
Review Detail of Wataray in Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

Details zur Rezension


This is only my opinion, so at first I was extremely hopeful for this but in the end it didn't go the way I hoped it would, for example it went downhill at the part with his motheer I don't like the relationship you made them have it feels forced and too fake I had so much expectations for her that it destroyed most of the enjoyment, I hoped to see her with her memories trying to redeem herself by working extra hard and being by his side and slowly see him as a man and falling for him slowly would have been so much better

Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix


Beliebt bei 11 Personen




Thanks for sharing your mind and explaining your point. 😉 Sorry to disappoint and I hope you find what you were looking for. 😐


It was only my opinion, for example your mha fanfic is dope for now and I don't see any problem with it, it's just that I expected too much from this one since avatar fanfic is rare but it was only that part I told you about that ruined it for me could have been handled better and still can be if slightly changed

Daichi_TBR193:Thanks for sharing your mind and explaining your point. 😉 Sorry to disappoint and I hope you find what you were looking for. 😐

Understood ! 😉👍

Wataray:It was only my opinion, for example your mha fanfic is dope for now and I don't see any problem with it, it's just that I expected too much from this one since avatar fanfic is rare but it was only that part I told you about that ruined it for me could have been handled better and still can be if slightly changed

Nice to see a author interacting with readers, are you planning to change or will you let it be?

Daichi_TBR193:Understood ! 😉👍

I plan to “overhaul” all of my stories after going far enough with their narrative. I might change some plot points (especially the plot holes that are bound to happen). 👍

Wataray:Nice to see a author interacting with readers, are you planning to change or will you let it be?

Nice going, then if for this one you do change the point I showed into something more natural with her not loosing memories and them developing their relationship steadily it would be great and please let me know when you do so, it's better to fix some point early on in the story rather than write and come back later to fix so a tip would be that when you start writing chaps for this one again you “overhaul” before continuing it

Daichi_TBR193:I plan to “overhaul” all of my stories after going far enough with their narrative. I might change some plot points (especially the plot holes that are bound to happen). 👍

Okay 👍

Wataray:Nice going, then if for this one you do change the point I showed into something more natural with her not loosing memories and them developing their relationship steadily it would be great and please let me know when you do so, it's better to fix some point early on in the story rather than write and come back later to fix so a tip would be that when you start writing chaps for this one again you “overhaul” before continuing it