


I am a Pragmatic and adventurous reader who likes to read interesting novels of various genres.

2017-04-08 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • VoidAutarch
    Antwortet auf Colt_Wing

    what about the Dragon princess and the sneak peak of a girl we saw in Espoire Freiden

    < Would you like to join the Mythical Guild, Heaven's Gate? >
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasie · Elyon
  • VoidAutarch
    Antwortet auf DaoistGoldeSin

    what movie is that gif from ? I am curious cause it seems like a fun flick to watch. btw what do you think about the king holding a grudge against Aurora because her bad luck was responsible for the death of one of the king's wives. I mean that's pretty natural reaction on my opinion not that it makes it the right reaction. The poor girl has been cursed by the gods with her bad luck and didn't really have a choice in my opinion. How do you see it ?

    Even so, they set aside these thoughts for now and watched as the Half-Elf placed his right hand on Princess Shayna's waist and waited for the music to begin.
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasie · Elyon
  • VoidAutarch
    Antwortet auf Elyon

    Blackfire is the star of the show for sure ✨️ Grabbing all the rankers and hitting a homerun by pummeling Michael is truly a boss move.

    Ch 844 The Power Of Faith [Part 2]
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasie · Elyon
  • VoidAutarch

    I dont think revealing that he is here for Aurora would be a good move. After all , she's chained in a dark place for a reason. I am guessing she is the mistress of misfortune. Iris the mistress of extreme luck , Cai the celestial maiden and now Aurora the mistress of extreme misfortune . My man Lux, you onboarding Aurora might likely be why the Rowan tribe got a vision of a high level succubus stealing Cai away... Tread carefully, Lux. You're only a low ranker. Don't attract more trouble than you can handle. but alas as gentlemen, we obviously can't see Aurora abandoned. sigh.... this is indeed going to be tough to deal with. They're essentially taking up the role of guarding Elysium from the fate of solias after all. If lux spoke about Aurora , they might really do something bad to her. The Agarthans should keep in mind though that lux has game breaking abilities and means. So they should be careful not to mess around too much.

    Ch 830 Advent Of Highlanders [Part 1]
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasie · Elyon
  • VoidAutarch

    well who would appreciate being blown away by such a powerful bomb without any prior warning !? I suppose you just threw logic out of your brain Vera🧠 I hope you can recover.

    "You bastard dared to hurt my grandson in front of me?" Vera said in a cold tone filled with killing intent. "You court death, Dragon Born."
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasie · Elyon
  • VoidAutarch

    Actually it's clearly your Grandson's fault Vera. Use your head or you will make too many enemies to count. you're not strong enough to offend the crystal palace of all organizations 🤔

    "You bastard dared to hurt my grandson in front of me?" Vera said in a cold tone filled with killing intent. "You court death, Dragon Born."
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasie · Elyon
  • VoidAutarch

    How could water have cracks within it!? It has to be ice right? 🤔🧐

    The black-scaled Dragon Born cried out in pain as he and his comrades crashed into Alexander's water dome, which now had giant cracks in its surface.
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasie · Elyon
  • VoidAutarch

    So he still hasn't become normal yet... What sort of reasoning is that. when he stares at women , are their parents or friends hurting him!? what's with his hypocritical actions ? Just a while back he ogled Rowana lol. Besides Rowana , he's ogled other woman too. His reasoning can be used by others as well. Everything can be justified for his actions but not for that of others. Obviously, disciplinary action needs to be implemented but death is too far a penalty for simply ogling. I guess the whole king syndrome and I own the world ideology got to him I guess....

    ''No one will dare look at any of my women like he did, if they do it means death, but for the fat noble over there, I won't kill him.''
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    What the heck!? killing for just looking at someone ? looks like he still hasnt lost his insanity yet. unless someone tried to kill him, he should just rough them up or do what he did to Favian. In fact , Favian is the one who deserves the punishment of death there due to his intent not those other two. Besides doesn't the Adventurer guild have rules against murdering other Adventurers !?

    Archer turned his attention to the two motionless men, grabbing one and snapping his neck before throwing the body across the road. The last man tried to flee but was stopped in his tracks.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch
    Antwortet auf JumpsFromCliff

    Not everyone was responsible. Thats why courts and trials exist. That's how war criminals are treated as well. To involve innocents in your revenge is no good. It makes you just as bad as them. while an eye for an eye is a good. It's clearly isn't good to involve involve. You don't give death penalty to the children and wife of the murderer and only take on the murderer.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    well duh. Finding those responsible is difficult. That's why there's are courts and trials. if a murderer exists . You kill the murderer , not his family. This kid doesn't even try to investigate and just butchers everyone. How are the innocent people ever going to rest knowing they were killed for actions they weren't responsible for.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    He needs intelligence more than anything right now. A king is supposed to be intelligent !

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    what's wrong with this woman. She should have asked why he didn't check for survivors before destroying the castle. it's pure stupidity . He's being a battle junkie that acts for his own self satisfaction . Potentially tens of Dragon kin were lost. what does he say to the dragon kin that were still alive somewhere ?

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    Did Archer just kill any dragon born that might have still been alive!? is he mad!? his entire goal was to save them. He should have checked and rescued any that were still alive and then done the whole meteor spell on them. He clearly is mentally insane. Besides dif he kill civilians!? How is he going to unite any races If he's this destructive. Everything he does is collateral damage. Maybe get a skill that can see through walls. so that you can attack in a guilt free manner. sigh.... This is dragging on too long Author. The MC needs to grow some brains or everyone will treat the MC as being a retard.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    He should increase intelligence to at least 1500. seriously, isn't intelligence an important stat for magic. And just maybe increasing the intelligence will make the MC less insane.

    [Intelligence: 1100>1250]
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    And the MC is way too Judgemental. All traits of a bad king. Didn't even give the old man a chance after all. Some caravans are run by old men with a lot of vigor. Doesn't mean they are scammers.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    wut? sigh.... why is he a con man ? cause he seems like a smart old man ? how is this mc supposed to bring all the races together when he is mentally ill

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch
    Antwortet auf Cultured_Daoist

    well said. I agree as well. The author seems to forget that he acts in an unstable manner and I also think he hasn't used all his chances to create a new spell but still thinks he can only create one spell which is weird.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    Maybe increasing his intelligence can stop the nightmares

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace
  • VoidAutarch

    what's with the constant dreams ? it makes no sense why he gets them on a regular basis and it's turning people off... No one wants a psychotic MC....

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasie · NegansPalace