
Review Detail of IgnisPrimus in Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Details zur Rezension


Are you also going to throw a tantrum and drop this fic if it does not get 10 million views? Maybe get a few hundred dollars and leave? Seeing your track record of dropping fics and this one having a P@tre0n at the start of the story does not create a lot of confidence. But we will see.

Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness


Beliebt bei 39 Personen




Yea I hope people realize that the author has a patreon that is overpriced AF for what you get. So he cycles different books when patreon subs go down because people would rather wait a few days then pay basically 2-3 bucks PER CHAPTER. This shit should be pulled off from webnovel if I were them; gives scammer vibes


It makes sense that if a story isn't doing well you stop it, seems fine from my pov.


Is 2 million views and dozens of comments per chapter "not doing well"? Btw his most viewed fic "only" has 4 million. To me, that just sounds like a random tantrum, saying he only dropped it because "it was not popular enough" What kind of weird standard is that?

HugoGreyrat:It makes sense that if a story isn't doing well you stop it, seems fine from my pov.

I don't know much the author, so can you give some context? I Skimmed through their works and they seem fine if not better than most webnovel authors.

IgnisPrimus:Is 2 million views and dozens of comments per chapter "not doing well"? Btw his most viewed fic "only" has 4 million. To me, that just sounds like a random tantrum, saying he only dropped it because "it was not popular enough" What kind of weird standard is that?

HugoGreyrat:I don't know much the author, so can you give some context? I Skimmed through their works and they seem fine if not better than most webnovel authors.

Guess that's fair.


Mano se você não gosta da história, simplesmente saia ou crie a sua própria, para de ficar enchendo o saco do autor e depois fala que o cara larga a história, honestamente falando se eu tivesse no lugar dele e visse um cara que está lendo a história de graça reclamando sobre ela eu provavelmente largaria também, o autor não te deve nada, então ele não é obrigado a satisfazer as suas vontades não é se você não gostar vai embora mano.


The problem is that he does take money from his readers. How many had been a member of his P@tra0n when he dropped all of his books huh? How many have wasted money because the author is a man-child who can't commit to anything? So how about you callarse la boca and write in English you retard. Also no español.

Carde:Mano se você não gosta da história, simplesmente saia ou crie a sua própria, para de ficar enchendo o saco do autor e depois fala que o cara larga a história, honestamente falando se eu tivesse no lugar dele e visse um cara que está lendo a história de graça reclamando sobre ela eu provavelmente largaria também, o autor não te deve nada, então ele não é obrigado a satisfazer as suas vontades não é se você não gostar vai embora mano.

No español.

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I agree with you man, but that is portuguese, just reminding

IgnisPrimus:The problem is that he does take money from his readers. How many had been a member of his P@tra0n when he dropped all of his books huh? How many have wasted money because the author is a man-child who can't commit to anything? So how about you callarse la boca and write in English you retard. Also no español.

I know it is Portuguese, I did it to annoy him.

VolkBert:I agree with you man, but that is portuguese, just reminding