


Just another semi-otaku

2017-08-15 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • AstralJuggernaught

    Petrichor is the specific name for the smell of rain striking dry, dusty earth

    Dimension System
    Fantasie · Zicon
  • AstralJuggernaught

    and that's me out. I hate multiplayer stories with a passion. ty for the layout

    Multiplayer: you will be placed in the same world as other beta testers. Depending on the size of the world, you may not even notice at first. We will not necessarily incentivize PVP, but we have brought in a think tank by the name of VaultTech to help us think of various engineered situations to assist us in collecting data on as many dynamics as possible.
    Real Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester
    Videospiele · Jerynboe
  • AstralJuggernaught

    I'm assuming the title "A Hypocrite Necromancer in Westeros" was already taken, and that's why it isn't nailed to the front of this jalopy.

    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Bücher und Literatur · SenseiCaffeine
  • AstralJuggernaught

    he has tortured, mind r@ped, murdered literally hundreds if not thousands of people for no reason other than personal profit. And is STILL claiming to be not that bad?

    Harry had no interest in letting some wild rumors about himself and his magic spread that could spin out of control and label him as a dark and evil sorcerer, which was technically the truth.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Bücher und Literatur · SenseiCaffeine
  • AstralJuggernaught

    so he is now this guy?

    While it was impossible for them to perform more complex tasks like smithing or any other craft, they could easily transport, mine, farm, or chop wood.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Bücher und Literatur · SenseiCaffeine
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf Zuch

    and then falls over clutching his stomach cause beardy kept pitching out transfigured food

    The highest rank he reached was Master, but according to his Observe Skill, there were a few more. It went like this: Novice - Apprentice - Expert - Master - Legendary - Mythical. And let's be honest, if he reaches the level of Dumbledore or Voldemort, was he really strong on the bigger scale? Could he beat an army? Maybe one of these worlds. But in the multiverse? Could Dumbledore beat Goku? No way.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Bücher und Literatur · SenseiCaffeine
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf Darkcoif

    flip a coin a few dozen times while guessing, see if it's grindable

    [ Luck: Increases luck and drop chances. ]
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Bücher und Literatur · SenseiCaffeine
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf Darkcoif

    agreed, the store should heterodyne with the Gamer system, like making it deployable from inventory, possibly with cooldowns or sales goals to meet before it can be moved again

    "The essence of the gamer is a very useful one. It's extremely powerful in the long run. It turns you into a gamer, inspired by Han Jihan from the manhwa 'The Gamer,' though it isn't identical. This essence grants you a system with the basic functionalities of every gamer: a status with allocatable stat points and information, an inventory, a skill system, settings, and more since it even adapts to your unique needs based on your life situation," explained the shadow while holding up the blue essence. He then raised the golden one. "Meanwhile, this dimensional trader essence allows you to appraise anything, gaining information about it, including a value that you can understand. It allows you to trade anything, even conceptual things, but this needs to be done through a contract. Things like a sword, for example, can normally be exchanged for money without needing a contract. And lastly, the most important part of this essence is that you can declare a property you own, your dimensional store, connecting it to different universes. You will learn the details once you have your store. But one important thing to remember is that it will be a long time before you can move the store. Maybe even never. It depends on you. So choose a property or location that you can defend. The store can be destroyed from the outside, and you won't be able to get it back. And the cool thing is that all of this will be adapted into your gamer essence, granting you a system to control your dimensional trader with all its options and functionalities. This is the adaptation part of the gamer system that I mentioned."
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Bücher und Literatur · SenseiCaffeine
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf Silver_Call

    do you really wanna deal with super Hulk baby?

    - A signature bloodline with several benefits up to your discretion. Can pass on to your descendants.
    Robert I Baratheon
    Bücher und Literatur · DaoistWDfd8h
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf OmegaSpear

    good dodge

    "There is Boku no-"
    Robert I Baratheon
    Bücher und Literatur · DaoistWDfd8h
  • AstralJuggernaught

    is it just me, or is all the actual content being skipped? I feel like I'm reading the authors notes from attempting to plot things out.

    I nod and leave her to her own device. I walk to the mansion and go to the basement, where I can see a Brewing Stand. I have already encountered a Nether Fortress in the past and even explored it. The result is me killing a lot of blazes and getting their rods.
    I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King
    Bücher und Literatur · Fangrove
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf jordiscus

    yeah, but only if he thinks of it

    The man nodded and quickly dragged Grover away. Percy waited for the two to leave and then jumped out of the bushes. He went to the fountain searched in the dark waters for the bag Grover threw. His shirt and hands got wet but Percy didn't care. He finally felt the bag and quickly grabbed it, and like he thought it contained a whole lot of Drachma.
    Percy Jackson and the Gaia System
    Filme · UchihaFamily
  • AstralJuggernaught
    As for Pride, I am really grateful I got the exact ability I wanted from it; it's ability to consume and assimilate. No way in hell I was going to spend my time in some basement sitting on a cold hard floor trying to absorb the energy of the world to level up. That sounds gay as fuck. That's why I took Pride's template. With its ability to eat its opponents and then assimilate its strength into its owner was perfect for me. With this, all I have to do is to kill and eat. You can even say, I am the mini Rimuru now.
    Not a Slave Trader, For Real! [WC-ATG SI]
    Anime und Comics · meatball_san
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf Ali_Ceyhun

    nah, poppa Gremory went to talk to his business partners, and she wandered off while the adults talked

    Rias specializes in finding people with immense potential at the lowest point of their lives and recruiting them somehow.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime und Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • AstralJuggernaught


    "How do you still remain sane?... How haven't you gone mad?" Tiamat had no doubt that, over time, the pain would consume her completely, causing her mind to collapse into something bestial.
    Fate/The Hunter and His Doll
    Anime und Comics · Calleum_Artori
  • AstralJuggernaught
    "Bwahahahaha! Today's youngsters are sure to be interesting! I will take them and train them myself! I will leave the paperwork to you! Bwahahaha!"
    Grand Healer
    Anime und Comics · LuxVonDeux
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf strange_skeleton

    racial memory. bad idea

    But that was the bit of the matter. The whole of the galaxy was so shitty because everyone treated the others like shit, or they were just crazy to begin with. Granted I would never teach an Ork or the Tyrannid Hivemind.
    A Light Within Darkness
    Videospiele · Azazyel
  • AstralJuggernaught

    even the orks would approve, krumpin' da git

    Elesmere in response just moved from her seat to sit in my throne-like seat behind me and she wrapped her hands around my own close to the controls as she breathily whispered into my ear obviously feeling my discomfort at how loud and obnoxious the Ork's were being. "My dear the only response to shooting an Ork is why haven't you already done it." Then as I shrugged in response, she gently bit upon my ear lobe as the solar stream batteries on the ship hummed to life creating a large ball of blinding light on the end of the barrel.
    A Light Within Darkness
    Videospiele · Azazyel
  • AstralJuggernaught

    Main man is unimpressed

    "I am alright Elesmere. Cultivation especially powerful methods I used aren't... Pleasant to get started to say the least." I said grimacing as I had a whole host of other powerful techniques, but I was honestly terrified of cultivating them. Such as the Primordial Rage Buddha technique which would allow me to grow to massive sizes at will grant me great strength and most importantly an insane regeneration factor that so long as a single drop of blood remained, I could reform my body within moments.
    A Light Within Darkness
    Videospiele · Azazyel
  • AstralJuggernaught
    Antwortet auf Md_Shahzad_Hossen

    because associating strong concepts helps boost power, even if only psychological

    The loud clanging noise of the handle colliding with the metal floor signaled I had formed my Sword Seed as my heart took on the elemental alignment of Metal which would gift me a perfect talent for Sword Arts as I now had the Sword Orifice Heart Physique due to the Sword Seed Technique.
    A Light Within Darkness
    Videospiele · Azazyel