

2023-03-26 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Kimhwaaisha

    correct definition of survival

    After some checkups the doctor said that she might not survive as the blood in her body is almost out, Lincius couldn't help it and kept crying like a little baby and promised to make the witch queen and Mrs. El pay for what they've done, after Razernvens and Zaid told him what Tessa had gone through he couldn't help but hate himself even more, she saved me and this is how I repay her? just then Ashley came, lincius thought she was going to blame him for what's happening but instead she hugged him and kept comforting him, the more the minutes they spent the more he kept on remembering how Tessa used to give him this comforting hug, after a while he excused himself and went outside but unfortunately he ended up in a rampage, and no one was there to stop him as he was really dangerous at that time, everyone had to bear with it and sulk in silence.
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    감사합니다, this novel deserves a thumbs up, keep going!

    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    how do you like it so far?! please vote it's love

    Ch 16 chapter 16: Revenge
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha


    Later that evening Zaid was sitting all alone when one of his minions came and send that an unknown person had sent this small note, Zaid said read it aloud the minion started; let me handle this, this is my fight, I'll bring back lincius and as for Tessa don't worry she's long gone... With that the minion kept quiet, Zaid asked is that all? He replied yes it is, and who did you say it was from? He replied I don't know, he/ she just break in after fighting the guards, WTH did you just say, someone came into the castle without getting caught and even delivered this safely seriously?! Alright whoever that might be I'll give him/her a chance we'll certainly I'll just jump to conclusions 'him a chance' and if he can't prove himself in the next seven days we move to action!!!!
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha


    Ashley woke up and was shocked to see herself in the hospital, she remembered all that had happened and broke down in angry tears again when Mrs.lino tried calming her down and couldn't succeeded she asked for Razernvens and he came running like a little puppy who hadn't seen his master in ages, he hugged her as he continued to comfort her non stop, she refused to take in any food, and that's making Razernvens worry much harder, when she was discharged, Razernvens took her up to the roof top and said laid down to watch the beautiful stars to make them take out their sorrows, it was already midnight when Razernvens spoke how're you feeling now, Ashley just came closer and laid her head on his chest which gave him lot of butterflies and racing heart, she spoke I think I'm adjusting to it (while sobbing) he sat down with her in his arms and cupped her face in his hands carefully, and he began she raised her eyes slowly and stared deep into his, that was when they both admired their eye color, he spoke again I've never been this closer with any girl in my whole life, she smiled as tears roll down her eyes, me either, he spoke again, I might not be able to occupy your heart but I hope I'd be able to occupy the biggest portion of it and if that's still impossible I hope I can make a small window and let my love shine your heart, but if you're with someone feel free to say n... Before he could complete his sentence she kissed him first and he couldn't help but kiss her back, tears was streaming down their cheeks as they both let the stars and moon notice their presence, they were both interrupted when Naemin spoke oh guys you've been kissing like since forever and pulled back as I felt my cheeks turned red, while Razernvens only gave Naemin a deadly glare and turned to me and gave me a soft chuckle I chuckled a little as well and we both stood to catch up with Naemin that is as pale as paper, we all headed out of the hospital to the car and then drove off to somewhere I don't know, while my hands was held by Razernvens soft hands....
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    she deserves to get a taste of what she's doing

    There was utter silence everyone was so damn missing lincius and hoped they'd be able to find him soon before everything gets out of hand and as for Tessa some of the minions were instructed to go find her before Lincius comes back because if that happens they're as good as dead, Razernvens spoke up have you contacted Zaid? One of them replied no, and he spoke up again call him and notify him of what's going on!!!
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    I'm loving this

    .... Razernvens was in full break down, while the rest of the members all went outside out of devastation, Ashley came from behind and thought of giving Razernvens a hug but wasn't sure if it'll work or it'll make him angrier but to her shock he pulled her in and buried his head at the nook of her neck, and began to cry like a small baby, no one could be less shocked as how Ashley was, she started comforting him saying everything will be alright but deep down in her mind she already knew everythings is a mess, she also began to cry when the image of how Tessa fell to the ground came popping up in her head now it was Naemins time to watch the show, both people are trying to comfort each other, what a drama I mean how does that even work? (Naemin) I just hope they don't get a mental breakdown, After what seems like eternity Ashley passed out and Razernvens couldn't believe his eyes, Lincius, Tessa and now Ashley WTH is going on? Naemin instructed him to take her in his arms but Razernvens just stared at him in aw shock, at last Naemin was the one who took her in his arms and with that sight something shouted out of Razernvens, WAIT! I'll try just put her down, everyone was shocked but not for naemin, (Razernvens) he took her in his arms trying so hard not to hurt her and took her straight to the hospital, leaving her with mrs.lino while they all left for a meeting on how to get lincius back before it was too late....
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    okay, I think I might just flew up to could nine after reading this novel 💯

    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    such a heartless woman

              I was still sleeping when I heard my phone ringing, I rejected without even knowing who was calling and continued with my peaceful sleep, I didn't wake up until it was 1:09 in the afternoon, I woke up feeling a little bit lazy, but I summed up courage went into the bathroom took my bath and came out, took out some simple but designer clothes feeling much more comfortable and pleased, I remembered about the call I missed while ago, it was Tessa I called back but she wasn't picking up I went out of the room heading downstairs i ignored everyone and headed to the parking lot, and drove out heading to Mrs.El's mansion, I arrived at the mansion but the maids refused to let me in, I turned and pretend to have left, and they went back into the mansion, and I quickly headed to where Tessa's window is located, I leapt and landed on the window I opened up the window na d went in, what the heck is going on, what I saw shut down my entire system...
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    how could she possibly change easily?

              I was still sleeping when I heard my phone ringing, I rejected without even knowing who was calling and continued with my peaceful sleep, I didn't wake up until it was 1:09 in the afternoon, I woke up feeling a little bit lazy, but I summed up courage went into the bathroom took my bath and came out, took out some simple but designer clothes feeling much more comfortable and pleased, I remembered about the call I missed while ago, it was Tessa I called back but she wasn't picking up I went out of the room heading downstairs i ignored everyone and headed to the parking lot, and drove out heading to Mrs.El's mansion, I arrived at the mansion but the maids refused to let me in, I turned and pretend to have left, and they went back into the mansion, and I quickly headed to where Tessa's window is located, I leapt and landed on the window I opened up the window na d went in, what the heck is going on, what I saw shut down my entire system...
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    trust me, this is so promising

    (Still in Deep silence) no one said a word after hearing the horror that lies in his voice (stood up) okay if this isn't holding anymore I'll take my leave I smirked again making them to tremble more or much closer to the fear of dying, I was about to leave when Naemin spoke he said why not we play your favorite game of cribbage that will be cool, I turned around this time with a wicked smile on my handsome face, yeah sure that will be fun and I'll be the one to choose the players and whosoever I choose most to play and if he fails he will have to pay with his blood, everyone was so shocked, upon hearing that Harry already knew that something was really wrong but he decided to just sit back and watch, I began to choose, I choose every single leaving thing except for the people that came in late of course that's Razernvens team, we started to play the game of cribbage, Naemin brought out the cards and it all started, we were playing when two of them decided to cheat but unfortunately for them they got caught by the mighty Lincius and were mercilessly killed, I killed about 57 of them without a care in the world, only few were remaining which were the ones who started the topic that was discussed earlier, I was enjoying myself when my phone began to ring, my eyes raising slowly from my cards to see who was trying to disturb my peace it was dad I ignored it and continued with my game, the phone rang again and this time it was mom, I was about to pick up when an idea popped up into my head and I ignored it again, few minutes passed and someone called interrupting me again I became really pissed off but when I raised my head to make contact with the phone my mood brighten up it was Tessa I picked up the call and heard her sweet and loving voice saying hey babe I was just checking on you, I was so happy that I almost forgot about the Maniac creatures before me, the little brats were already trying to take to there heels unfortunately the king of destruction was aware, I asked Razernvens and the rest to lock up the remaining little brats  in the dungeon and never to be allowed to make contact with the outside world again, they began to beg for mercy but I showed no care, they were all locked up and the rest came back and we said shall we begin with the meeting and I just replied by nodding my head we rounded up everything around 2:00 in the night, I got up and went out of the castle, hopped into my car and drove off heading to the mansion, where I already know both of my parents were worried, I went into the mansion sneakily, where I met my dad and mom in the parlour and yes they were waiting for my arrival, I ignored there presence and headed towards my room, dad called softly Lincius but I pretended not to hear, he called again this time a little bit louder  and then I stopped, he stood and started coming towards me I can hear his footsteps even though I was still standing without the intention of turning around, and then he began I know you must be hungry why not eat some desserts, I replied no thanks I'm not hungry, I continued to walk away when Mom decided to speak as well, I prepared your favorite, I replied okay but no thanks and continued walking away even though i was really hungry, I headed towards my room entered and banged the door behind me, regretting why I didn't accept the huge offer, I went into the bathroom and few minutes after someone came into the room, it was mom she said in a low tune I've brought your food son, please make sure to eat okay? I didn't reply instead I felt really excited, I heard when she went out of the room and closed the door, I came out of the bathroom and rushed to where she kept the food and luckily she brought lots of it, I ate everything only leaving some few crumbs, I felt really satisfied, I jumped into my soft bed and fall into a deep slumber because I was very tired....
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    well it's gonna be a blast, haha 😂🤤

    Ch 3 chapter 3: struggle
    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha
  • Kimhwaaisha

    well, umm... I don't know how to say this but, A job well done, being a writer isn't easy, sometimes you tend to write and you get zero votes and comments which for sure discourages the writer and that will make him/her to change a writing platform, why not we all join hands and support our beloved writers who dedicated their time just to make us happy just to make us smile, a whole box of thank you to all the writers out there, we really appreciate

    what awaits the horror in darkness
    Horror · Kimhwaaisha