
Review Detail of Grand_Void_Daoist in Walker Of The Worlds

Details zur Rezension


Shameless author here :P. it's my first time writing a novel. The story will be a little slow paced at first so please bear with me. i have planned a long plot line so you will enjoy it. The mc is new to the cultivation world and is thus naive, but as he learns about it he will grow. Also i have not planned harem for this novel, there may be multiple women, and multiple children that he may have , but in the end he'll have a single girl he will stay with.

Walker Of The Worlds


Beliebt bei 167 Personen




If you get a good conclusion at that time, sure, but this feels like a novel that technically could go on longer. Especially since I really like the slower moments, when he cultivates (purely), it goes by fast, which is fun, but my favourite moments are when you spend a chapter or a few to describe when he is studying something which adds to the world-building while also in my opinion strengthens him as a character, not just in strength/cultivation but also as a person.

Grand_Void_Daoist:Not completed. Gonna go till 5k chapters

just found will read very promising just from the fact he will end with one girl I don't mind he playing around with a few throughout the story but when the story finishes with like 10 is what I hate


Naw if he’s going stay with one he shouldn’t be going around then.

Mud_Man:just found will read very promising just from the fact he will end with one girl I don't mind he playing around with a few throughout the story but when the story finishes with like 10 is what I hate

wait Author.... if he dates multiple women and has multiple kids but abandons them and sticks with only one woman.... isnt that just plain wrong and even worse than a harem story ? I can think of every single one of those abandoned kids becoming the protagonist for a revenge story lol. I like harem stories where there is a good backstory and character development involved for each character added to a harem in a world where strength is supreme but this is a first for me where you impregnate multiple women and then abandon them.... I hear your novel has great world building and that you have your story already planned Author. Thats usually a plus in my book. But evrn if I try my best I simply can't stand abandoned women and children. its still understandable if he only lightly dated them with nothing too serious going on. But to have kids and then leave them..... that just feels unacceptable imo.


😂 It's not the way you think it. Just wait and watch you'll understand. He won't be doing that . He won't be abandoning the women after having kids. I have it planned differently

VoidAutarch:wait Author.... if he dates multiple women and has multiple kids but abandons them and sticks with only one woman.... isnt that just plain wrong and even worse than a harem story ? I can think of every single one of those abandoned kids becoming the protagonist for a revenge story lol. I like harem stories where there is a good backstory and character development involved for each character added to a harem in a world where strength is supreme but this is a first for me where you impregnate multiple women and then abandon them.... I hear your novel has great world building and that you have your story already planned Author. Thats usually a plus in my book. But evrn if I try my best I simply can't stand abandoned women and children. its still understandable if he only lightly dated them with nothing too serious going on. But to have kids and then leave them..... that just feels unacceptable imo.

Finally a story with substance!!!!. I am definitely paying for extra chapters I just loved it. Definitely the best story I read in this year. There are no arrogant characters(yet). Very detailed storyline(It is as if the author lived in it). I shall pray to god or whatever higher power there is in the universe that this books should get into the top 10 novel rankings and wish the author for success in all his ventures. I also have a few requests: 1. Pls don't add any major romance plots in this storylines. 2. Try to stay away from revenge plots as far as possible. 3. Pls don't add any arrogant rich second generations and the protagonist beating the shit of them later. ( I've become quite sick of reading the same thing again and again in other wuxia novels I'm sure other are sick of it too) 4. Pls take inspiration about the plot from novels like the lord of mysteries and Warlock of the Magus World 5. Finally make this novel a special existence when compared to other wuxia and eastern cultivation novels. This is my advice and my request for this novel to become a success. As you can tell any veteran eastern fantasy novel reader are quite sick of the above 4 points so I implore the author to keep the above points in mind while writing a story. Should you wish to become famous as a writer in this genera you should be different. Again I wish the author good luck in making this novel a legend. In the end pls take this seriously or with a grain of salt


You literally covered the plots that I placed importance on. Lol. I reduced the clichés to a minimum

Daoist370160:Finally a story with substance!!!!. I am definitely paying for extra chapters I just loved it. Definitely the best story I read in this year. There are no arrogant characters(yet). Very detailed storyline(It is as if the author lived in it). I shall pray to god or whatever higher power there is in the universe that this books should get into the top 10 novel rankings and wish the author for success in all his ventures. I also have a few requests: 1. Pls don't add any major romance plots in this storylines. 2. Try to stay away from revenge plots as far as possible. 3. Pls don't add any arrogant rich second generations and the protagonist beating the shit of them later. ( I've become quite sick of reading the same thing again and again in other wuxia novels I'm sure other are sick of it too) 4. Pls take inspiration about the plot from novels like the lord of mysteries and Warlock of the Magus World 5. Finally make this novel a special existence when compared to other wuxia and eastern cultivation novels. This is my advice and my request for this novel to become a success. As you can tell any veteran eastern fantasy novel reader are quite sick of the above 4 points so I implore the author to keep the above points in mind while writing a story. Should you wish to become famous as a writer in this genera you should be different. Again I wish the author good luck in making this novel a legend. In the end pls take this seriously or with a grain of salt

I love the story but hate that the chapters are locked.




Great story! but...did you post this somewhere else previously, though? Say...in another language, perhaps? I've read way past the locked chapter before, and was just enjoying recalling things just before they happened as I listened to the book on audio while doing other stuff. So it's leaving me a bit confused when I suddenly ran into a lock this time... 😕🤨🤔😶😐😑😔😌😉


Nope it's always been here. The chapters were only locked recently .

PonjuPonju:Great story! but...did you post this somewhere else previously, though? Say...in another language, perhaps? I've read way past the locked chapter before, and was just enjoying recalling things just before they happened as I listened to the book on audio while doing other stuff. So it's leaving me a bit confused when I suddenly ran into a lock this time... 😕🤨🤔😶😐😑😔😌😉

Thanks you for that

Grand_Void_Daoist:You literally covered the plots that I placed importance on. Lol. I reduced the clichés to a minimum

I hope ur plan wont disappointed me .. im okay with either harem or no harem but definetly hate mc that abandon their woman after play with their feeling.. Suggestion🤣 No harem- can called mc n female lead celestial couple😘❤️ Harem-not the harem where mc shove his &$@& but harem where his wife become friends n have good relationship where each of them work together to help mc

Grand_Void_Daoist:😂 It's not the way you think it. Just wait and watch you'll understand. He won't be doing that . He won't be abandoning the women after having kids. I have it planned differently

I finally found your story!


Ah nice moe

MoeJam90:I finally found your story!

came here because of invite from the author not sure how much is from the author himself and how much is from the app but here I am


come here because invite. i Will check it out


Thanks for the invite it looks promising to be one of my top reads


Good luck!


Ok so its bot a harem but he he be with multiple women and have multiple kids but end up with one girl but he wont abandon the women and kids. so what i can tell is this is a harem. if he has multiple women around him even if hes not dating them all i thinks that counts as a harem

Grand_Void_Daoist:😂 It's not the way you think it. Just wait and watch you'll understand. He won't be doing that . He won't be abandoning the women after having kids. I have it planned differently

So, you have no plans for a harem, but he's with and has children with multiple women? That's literally a harem. The definition of a harem.