
Review Detail of Efank in The Devil's Cage

Details zur Rezension


A ****ty novel. An absolute ****! A 15 or 16 something years old orphaned **** suddenly acts like a mature guy who had seen and experienced the ups and downs of the world. So cocky, so experienced! A kid who doesn't acts his age has made friends who are 30+ years old has scheming mind that would put adults to shame. Also that fake sense of pride! That is the one which disgusted me the most. If someone is in pain he or she should be asking for help not to have the kind of arrogance and pride that this mc has. Like any typical chinese main character template, this moron is cold, someone whose words are not CHEAP as if they are worth grands etc. Mind you this is a loser who has no home, no family, no status but acts high almighty. Character is OUT OF CONTROL! World building is absolute ****. It's more like city building than world building. I don't understand how and why a teens stratagem can achieve success while other adults are sitting ducks. The whole novel has eulogised the mc so hard that it makes me mad. Better read good novels than this garbage.

The Devil's Cage

Rusty Dragon

Beliebt bei 6 Personen




You know you are right, I agree on some points especially the part you said 16 year old acting like 30, like cant they make a 30 year old character. I mean its understable that it's for teenagers in their opinion but still. Like he is cold to everyone for literally no reason, he kills in dungeon without any qualms as long as they are guys. Notice even if the girl is showing hostility he is like ok...I will ignore this, probably would have killed guys. So yeah pseudo feminism. the thing that struck me most is how he bacame some sort of genius in plans and all. Author uses this term too cautious but come on, is this even possible like this guy is so cautious where he meets enemies but is like completely free at some points. Despite that, I finished the novel. Even though It took a weird turn in the end.


...As you proceed to read and enjoy the novel anyways...


From his review, I'll go out on a limb and say he isn't enjoying it. I'm not sure how you got to that conclusion, but you must be lacking some common sense. When you've read all of the worthwhile novels and lack time, you have to find a way to pass the time. I, and many others, read subpar novels for that reason. If we don't enjoy it, we can harp on the author. This is the beauty of webnovel, and it seems that you, who is already at Level 5, clearly hasn't discovered this.

Hahalool:...As you proceed to read and enjoy the novel anyways...

I think it's a common trope in literature where people who have little tend to place more significance on their words. Talk is cheap in the business world, but isn't necessarily applicable in all scenarios. However, I don't think this is applicable to the novel. The MC is definitely out of place, and the author did a poor job (what do you expect) in their execution.


well i never continue reading any novels i dislike and also i kinda stalked his account for a minute for two...discovering that he is still following the novel thus “carelessly” and “naively” commenting my thoughts... SORRY for lacking some common sense but thats jus the way i am then, i guess. yep

Oto:From his review, I'll go out on a limb and say he isn't enjoying it. I'm not sure how you got to that conclusion, but you must be lacking some common sense. When you've read all of the worthwhile novels and lack time, you have to find a way to pass the time. I, and many others, read subpar novels for that reason. If we don't enjoy it, we can harp on the author. This is the beauty of webnovel, and it seems that you, who is already at Level 5, clearly hasn't discovered this.

well i never continue reading any novels i dislike and also i kinda stalked his account for a minute for two...discovering that he is still following the novel thus “carelessly” and “naively” commenting my thoughts... SORRY for lacking some common sense but thats jus the way i am then, i guess. yep

Oto:From his review, I'll go out on a limb and say he isn't enjoying it. I'm not sure how you got to that conclusion, but you must be lacking some common sense. When you've read all of the worthwhile novels and lack time, you have to find a way to pass the time. I, and many others, read subpar novels for that reason. If we don't enjoy it, we can harp on the author. This is the beauty of webnovel, and it seems that you, who is already at Level 5, clearly hasn't discovered this.

No I am not. My account is used by many people so I am sure one of my "friend" is too bored. I am give "them" a piece of my mind when I find the loser.

Hahalool:well i never continue reading any novels i dislike and also i kinda stalked his account for a minute for two...discovering that he is still following the novel thus “carelessly” and “naively” commenting my thoughts... SORRY for lacking some common sense but thats jus the way i am then, i guess. yep

Oh sorry then

Efank:No I am not. My account is used by many people so I am sure one of my "friend" is too bored. I am give "them" a piece of my mind when I find the loser.

Thank you for your review. I appreciate absolute honesty. trash is trash. Bad writting is bad writting. Webnovel needs this more often than "TFTC" zombies out here. Toxic positivity doesn't help anyone. Lying to everyone just because you want to say something nice, and feel good about yourself..