

2023-04-16 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Sky_Ler_8906

    that's the worst type of condition because you don't even know what it is it could be something as small as being a small chain of butterfly effects by just being alive or destroying everything you built in the new life too be the final boss to bring everything together as one big shift in plot where you still lose out everyone you care about like lelouch in code Geass or itachi in Naruto

    As if that was his cue, god seemed to read my mind and said, "There are no conditions, just make sure to reach the peak of that world and then help me out with favor of mine, of course"
    A Kaiju reincarnated into Pacific rim
    Andere · Noreason12
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Doggos4Life

    not to mention they were ready to fight the MC without knowing anything about him, he could have been a member from a main faction that was sending a secret message while undercover so doing anything to him could be a declaration of war. they were so willing to let go of a for sure enemy because they technically were doing what they want in someone else's territory

    "Anyways because of the horrors of the Great War, we let the Fallen roam free. We knew people in our territory were being killed by the Fallen, however in case this was a mission tasked by the Fallen's headquarters, The Grigori, we had no choice but to let her do as she pleased." Rias summarized. If what she says is true, I understand her worries. I wouldn't risk my entire race and everyone I love on a few people I have no business caring about either.
    God of Gods (DxD Fanfic)
    Anime und Comics · Kakukami
  • Sky_Ler_8906

    bye Felicia

    [Perk: Begone (Rank EX)]
    Just a Simple Restaurant (Multiverse)
    Anime und Comics · LofiConic
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf RedCheetah07

    it's politically correct from the blood purist point of view if not then it's rude and most of the non blood purist in harry potter are also old fashioned in the way they wouldn't change it either so it's normal most of the wizards in the USA in harry potter also refer to normal people as no-magi or no-mage as no-magic so? it's all about the negatives

    Aunt Amelia actually started taking us out during the weekends of my last two weeks home. Although she is a pure-blooded witch, she was a very good friend of my mom when they were younger and she was shown how the muggle world actually worked through her. That's why she actually brought the both of us to the muggle side of things like an amusement park, which Susan was both in love with and horrified of.
    Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector
    Bücher und Literatur · Alexander_the_grey
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Blud_

    that's not a good plan in a world where even your dog could be turn into the incredible hulk and get revenge for the time you have taken him to the vet

    If my destiny is to be a villain I will gladly accept if it if that helps me escape death. I do not really care. It is easier to be a villain than to be a hero but it is also easier to lose to a hero than it is to win.
    Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger
    Anime und Comics · _oinkchan
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Christopher_Skiles

    ya I don't see how this would work because the MC's luck should act up when someone is thinking about doing something to him like I would understand if it wasn't on purpose or if he just so happened to bleed on someone and then they are on a even playing field then they can get him but for them try and cheat him, catch, kill, or prank him without their own buffer the luck should protect him because that's the best outcome not for his luck to ignore the fact that's a clear bad route the goblin should have fallen in to the furnace for try to cheat him

    "What the!" Confusion appeared on his face as he examined the vial closely. "The blood turned golden?"
    Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE]
    Bücher und Literatur · MisterImmortal
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf SonoBello

    that looks like soup in a bread bowl

    "I ask because usually, the pizza outside of New York is subpar at best, with a few exceptions of course. This looks like something I could get in the city. There's no way you're from Virginia." Peter says but soon loses interest in the pizza, as the old man didn't seem very talkative.
    I'm Spider-Man (MCU)
    Filme · AlienWarlord
  • Sky_Ler_8906

    how is being a weapons master with all weapons more Op then buying anything from anywhere whenever you want you can just be like "I'll buy two hotdogs, a bag of Doritos, a coke, rick's portal gun Oh and that thing that destroyed Rick and Morty's first world on the first episode"

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Dragon In The Multiverse
    Anime und Comics · TeeNo
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Gh0st00

    gotta agree a bit the fact that in HP Merlin learned magic like any other wizards in Hogwarts but in Dxd he basically was the founder of magic for humans after he borrowed air quotes magic structure from the devils is a bit jarring for the story like if shield knows about the wizard world then so does Hydra then what keeps them from doing some experiments like they do with mutants and technically all humans in Dxd can do magic it's just then have a set amount which is so low it's not important but in HP only special people have magic but in marvel basically everyone who can wrap their minds around the concept of magic can do magic but if you are too much of a block head then give up like what the hell is the ancient one doing that dungeons are opening up randomly

    Reincarnated Sword Saint in Marvel
    Anime und Comics · De4dlyW0lf
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Sky_Ler_8906

    ya i know the story already is ongoing it's just my personal wish if i was in the MC place because if the author just block the MC from blood bending then it basically made him a easy target to it like if he knew it maybe he could undo it

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Sky_Ler_8906

    it's why I dislike Mash up you can never understand where the storyline is going, pick one world and add characters never just mash up worlds have a main story then add stuff

    Apparently, Odin got into conflict with his eldest daughter Hela, and their relationship was almost at the point of the war. God-King of Aesir has decided to be a peace-loving fool for a foreseeable period, from what I heard. That wasn't something I wanted to hear. Now I can see why Zekram left it to me; that old man cheated me.
    The Holy Chronicles of Baator
    Anime und Comics · Trafford
  • Sky_Ler_8906

    it's all a mind games why do you think political marriage is existed for alliances and betrayal one belongs to their house until they don't then they belong to another or to a hole in the earth it's all touch and go if the ice is thick enough to cross you can if not you drown in the cold because trying to save you could include more losses

    "You don't need to be wary of me, Lord Gremory or Lucifer, or Gremory von Lucifer... whatever you are."
    The Holy Chronicles of Baator
    Anime und Comics · Trafford
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf bearburrable

    ya but that not exactly a amount you can write in a expense report and not look sketchy like "I just stop for gas and a hot dog $2,000 per hot dog 🌭 and the gas was off the charts 📈 at 20,000 per gallon but the hot dog was good had bacon 🥓 on it"

    "Thank you, happy cooperation." Schiller smiled and extended his hand, shaking hands with Natasha.
    In the DC world with Marvel Chat Group.
    Filme · ShaneFreak
  • Sky_Ler_8906

    just saying creating a country wouldn't fix the problem it would make it worse because it's segregation and the media thing is the right way if people see a friendlier image of something on TV or their phone they get used to it not to mention that gorilla marketing works if you see pizza on TV you want a pizza 🍕🤤

    To be honest, I don't really like politics and I don't really understand it. So I'm going to solve the political problem in a simple and at the same time less cerebral way. I originally thought of building a mutant country, but hey that's too much trouble and the theme of this book is about yandere girls. There are also characters from other universes that will come one after another in the future, and the purpose of their arrival is only to create a bridge so that the MC can go to other universes to get beautiful girls that suit his taste (author's taste).
    My Yandere girls in Marvel
    Anime und Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Sky_Ler_8906

    the best part about this story is it's not a MCU x DC mash up like most of the hero fanfics at aren't MHA, Most fanfics mess up the world background that way. This one only has bleach added to it, I'm not saying mash ups are bad it just throws off the plot and then it's not a pure fanfic because the storyline is unknown it becomes more of a rewrite from a fan. Personally if find it better if you pick one world and the add other world characters and items for a more stable background.

    I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)
    Anime und Comics · Saintbarbido
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Sky_Ler_8906

    then he can introduce himself like (welcome welcome I'll be your host for this evening)

    I want a super hero name suggestion for the MC. Can you guys help me?
    My Yandere girls in Marvel
    Anime und Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Sky_Ler_8906

    the host

    I want a super hero name suggestion for the MC. Can you guys help me?
    My Yandere girls in Marvel
    Anime und Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Loophus

    true, I was just saying if played right it could have worked a bit cramped but still worked on the other hand what came out was too Op. not enough slice of life because his harem that didn't development slowly and a familia that's has little to no comedic relief.

    Chakra Progenitor
    Anime und Comics · Alfon_Soultan
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Sky_Ler_8906

    would be great to see the duo of kazuma and issei debate about true equality

    Chakra Progenitor
    Anime und Comics · Alfon_Soultan
  • Sky_Ler_8906
    Antwortet auf Loophus

    the familia should have been his and not other Op characters maybe if they were newbies like Naruto's young cast, Rwby cast, young Goku's cast bulma can be put to run the store and sell her gear, the one piece cast before crocodile, Dxd main cast, kazuma and aqua so they can meet real gods, harry, Ron and Hermione for the magic aspect

    Chakra Progenitor
    Anime und Comics · Alfon_Soultan