
Review Detail of jeanofarc in Shouting for mistakes

Details zur Rezension


This reader has completed at least five chapters upon writing this review. Where do we start, oh alright. Firstly, I would love to commend you on making a Korean novel that’s based on royal status and the imbalance between social classes. I appreciate the dynamics between the two brothers so far after reading the first five chapters. Now, on to the review proper. I really want to enjoy your story, but there are way too many grammatical errors, especially in the synopsis. Also, I was expecting something around post-reincarnation because the synopsis already gave way too much information about what the story is about. Two princes who were exiled then killed, then reincarnated after a hundred years. To be honest I was confused about the time period of the first chapter, because we were taken to a fast-paced scene of a chase going on between the princes and the guards. What I also noticed is that you inserted character descriptions in the middle of the scene that I almost forgot we were in the heat of a chase. So far, your premise has potential and is very interesting, I just think you need to execute it better. TLDR for the things you need to change: - Remove the character descriptions in between a fast-paced action scene where the princes are being chased after by guards. This ruins the reading experience. - Please fix your dialogues. The guards saying “how dare you” sounds a little unrealistic, maybe try something in between a professional and commanding tone, like “Halt!” - Change your dialogue format. It’s inconsistent in terms of style. This is a novel, not a script. Replace “Jiho: ___” with “______”, Jiho said. - Tweak your synopsis a bit. Don’t give too much information away unless it’s a timeskip. I guess I can excuse saying the two brothers died because they get reincarnated, but don’t narrate more details like “who killed who.” It spoils the readers. So far, here is my rating for your book: Writing Quality: 4* Updating Stability: 5* Character Design: 4* Story Development: 4* World Background: 4* So far, your world is very interesting and has potential to be in K-Dramas. I can visualize everything clearly. Your novel isn’t bad, it just needs improvement like everyone of us. So this is it. I think I’ll end my review with best wishes on your writing journey!

Shouting for mistakes


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It's the worlds best review I have got.I'm so so grateful to you .I will fix all the mistakes .Thank you so much Thanks once again