

2023-11-08 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • AJ5678

    I need part 4

    Ch 47 Shibuya Incident 3
    Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju
    Anime und Comics · Impulsive_69Author
  • AJ5678


    Ch 38 Democracy
    Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju
    Anime und Comics · Impulsive_69Author
  • AJ5678


    Would it be considered Crime if Tsunade and Naruto end up sleeping together?
    Naruto with Curse Techniques
    Anime und Comics · Asura_7uh
  • AJ5678

    I’m sad this is the last chapter for a few months . But I really love this chapter . In all honesty it is still a win for Tywin, not only did he get the marriage he wanted and his future grandchild regardless if it’s Rhaegar or Daemon child will sit the iron throne. Also Aery’s is not wrong to feel the way he feels about Rhaegar actions they reflect badly on the royal family. While I don’t think Tywin happy about losing the hand of the king, I don’t see him being too upset about it because I believe he has faith in Daemon ability and he knows that it would be best to to take a break from the capital following the most recent events. Jon Arryn can be upset all he wants but he is not being honest about why he is because in truth he’s upset about the fact that he can’t started the rebellion with Daemon as hand of the king. We all know that Daemon has no problem with eliminating house in rebellion .

    Ch 42 Chapter 40 - A Tale Of Two Dragons
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678

    Jon Arryn is playing a dangerous game right now, daemon could accuse of defamation on his character as prince if he continues to stoke hatred against House Targaryen. Honestly I feel like he is snake because he hides behind his house words “High as Honor “ and uses justify his own ambitions for the iron throne. Because if really think about he is own mad that prince daemon demonstrated how easy he could eliminate a house and he doesn’t like the fact that could happen to him if he rebels. He hate the fact that House Targaryen is now again feared throughout the realm because it means he’s less likely to get support for a rebellion. As much as daemon actions were horrific , that were needed to send a message that rebellion will not be tolerated. What would do Ned if put in the same situation, this Ned problem he’s naïve to the ways of the world he lives in and that because Jon Arryn wants him that way cause it’s easier to manipulate him that way.

    Ch 41 Chapter 39 - The Prince that was Forewarned
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678
    Antwortet auf Kinginthenorth21

    Exactly, House Targaryen needs a monster

    Ch 40 Chapter 38 - Rewards And Retributions
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678

    Varys would have been right if it was the king that had been kidnapped . But it wasn’t and that will be the greatest folly because Aery now has full faith and confidence in Daemon and he won’t let him get close to the king. Vary thinking that the realm will distance from Daemon and the throne is weakened is a miscalculation because while he did damage his reputation, he also disrupted the STAB alliance and Daemon knows he is a Blackfyre who is plotting against his house. The moment he comes to king landing it will begin the end of his whole family.

    I shook my head, banishing the ghosts of the past. Now, the present held a different promise. With real power at my fingertips, the knowledge amassed through years of careful manipulation, I would steer House Blackfyre towards its rightful destiny. The Iron Throne, the birthright of House Blackfyre, would soon be within our grasp.
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678
    Antwortet auf IANDNUH

    Yeah but that was the Starks of the past and they don’t have it in them anymore.

    I held no sympathy for the demise of Lord Darklyn; his defiance warranted punishment. However, the manner in which hime and his house met their end left a bitter taste in my mouth, a sentiment shared by many lords.
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678

    I’m going to be honest I really dislike Jon Arryn because he is a horrible person really think about . For as much as he condemn the Targaryen and say that they have been no good for the realm , he has never once tried to form an kinnd of relationship with them . He didn’t even offer any foster for the princes. The king has four sons. Yet no offers of fostering . In truth it’s about him having control of the seven kingdoms .

    House Arryn
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678

    Rickard is probably going to go get the sword himself and deliver it himself to the king so he can get a measure of the royals and see if it best to continue the alliance with lord Arryn . Because in all honesty as much as the maester might push for the alliance against the Targaryen , he not going to be the fighting. The tullys are no longer will to support a rebellion against them because of Daemon actions, they are even sending one of their daughters there. The moment Rickard hears that the tully are sending their daughter to king landing it’s going to show that their putting their money on Targaryen. As much as people might disdain Daemon for his actions , in truth it protects the royal family power because the great houses now know that House Targaryen has a monster in him that will destroy any who threatens his family.

    "Darksister has been found," I declared, the words hanging heavy in the air as we contemplated the implications of such a discovery.
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678

    I love the fact that Rhaegar getting captured has affected Aery and Rhaella in deeply . While Rhaella is a emotional wreck right now and is afraid for Rhaegar. Aerys is drowning himself in alcohol and is trying distract himself from that but I love how you can read between the lines that he is as much as a mess as Rhaella but doesn’t want people to know that. He has stated multiple times how much love and pride he has in his four sons. Because no matter how much he says he thinks Rhaegar is disappointment and that he prefers Daemon over him, Rhaegar is still his son and I think he is afraid for him and doesn’t know what to do.

    Ch 37 Chapter 35 - The Dragon Departs
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678


    Kirito understood that this was a customary joining ritual among children, so he replied simply: "Hi, everyone. I'm Kirito Tohsaka. I love eating meat, I'm strong, especially at eating meat, and my dream is to become a great ninja and an outstanding meat-eater."
    Konoha : to be an immortal sage
    Anime und Comics · LightOfCertainity
  • AJ5678

    Rhaegar treatment of his brother , has cost the bond that could have been the man who could secure his reign .

    Ch 32 Chapter 30 - The Golden Prince
    The Golden Prince
    Bücher und Literatur · Last_Quincy
  • AJ5678

    So when the next chapter I’m interested in see after this and the war to come

    Ch 5 What is Family, Duty, & Honor in war?
    Maegor the Indifferent
    TV · hukbalahap_2001
  • AJ5678

    I very interested in the story . I believe this story has a lot of potential and I love the fact that the first pov is not the main character but rather someone who is watching the mc. I look forward to the rest of the story.

    Maegor the Indifferent
    TV · hukbalahap_2001
  • AJ5678

    Nice , I do have a question does Maegor have a dragon ?

    Ch 1 Ser Aurion Celtigar POV
    Maegor the Indifferent
    TV · hukbalahap_2001