourself to her..

In the other side, Sana tries to be friends with Ayō,but deep in her heart she hated her..And she is just pretending to be kind,because she is afraid that Ayō,will do bad things to her again ..

"Ayō,please forgive me,I want to give this really to you so badly,Please!!

" Did I just say,I don't want it!!"

Mmm...So, she is trying to hold up her fear?!She is getting used to my behavior and looks..I should do something,to make her go away..mm ,what could be the way?!

" You, clown,you have tricks on you..well I have too, you made me suffer problems,then I'll do bring you problems again..just wait and see..Ayō Yonashi!!

Girls, I have an idea;-----

Ayō did not know what Sana and her girl friends is up to,she did not know that they plan to sabotage her by pushing her,at the stairs.So,they did so, Without ever knowing it.Ayō,almost fell at the stairs,if it isn't for Tang Jinro, Chinese - Japanese,young man who save her life..Jinro,hold her tight in her waist, Ayō,blushed,but then after that,she felt embarrassed, And so she said:

" You pervert,you dare touch me!! You will pay for what you did.,!!"

" So, you are the one who is going to be angry now?? Didn't I just saved you from falling at the stairs, should you just thank me for that!!

" I don't care,!! How matter what you did,You still touch me!!!You are a PERVERT!!! I hate you from now on...

" So,what are going to do?? Scare me,Make me mesirable?? What??

" You scum,you did dare say that to me,just wait and see,on what I'm going to do to you..

There is no day,from now on..that I will leave you easily,I will make trouble and problems to you every day...Just wait and see!!

" If you can,fool me and make me whatever you want.."

This is the first time,that someone dared to speak like that to her.And this is the first time that she cannot speak and reply to someone very fast..She felt that she is losing to someone who she just met in the first time,and there with be someone to bullie her,Again...

" I would not allow you to ruin me,and mess up my life!".I will make you pay definitely..

The tears fell from her eyes,as half of her face was reavelled,it could be seen that she is a beauty in a sad face,As she was crying,her anger and hatred grow stronger,to Jinro,

What is happening,he just save her from falling down the stairs,yet she is the one to be angry ..The whispers of the students who have witnessed the almost accident..

Tang Rinxi, Jinro's younger sister, was looking for her brother, atlast she have seen him,with the most scary girl in the school..

" Brother,there you are,I've been looking for you,Huhhh?! What happened,Oh no!! What ?? I had said that stay away from her!!

But,as Rinxi, finished saying that,the schools bell rung,meaning that the class will start now..Jinro looked at Ayō,and left...

" Remember, Ayō, no one can make me fooled and make me miserable..

Ayō's blood is boiling as Jinro walks away from her.!It's like she will explode..

" We will see,about that you! Scum pervert!!!!"

You will pay!!

After that,she feels,very miserable,and pain in her heart,And as she promised she will never leave Jinro a-lone...***