
dream memes-Romanbücher online lesen - WebNovel


  • Extra's Dream

    [The protagonist is introduced around chapter 50-60] . I seemed to have forgotten something. Something that was meant to be cherished. But strangely, when I finally recalled it again, its significance no longer mattered. For I was already walking on an ending path, a road that led to my own sole demise. And I wasn't even allowed to waver anymore, because It was already.... A point of no return. _____________

    Owl_that_loves · Fantasie
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  • Dream Star

    [REWRITING: "Fantasia of the stars" COMIMG OUT ?] A mask of pain. A wall of sadness and loneliness that nobody could understand. "It's futile to explain, the moment something goes outside the norm, people instinctively push you away." Her pain and sadness is only a burden to those she cares about. He hides behind a wall, a long wall nobody can climb. Terashima Lila entire childhood revolved around staying strong for her family and friends. Music was her means of escape. A means of conveying the deep feelings and emotions in her heart that she couldn't convey normally. But when her cursed bloodline separates her from everything she built the past sixteen years of her life, and singing slowly degrades her condition further - what will Lila do? She transfers to light academy under a new name 'Kiku Ari,' and she meets him. The one person who changes her life completely. A unique music romance novel that focuses on a single girl's journey and burden behind being the top idol. Join Lila on her journey to achieve her new dream, while struggling with her hanyou lineage and getting caught up in a triangular romance. To achieve her dream, what will she sacrifice? What will change? For her, the two of them were both equally important. Which hand will she take? ___________________ ------------- *CURRENT COVER - [Cover by: Zushidraws] Join me on discord: Invite Only (ask in comments section) Updates: 2-3 Chapters every day the first 80-95 chapters are old content which I'm still going through and re-editing. - A side note regarding the story: the first half of the story will focus on the second ML Karashima Haruka and the female lead Terashima Lila story. Then the second half will move back to the first ML Austin Kiryu ---- Genre: Music, Romance, Fantasy. Supernatural

    XOMatsumaeohana · Urban

    This is a story about Lee Jieun a medical college student who have a weak heart since birth, magically recovered after her father coincidently met a mysterious man 10 years ago. One day, she suddenly become an experiment by the college special science department secret research (at least that what she think of at first) after she accidently drinking some 'special' medicine. After that, everytime she sleeping at night she will get a dream. The dream that she had each night seems real enough. New people, new surrounding with some 'magic power' really confuses her but, how come people in there know her like she’s been there for the whole time? Her confuse life of course began more chaos when she met Eun Woo. A perfect handsome young man with warm and cold personalities. He is one of the famous 6 children of The King's in that 'Dream Land'. More shocking! The man also is her fiancée that she never thought she has! How these never cross fate becomes a fate to each other? And how they overcome their love-hate relationship and in the end help each other? [COVER BOOK IS MINE]

    Aira_Rin · Fantasie
  • Afterlife Dream

    Daniel Weston died from pneumonia when he was 14 years old. He was then reincarnated into an MMORPG that he played before he died, "Afterlife Dream" as a mage named Antares. The MMORPG was very similar to the one he played on his phone, only that it had additional features that could be used to get better starting cards before being reborn on earth. Sick of spending fourteen years of his life in vain, Daniel decided to make it happen. He was going to be reborn with the best advantages in life. For that, he was willing to play in Afterlife Dream seriously. Luckily, Daniel was not the only child with this predicament. He encountered like-minded friends who wanted to achieve the same goal. Before that happened, Afterlife Dream started to destabilize. What would happen to Daniel and everyone else in Afterlife Dream who had yet to fulfill their wishes?

    Lu_Shui · Spiele

    BANYAK FLASHBACK DI AWAL BAB!!! "Ibu, dimana Ayah?" Hanya tiga kata, tetapi mampu membuat pertahanannya runtuh. Sesuatu yang sesak sudah ditahannya sejak lama, tetapi mendengar itu dari mulut putrinya sendiri dengan mudahnya hancur meluruh. Memiliki seorang putri yang tumbuh menjadi sosok gadis yang cantik. Hidup berdua bahagia, meskipun tanpa seseorang yang selalu berada disisi mereka. Namun, rasa bersalah selalu bersarang di dalam hatinya setiap kali anak gadisnya mempertanyakan sosok ayahnya sendiri. Sebagai seorang Ibu, ia merasa bersalah karena tidak bisa menjawabnya. Bahkan putrinya tidak pernah dibiarkan keluar dari Rumah dengan beberapa alasan yang terjadi pada masa lalu. Karena kejadian tersebut, rasa khawatir selalu menghantuinya dan membuatnya ingin selalu terjaga untuk anak gadis kesayangannya sendiri. Putrinya yang perlahan tumbuh menjadi gadis remaja, kini akhirnya Ibunya memutuskan untuk menyekolahkannya kembali selayaknya seperti seusianya yang lain. Tidak ingin membuat anaknya terlalu lama terbelenggu hanya karena dirinya. Akan tetapi sesuatu hal yang tidak pernah ia duga menjadikannya kembali bertemu dengan seseorang yang telah lama meninggalkan mereka. Seakan takdir memaksanya untuk mengingat kepahitan yang terjadi di masa lalu dan disanalah semuanya bermula. Dihadapkan pada sebuah pilihan, melindungi rasa sakit hatinya atau mewujudkan keinginan putrinya? Art by Pinterest

    giantystory · Teenager
  • Crystal's Dream

    Crystal is the next dragon queen. Traitors hide around every corner of her life challenging her every decision. Confused she sets out on a journey of discovery. She travels through the world and across realms. Where she finds a place to call home and find the strength to fight back. As her team grows bigger so does her trust in those around her. Protecting the dragons and becoming the leader of the riders is only the start. Eione a dark wizard with no care about life around him seeks only power. He will stop at nothing to control every powerfull creature. Starting with the dragon and the riders. Crystal finds herself alone asking questions no one seems to have the answers for. She discovers love and finds the support she needs. Together they learn the true meaning behind power. Will Crystal be the leader the riders need? Will Eione succeed in his greed for power? Will Crystal find the answers to her questions? How will things end for her and her love Prince Leon? What is the secret behind the power everyone seems to fear? Will she overcome the darkness that lies ahead? ************************************************************* "What do you mean? You guys need to remember I didn't grow up in a palace I grew up in a forest. Then spend seven years in jail ever since I got out I've been trying to understand everything. I have been trying to make a living, how am I suppose to know what is going on when I was never told?" Crystal asked. "We didn't know that until we heard your stepfather speaking about it. Your mother trying to convince him to leave you alone but he won't. He believes Eione is telling the truth, Crystal. He has been telling the kingdoms that you can open a gate to another world that can destroy this realm. That is why the world and most ancient dragons are hunting you right now," Sakura said. "What?" Crystal said unable to say anything more. She looked at Prince Leon who now was hugging her and said. "The gate can not be, opened from this side only from the other side." The ancient keystone dragon looked at Crystal and realised the truth. "We have a crown with no training and secrets that is. Lost but the worst is now no one is alive that can or will be willing to train her," Ferrum said. "Is that a problem?" Crystal asked. "Do not underestimate the power of the Golsend crown Crystal. The elve elder did well in warning you about the use of your power. The only way to know about them is to train how to use them. We can help but even we do not know everything about the Golsend crown," Ferrum said. "The truth is, this is what the last queen of the realm. Tried to warn you're great grandmother about but she refused to listen," Alya said. "What do you mean Alya?" Prince Leon said. "We were there when the queen spoke to your great grandmother. She tried to convince her not to go to Golsend but she went anyway," Alya said.

    Thunderrina · Fantasie
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  • Dream Path

    To be rewritten.

    StellNem · Fantasie
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  • Beyond a Dream

    Zaul is unique and a very handsome fairy who comes from secluded land called Geondeur. He is immortal. Chanel on the other hand is an average and lonely girl who's looking for happiness. Until they met. But Chanel was confused if he is real or just a dream. (The book cover was not mine)

    JTMLover · Fantasie
  • Perfect Your Dream

    Anatria memiliki kecantikan dan bakat, ia ingin menciptakan kehidupan yang diinginkan banyak orang. Sebuah kehidupan yang akan membuat orang lain iri kepadanya, kehidupan sempurna yang ia rangkai sendiri. Arda, seseorang yang memiliki segalanya, yang membuat orang lain membutuhkannya, tidak peduli seperti apa ia bersikap kepada yang lain. Arda merasa bosan karena ketidaktahuan teman-temannya yang membuat ia harus menjelaskan banyak hal hingga ia bertemu dengan Anatria seorang perempuan cerdas yang membuatnya bisa berbagi banyak hal. Bagaimana kelanjutan Anatria yang membutuhkan Arda untuk menciptakan kehidupan sempurna miliknya dan Arda yang membutuhkan Anatria karena ia tidak menginginkan yang lain berada di sekitarnya ? Ikutin kisah Anatria dan Arda ya .

    Skyb_019 · Teenager
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  • The book of memes

    The Book of heckin memes

    CountWatermelonTM · realistisch
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  • Tales of Memes and Deities

    In the vast internet, there are pictures that are called Memes. Memes are basically a picture with texts on them, but in the ancient era, Memes are life itself. When there is life, there is also death, that is Meme Review. Meme Review is the taker of memes, once a Meme goes on Meme Review, its death is inevitable. The host of Meme Review, the God of Death, the taker of memes, the Supreme Being, PewDiePie. A once mortal man who has achieved godhood by killing memes. In the Cyber Era where memes are banned, a young boy will risk everything just to get ahold of the memes from the Ancient Era, the memes that were once profound is now lost, the memes that are present is mediocre. He will trek the depths of the deepweb just to get even a piece of the meme, he will go as far as to go to Realms like [Facebook & Instagram] to take back the memes that were once theirs. Come join the adventure of a young man who will gather all the memes and meet the Supreme Being, PewDiePie, to bring back the meaning of memes to the Cyber Era, to bring happiness to the people. ----------- Because nobody comented on my thread, I decided to make a novel centered around memes. Note: This is only a troll novel, I'm not gonna pursue this in the future, well, maybe.

    WannaBeAuthorHaru · Fantasie
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  • Idol Dream

    The synopsis made by a reader called Lecc Daeho reincarnates into the body of someone of the same name just 16 years old. The body he is in is actually a failed idol that debuted too early, for strange reasons he dies. MC used to be an aspiring musician that never really realized his dream, now he has a system, a younger body, and a chance to become an actual idol, and climb the ladders of the industry.

    ForeignSign · realistisch

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