
Review Detail of Mr_cats_eyes in Eternity: God Mechanic

Details zur Rezension


Five stars since I'd feel bad about dropping the novel's overall rating when there are so many bad novels with 5-star ratings by 12-year-olds who don't know any better. I love your novel's concept, the main character, and how the story is progressing. I just wanna make a request from the bottom of my shriveled raisin of a heart: please, for the love of all existence, do not make a harem. I've never, ever in my myriad of years reading, read a single good story with a harem or someone with more than one lover. So if you ever add romance and a partner, add just one, please. It's not that I have something against people who have a relationship with more than one partner in real life, but that I haven't seen someone ever write a good novel about someone having this type of relationship. And please make them equal in the relationship if you decide to do so. Sincerely, MCE

Eternity: God Mechanic


Beliebt bei 1 Personen




I sincerely appreciate the time you've invested in leaving a review; it means a lot to me and significantly contributes to my visibility on WebNovel! I understand your concerns, as I share with you years of immersion in reading novels, especially those of the harem genre. I'm aware of your worries and align with your perspective. My intention is not to follow the conventional pattern where a protagonist attracts a group of women instantly and unrealistically. I aim to distance myself from the typical stereotypes of the harem genre, where all relationships seem forced, and character interactions lack authenticity. After analyzing common mistakes in harem stories for years, I want to offer you a different experience. So, I can only ask for your anticipation, but it will be revealed in many chapters; currently, I'm focusing on another aspect of the story.


"I'll try to be open-minded and trust you on this. I sincerely hope what you're thinking of works. But just so you know, if it doesn't work, I will comment 'What did I say?' one time. Just kidding. Maybe you will convince me otherwise and make me reconsider my opinions on the matter. Well, I can hope, right?"

CosmicArchmage:I sincerely appreciate the time you've invested in leaving a review; it means a lot to me and significantly contributes to my visibility on WebNovel! I understand your concerns, as I share with you years of immersion in reading novels, especially those of the harem genre. I'm aware of your worries and align with your perspective. My intention is not to follow the conventional pattern where a protagonist attracts a group of women instantly and unrealistically. I aim to distance myself from the typical stereotypes of the harem genre, where all relationships seem forced, and character interactions lack authenticity. After analyzing common mistakes in harem stories for years, I want to offer you a different experience. So, I can only ask for your anticipation, but it will be revealed in many chapters; currently, I'm focusing on another aspect of the story.

Keep hope alive!

Mr_cats_eyes:"I'll try to be open-minded and trust you on this. I sincerely hope what you're thinking of works. But just so you know, if it doesn't work, I will comment 'What did I say?' one time. Just kidding. Maybe you will convince me otherwise and make me reconsider my opinions on the matter. Well, I can hope, right?"