
stephanie dola-Romanbücher online lesen - WebNovel


  • La fiancée indésirable de l'Alpha

    Jasmine est la première fille du grand Alpha Bale. En raison de son statut d'enfant naturelle, elle vit une vie maltraitée à récurer les sols et à répondre aux besoins de son père, sa belle-mère, ses demi-frères et sœurs et toute la meute. Mais sa vie prend un tournant drastique lorsqu'elle est échangée à la place de la fille légitime de son père pour être mariée au bel et froid Alpha Xaden. Xaden est déterminé à punir Jasmine pour les péchés de son père qui avait massacré toute sa famille, même si elle n'est rien comme son père. La haine se transforme lentement en désir, en passion ardente et finalement en amour. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque Xaden découvre que Jasmine, qui a été placée comme espionne pour causer sa perte, n'était en fait pas la princesse originale qui lui avait été promise? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Que ceci serve de leçon à tous. Royal ou non, Alpha ou Oméga," déclare-t-il. "Vous éviterez de toucher à ce qui est à moi. Sur mon propre territoire. Dans ma meute." Avec ces mots, il jette le bras sanglant de côté et emmène Jasmine loin de leur regard choqué.

    Stephanie_king1 · Geschichte
  • A Noiva Indesejada do Alfa

    Jasmine é a primeira filha do grande Alfa Bale. Por causa de seu status de filha bastarda, ela vive uma vida maltratada esfregando chãos e atendendo as necessidades de seu pai, madrasta, meio-irmãos e de toda a alcateia. Mas sua vida toma um rumo drástico quando ela é trocada no lugar da filha legítima de seu pai para ser casada com o Belo e Coração Gelado Alfa Xaden. Xaden está determinado a punir Jasmine pelos pecados de seu pai que massacrou toda a sua família, mesmo que ela não seja nada como seu pai. O ódio lentamente se transforma em desejo, paixão ardente e finalmente amor. Mas o que acontece quando Xaden descobre que Jasmine, foi plantada como uma espiã para provocar sua queda e não era na verdade a princesa original que lhe foi prometida? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Que isso sirva de lição para todos. Real ou não, Alfa ou Ômega," Ele declara. "Vocês vão se manter longe do que é meu. No meu próprio território. Na minha alcateia." Com isso, ele joga o braço ensanguentado de lado e leva Jasmine para longe do olhar chocado deles.

    Stephanie_king1 · Geschichte
  • La Novia no Deseada del Alfa

    Jazmín es la primera hija del gran Alfa Bale. Debido a su condición de hija bastarda, vive una vida maltratando, fregando suelos y atendiendo a las necesidades de su padre, madrastra, hermanastros y toda la manada. Pero su vida da un giro drástico cuando la cambian por la hija legítima de su padre para casarla con el guapo y despiadado Alfa Xaden. Xaden está determinado a castigar a Jazmín por los pecados de su padre que había masacrado a toda su familia, aunque ella no se parece en nada a su padre. El odio lentamente se convierte en deseo, pasión feroz y finalmente en amor. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando Xaden descubre que Jazmín fue plantada como espía para provocar su caída y que de hecho no era la princesa original que le habían prometido? —Que esto sea una lección para todos. Real o no, Alfa o Omega —declara—. Se alejarán de lo que es mío. En mi propio territorio. En mi manada. Con eso, lanza el brazo ensangrentado a un lado y se lleva a Jazmín lejos de su mirada impactada.

    Stephanie_king1 · Geschichte
  • The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

    Jasmine is the first daughter of the great Alpha Bale. Because of her status as a bastard child, she lives a life maltreated scrubbing floors and attending to the needs of her father, step mother, step siblings and the entire pack. But her life makes a drastic turn when she is switched in place for her father’s legitimate daughter to be married off to the Handsome and Cold hearted Alpha Xaden. Xaden is determined to punish Jasmine for the sins of her father who had massacred his entire family, even though she is nothing like her father. Hate slowly turns to desire, fierce passion and finally love. But what happens when Xaden discovers that Jasmine, was planted as a spy to bring his downfall and was not in fact the original princess he was promised to? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Let this be a lesson to everyone. Royal or not, Alpha or Omega," He declares. "You will steer clear of what is mine. In my own territory. In my pack." With that, he tosses the bloodied arm aside and takes Jasmine away from their shocked gaze.

    Stephanie_king1 · Geschichte
  • DOLA

    Although Dola was not foreign to the hustle and bustle of Nigerians, she still found it hard to fit into their some lifestyles. Driven by hatred, betrayal, fear, distrust, anger, mistakes,survival instinct... She unknowingly became a strong willful woman who was immune to all sorts of emotions including love. Being in the highest peak of her career, she later discovered that those her all lessons that she should learn from.She found love,her most amazing experience. * * * "Okay fine! I want you" She said with emotions glimmering through her eyes. This man had...forced her to admit to her own desires...this devil.He bent down to her neck and she arched her back in the hope that he'll kiss her there... "Dola Beg me" He whispered. Is this her wage for torturing him? "Damn" She cursed and he laughed "ahhh".

    Lollipop_682 · Urban
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  • The Devil’s possession

    [WARNING R18 MATURED CONTENT} "Do you want me to stop?" He asked me. All shame, all pride and ego was thrown in to the wind. I shook my head. "I want you to say it." He whispered. "Beg me. Tell me you don't want me to stop. Tell me you never want me to stop.” I closed my eyes as my hips involuntarily hitched up against his fingers, the warmth between my legs dripping. "Please don't stop." I cried. “I never want you to stop.” Why was he tormenting me like this? “Al please.” I pleaded. I could see his beautiful smile in the dark and then his fingers went back in and I threw my head back in pleasure. ~~~~~~~~~~ Angel, a beautiful Fae lived a sheltered life, fiercely protected by her father, loved by her eldest brother, hated by her own mother and sister, and disgustingly desired by her other older brother. But close to her nineteen birthday , her father is gruesomely murdered and all hell breaks loose as she realizes her whole life was an entire lie. In a bid to escape her now turned evil mother, she is sent through a portal, but lands in Nocturna, the home of the vampires. Making an entrance, she lands right into the court of the winged Vampire king Alucard, the dangerous and handsome ruler of Nocturna where he takes her as his captive. And when her blue eyes captivates him, soon, the tensions and hostility between them grows to fire and passion. And when a prophecy over a millennia ago comes to light, Angel unlocks centuries old secrets and discovers that she might be the key to Earth’s redemption or she will lose the man she has come to fall in love with along with everything that exists.

    Stephanie_king1 · Fantasie
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  • Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

    last installment now serializing! just search 'The transmigrated Villainess after her fall' Add to lib and vote!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!! WARNING: MATURE CONTENT CHAPTER EXCERPT -- “Wait, someone might see.” Charlton said, recalling the glass window. “I’m prepared for that.” Serena replied as she bent to open her bag on the floor and then took out a film like looking sticker. “I found this at the market yesterday.” “I must say that I’m ill-prepared for this.” He noted as he furrowed his brows. Serena stood up and gave him the sticker. Then she placed her right hand on the bulge of his pants, directly gripping his erection. “Well, I must say that you’re not. Now, do place the sticker on the window.” — Serena Chen lived a life filled with love and success, while devoid of any hardship. So, when it was time to go, she went peacefully. However, as if fate was playing its game on her, she opened her eyes again only to discover that she has transmigrated as Serena Maxwell, the villainess in the novel "A Cinderella story in Victorian fantasy era" written by her very own granddaughter. Set in a Victorian-esque era, Serena Lilianne Maxwell was the only daughter of the Ducal house of Maxwell. She was rich, beautiful, a little haughty, and the fiancé of the crown prince. Every lady wants to be her, but sadly, the crown prince, Geoffrey, fell in love with Emily Evans, the daughter of an impoverished Baron. Seeing how young and beautiful she was again, her only thought was, since she already lived her past life as a normal decent lady, why not live as a semi-wanton lady of the era to fulfill her fantasies? Thus, she set her sights on her first target, Charlton Daniel, the only son of the duke of Suffox, cousin of the crown prince, and the original novel's second male lead. After some twists and turns, like any other sappy romantic story, the two inevitably fell in love. However, contrary to the novel's original plot, Geoffrey, the crown prince, who Serena was still politically engaged to, fell for her. It would have been less complicated if the engagement was not one ordained by the king, but it was. With this situation, what would Charlton and Serena have to do and what sacrifices must they make, to get to their happily ever after? Join them to find out. -- This novel will have romance, adventure, comedy, friendship, betrayal, politics, drama, smut, and so much more. (This will be a feast for historical drama and music lovers) Just for clarification, the world Serena transmigrated to is a Victorian-esque era so it's not exactly historically accurate. Timelines may be jumbled specially when it comes to some technological advances, but I try to keep them as realistic as possible. BTW, if anyone is curious about the age, this is more historically accurate. People in Victorian era marries on average, 26 for male, and never dropped lower than 22 for female. PS Cover art not mine, just edited by me PSS This is an original story I wrote — I also wish to thank Stephanie who made this MV for our Serena Charlton ship. If anyone’s interested, please just search in youtube: Serena charlton against all odds Or if you are geoffrey serena shipper she also made these MVs: Geoffrey & Serena part(1) Geoffrey & Serena part(2) Geoffrey & Serena part(3) and Geoffrey & Serena part (4) Thank you!!! — Volume 3 will be dark so if you dont like then just stop reading in volume 2.

    champilyn · Geschichte
  • Married to the secret Australian Mafia Boss

    In the outskirt part of Sydney , a place where the Mafia are the government. There was a boy called Calvin. He is a final student at Brimford university Sydney , Australia.At twenty-nine he has achieved what an eighty years man cannot.He is a handsome guy and has a lukewarm personality not that cold , not that warm. He looked quite harmless meanwhile he is the leader and owner of "Leo GROUP" the most popular and dangerous mafia group in Australia. A group its name send shivers in people. A mafia group known for it ruthless operations , you are inviting death if you mess with them. He is basically a solitary person and don't interact much with people. He is also the top student in the whole school. Dorothy is a fresher who was mistakenly given a course she didn't want to study. All her attempts to change it were all in vain. To make matter worst the lecturers were all on vacation , the course was not an ordinary course. Accepting her fate she started looking for someone that will teach her the course. There was no one of could help her expect the lukewarm and isolated Calvin. Gathering all the courage she could muster , she approached him and told him her intentions.He agreed to help her but with a condition , he asked her to marry him. Due to her circumstances she agreed. Meanwhile , back in Highschool , Dorothy had it tough. Alexa Samson , Stephanie Wales , Marion Steve , Harold Evans , Jason Johnson and Raymond Levi were the devils in human form that made her pass through hell.They did all sort of things to her , even ganged up boys and raped her and they even recorded it. All these was because she testified against them about a young girl they buried alive. After Highschool Dorothy went to therapy to overcome the traumas and after one year she was better. And then she enrolled in the university , on her second year in the university , her enemies were transferred to her school basically all of them. To make matter worst , they are now top agents in a mafia group called "COBRA GROUP". They discovered Dorothy and continued from where they stopped not knowing they were inviting terror. What happens when Calvin finds out about them and starts dealing with them for touching his wife? What will be their fate? Follow me in this story and see all those that wronged Dorothy were made to eat the dust.

    Nkengafac_Esther · Fantasie
  • Rebirth Of The Evil Vampire Princess

    [Check out my new novel, "THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABIES ALL WANT ME"] A love that will never give up even at the point of death. .... Stephanie Woods, a lady who has lived all her life believing that she was a normal human woke up one day only to be told by a mysterious being that she was some evil reincarnated princess has who died two thousand years ago. As if the truth of her identity wasn't enough to mar her already perfect life she was also informed by the mysterious being that she was carrying a two-tier curse. " To redeem yourself you will need to break these two curses," this was what the mysterious being told Stephanie. Vincent Adams, a cold heartless man fell in love at first sight with some mysterious lady when he was just a teenager. After an incident, he lost contact with her. 17 years later he miraculously met her again. After series of events, he finally recognises that she is the one he has been looking for. When he realises that the lady he loves has a hidden past one that is entwined with his from 2,000 years ago, his life is turned upside down. A love between a vampire and a human always end tragically, will theirs have a different ending or will it end up being a forbidden love? .... EXCERPT "I will be the first to recognize you," "The first to love you," "The first to make commitments. I will recognize you from the ashes," These are the promises he made before he breathed his last breath but will he keep these words 2,000 years later after he meets her under different circumstances and a new identity? [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Cover not mine, credit goes to the owner. *** Author's other work: 1) Birth of the devilish CEO: So what if I'm a lady? (Completed) 2) Fallen in love: The CEO who tamed me (Completed) 3) Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer 4) Bedding My Vampire Mate (Ongoing) Follow the author on Instagram: @Flabbergasted2155 https://discord.gg/NSA3qrP

    Flabbergasted · Fantasie
  • Traversing through time to find you

    This is officially R-18 starting chapter 75. You have been warned. —- Michelle Lui, a married woman in her 30s, woke up in her old bedroom only to find out that she was back to June 2006. Her first day in college. First thing she thought of doing? Well, not exactly the first but amongst other things. Anyway, back in her 18 year old body, she decided to go find her future husband and get him to become her campus boyfriend. Only to discover that her future husband was not who she thought he was. Now add to the mix, the nation’s husband, and her ‘the one who got away’. — With the butterfly effect, will the future Michelle originally had still be the same? Will she still marry the same man? Will her family still suffer the same fate? Only one way to find out! Hop in and join Michelle as she traverse through time! ~~~And yes, this means time for some toki doki romance! ~~~ Get ready for a trip down to memory lane. College life at its finest! The start focus mostly on Michelle’s thoughts but later starting the party things get awesome. We’ll get lots of fun. Imagine college party, friendship, outings, and so much more! — This novel POV shifts between first and 3rd. — old Cover photo: Made by Stephanie Santos Thank you so much for this!!!

    champilyn · Urban
  • Xavier’s girl

    I heard the door opening. "I'm fine Stephanie," I said thinking she was the one that followed me. "It cute you think my sister cares" I hear Alan voice "What are you doing here," I asked him annoyed "Oh just doing someone a favour," he said as Xavier walked in behind him. I was alarmed as to why they were both here "what do you want" I asked both of them getting up. "You're in my room," Xavier said as he locked the door behind him. Making me more alarmed. "I'm sorry I didn't know, I can leave, " I said not wanting to anger him. I made my way to the door but Alan grabbed me "not so fast sweetheart" he said holding my arm. "Please let me go" I begged them. I didn't know what they were planning but I knew they were up to something. "Why would we do that" Xavier said walking to me and stroking my collarbone making me shiver. Vanessa morales just moved to town. Shy, smart and quiet girl planned to spend most of her high school life hidden. But some how ended up at the cheerleader tryouts and the school bad boy blackmailing her. She tired her best to stay away from him but he wasn't letting her go. She didn't know he had plans for her. He has been waiting for this days for years, waiting for her to return. Of course she didn't remember him (he never forgot her), that didn't bother him cause he knew she belonged to him. He would do anything to make her stay this time. One party and her life is ruined. Warning: This book is provocative. It will not be for everyone. If you are a reader with certain triggers or sensitivities common to the dark romance genres this book is not for you.

    cluelessgixl · Teenager

    How I Got My Ex Husband Back.. Am so excited to share my testimony of a real spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My husband and I have been married for about 5 years now. We were happily married with three kids, two boys and a girl. Four months ago, I started to notice some strange behaviour from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone else. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cares about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn’t even come back home for about 3-4 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr. Genius can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and told him my problems and he told me what to do and I did it and he did a spell for me. 24 hours later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family and I are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr. Genius Powerful Love Spell that really works. If you have any problem contact him and I guarantee you that he will help you. He will not disappoint you. Email him at: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him now +2348155184380. His website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com His blog page: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

    DaoistsM9Ts5 · Urban
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    The action story revolves around a young girl who would not stop at anything to avenge her sister.

    Valentina_Gift · Urban
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