
clown tatouage signification-Romanbücher online lesen - WebNovel


  • Alfa Damien's Breeder: A primeira noite

    Ela era apenas uma humana que queria viver uma vida pacífica no campo quando encontrou seu companheiro. Ele era o Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregava aos prazeres mundanos, em vez disso, ele derivava alegria de ser poderoso. Seu destino se entrelaçou quando ambos possuíam o que ansiavam, paz e amor. __________________ Antes de completar a idade de 18 anos, Alfa Lucas da Matilha Clown Lovers reivindicou ser o companheiro de Aurora e quis torná-la sua Luna. Infelizmente, ela foi acusada de infidelidade no dia do seu casamento e foi rejeitada pelo homem que afirmava ser seu companheiro e que a amava. Teve que testemunhar a morte de seus pais e sua herança ser arrancada dela. "Eu, Lucas Dominion, rejeito você, Madison Aurora, como minha companheira." ……………………………………….. Depois de ser vendida como escrava, ela foi comprada para ser reprodutora do Alfa da matilha Crescent Red, a mais influente e maior matilha do país. Damien, que era o Alfa da matilha Crescent moon, não poupou um olhar para Aurora, e ela foi jogada na parte mais profunda da mansão para trabalhar com os ômegas. Cinco anos mais tarde, ela tinha meticulosamente planejado a morte de seus pais, pronta para colocar o plano em ação. Infelizmente, Alfa Damien, que a negligenciou por anos, de repente teve seu interesse aguçado e não a deixará sair de vista. Aurora, que nunca acreditou que poderia ser abençoada com outro companheiro, decidiu não se apaixonar novamente. Vendo como o Alfa a favorecia, decidiu aproveitar sua ajuda e vingar a morte de seus pais. As mesas viraram quando ela descobriu que ele era seu companheiro, outro companheiro? ………………………………………… "Companheiro? Não tenho tal coisa," ela disse, negando o faísca que sentia entre ela e Damien, mesmo que fosse evidente. Seu coração se aqueceu com a voz dele, seu rosto se aqueceu com o toque dele. Ele já havia despedaçado sua resolução, mas ela jurou não ser fraca novamente. Ainda assim, como ela poderia negar que não sentia nada por ele quando ele tinha tais efeitos sobre ela? Mas ela estava com medo, aterrorizada por ser traída por seu companheiro novamente! Havia casos raros de ter dois companheiros, por que a deusa da lua lhe concedeu tal destino? "Você não pode negar isso para sempre, e não tenho intenção de deixar você ir," ele disse, os olhos cheios de raiva, vendo como ela estava tão enojada com a ideia de tê-lo como companheiro. "Não tenho nada para oferecer a você." Ela tentou convencê-lo para tirá-lo do transe em que estava. Se ao menos soubesse que ele estava em seu juízo perfeito. "Eu só preciso da minha companheira," dizendo isso ele deu passos pesados em direção à porta e a bateu com força após sair. Depois de encontrar a força para se libertar de seu passado doloroso, Aurora é confrontada por seu primeiro companheiro, Alfa Lucas, que procura recuperá-la. Frente a uma escolha, ela voltará para aquele que a traiu, ou permanecerá com Alfa Damien, que lhe ofereceu nada além de paz? A capa é para o autor, não use!

    Trishybaby · Urban
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  • Who Is the Real Daughter: Miss Lin Takes No Nonsense After Her Rebirth

    Lin Yin was an unfortunate girl who lived in the slums for eighteen years because of mistaken identities at birth. Even though she was brought back to live with her real parents, there was no place for her amongst them. She was constantly bullied and scolded for no reason; her own biological parents would leave her in the dirt just because Su Fei shed a tear. Swindled, and betrayed the very person she fell in love with, she was finally going to escape her dark life when she realized that it was all a setup — that she was just a clown. She dragged her poisoned body as she tried to escape, but she was killed regardless at the loud crack of a gunshot. Her departed spirit watched as her biological parents coldly said, "She has never been our daughter. Burn her, throw her into the dirt — you can do whatever you like." As the guest left, a man stood sighing with sympathy. "Take her to a funeral home. Let's hope that in her next life, she can live for herself and not suffer so much grief." How laughable it was that she had lived for so long, but a stranger turned out to be the one who gave her a proper funeral! Soon, Lin Yin lost consciousness, and woke up to find that she had gone back in time, to the first year after she returned to the Su family! This time, she decided to live for herself without compromise! Still, just as she thought she would have to do this alone, she never imagined that she would be reunited with three brothers, although they never showed up in her last life! They were Mu Heng, the magnate, Mu Qing, the prodigious doctor, and Mu Ran, the heartthrob and movie star! In her last life, she gave her heart to the wrong people and suffered a tragic end, but in this life, her brothers were pampering her to death! Mu Heng: She's my sister! I'll protect her! Mu Qing: Who dares bully my sister! Mu Ran: She's my sister! I'll spoil her! Lu Ming: She's my wife! I'll watch over her! Mu Heng, Mu Qing, and Mu Ran: Get out!

    JQK · Allgemein
  • Alpha Damien's Breeder: The first night

    She was a mere human who only wanted to live a peaceful life in the countryside when she found her mate. He was the workaholic Alpha who never indulged himself in worldly pleasures, instead, he derived joy from being powerful. Their destiny intertwined when they both possessed what they yearned for, peace and love. __________________ Before turning the age of 18 years, Alpha Lucas of the Clown Lovers pack claimed to be Aurora's mate and wanted to make her his Luna. Unfortunately, she was accused of infidelity on her wedding day and was rejected by the man who claimed to be her mate and loved her. She had to witness her parents' death and her inheritance snatched away from her. “I, Dominion Lucas, reject you, Madison Aurora as my mate." ……………………………………….. After being sold as a slave, she was bought to be a breeder for the Alpha of the Crescent Red pack, the most influential and greatest pack in the country. Damien, who was the Alpha of the Crescent moon pack, didn't spare Aurora a glance, and she was thrown into the deepest part of the mansion to work with the omegas. Five years later, she had meticulously planned her parent's death, ready to set it in motion. Unfortunately, Alpha Damien, who neglected her for years, suddenly got his interest piqued and won't let her out of his sight. Aurora, who never believed she could be blessed with another mate, decided not to fall in love again. Seeing how the Alpha favored her, she decided to take advantage of his help and avenge her parent's death. The tables turned when she discovered he was her mate, another mate? ………………………………………… “Mate? I have no such thing," she said, denying the spark she felt between her and Damien, even though it was glaring. Her heart warmed at his voice, her face warmed at his touch. He already shattered her resolve, but she vowed not to be weak again. Yet, how could she deny not feeling anything for him when he had such effects on her? But she was afraid, terrified of being betrayed by her mate again! There were rare cases of having two mates, why did the moon goddess bestow such a fate upon her? “You can't deny it forever, and I have no intention of letting you go,” he said, his eyes filled with anger, seeing how she was so disgusted about the idea of having him as her mate. “I have nothing to offer you." She tried convincing him to snap him out of the trance he was in. Only if she knew he was in his right mind. “I only need my mate," saying that he took heavy strides toward the door and slammed it shut after him. After finding the strength to release her painful past, Aurora is confronted by her first mate, Alpha Lucas, who seeks to reclaim her. Faced with a choice, will she return to the one who betrayed her, or remain with Alpha Damien, who offered her nothing but peace? Cover is for author, do not use!

    Trishybaby · Urban
  • Alpha Damien's Breeder: Die erste Nacht

    Sie war ein einfacher Mensch, der nur ein friedliches Leben auf dem Lande führen wollte, als sie ihren Gefährten fand. Er war der arbeitswütige Alpha, der sich nie weltlichen Vergnügungen hingab, sondern seine Freude daran hatte, mächtig zu sein. Ihr Schicksal verband sich, als sie beide besaßen, wonach sie sich sehnten: Frieden und Liebe. __________________ Bevor er 18 Jahre alt wurde, behauptete Alpha Lucas vom Clown Lovers Rudel, Auroras Gefährtin zu sein und wollte sie zu seiner Luna machen. Leider wurde sie an ihrem Hochzeitstag der Untreue bezichtigt und von dem Mann, der behauptete, ihr Partner zu sein und sie zu lieben, zurückgewiesen. Sie musste mit ansehen, wie ihre Eltern starben und ihr das Erbe entrissen wurde. "Ich, Dominion Lucas, lehne dich, Madison Aurora, als meine Gefährtin ab." ............................................... Nachdem sie als Sklavin verkauft worden war, wurde sie als Züchterin für den Alpha des Crescent Red Rudels gekauft, dem einflussreichsten und größten Rudel des Landes. Damien, der Alpha des Mondsichel-Rudels, schenkte Aurora keinen Blick, und sie wurde in den tiefsten Teil des Anwesens geworfen, um mit den Omegas zu arbeiten. Fünf Jahre später hatte sie den Tod ihrer Eltern minutiös geplant und war bereit, ihn in die Wege zu leiten. Leider hat Alpha Damien, der sie jahrelang vernachlässigt hat, plötzlich sein Interesse geweckt und will sie nicht mehr aus den Augen lassen. Aurora, die nie geglaubt hatte, dass sie mit einem anderen Partner gesegnet sein könnte, beschloss, sich nicht noch einmal zu verlieben. Als sie sah, dass der Alpha sie bevorzugte, beschloss sie, seine Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen und den Tod ihrer Eltern zu rächen. Das Blatt wendete sich, als sie entdeckte, dass er ihr Gefährte war, ein anderer Gefährte? ................................................ "Gefährte? So etwas habe ich nicht", sagte sie und verleugnete den Funken, den sie zwischen ihr und Damien spürte, auch wenn er grell war. Ihr Herz erwärmte sich bei seiner Stimme, ihr Gesicht erwärmte sich bei seiner Berührung. Er hatte bereits ihre Entschlossenheit erschüttert, aber sie schwor sich, nicht noch einmal schwach zu werden. Doch wie konnte sie leugnen, dass sie nichts für ihn empfand, wenn er eine solche Wirkung auf sie hatte? Aber sie hatte Angst, Angst davor, wieder von ihrem Gefährten verraten zu werden! Es gab seltene Fälle, in denen man zwei Gefährten hatte, warum hatte die Mondgöttin ihr ein solches Schicksal beschert? "Du kannst es nicht ewig leugnen, und ich habe nicht die Absicht, dich gehen zu lassen", sagte er, und seine Augen waren voller Zorn, als er sah, wie sehr sie sich vor der Vorstellung ekelte, ihn als ihren Gefährten zu haben. "Ich habe dir nichts zu bieten." Sie versuchte ihn zu überzeugen, um ihn aus seiner Trance zu reißen, in der er sich befand. Nur wenn sie wusste, dass er bei klarem Verstand war. "Ich brauche nur meine Gefährtin", sagte er und ging mit schweren Schritten auf die Tür zu und schlug sie hinter sich zu. Nachdem Aurora die Kraft gefunden hat, ihre schmerzhafte Vergangenheit loszulassen, wird sie von ihrem ersten Gefährten, Alpha Lucas, konfrontiert, der sie zurückfordern will. Sie steht vor der Wahl: Soll sie zu demjenigen zurückkehren, der sie verraten hat, oder bei Alpha Damien bleiben, der ihr nichts als Frieden geboten hat? Das Cover ist für den Autor, nicht verwenden!

    Trishybaby · Urban
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  • Éleveur d'Alpha Damien : La première nuit

    ``` Elle n'était qu'une simple humaine qui souhaitait seulement vivre une vie paisible à la campagne quand elle rencontra son âme sœur. Il était l'Alpha travailleur acharné qui ne s'accordait jamais de plaisirs mondains, au contraire, il tirait sa joie d'être puissant. Leur destin s'est entrelacé quand ils ont tous deux possédé ce qu'ils convoitaient, la paix et l'amour. __________________ Avant d'atteindre l'âge de 18 ans, Alpha Lucas de la meute des Amants des Clowns prétendait être l'âme sœur d'Aurora et voulait faire d'elle sa Luna. Malheureusement, elle fut accusée d'infidélité le jour de son mariage et fut rejetée par l'homme qui prétendait être son âme sœur et qui l'aimait. Elle dut assister à la mort de ses parents et à la spoliation de son héritage. « Moi, Lucas Dominion, te rejette, Aurora Madison comme mon âme sœur. » ……………………………………… Après avoir été vendue comme esclave, elle fut achetée pour être une reproductrice pour l'Alpha de la meute du Croissant Rouge, la meute la plus influente et la plus grande du pays. Damien, qui était l'Alpha de la meute du Croissant, n'a pas même accordé un regard à Aurora, et elle fut jetée dans la partie la plus profonde du manoir pour travailler avec les omégas. Cinq ans plus tard, elle avait minutieusement planifié la mort de ses parents, prête à mettre son plan en œuvre. Malheureusement, Alpha Damien, qui l'avait négligée pendant des années, vit soudain son intérêt piqué et ne la lâchait plus du regard. Aurora, qui ne croyait pas qu'il lui était possible d'être bénie d'une autre âme sœur, décida de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse. Voyant comment l'Alpha la favorisait, elle décida de tirer profit de son aide pour venger la mort de ses parents. Les rôles s'inversèrent lorsqu'elle découvrit qu'il était son âme sœur, un autre âme sœur ? ……………………………………… « Âme sœur ? Je n'ai pas une telle chose, » dit-elle, niant l'étincelle qu'elle ressentait entre elle et Damien, même si c'était évident. Son cœur se réchauffait à sa voix, son visage se réchauffait à son contact. Il avait déjà brisé sa résolution, mais elle s'était juré de ne plus être faible. Pourtant, comment pourrait-elle nier qu'elle ne ressentait rien pour lui alors qu'il avait de tels effets sur elle ? Mais elle avait peur, terrifiée à l'idée d'être trahie par son âme sœur une fois encore ! Il y avait des cas rares d'avoir deux âmes sœurs, pourquoi la déesse lunaire lui avait-elle accordé un tel destin ? « Tu ne pourras pas le nier éternellement, et je n'ai aucune intention de te laisser partir, » dit-il, ses yeux emplis de colère, voyant combien elle était dégoûtée à l'idée de l'avoir pour âme sœur. « Je n'ai rien à t'offrir. » Elle essaya de le convaincre pour le sortir de la transe dans laquelle il était. Si seulement elle savait qu'il était en pleine possession de ses moyens. « J'ai seulement besoin de mon âme sœur, » en disant cela il fit de grands pas vers la porte et la claqua après être sorti. Après avoir trouvé la force de se libérer de son passé douloureux, Aurora est confrontée par son premier âme sœur, Alpha Lucas, qui cherche à la réclamer. Devant un choix, va-t-elle retourner vers celui qui l'a trahie, ou rester avec Alpha Damien, qui ne lui a offert que la paix ? La couverture est pour l'auteur, ne pas utiliser ! ```

    Trishybaby · Urban
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  • Game's Villain Is The Evil Clown

    "Only the victor can have the last laugh." *** [Destiny Fall]. A global sensation that became Game of the Year for 5 consecutive years. The game was set in the far future where the players could explore the vast Universe. It had exceptional narrative, characters, lore, and combat mechanics. There was only one problem with the game. It was damn hard to clear! 10 years had gone by, yet no one reached its ending! I was the 9th global rank player. While everyone dropped the game due to the absurd difficulty, I remained, doing my best to achieve a full clear. But... "Where am I?" I became the Evil Clown, an NPC whose only job was to die in every route of the game!

    TheCringeGuy · sci-fi
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  • Billionaire Mafia's Manny

    The footsteps sounded closer, and closer, and closer, until he faintly heard Siri's voice welcoming someone into the house, but before he could open his eyes to see who it was, he felt a large hand gripping his neck, his legs were locked tightly between much larger ones, and, he felt the cold metal of a gun placed directly on his...gun. Zeno quickly opened his eyes from instincts, ready to fight off his attacker, but the moment he did so, he was met with mesmerizing dark grey orbs, staring dangerously at him. The face of his attacker was too close, he couldn't make out his features, but he knew they were sharp, even from a closed look. He didn't bother fighting, he didn't want to lose his junior member down there, and his Nana still expected grandchildren from him. He couldn't disappoint her. "Who. Are. You?" The voice of his attacker was so deep, dark, and commanding. Zeno was a fighter, but he felt a chill run down his spine from the sound of the voice. The hand around Zeno's neck tightened, but he endured it, he was a fighter. Judging by his attacker's looks and actions of confidence, this was his boss. ~~~ After losing his parents and being faced with an unbelievable medical bill; Zeno Evander finds himself working as a Manny for a mysterious Billionaire, but it doesn't last long, after almost being killed by the Mafia billionaire, Zeno swore never to return to that place again. But after a week of escaping the Mafia billionaire, Zeno finds himself kidnapped and Blackmailed into signing a year's contract as the Mafia's Manny and bodyguard. Could Zeno escape his evil and monstrous boss? Or would he be consumed by him? Consumed by the forbidden passion he felt build up between them? Would he risk his life just to experience the burn of forbidden love? After the betrayal from his family, ex-wife and friend five years ago, Sebastian Orion became a totally different being. He became cold, aloof, and dangerous as he rose to become the most feared Mafia king of the underworld, and everyone who heard his name shivered from fear. He distrusted everyone and hated any form of human relationships, building a thick wall around himself. But, not until his son's manny came into the picture. Zeno irritated him in every way, he hated the mere sight of his bodyguard and would have chosen to kill him if not for the sake of his son. Sebastian always tried to push Zeno away by treating him in the lowest way possible. But when the contract was coming to an end, were his feelings still the same? Or did he suddenly realize that it wasn't only his son that needed Zeno? ~~~ "What are you waiting for? Leave!" Sebastian snarled bitterly. He would have to speak with Butler Nicole to find out why he brought back this stupid clown to his house. He had just returned from yet another trip, just to find this nuisance in his house again. He hated Zeno so much, he was classless and looked extremely dangerous to be near his son, who knew if he was sent as a snitch by an enemy? "I'm sorry, boss, but I can't," Zeno said and stood his ground. Leaving would mean he wanted his Nana to die, no, he'd rather stay here and take all punches that came his way, he was used to it. "What?!" Sebastian couldn't believe that such stupid people were still existing in the world. "I can't leave," Zeno repeated.

    Rosegold_n · LGBT+
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    The world will be a sad, sad place without a bit of humor in it, a dreary place without a bit of thriller and action. And even worse than this, absolutely unexciting without gods to tease, demons to taunt and monsters to tame. From a long line of strange, from a clan unwilling to conform with the generic rules of the world, sprouts a seedling of beautiful chaos with a knack for pranks, taunts and bone to never let go of a grudge. To all lay a path, to a fated destiny, and of all the myriad paths to choose from, he chose to become the Lord of Jesters, to bring about a happy ruin, to put a smile on the faces of those he holds dear and the opposite on the face of those who dare go against him. The world is not ready for him, yet they must deal with him best they can, beware the path of the CLOWN.

    Edel_Elensi · Fantasie
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  • Building The Technology

    In this story, we will journey with Virtya Markov as he struggled to bring about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization. Although Virtya Markov didn't have a cheater like system to help him to achieve his goals very quickly, he was not devastated because he was not only a genius but he was also a "librarian" in his past life. He knew his bad reputation and the lack of charisma will become a stumbling block in his path, thus, he thought of a plan, yes, a plan to not only unify the kingdom but also to bring it to newer heights in terms of development. But how will he manage to fabricate "heavenly" stuffs from his previous life when he didn't have the system or an extensive knowledge about engineering? Thus, Virtya Mariov came up with a plan... "I will build Shanghai, Tokyo, New York and Dubai. All these cities will stand in our kingdom!" Virtya uttered determinedly before he stared at the disoriented crowd which was giving him weird looks as if he was a clown. /"What is Tokyo city? Is it a new delicacy? When did our king start to cook for himself? Ok, What about New York? Is it a carriage?" The crowd was ablaze as Azuhai denizens discussed among themselves.../

    plot_twist · Fantasie
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  • Crazy Clown

    There are ten thousand gods that supported mankind, but will they stand a chance against a clown whose craziness knows no bounds?

    ComicalClown · Horror
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  • Clowns

    The world is falling apart due to a new unknown virus spreading around it affecting humans rapidly with no precaution. Not everyone can be affected but those who are not can be killed, for this virus is no ordinary making its host a natural killer and feed off from a human’s nerve system. What makes them stand out from any murderers or fictional apocalyptic zombies was their new conscience automatically giving them the urge to only laugh and smile whenever they kill and torture, much like clowns but with stronger physical attributes than military men. Each government that was still in service gathered up information on ways to exterminate the virus and prevent it and its hosts to do more damage. With hundreds of ideas from staffs to executives and to the presidents , only one had the chance to actually beat the virus with its same peculiarity that ends up building a squad of twelve minors that has the possibility of being immune to it. Immunity may not be enough but it gave people hope that the virus will not take over the world. So will you join this journey of humanity on defeating the clowns?

    howtokate · sci-fi
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  • Six Clown

    150 tahun yang lalu ada sebuah organisasi yang bernama "Six Clown". Kelompok tersebut sangat di hormati sekaligus ditakuti oleh 4 negara pada jaman itu, dan kelompok tersebut setiap anggotanya memiliki ciri khas berupa warna pada bagian tubuh/benda yang mereka sayangi. dan kelompok tersebut bubar karena ada kejadian yang tidak terduga. . . . Tambahan: - Saya tidak memakai gambar sampul yang bagus(karena saya tidak bisa menggambar) -Saya penulis pemula, dan novel ini dibuat hanya untuk mengisi waktu luang saja -jika ada kesalahan dalam penulisan/perkataan tolong beri kritik dan saran, masukan dari para pembaca akan saya terima dengan senang ^^

    JustKato · Urban
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  • The Hatchet Clown

    Benedict_Ebere · LGBT+
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  • The Class Clown

    The best class in Theodore high known for possessing the most brilliant students who barely have time for jokes is in for a treat when a young man arrives with poor taste in fashion.

    Princess_Galaxiana · Urban
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  • The Clown & The Songbird

    A young female bard is on the run from the moral security guards of the king for it is against the law in the country of Torean for women to sing. Meanwhile, a seasoned and exceptionally handsome clown who performs in a travelling circus, befriends the strangest creature he has ever met: a young girl whose voice is enchanted by the Gods to tame the hearts of the most unlikely monsters.

    Amaryllis_Oldfield · Fantasie
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