
Review Detail of TheWandaShip in MARVEL: GODSPEED

Details zur Rezension


the starting was actually really good and captivating. However around the time where Duke couldnt stop that RPG is when i dropped it. You're telling me, Duke, running at Mach 3(at least 2.2kmph) like it's a walk on a sunday morning, isnt able to move fast enough to either save his family, or redirect the RPG(only 600mph)??? and in later chapters the author goes "its plot hole deal with it". There's another word for it, and that's lazy writing. you shpuld just pick a different character other than flash to write, the flash is just one of those superheroes that are just super OP that it makes being superhero look like child's play. So unless his antagonist is another speedster, hard for him to not overpower his enemies, unless it's "plot armour or plot hole"



Beliebt bei 130 Personen




You saved my time and my brain cells, dude, thanx


he also has his own AI who looked competent, but was incompetent enough to warn Duke of the RPG up until the VERY LAST moment.... like come on...


I appreciate your review and I'm prepared to take on this 'future headache' in the hopes that the novel will at least pay-off in the long run (meaning, regardless of the potential headache I might get, hopefully the novel is/stays interesting). Though I guess I should ask, does it pay-off?


i would say it did not. i dropped this TWICE. first when the whole RPG BS. and the second was how MC was portrayed during the whole NYC war. It just feels so cringe and off. I get it plot hole dictates MC to be slower than an RPG when he can run 4x faster. But then i cant remember what it was, but MC goes into like a pseudo rage mode or smtg during his fight with Thor, And he still losses ??? Not only that, but he is then rendered USELESS cuz he used up all his power or what not. AND THEN, HE'S SUDDENLY ALL BUDDY BUDDY LIKE HIS WHOLE CHARACTER TOOK A HUUUUGE 360 TURN AND WENT FROM 'I MUST AVENGE' TO 'LETS PLAY TOGETHER' WITHOUT ANY SORT OF MEANINGFUL DEVELOPMENT. HE JUST CHANGES.... I didnt even complete the whole NYC war and just dropped it a second time. Dont know if i'll pick it up again a 3rd time in the future, hopefully not. Also thanks guys, kinda weird how my most liked comment to date is of me criticizing someone's work .-.

Iceyunderground:I appreciate your review and I'm prepared to take on this 'future headache' in the hopes that the novel will at least pay-off in the long run (meaning, regardless of the potential headache I might get, hopefully the novel is/stays interesting). Though I guess I should ask, does it pay-off?

Not sure about anyone else but I 'liked' your comment BECAUSE you chose to critic instead of just, "ITS THE BEST THING EVER<OMG>LOVETHIS4EVER<3" .... sorry for that word garbage, but I think you get it. Anyways, you actually explain why you have your opinion as well, very helpful. It's also clear that you didn't go on a straight up hate binge of "F THIS NOVEL ITSUCKS BLAHTHIS BLAHTHAT" .... again, sorry for the word garbage.

TheWandaShip:i would say it did not. i dropped this TWICE. first when the whole RPG BS. and the second was how MC was portrayed during the whole NYC war. It just feels so cringe and off. I get it plot hole dictates MC to be slower than an RPG when he can run 4x faster. But then i cant remember what it was, but MC goes into like a pseudo rage mode or smtg during his fight with Thor, And he still losses ??? Not only that, but he is then rendered USELESS cuz he used up all his power or what not. AND THEN, HE'S SUDDENLY ALL BUDDY BUDDY LIKE HIS WHOLE CHARACTER TOOK A HUUUUGE 360 TURN AND WENT FROM 'I MUST AVENGE' TO 'LETS PLAY TOGETHER' WITHOUT ANY SORT OF MEANINGFUL DEVELOPMENT. HE JUST CHANGES.... I didnt even complete the whole NYC war and just dropped it a second time. Dont know if i'll pick it up again a 3rd time in the future, hopefully not. Also thanks guys, kinda weird how my most liked comment to date is of me criticizing someone's work .-.

thanks I'm certainly not reading this if he looses his family THROUGH A PLOTHOLE


oh so another fake op mc time to in add this