
Review Detail of Jezzekiel in Amenonuhoko: Flowers Garden

Details zur Rezension


This is a brutally honest review. The grammatical errors in this novel are extremely numerous, easily solved by some extra time proof reading and editing, one could even hire an editor. A large number of adjectives are incorrectly used, using the word 'horrified' in -a horrified version of a human, a goblin- is completely wrong. Although understandable, it makes the reader spend more time thinking about that mistake then the actual demi human itself. The fight scenes are, unfortunately, very bland. The description of each move seems very basic, although the author may not be an expert in combat/or understand how to fight, you could just watch a couple of videos or even check wikipedia. The way I plan my action scenes (I'm not a combat expert either) is to read up on certain moves, and try and fit each one into a combo. The reason why the fight at CH2 was boring was due to the lack of detail and a very important factor: The monsters didn't seem threatening at all. Instead of describing how he defeated them with ease using his techniques or special moves, the author just says that he instantly downed wolves with a single punch or kick, which doesn't seem realistic at all. An explanation of his (possible) inhuman strength? Would be nice. The logic seems a bit flawed however, I don't mean to be this harsh. It would be great if the author learns from these and makes a more 'fun' read, I don't know whether these problems solve themselves later on but either way, good luck with your writing. (No hard feelings, + you're welcome for the tips.)

Amenonuhoko: Flowers Garden


Beliebt bei 1 Personen




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