
Review Detail of EvilBlueCrystal in MHA: Quirkless Hero

Details zur Rezension


The story begins in a bleak and ruthless world, a promising backdrop for a character without a quirk. However, any hopes of a sensible progression are shattered when the protagonist's personality does a 180-degree turn at the speed of light, all because of a normal mask he wears. The protagonist is able to overpower a fully grown adult, despite lacking any sort of power or strength, Then the protagonist decides it's cool to have two personalities. The protagonist is a child, yet he magically possesses the thoughts and actions of an adult? If you want a plot where a protagonist gradually descends into a villain, you'll be sorely disappointed, Instead the protagonist randomly attempts to kill innocent people without any reason. Then the hero character assumes he has two personalities, inexplicably adopts him, is perfectly okay with someone who killed people, and even trains him him. The world is supposed to be cruel, but then the protagonist gets adopted by another passing girl. The knuckleguy, a supposedly normal human, can magically fight individuals with powerful quirks, How convenient right? Wrong! It makes absolutely no sense, The so-called protagonist suddenly becomes a hero to save a girl. Why? Oh, because he wants more friends. Because nothing says friendship like rescuing a criminal and killer. And let's not forget how this genius decides to hide her by covering her with trash. Except the police have quirks like heightened smell, which apparently can be easily hidden. Oh, the girl can transform her body using blood, so why didn't she do that before? After yet another timeskip, the protagonist remains a child, but he's clearly not smart, since he decides to get captured by a villain. Oh, and he randomly attacks a hero for no reason, Where did Aizawa come from? Who knows? Everyone is 'stunned' and 'shocked' by protagonists actions even though he accomplish nothing, He tries to help people but fails miserably at everything. Midoriya, the supposed hero, is absent and conveniently vanishes into thin air. After yet another timeskip the protagonist suddenly gains the ability to use binding cloth in only a month, so what was he doing a year ago? He joins the academy to 'learn' more stuff, But he's apparently more skilled than the teacher, that he has nothing else to teach him, even though hes beaten by weak robots that even Midoriya could beat. Despite multiple timeskips, he still can't speak, he remains useless, devoid of personality and development.

MHA: Quirkless Hero


Beliebt bei 42 Personen




I'm so glad I read the story before seeing this brain dead review



In several chapters there isn't anything logical, believable, unique or interesting, instead its full of plot holes and inconsistencies, a bunch of random stuff mixed together trying to look good, but lacking any progression or interesting developments. The filler doesn't contribute anything to the the story, and anything that happens is not important because of lack of skill to create a proper story structure. Even though there's a couple of time skips, the protagonist is still so plain, unrealistic, boring, forgetable and one-dimensional, without any unique or defining traits or abilities. He literally has a brain injury and can't speak full sentences or interact with others normally. On top of that he is overly friendly and gullible, lacking any sort of intelligence. His lack of intelligence is proven later on when the first thing he does is to get captured by a villain, instead of having any sort of plan. And this is after he is gets a year worth of 'training'. Yet after that during the school arrc he has super strength. One-horrible personality wasn't enough, so now he has two? What is even the point of that. Then according to @LiquorSquad, later on they merge to become one, even worse than before, for the protagonist to aquire Cocain-Addict speach pattern, which everyone conviniently ignores. His need to kill random people when he wears the mask is thrown into the mix, like this the best idea ever created. But Is he a villain or a hero? Well forget about any clear explanations, he can be either when the author feels like it, even though he says that he wants to kill villains. But He still saves a villain that killed people, even though it's painfully apparent she's evil, so that he can have more friends, and if he ever found out he still wouldn't care. And Yeah real dog's smell don't work like that, You can't fool them in this way or for such short distances, let alone quirks that are stronger than pets. Goals? The protagonist has no goals or motivations, other than the fact that he wants to be a hero. You try to trick the readers into thinking this is dark story or that the protagonist will be a villain, by giving him a 'villain' personality. You also try to create the idea how quirks or the society are different in this world, but this is not the case according to @LiquorSquad, since everyone is forbidden to use them anyways, and the heroes will ignore the protagonist if he's evil, so this is your typical 'protagonist plot benefit treatment'. Still don't care about the Knuckleguy and whatever poor reasoning comes with him being included, so that the protagonist can have some training, that's not even detailed explained what it is, or the important thing he gained from it, or even shown in the plot later. Theres no explanation of the protagonist's super strength without a quirk. Whether the knuckleguy is original character or not is not the point. Are you going to explain what training he did to become so strong so that he is able to fight villains with powerful quirks and even claim to actively seeking for fights. Midoriya dissappears when convenient during the hero exam so that the protagonist can do exactly the same thing he would but worse. Aizawa randomly appearing without explaination before, It's clear he only appears so that he can say how 'shocked' and 'surprised' he is with the protagonist and invite him to join UA, even though he's a-murder, the principal of UA has high intelligence and Aizawa is not foolish enough to invite people who are clearly villains into a school for training heroes. Even if he didn't see him, it's mentioned how the protagonist killed others, and you should expect that there would be a simple check about who he is, unless you want to claim that UA let's random people from the street join or that the protagonist has a erasure quirk to get rid of the bodies and any other evidence that could be found with investigative quirks by the police, detectives or heroes. The writing is below average, it's not enjoyable at all since you couldn't even be bothered to describe things like the world and it's locations. Also The OogaBooga level dialog is bad, and the characters speech is unnaturall and not engaging. It's no wonder you're desperately deflecting criticism with your feeble excuses and deleting all the comments.

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Never trust this guy’s reviews he takes every fanfic and compares it to a professionally made novel.


Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.


no he just doesnt wanna see fanfics full of ploholes and lack of logic just cuz it is ff doesnt mean you could write anything it has to make sense in the context and there are bad ff and good ones where you dont find plotholds clear as day or logic problems

Cat_Tip:Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.

This is the true, the other guys are cry babies who don't know what are they saying. This review is well made it


A well written review with actual criticism instead of spamming an emoji?


think the emoji spams are bots.

TheMotherLand:A well written review with actual criticism instead of spamming an emoji?

thank you for giving an actual review and saving me from wasting my time.


I dont know if the "knuckleguy" is knuckleduster, but he's from an official spin off manga of MHA called "My Hero Academia: Vigilantes" which is actually a really good story, highly recommend.


bruh I cant read all that


read the story 3 or 5 months ago come back to look at the review and find a valid argument about it colour me surprised (still liked the story personally)


dumb cat

Cat_Tip:Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.