


Hello everyone, I’m RD, and I’ve created this account to publish all the fanfics I’ve already written, which are more than twenty, all of them self-inserts.

2023-10-12 BeigetretenVenezuela



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  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Max_Kaster

    I have written one set in the Pegasus galaxy, although it's not a self-insert, but a reborn one: Quinto, the Replicator. I've thought about the Wraith, but there's a serious problem with them, and it's that they don't have lore or culture like the Goa’uld or humans, so I would have to invent their purpose and motivations, and I don't like that.

    Ch 22 Chapter 22 Tollan, Part 2
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Max_Kaster

    soon there will be chapters dedicated to the sith

    Ch 13 Chapter 13 Ryloth
    Star Wars Xion
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf ZaP_Tempest


    Ch 21 Chapter 21 Tollana, Part 1
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf ZaP_Tempest


    Ch 21 Chapter 21 Tollana, Part 1
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Zeno

    There But For the Grace of God 1x19

    Daniel had seen it all with his own eyes… Well, at least he had been there and witnessed many people die when the SGC, from another universe, was invaded by Apophis and his ships attacking Earth.
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Zeno

    You are wrong, but giving explanations is SPOILER, you will have to wait.

    Korr shrugged in his mind; he would think of something. There were still several years before the Ori arrived. Besides, he could always delay their arrival if he wasn't ready. He would have to monitor things on Earth; maybe he should secure Merlin's leftover items for safety to ensure he had the trigger for the Ori's appearance and only bring it up when he was ready for their arrival.
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Amit_Efraim

    I have 2 chapters to publish, and there are 5 left to go, but the internet continues to cause problems. sorry.

    Ch 20 Chapter 20: Robb, Bran
    A Song of Ice and Fire. The Winter Wolf.
    Bücher und Literatur · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Irebornintheboys

    I don't use ChatGPT for writing; I use it to translate what I write. It's also a good text editor and saves me hours in correcting the text to eliminate spelling errors. If you use ChatGPT as a spell checker, then you only have to read once to make sure it didn't change anything in the text's meaning, and that's all the correction you have to do. The problem is that ChatGPT censors many words, and you have to be careful because in sensitive parts, it can return pure incoherence or outright refuse to correct. I've been using it for a year, and since then, I've been able to publish the fanfics I had written because before I didn't have time to correct anything, and I was also too lazy to read over and over again looking for errors. Paying for an editor and a translator was out of my budget. The most annoying thing now is that in its free version, ChatGPT only processes 700 words, and you have to go page by page for it to correct or translate, but still, it's a thousand times easier than editing it yourself.

    Ch 20 Chapter 20 Summit Meeting
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Stephen_Ruchert

    I understand, you're referring to the range of attack rather than effectiveness in long-distance combat. Yes, the firing range of these ships is hundreds of thousands of kilometers, as they are capable of bombarding planets from their orbits. However, beyond that, we would need to ask someone knowledgeable in physics, as remember that these ships fire plasma, and we would have to see how long the plasma remains effective after being fired. As far as I know, the sun has no problem sending solar flares of plasma millions of kilometers, but that's a matter for an expert. What I do know is that if they were missile-like weapons, they would indeed reach their target regardless of distance, as they would maintain their velocity in space. However, using missiles is like shooting your enemy with gold—too costly—so these ships use plasma cannons, which are much cheaper.

    "Relax, it won't affect your ships; it's an anti-replicator weapon. The Leviathan's shields will withstand the damage without any problem, but I don't want these brainless bugs to get any data about the Leviathan and then chase it to see if they can take a bite," explained Korr as his ship fired a wave-like weapon that covered hundreds of kilometers.
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf BaserkerK

    Hello. Korr is not a match for the Ori. The Ori are ascended beings who manipulate reality; they could erase Korr with a thought, although I believe you are referring to the armies they send to the Milky Way in the series. In that case, the Ori ships would be superior, but the number of ships Korr has would ensure victory. Also, in terms of army size, the Jaffa are much more numerous and better equipped than the soldiers of the Ori. An Ori ship would have almost the same level of power in shields and weapons as the human replicator bio-ships: 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06. In the series, those ships were indeed powerful, and even the Asgard particle beam weapons were easily repelled by their shields, although they later discovered a weakness that made them easy to destroy by attacking at the moment they fired. If I do start writing the Ori saga, I will take all of this into account. For now, I have only written up to the end of this Goa'uld saga. On another note, Korr's current opponent is Anubis, who also possesses all the knowledge of the Ancients, the Replicators, and the Asgard. The only thing he lacks is Wraith technology, so we won't see him creating anything with that. Currently, Anubis is virtually immortal, and only an anti-ascended weapon could kill him, while Korr, although very difficult to kill, is mortal, and if Anubis locates his real body, he could kill him and win the war.

    Ch 20 Chapter 20 Summit Meeting
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Vaangel_Black


    "However, this portal is also a vulnerability that can be exploited to destroy both ships, as their shields will be deactivated, and if there's an explosion, its range will be sufficient to destroy them both. This plan will pose the least risk at the moment of execution, but it carries the most risk In the long term because it will put you in the sights of the System Lords, and they will send their fleet against you, considering you a serious threat," explained 03 with a serene expression.
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf UthredofBebbanburg

    Dacey Mormont is not ugly. At the red wedding, she is described as attractive. Descriptions can be misleading, for example, the Starks are also described as having long faces, which is why they call Arya Horse Face.

    Robb, knowing the physical description made of her nephew Jorah Mormont, the exile, wondered if they wouldn't name his island based on the appearance of this people, although it should be noted that this bear's eldest daughter, despite being tall, had an excellent figure, perhaps due to her youth.
    A Song of Ice and Fire. The Winter Wolf.
    Bücher und Literatur · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Akisu

    corrected, thanks

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Star Wars Xion
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf UthredofBebbanburg

    where did you get that information from?

    He also checked the available supplies, such as weapons, food, drink, and clothing. The former Robb knew how much of each thing an army would need according to its number, and the new Robb collaborated with security and hygiene measures to adapt them to his plans. Although he wasn't pleased, the supplies or war materials were lousy. His troops would be peasants armed with wooden spears and shields, and if lucky, leather armor. No warriors clad in steel; he wouldn't have more than two hundred of those, and that was already a huge number because his father was the Lord of the North. For the other lords, half of those numbers could be expected, and peasants armed with whatever they could find on their own farms, including sickles and picks.
    A Song of Ice and Fire. The Winter Wolf.
    Bücher und Literatur · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf UthredofBebbanburg

    Your description does not contradict the description I have made.

    Robb, knowing the physical description made of her nephew Jorah Mormont, the exile, wondered if they wouldn't name his island based on the appearance of this people, although it should be noted that this bear's eldest daughter, despite being tall, had an excellent figure, perhaps due to her youth.
    A Song of Ice and Fire. The Winter Wolf.
    Bücher und Literatur · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Akisu

    Is that a formal tone? because Ahsoka is using a formal tone in the original conversation.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Star Wars Xion
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf Max_Kaster

    has 25 caps

    Ch 9 Chapter 9 Clone Wars Part 2
    Star Wars Xion
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf rdsellinsert

    By the way, this week it's a double chapter, because the other week I didn't have internet, and I couldn't upload the chapter I needed.

    Ch 18 Chapter 18 Ascended
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf ZaP_Tempest

    Hello, when you notice an error, please point it out so I can correct it.

    Ch 18 Chapter 18 Ascended
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert
  • rdsellinsert
    Antwortet auf ZaP_Tempest

    thank you

    "Thor, at last…"
    Stargate Goa'uld Korr
    TV · rdsellinsert