
hades diosa-Romanbücher online lesen - WebNovel


  • Extra's Death: I Am the Son of Hades

    A no-name character that never appeared in the novel. An extra. Neo became that extra character. ... Transmigrating into the novel and gaining the bloodline of Hades, the God of Death, was supposed to be the best thing to happen in Neo’s life. So… Why? [Unique Skill: Death] [Skill Effect: You die] Why did he awaken this damned skill!? ... Join Discord for character arts and talk with the author. https://discord.gg/6MhPmxCdeV

    FailedWriter101 · Fantasie
  • Dos veces rechazada Luna, el deseo de todos los Alfas

    Valerie, la hija del asesinado Alfa de la Manada de Yellow Stone, nunca podría liderar la manada porque tenía un lobo Luna. Su compañero, Tristan, fue nombrado Alfa en su lugar. Después de asumir el título de Alfa, Valerie fue acusada y brutalmente rechazada, no solo por Tristan, sino también por toda su manada, y su hermana menor, Scarlet, con quien Tristan había tenido aventuras secretas. —Rechazo a Luna Valerie como mi compañera. Fue sorprendida en la cama con un extraño, lo que significa que vendería la manada. El castigo por traición es la muerte —anunció desalmadamente Alfa Tristan. Los cánticos de los miembros de la manada y los Alfas visitantes que habían venido para la conferencia de los Alfas les atrajeron al juicio. Nadie esperaba que el Alfa Denzel, cuyo nombre hacía que los pelos en su piel se erizaran debido a su crueldad, llegara a la conferencia. Valerie encontró esperanza cuando se dio cuenta de que Alfa Denzel era su segundo compañero destinado, pero dolorosamente, fue rechazada una vez más. El doble rechazo le hizo perder a su lobo y fue condenada a morir por todos los Alfas presentes. Pensó que su destino estaba sellado cuando el Alfa Denzel se fue y un guerrero estaba listo para ejecutarla. Todos se quedaron en shock cuando Alfa Denzel de repente se dio la vuelta. —¡Deténganse! La hija traicionera de un Alfa difunto no debe ser asesinada. La espera más sufrimiento —declaró. El corazón de Valerie se hundió cuando vio su mirada oscura, que era como un pozo sin fondo, mientras ella se desmayaba de agotamiento. Unos meses más tarde, hubo una guerra entre los Alfas a medida que comenzaron a reclamar a la Luna rechazada dos veces. Con su lobo muerto, ¿será misericordiosa la diosa de la luna para darle otro lobo? ¿Y cuál Alfa será capaz de derretir su corazón ahora frío?

    Glorious_Eagle · Fantasie
  • Súper Loco Doctor de la Diosa

    —Pillo, voy a salir a hacer algo, así que ya no puedo cuidarte más. Puedes bajar de la montaña y divertirte. Pero si no encuentras a alguien que coincida con tu Cuerpo Innato de Yang Puro en tres años, ¡estás acabado! —Estas fueron las últimas palabras que el anciano, que era el maestro de Yang Luo, le lanzó antes de desaparecer. Mientras tanto, habiendo dominado la mayoría de las habilidades de su maestro, Yang Luo bajó de la montaña y dio su primer paso en la civilización por primera vez en años. Con sus inigualables habilidades médicas y artes marciales, se embarca en un viaje, haciendo nuevos aliados y aplastando a todos los enemigos que se interponen en su camino, mientras intenta resolver su constitución de Cuerpo Innato de Yang Puro y cultivarse hasta la cima del mundo!

    Shi Nian Ying Huo · Urban
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  • Guild Wars

    Draco had risen to the top of the world through his exploits in the legendary FIVR game, Boundless. After years of intense conflicts between his guild, Hellscape, and the guild of his former infidel lover, Darkrow, things came to a head when Draco conquered all. Now, nothing stood in his way of total conquest within the highly acclaimed second world of mankind, as he intended to fortify his new empire. Unfortunately, a timely assassination sent him back into the wheel of time for reincarnation, but not even the Gods gave him peace of death. Thrust into the past, Draco realized he'd been given a second chance at life to start from scratch, with all the knowledge of over fifteen years of almost absolute power in Boundless. Now, his path to glory will be far shorter and filled with more bloodshed than Hades could handle. ___________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: If you're the type to be triggered easily, please do not read.

    Kotario · Spiele
  • Rise of the Eromancer

    Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and many others—every human has the blood of gods running through their veins, it decides their fate. But Rhys, ever since he was born, showed absolutely no abilities. But at the age of 18, when his world had given up on him, the blood that remained dormant in his veins finally awakened… …The Blood of Eros, the God of Love, Desire…and Coitus.

    Romeru · Urban
  • Reborn As Hades In Olympus

    NEW UPDATE: IF I GET A MAGIC CASTLE I WILL MASS RELEASE 10 CHAPTERS Synopsis: Revisit the peak of the Olympian lore.... An eighty year old scholar who has been a fan of Greek mythology since childhood finds himself reborn as the titular ruler of the underworld, the death god Hades after a tragic death. But the gods of Olympus are very much different from what the stories say. He will have to navigate through his new life as a god and prevent a coming calamity... All while not getting caught... How does it feel to be a god in Olympus? A tale into the heart of myths. NEW UPDATE: IF I GET A MAGIC CASTLE I WILL MASS RELEASE 10 CHAPTERS

    FantasyLord · Fantasie
  • Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

    Author-san here! Well, you're smart to stop by here. So I won't praise you all anymore. (^_^)  This is my original work, and I know you all will like it. So shamelessly pop your popcorn and read away!  Oh… And don't forget to check out my other books: • I'm The King Of Technology •Help!: I Think My System Is Trying To Kill Me! And, •In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park... You can also visit my website for more books: https://LumydeeNovels.Gumroad.com/ Ps/// THE PACE WILL BE SLOW AT THE BEGINNING TO SET EVERYTHING IN MOTION. But after a while, it will pick up quickly. . . Now, back to the synopsis. Er-Erhmm.. (narrator-voice on) ... In another world called Blue Star, the famous son of wealth, Dorian D. Tian, is thrown into a whirl of unfortunate circumstances, resulting in his death. . His parents had a brutal car accident that left them in a coma, and his uncle had quickly taken over the company,  and seized the company, making sure that he was financially crippled for good. With that, the famous young master struggled desperately. And in the end, he gave in to his despair and depression, leaving the sad, lonely world. The end? Heh... Think again! Because in that brief moment, the lifeless corpse suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a deep calm look. That's right. Another mysterious soul had entered the body. But if one thought this story was just about revenge, then sorry... that wasn't even the half of it! .... The mysterious entity suddenly triggered an exorcist system. And from then on, both humans and even those from the underworld shuddered in fear and despair at the mysterious soul's cruelty. [Humans]: "Demon! Demon! You're definitely a demon!" [Demons]: "Help! Help! The famous demon wants to eat me!" [Evil Spirits]: "You!... Are you the one who is an evil spirit or us? Why the hell did it seem like you're the demonic one instead?" [Ghouls]: "You stay away from me! Stay away from me now, you evil entity!" [Hellhounds]: "Are you sure you're not the son of hades?" The system couldn't help looking at its host in doubt. Its indicators said that its host was indeed mortal. But why did it feel like something was wrong with its host? Dorian lightly chuckled in amusement. He would also like to ask the same question. What exactly was his identity? Well, this would be the biggest mystery of all. But Dorian wasn't in a hurry. Who were his enemies, and who were his allies? Soon, he would find the truth. In the meantime, why not play a little? "Demon! stay back!" "Oooo~~~... I... I want to go back to the underworld where it's safe." "Run for your lives! The demon is here!" …..

    lumydee · Horror
  • El Criador de Alfa Damien: La primera noche

    Ella era una simple humana que solo quería vivir una vida pacífica en el campo cuando encontró a su compañero. Él era el Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregaba a los placeres mundanos, en cambio, obtenía alegría de ser poderoso. Su destino se entrelazó cuando ambos poseían lo que anhelaban, paz y amor. __________________ Antes de cumplir la edad de 18 años, Alfa Lucas de la manada de Amantes del Payaso afirmó ser el compañero de Aurora y quiso hacerla su Luna. Lamentablemente, fue acusada de infidelidad el día de su boda y fue rechazada por el hombre que afirmaba ser su compañero y la amaba. Tuvo que presenciar la muerte de sus padres y cómo le arrebataban su herencia. —Yo, Lucas Dominion, te rechazo, Aurora Madison como mi compañera. ……………………………………….. Después de ser vendida como esclava, fue comprada para ser criadora para el Alfa de la manada Crescent Red, la manada más influyente y grande del país. Damien, que era el Alfa de la manada de la media luna roja, no le dedicaba ni una mirada a Aurora, y ella fue arrojada a la parte más profunda de la mansión para trabajar con los omegas. Cinco años más tarde, había planeado meticulosamente la muerte de sus padres, lista para poner su plan en marcha. Desafortunadamente, Alfa Damien, que la había descuidado durante años, de repente se interesó y no la dejaba fuera de su vista. Aurora, que nunca creyó que podría ser bendecida con otro compañero, decidió no volverse a enamorar. Viendo cómo el Alfa la favorecía, decidió aprovechar su ayuda y vengar la muerte de sus padres. La situación cambió cuando descubrió que él era su compañero, ¿otro compañero? ………………………………………… —¿Compañero? No tengo tal cosa —dijo ella, negando la chispa que sentía entre ella y Damien, aunque era evidente. Su corazón se calentaba con su voz, su rostro se calentaba con su toque. Él ya había destrozado su resolución, pero ella juró no ser débil otra vez. Sin embargo, ¿cómo podía negar que no sentía nada por él cuando tenía tales efectos sobre ella? ¡Pero tenía miedo, aterrorizada de ser traicionada por su compañero otra vez! Los casos de tener dos compañeros eran raros, ¿por qué la diosa de la luna le había otorgado tal destino? —No puedes negarlo por siempre, y no tengo ninguna intención de dejarte ir —dijo él, sus ojos llenos de ira al ver cómo a ella le disgustaba tanto la idea de tenerlo como compañero. —No tengo nada que ofrecerte —trató de convencerlo para sacarlo del trance en el que estaba. Si tan solo supiera que él estaba en su sano juicio. —Solo necesito a mi compañera —diciendo eso, dio grandes pasos hacia la puerta y la cerró de un portazo al salir. Después de encontrar la fuerza para liberarse de su doloroso pasado, Aurora se enfrenta a su primer compañero, Alfa Lucas, quien busca reclamarla. Frente a una elección, ¿volverá con quien la traicionó, o permanecerá con Alfa Damien, quien no le ofreció nada más que paz? La portada es para el autor, ¡no usar! ```

    Trishybaby · Urban
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  • The Wife of Hades

    An Luxia did not have any plans on marrying soon. However, Mo Han’s appearance disrupted her original plan but also saved her from an unwanted marriage. Unknowingly, An Luxia got herself entangled in a relationship with the King of the Underworld, the leader of the biggest and scariest underworld complex. She thought it was her own luck to be able to find herself a handsome, young, rich, and powerful man. However, little did she know that their fate had been sealed 19 years ago. Their marriage was nothing more than her fulfilling the promise she had made to him 19 years ago. 19 years ago may be the beginning, but this is a beginning with no end. Eternity is never-ending. . . --- An Luxia opened her eyes. It took a few seconds for her vision to focus on the man’s face a few inches above her. She sucked in a breath of cold air when their eyes met. They stared at each other for several long seconds before An Luxia’s lips curled up into a small smile. “What’s your name?” She asked sweetly. The man furrowed his eyebrows in thought for a few seconds before he replied coldly, “Mo Han.” “Mo Han. . .” An Luxia repeated, “Age? Height? Occupation?” Mo Han licked his lips and tilted his head slightly, leaning down a little more so the distance between them decreased, “27, 192 cm. . . businessman.” There were a few seconds of silence before An Luxia pushed her head back further into the pillow and grinned, “Are you going to do something to me?” Mo Han raised one eyebrow amusedly and blinked a few times, “. . . That is the plan.” The next second, An Luxia had her arms wrapped around his neck, and with a quick press, Mo Han’s body was pulled down and their lips sealed together. The temperature in the room rose as the two bodies on the bed entangled together. --- Note ~ No rape and no major misunderstandings Update: 1 to 2 chapters daily This is an original story by me and not a translation. The picture in the cover is not mine. Credits to the owner :) Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/FVwPydp Follow me on Instagram: helemon_author

    helemon_ · Urban
  • Una Hermosa Luna Después del Rechazo

    ``` Cecily era una chica escuálida sin amigos. Sin embargo, como todas las demás chicas, anhelaba el amor verdadero. Siempre había estado enamorada de Roberto, el hijo del Alfa de su Manada. Sin embargo, en su decimoctavo cumpleaños, ¡descubrió que Roberto era su compañero! Antes de que pudiera abrazarlo emocionada, Roberto ya había apartado su mano como si fuera un trozo de basura. —No te convertirás en mi compañera. Finge que hoy no pasó nada. ¡Vete y cuida tu boca. No digas nada que no debas decir! —Roberto miraba descaradamente a la sexy y hermosa rubia Alison en su graduación de la escuela secundaria. El viaje de graduación cambió a Cecily, haciéndola más fuerte, más segura, más vibrante, más bella y sexy. Además, Roberto, que la encontró nuevamente en el campus de su universidad, comenzó a perseguirla. —Deberías ser mi Luna. Viviremos juntos a partir de ahora. Tendremos muchos hijos. Serán saludables e inteligentes. —Los ojos de Roberto estaban llenos de lujuria. ¡El acoso de Roberto hacía que Cecily se sintiera disgustada y nauseabunda! Como Cecily no podía protegerse de Roberto debido a la diferencia de fuerza, apareció Miguel. —Tus acciones te hacen indigno de ser un Alfa —Miguel miró a Roberto con desdén. Durante la inauguración de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily ya no pudo tolerar su acoso. —Yo, Cecily Levin, rechazo a Roberto Paslo como mi compañero —Cuando Roberto estaba furioso y sufriendo, queriendo herir a Cecily, ¡Miguel apareció de nuevo! —Cecily era la compañera dispuesta por la Diosa de la Luna para mí —Miguel miró a Cecily dulcemente. —Quien se atreva a tocarla está faltando al respeto a la familia real. ```

    JQK · Fantasie
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  • La Pequeña Esclava del Alfa

    ``` —Un híbrido medio humano sin lobo. Eso era todo lo que Harper Gray representaba. —Para escapar del abuso constante de su familia, Harper tomó la primera oportunidad para huir en el momento en que su manada fue atacada. Pero entre los escombros del caos y la ruina, encontró a su pareja. —Lamentablemente, no esperaba que la Diosa de la Luna la emparejara con el asesino más notorio de la tierra —Damon Valentine, el alfa de la misma manada que diezmó la suya. —Los cuentos de sus crueles fechorías se habían esparcido por doquier. Todo hombre lobo conocía el nombre; incluso algunos humanos lo temían, y Harper no era la excepción. No tenía planes de estar emparejada con alguien tan aterrador como Damon Valentine, y haría cualquier cosa para romper el enlace. —Sin embargo, Damon Valentine no tenía planes de dejar ir a su pequeña pareja. Capturada, Harper fue llevada de vuelta a la manada de Damon —no como su futura Luna, sino como la nueva esclava de la manada. —Para complicar aún más las cosas, Damon no era el único hombre con el que la Diosa de la Luna había emparejado a Harper. Blaise Valentine —el hermano gemelo de Damon — también tenía interés en su nueva mascota esclava. —Los hermanos Valentine tenían sus conflictos, pero estaban de acuerdo en una cosa: nunca dejarían ir a Harper. —Advertencia: —Dubcon —Temas R18 —Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU ```

    saltedpepper · Fantasie
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  • Bride Of Hades

    COMPLETED Dimitri Santoris is the heir of one of the oldest and strongest mafia clans in the country. He was described as a very cold-hearted, cruel, and manipulative person. The only thing that makes him happy is torturing evil people for their wrongdoings, having their pitiful lives in his mercy, but one can say that he is doing the world a favor by getting rid of these unsightly characters. Nobody could move his unfeeling heart until an unexpected encounter with Aurora. His attraction was just as strong as a moth, getting attracted to a flame. Aurora is a beautiful, intelligent, and practical person. Being betrayed by her best friend had been a blessing and a curse. When they cross paths again, will the flame be as strong as when they met, or will the pain of her past stop her from finding happiness? Will the king of the underworld, Hades, have his bride? And as the truth of their origins come out will their relationship be threatened or will they be strong enough to survive? Can true love conquer anything? Aiden Cooper, the friendliest and most approachable Aristocratic heir, is handsome, smart, kind, and humorous. His gentle behavior and charming nature make him very favorable among women. But he has his eyes set on the coldest of women, Ice Queen Sophia. Sophia Collins lost her parents at a very young age, was mistreated by her relatives, and betrayed by the one person she thought she could trust, her fiancé. Life had never been easy for her, but she strived to get to the top, and now she is the CEO of the popular Bellezza cosmetics. She is a workaholic and had focused on her career but getting closer to this woman with unparalleled beauty was harder than breaking into a bank. Meeting Aiden Cooper gave her the most disconcerting feeling since she’s sworn off love. Declaring his undying devotion, following her like a lovesick fool made her feel things she had buried deep within her icy exterior. Will Aiden’s antics thaw this Ice Queen’s heart? Will knowing his true identity stop her from falling in love, or will she embrace his darker side? Aristocratic series: Book 1 - Bound To Him [completed] Book 2 - Bride Of Hades [completed] Book 3 - Bewitched His Soul [completed] Each book can be read as stand alone. Note- Follow me on Instagram @ starysky96

    StarySky96 · Urban
  • The Trickster's Taming Guide of the Devil (BL)

    "I don't care if I fall in love with the devil, as long as he loves me the way he loves Hell." Caspian, a trickster transmigrator, finally gets captured by The Sentries of the Multiverse, a federation dedicated to sanctioning anyone who uses the Multiverse for personal gain. What happens when the federation, which imprisoned him for the past 300 years, needs his help to save their leader Hadrian? Or, as Caspian calls him, the devil Hades, the very one who arrested him after evading Sentries for a century. After making a deal with the second Celio, Caspian agrees to transmigrate to the multiverse and recover Hades' scattered soul-flakes. Who said that while he works, Caspian can't get revenge for all the bodies he'll inhabit to gain power? He's the trickster, he of the many faces who finds life in death and who fears no evil; he who walks through portals. What did they expect? Hades sneered and said, "Trickster, love will be the end of you." Arc 01: Ancient Era (36 Chapters) Arc 02: ABO (36 Chapters) Arc 03: Reality TV Model (42 Chapters) Arc 04: Actor (29 Chapters) Arc 05: Magic (16 Chapters) Arc 06: Piano Virtuoso (Ongoing) Arc 07:... Arc 08:... Warning R18. 2 extra chapters the very next day, for every super gift.

    TheEmpressNing · LGBT+
  • Bride of the Demon Lord

    Book 1 of the Brides of Darkness Series For hundreds of years, Calaren Town had been offering virgin maidens to fulfill their part on the treaty they made with the Court of Shadows to keep their small town under their protection. To be chosen meant death to the townsfolk, as there was no turning back to becoming a human again. Upon realizing that her younger sister was chosen as one of the maidens to be sacrificed by their impoverished town to the thirteen demon lords who once ruled their land, Iris Scarborough volunteered to take her place instead to save her. There was nothing exceptional about Iris, except for the secret she was keeping from everyone. However, even before she was taken away, Iris had already caught the eye of one of the demon lords. Rumors say that Lord Kieran Fleurnoir was the personification of death. His mere presence was enough to suck the life essence out of those around him. He was also known to be one of the strongest demons of all time, who possesses extremely dangerous and powerful magic. Taken to Asnar, a place filled with magical beings and monsters, Iris found herself enthralled and captivated not only by the place and its residents, but also by the cold and enigmatic demon lord, Lord Kieran. Once there, Iris realized that Asnar and Lord Kieran himself were different from what humans thought them to be. Loosely based on the tales of ‘Hades and Persephone’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Tags: Faeries, Elves, Demons, Magi, Dragons, Saints, Undead, Nymphs, Female Protagonist, Kingdoms, and Empires. --- Brides of Darkness Series 1. Bride of the Demon Lord 2. Bound to the Unseelie King 3. Mated to the Dark Lord 4. The Vampire Queen's Pet --- Editor/proofreader: ninaviews Warning for future r18 scenes and themes not appropriate for young audience. Copyright2022 anjeeriku

    anjeeriku · Fantasie
  • La novia del Alpha

    —Alfa Damon, el Alfa soltero de la manada más grande de América del Norte, se enfrenta a la realidad donde los Ancianos le presionan para casarse con una novia de su elección. Un matrimonio por conveniencia. Un matrimonio por poder. —Damon es consciente de que los Ancianos quieren usarlo en sus intrigas, y está decidido a demostrarles que no es el peón de nadie. —Nadie puede obligarlo a casarse, ni siquiera la Diosa de la Luna. —No necesito una mujer en mi vida para obstaculizarme. Una novia es una molestia, una esposa sería un problema, y una compañera sería un desastre. —¿Cederá? —¿Cuál elegirá? —¿Tendrá una opción una vez que encuentre a su compañera? Acompaña a Damon en su viaje durante el cual ampliará sus horizontes y cambiará de las formas más inesperadas cuando la mujer adecuada entre en su vida. —Nota: la trama principal termina con el capítulo 986. Conéctate conmigo: —Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB —Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels —Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ —Soy el dueño de la portada. ¡Prueba con mis otras novelas! - Amara - Reunión - El Alfa Supremo - ¿Es este el Destino? - Propenso a Accidentes."

    RedSonia · Fantasie
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  • After Fishing For 10 Years, I Became A Saint Without Knowing How To Raise Beasts

    # STRANGEBEAST Yu Chi transmigrated to a world covered with savage, barren lands, where more than 10,000 races fought to ascend to the top. He began his life in this world in imprisonment. While the others had completely forgotten about his existence, he took out a bamboo stick that he had been carrying with him since his previous life. The souls of ancient divine beasts could be found in various savage lands and rivers. His bamboo stick could communicate with these ancient souls. When he fished at the Death Sea of Hades, he got the voice of Naga Siren. When he fished at the Ice River of Skeletons, he received the attack power of Blobfish. When he fished at the Lake of Grotto-Heaven, he obtained the golden eyes of the Five-Talon Divine Dragon. When he fished at the Cliff of Hanging Candles, he acquired the fire of the Nine-Tailed White Fox. In the blink of an eye, millions of years had passed. Deities and pet beasts from various corners of the world came to congratulate Yu Chi on his wedding. A prominent figure couldn’t help but ask, “Why are you so terrifying?” As Yu Chi stared at his gorgeous wife, the memories of him fighting millions of devils in the Underworld flashed in his mind. He then smiled and replied, “There’s nothing I can boast about. I was just lucky.”

    Great River Flows To The Sky · Ost
  • Divine Rune Awakening: Starting With Various Divine Runes and Dominating the World

    [Decisive! Invincible! No Mercy!] When a thunderbolt ripped through the night sky, the blood moon appeared, and the world changed forever. Animals evolved, vegetation grew wildly, and intelligence was awakened. In just one night, the world was plunged into bloody chaos. The helpless humans were unable to resist the onslaught of the evolved animals and the sweeping plants with awakened intelligence, making countless humans their prey. However, those with divine runes engraved on their bodies were shocked to find that their runes had also been revived, which gave them incredibly powerful strength. Three years after the world changed, Gu Changqing transmigrated back to the eve of the cataclysm. In his previous life, he did not like to engrave anything on his body, but now that he had come back to this chaotic world, the first thing he did to survive and rise up was to invite the world's top divine rune master to engrave the ten evil demons in the world: Rahu, Kirin, White Tiger, Black Dragon, Grim Reaper, Asura, Hades, Skeleton, Great Sage, and Nezha! He knew that engraving divine runes after the cataclysm would not awaken their power and make them powerful.

    Eternal Regret · Urban
  • Reencarnación de la Villana: La Malvada Esposa del Joven Maestro Lu

    En su vida pasada, Su Xiaofei lo perdió todo cuando la otra hija de su padre llegó, arruinando esencialmente su vida. Solo al final de su vida su hermanastra Ye Mingyu reveló la verdad. Su Xiaofei no era la hija biológica de sus padres, sino una huérfana que ellos eligieron adoptar al descubrir que su madre adoptiva no podía concebir. Después de perder a su madre adoptiva y su propia vida, ¡a Su Xiaofei se le dio la oportunidad de corregir las cosas! Volviendo a los días antes de que la madre y la hija arruinaran su vida, Su Xiaofei decidió que ya no sería una hija obediente para su despreciable padre, y prometió no amar a su basura de esposo. Justo cuando pensó que su corazón se había vuelto frío e inmune al amor, un cierto Joven Maestro Lu decidió profesar su amor eterno por ella. En los últimos momentos de su vida pasada, Lu Qingfeng fue el único que sostuvo su cuerpo inerte cerca y derramó lágrimas mientras ella partía del mundo de los vivos. —Ya lo he decidido. Aparte de ti, no me casaré con alguien más. Adicionalmente, en esta vida y en las siguientes, solo te tendré a ti como mi esposa. En los ojos de todos, ella era la malvada villana, pero para Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei era su diosa personal. Mientras navega por su segunda oportunidad en la vida, ¿podría Su Xiaofei enseñarle a su corazón a no dejarse conmover por su amor? Editor/corrector: ninaviews Advertencia de futuras escenas y temas r18 no apropiados para el público joven. Ilustración de la portada del libro por Snow Le Art Derechos de autor 2022 anjeeriku

    anjeeriku · Urban
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  • The Touch of Hades

    [Mature Content] Aurora opened her mouth to say something but only a shaky breath left her lips. Sure she knew she had a sad life, the worse actually. But did fate really have to pair her… With HADES?! Standing before her was the god of death and the underworld. Every picture she had seen of the gods had not depicted Hades’ beauty. The god seated before her was not an old man with a white beard that reached his foot, he was the true definition of glamour. “Well, you beat my expectations. I expected a slim figured sad child.” Hades spoke, his voice sending tingles down Aurora's spine. “And I expected an old man with wonky tooth holding a stick to support his remaining lifeline.” Hades opened his mouth to say something about her outburst, while Aurora mentally faced Palmed herself wishing she hadn't said that to the god of the underworld. She stared at him expecting him to cast her into the darkest hell cell as punishment, but his lips only pulled up a grin. “Well, well… I guess I had expected little from my human mate.” AN-:) IF YOU WANT TO REACH OUT TO THE AUTHOR OR TALK ABOUT THE BOOK (give ideas and whatnot) HERE’S MY DISCORD SERVER NAME ryia6993 LITTLE SPOILER ALERT AS YOU CONTINUE READING I'm going to drop a few hints. Maybe it will help maybe it won't. 1. Before Aurora met Hades she didn't give a fuck about anyone. 2. She did (started caring ) when she met Hades and it made her look somewhat ‘cliche’ wanting his attention and whatnot. 3. Apparently, it was a way to tame her. The bond. 4. She recollects herself but in Hades enemy's hands. 5. There happens to be a ‘Reverse Harem’ Hope this helps when you start reading.

    Ty_sonm · Fantasie

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