
In the DC world with Marvel Chat Group.

Schiller transmigrates into a professor at Gotham University. On the very first day, Bruce Wayne asks him, "What is the meaning of life?" Activating his Marvel Chat System, he asked the urgent question, "Someone is asking me 'What is the meaning of life?', an answer is needed quick!" Thanos: Killing is recommended! Charles Xavier: Don't listen to the one above, let me use my powers... So, this way, Schiller became the most famous psychology professor in Gotham. Batman likes to call him "Teacher”, Joker calls him “Sick Lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Slippery Loach”, and Nick Fury thinks he's a “Ghost.” Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel, and other comics do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. Do become a PATRON! Go to www.pàtreon.com/shanefreak Read over 60+ chapter in advance on patreon, 5+ chapter release on Pàtreon everyday... This is not my novel, I am just translating as I read. Have fun!

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Chapter-29 | Bloody Gang Boss...

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The facts prove that the first few villains in any story are stupid to death. It is the same with the chancellor of Gotham University and police chief Victor. However, if it wasn't for the current Batman who was just starting out, even the old man in his prime wouldn't have looked at them.

However, fortunately, Maroni, the villain who appears in the middle of the story, is still quite powerful. Before Batman could wipe out his old nest, the production line had already started, and a large amount of fear poison gas was constantly being produced.

At the beginning, Schiller did not attack the fear of poison gas, since once he succeeded, the other side would certainly be more vigilant.

Although a large amount of fear gas was produced, it was only temporarily stored in the warehouse. This was because Maroni also knew that this biochemical weapon must be used in large quantities at once, preferably covering the entire block directly. This is in order to maximize its effect.

Unfortunately, he did exactly what Schiller wanted.

The gray mist was activated when Schiller filled the three warehouses of the small chemical plant with poison gas. He flew into the warehouse in one breath, swallowing all the fear poison gas concentrate.

Schiller dared to do this because the gray mist told him that as a symbiotic body, the gray mist could directly devour these fear poison gases and store them. This was without worrying about the problem of not being able to hold them.

But Schiller was skeptical about this. It was like a drunk telling you that storing alcohol at his place is no problem.

Fortunately, the symbiotic body is relatively obedient. After he dispersed into the gray mist, he almost instantly ate up all the fear poison gas in the warehouse and didn't get drunk.

The bottles containing fear gas did not change at all. It drilled into the molecular structure of the bottle and drank all of the fear gas cleanly.

The next day, when Maroni came to inspect the warehouse, everyone was stunned.

The boxes and bottles were neatly arranged, and there were no traces of anyone entering or leaving the warehouse, but the fear of poison gas was over.

Maroni knew what the consequences would be if this biochemical weapon was discovered by certain people. Therefore, although the chemical plant was small in scale, it was very well guarded, especially the warehouse where a large amount of fear poison gas was stored. This warehouse was almost airtight.

But he couldn't expect security to be vigilant against a sudden fog that drifted by in the middle of the night, so Maroni was completely defeated.

He spent millions of dollars, countless manpower and resources, and owed favors to several people. However, the results he spent a lot of time on were stolen just before the final kick.

If you say that this wouldn't have happened in the beginning, that's fine, but now he has also invested manpower, money, and installed several million dollars' worth of high-tech equipment, hired high-paid chemists, joined forces with the Red Raven Gang, and lost dozens of capable hands. Even the funeral expenses have been paid off, and you tell me that the finished product has been stolen?

More importantly, Maroni knows that the police and some strange bat-man are watching him. In order to deal with these people, he has used many informants that he had never used before. His intelligence network has almost all been alerted by him, causing many informants to lose their lives and destroying most of the intelligence network. This is no coincidence as it has taken him decades to build.

Just when Maroni had to increase his investment in order to continue producing a batch of fear toxin due to the sunk cost, when he arrived to inspect the production line, all the instruments and bottles turned into powder.

Maroni's heart-breaking voice could be heard throughout Gotham.

The performance of the symbiote surprised Schiller greatly. According to the symbiote, in addition to fear toxin, there were other substances that, as long as they had a molecular structure, the symbiote could disassemble them, mix them into its own symbiotic factors, and blend them together when needed to restore the entire object.

Schiller has a portable storage space that can hold most ordinary items, whether metal, plastic, or fibers, and the symbiote can swallow, save, and restore them when necessary.

Schiller thought low-level criminals do illegal things while causing destruction, harming others and not benefiting themselves, while slightly more intelligent ones do terrible things while seeking benefits, harming others and benefiting themselves.

But Schiller is different from them. His greatest skill is being able to reap substantial profits for himself while also doing some good on the side.

Who wouldn't want to be a responsible person? In Schiller's eyes, those who only think about hurting others for their own gain are just not intelligent enough.

Since he can choose to have both fame and profit, and his conscience will not be condemned, why not do it?

This time, Schiller completely destroyed the Red Ravens gang, causing serious losses for the Maroni family. He also damaged the trust between the mafia, the police, and the Gotham City government. Their first close cooperation ended in such a disastrous way that even a fool like Sal would probably not cooperate with these councilors and the police again.

Furthermore, based on the current situation, the heavily loss-making Sal does not want to let these people off. If he can't find the thief, he can squeeze more oil and water out of Victor.

Victor did not even get to wait for the trial. He disappeared and no one knows where he ended up. Maroni no longer has time to manage Gordon's position. Therefore, Gordon naturally becomes the leader of the Gotham City Police Department's Task Force. This gives Gordon real power for the first time.

The Gotham University chancellor who was involved in this matter also had an accident. Since Batman does not have a private prison yet, he returned the unconscious chancellor to his office after obtaining evidence. However, that late night, he was hit by a truck and, although he was treated at the hospital, he died the next day. The truck driver who hit him was a member of the Red Ravens gang. There were no other vehicles at the scene and the driver fled the scene. The police investigation found that the driver was a member of the Red Ravens gang, but they could not find any other clues.

The situation in the East District's gang scene has become more complex. The Red Ravens gang has been eliminated and the confrontation between the two sides has been broken. However, the Maroni family does not have the strength to dominate the East District.

Several small gangs have joined together, wanting to take a piece of meat from the tiger. The Maroni family, of course, will not allow the interests of their family to be swallowed up.

For a time, the entire East District became a battleground for gangs. After a fierce exchange of gunfire in which both sides suffered, the Maroni family was forced to reach an agreement with the newly emerging gang family. The agreement was not to encroach on each other. However, for the Maroni family, this was a huge loss as some of the small gangs in their jurisdiction began to defy their authority.

Jonathan could not be thrown into prison because he truly had a mental illness. This was not the result of anyone trying to get him off the hook, but rather the authoritative conclusion of the head doctor at Arkham Mental Hospital's psychiatry department.

It doesn't really matter whether Jonathan is sent to prison in Gotham or to Arkham Mental Hospital. This is the hospital. This is because he is not a straw man at the moment and does not have the ability to escape either place.

In addition, the Wayne family caught the boss of Wayne Chemicals, the pest. Batman gained some fame in Gotham for the first time. Miss Christine was saved and did not suffer any substantial injury. Schiller also obtained a large amount of fear toxin as a weapon.

Only the world of gangs and criminals was affected.

Although, whether it is Gotham's principal, Victor's bureau chief, or Maroni, they aren't really big shots in the Batman world. At most, they are just a few cannon fodder at the beginning of the story, so they all appear somewhat stupid. However, Schiller knows that the curtain of the Batman world has not yet been opened, and the truly dangerous and maniacal criminals have not yet appeared on stage.

As a result of his influence, Batman grows faster, and perhaps when he faces his old opponents, he will have a substantial advantage.

With a view to the DC world, Schiller once again sank into a dream, and when he woke up, he had returned to bustling New York.

But unfortunately, the first guest he saw in the morning was the person he least wanted to see.

"Please sit down, Miss Natasha. I won't say any polite words."

Across from Natasha, she was dressed in casual clothes and didn't appear much like a female agent. Instead, she looked a bit like a housewife who had gotten up to run in the morning. She had put on a little light makeup and appeared very healthy. Her hair was not tied up behind her, but was rolled up and didn't look like Black Widow at all.

However, this is more in line with common sense.

Natasha took a sip of coffee and said, "Mr. Schiller, first of all, I would like to apologize on behalf of Coulson. When we first wanted to contact you, it was completely because you were Stark's psychological counselor, and we wanted to get more information about Stark's mental problems. After all, you know how much impact it would have if a company like Stark Industries collapsed."

"But now we are coming to you because we really can't find a better psychologist than you."

It has to be said that this female agent is really versatile. She is dressed in casual clothes, sitting at the table with coffee, and her beautiful face makes it nearly impossible to feel any animosity towards her.

It seems that the Black Widow is not only intimidating, but she is also an excellent agent who can adapt her style according to the situation.

Schiller said, "You don't have to talk around in circles with me. I'm very clear on why I left the Elder Council Hospital, but you didn't find anything there, right?"

"I was attracted to you only because you were useless to me. I was just there to complete my research, but you fired me for some baseless speculation. We should settle this account."

"We don't know about the personnel arrangements at Elder Council Hospital, but we do have a better job offer here," Natasha said.

Then she took out a file from her bag and handed it to Schiller. Natasha said, "We formally invite you, Mr. Schiller Rodriquez, to be the special invited senior psychological counselor of the National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, to provide psychological counseling services to one or more specific bureau members."

Schiller said, "I'm sorry, I don't..."

"As you talked to Mr. Stark, the payment is $1 million per hour."

"Thank you, happy cooperation." Schiller smiled and extended his hand, shaking hands with Natasha.