
New Sales to be made

Setting up his stand for a new day Domnus decided to pull out one of his better items to entice customers. The GPS, able to show your horizontal and vertical location, and the time down to the hour! With the ability to do all that and fit in your pocket.

Of course this item will be priced pretty high. And if someone really rich looks at it and thinks they can just buy it for what they seem as change? Then Domnus could just increase the price. What are they going to do sue him? He doesn't put the price on the object until they ask about it.

Seeing the first big wave of adventurers heading into dungeon Domnus was ready to sell as much as he could. Quite a few adventurers came to his little stand to see the GPS the unknown making of the GPS gather curios customers. However as soon as they were told the price of it they quickly gave up and tried to get something else.

A lot of them gravitated towards the star in a bottle. While it did have the ability to make a person regenerate mana faster, adventurers just saw it as a very long lasting slightly dim light source. However this did not matter to Domnus as long as they bought Domnus would sell.

Yet after the first wave adventurers became less and less plentiful, and Domnus's mind began to wonder about. Looking to the GPS which he had not sold yet, even after cutting down his high prices, he began to wonder what would help sell it.

'A map!' Domnus thought the idea shining brightly in his head.

But after a moment of thought, he realized that it would not be so easy to sell a map with the GPS. First off the map would have to work with the GPS, meaning the map would have to be made with the GPS in mind. However since Domnus was the only one with this technology no one else could make that kind of map.

And if Domnus wanted to create the map he would need to go into the dungeon. The monsters the lie inside was not the problem for him, the problem was the laws. Only certified adventurers may go into the dungeon, and to be an adventurer you must be given a blessing by a god.

But to be given a blessing by a god means to devote your entire life to their interests and their whims. Some don't follow this, some don't care, but Domnus was adamant about being devotion the god which gives him a blessing. Maybe it was because he's Christian, maybe it's because he doesn't like handouts but in the end it doesn't matter.

If a blessing is on him, he wishes to do his best for his god. And so far the gods that Domnus has met have been less than desirable. Of course there are several gods around Orario, but Domnus had been short on time. Perhaps today after the last adventurers leave he could try to find a god who is not insane.

But perhaps that day is today for a goddess is walking towards his stand. And this goddess had a presence that was unlike the other gods Domnus had meet in Orario. She was an extremely beautiful person as well, to say one part of her was more beautiful than the rest of her would be a disservice. And next to her was a very large beastman, extremely tall as well. The goddess actually noticed the GPS and began heading his way.

Domnus's excitement turned to worry however when he got a closer look at the beastman. It was plain to see that the beastman was under a heavy control spell. What kind of control spell Domnus didn't know because they were too far away, but not for long. Thinking quickly Domnus grabbed an old "experiment" hoping that it worked.

"Hello, I am here to ask about that," the goddess said in a measured tone, the beastman watching guard.

"That is a GPS," Domnus said putting on the best sales pitch smile he could, "It shows your current vertical and horizontal position, and tells the time," Domnus said. Even when brainwashing is an option, money must be made.

"Interesting" the goddess said, "May I know how you got such an item?" The goddess asked in a not so asking way.

"Merchants secret" Domnus replied not willing to give anyone that kind of information.

"Oh then," the goddess said before looking at him dead in the eyes, "Can you tell me where you got that,"

For a second Domnus saw her eyes glow a light purple, before she realized that her spell didn't work.

"You really think I would fall for such a thing," Domnus gloated pulling up his "experiment"

His "experiment"  was a blood red shield with the folded symbol of a ankh put into the middle. It was a fusion between two powerful defense artifacts. One a shield one a scepter.

"Interesting," the goddess said while putting her hand onto her face, "Very interesting, what familia are you in?" the goddess asked Domnus.

"As of now, none," Domnus told the goddess.

"Well now," the goddess said with a smile, "Would you like to join mine?" the goddess asked extending a hand.

"No thank you," Domnus said without a moment's hesitation, "Now, I don't like it when people try to brainwash me so," Domnus said taking a megaphone out of his bag"

"G O  A W A Y"

This yell was so loud that it began to bring attention over to his stand. Domnus knows he probably shouldn't have done that, but being brainwashed is second to last on his list of things to-do.

"Fine" the goddess said turning without being phased by what happened, "See you again soon" she said before walking away.

The beastman on the other hand stared at Domnus thinking about ending his life here and now. But, the beastman decided against seeing how his goddess seemed interested in him. And so Domnus was left alone, wondering if there were any good gods out there. At least gods not so weird like the ones in Orario.