Just a dude trying to find interesting reading stuff to not get bored. I'll throw out my 2-cents every so often as well if I feel like it.
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Your comment is making me think of her 'Injustice' look.
... wow, you express your opinion and get shit on for it? I mean, I get that this is the internet so you can't really expect people to act totally decent to each other.... but come on. Eh, whatever though, don't let it get to ya, people be people ... ya know?
.... ..... ...........
I was planning on opening these comments to say something about a sandwich, then I saw this gif.... then I saw this gif again....and again....and again.... again.... *sigh* I'm hungry now.
BTW, just stating that I'm actually a big fan of there being no harem. A real big reason why I enjoyed this novel... even if other aspects of it were ... questionable.
No professional reviewer, just a dude giving his two-cents (for what it's worth). This review is based off where I've read up to, chapter 199, though after I got to this point I switched over to the MTL version and finished the novel over there. It goes up to 378..77? chapters, but this translated version and the MTL version don't fully line up with the number of chapters, so this version of the translation might end up with more. Simple scoring: everything is at 4 stars, good but not great. It's not your typical "get OP at all costs" .... well, it kinda is actually, but not how might be thinking. The MC isn't a battle maniac, he's a merchant who uses what he has to his advantages and in turn manages to "get OP at all costs" ... hahaha. I fully recommend reading this novel as it's very entertaining, but ... WOW does it have some very ...'questionable' moments in it. I'm gonna try to explain the novel, without giving spoilers, but at least to explain what you'll be getting into. First off, no harem. Yeah, that's right, a Chinese novel without a harem.. I know right?! Second, the MC is an anti-hero. To those on his side, he is a great hero, a benefactor, an all-around great guy. Heck, even those not on his side, just so long as they don't irritate him or anger him, even if you have something he needs, he still tries to be friendly at first. That's not to say he doesn't have his villainous moments, cause he still has plenty of those, but he always knows which team he's playing for. Third, the MC is racist, like... SUPER racist. Not to the same .... uuhhh, 'angle' as say... a certain mustached WW2 German whose name might rhyme with mitler. No, the MC is less violent with his racism but just as, if not more so, prone to 'removing the issue'. He doesn't do 'camps', he is not THAT violent, but he does ... well, explaining it would spoil it and I don't wanna do that. So just read it if you want... or don't, but just be aware, the MC IS racist, so don't be surprised that you weren't warned. Forth, moving past the previously mentioned issues you will find that the novel does a pretty fantastic job of going into details; regardless if it's about history, Marvel knowledge, the various different worlds he gets into contact with, I was very impressed with it all. Everything always seems to lead up to something else, which is something I found great, no loose ends..... ~UNTIL! The novel ending. Things just... fast... out of nowhere...so many loose ends. I guess the original author just ran out of ideas or just got bored or ... something? I don't know, but the ending needs work. Something I hope the translator might fix, doubt it, but eh, you never know. So yeah, no spoilers (I think?) other than kinda about the ending? Anyways, I still recommend giving the novel a read cause it accomplishes it's job as a free online novel, that is 'to be entertaining'.
There's no racism ... yet. Trust me when I say this, this novel is pretty bad with how hard it goes with the racism.
That should become a verb, to "Yuri" someone.
No matter how large my fur baby gets, she'll always find a place on my lap. Lucky for me, she doesn't slobber.... but she does fart, a lot.
Huh, I don't see many MC's take this decision. Interesting.