

2022-09-08 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Readtilltheybleed

    It's something Sho does in the comics, he enjoys to basically make enemies think they won only to smash their plans at the last minute. like when they set traps or try to fool him, even though he is totally aware, he will go along with it until he has had enough. he let golden superman think he weakened him with kryptonite and allowed him to pummel him for like 2 pages of the comic only to turn around and do a "gotch ya" and basically one punch manned him.

    Ch 55 Chapter 55: Warlocks Resolved
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Readtilltheybleed

    Sho can create copies as well, however not enough to be everywhere across the Omniverse which has a literal infinite number of universes. so yes in a since they could be at several places at once, but not every universe at once. so sho is guarding half the Omniverse while Aiden the other. i may have worded it incorrectly in previous chapter. will go back and take a look.but also there is a period of time that their brains have to adapt. they aren't like Naruto shadow clones or a clone that could go rogue by developing their own thoughts and such, they are copies of him and each can see hear and feel the same thing at the same time which can be overwhelming unless they train to block out unnecessary information from the others.I'll check on that conversation with sho and fix wording if needed. thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying the story.

    Ch 61 Chapter 61: Rebilding Laughing Lion
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Taro

    you are absolutely correct. he could but he is still very young, compared to Sho-El so he has yet to grasp his true capabilities, which are literally limitless. Sho can literally create more powers as he goes, so not only does he have all the abilities of a kryptonian, he can shapeshift into anything and grow or shrink to any size, manipulate all forms of energy, telepathy, telekinesis, he can even adopt powers he likes. He can even grant powers to people. Sho has been known to grant powers to different people he met, turning them into protectors of their planet, he can also create shielding for a whole planet, recreate planets, create life, etc. Aiden is currently in a very low level world so he hasn't been able to actually push himself to learn these abilities. But I will be stepping up the worlds he goes to. Spawn is a step up, but not on the level of Marvel, Spawn is strong and could hold his own in Marvel but not in DC. DC is technically a higher powered universe than Marvel, which wasn't always the case, it wasn't till after Flashpoint which spawned the New 52 that DC overtook Marvel in power scaling. Personally I'm a marvel fan, but do enjoy DC.

    Kryptonians had a weakness to kryptonite and red solar radiation, but this could be trained to get rid of. It just took a lot of time for normal kryptonians. Superman Prime and Golden Superman both had gained enough strength to get rid of those weaknesses, and even Kal El did end up eventually absorb enough sunlight to rid himself of those weaknesses.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Heegun

    Flamebird and Nightwing together could go toe to toe with a normal Kryptonian who had been powered by a yellow sun, but Aiden is definitely not a chance. Aiden, like Sho-El, is basically an Elder God of Kryptonians. Although Flamebird and Nightwing are also Gods, they are lesser kryptonian gods, so they are below Rao. Rao is the top God due to Zoa, who was the oldest and most powerful of all kryptonian gods, and had been sealed away by all the other gods for eternity. That is the only reason Rao is the primary god. so even if they teamed up they wouldn't stand a chance.

    Hearing this Flamebird excitedly began to fly around showing her approval of that plan, she and Nightwing together were a force to be reckoned with. Individually they wouldn't be a match for Kal-El, but together was a different story. Although they weren't as strong as Kal-El, their teamwork and powers, though opposite, could give him a very tough fight.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Vali_3582

    that will be next chapter, but fans of spawn will definitely know.

    Ch 52 Chapter 52: Al Simmons
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf DetachedDreamer

    yes Spawn will be a recurring character, I didn't like Al Simmons future in his own universe so you will see him joining Aiden in many adventures across the Omniverse. Al Simmons is one of the more powerful Spawns within that universe and is a good match up with assisting Aiden. I wanted to give Aiden a male partner in crime so to speak rather than like some stories and just fill the roster with women. it also allows me to set up the arc after Spawn. not sure how well versed you are about Angela in the Spawn universe but she is a link to another universe.

    Ch 51 Chapter 51: New World
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Taro

    As my comment in the previous chapter the Spawn Universe will be an small arc, I am teasing the next world, I have like 4 chapters planned then we will be back to finish up a few tasks in GOT world and return, as the war for the throne is happening, since the Targaryens are still young they wont be doing much except waiting for the south to weaken themselves as they prepare but Id say at least 25 to 30 chapters depending on how deep I dive into the Universe, but in reality spawn universe isn't as big but don't worry we will get more Spawn, in fact there is a reason why I am doing the story as such. I have plans for Spawn, he has a sad future within his universe so I wanted him and Aiden to actually develop into a bit of a team up for future arcs.

    Ch 51 Chapter 51: New World
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf SupremeGacha

    Spawn Arc will not be super big but there will be a decent sized arc, it is a cult classic, excellent story but it will only be like four chapters for now, to setup and explain the world, i plan on returning to Westeros to use this arc to fill in time skips on Westeros, things move pretty slow in Westeros due to the vast distances also I do explain the main story line for the comic series so your good.

    Ch 51 Chapter 51: New World
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Taro

    There are two versions i believe it was after new 52 or before it, cant remember exactly that it became permanent, in some comics it is permanent and some it is not, kelex gave clarks human father Jonathan Kent platinum kryptonite to stop clark after he was exposed to red kryptonite and went a little insane when he was a kid, it wasn't permanent then. so i believe it comes down to the writer cause comics can vary, this is shared by most comics, so I went with the logical of being temporary rather than one touch of a rock completely changing the dna which in the words of tony stark is just "too unscientific" even for a comic book. lol but that was also why I added the point about Aiden using his manipulation ability to make it permanent so that it somewhat still sticks to both versions.

    There were ways around this, such as using platinum kryptonite which has the ability to turn humans into kryptonians, albeit temporarily, but he could use his own abilities to make it permanent. He could also build her a suit that would give her powers while she wore it, these were just some options he could use.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Bogdan7

    in the books they did make attempts, with limited success, but you have to remember they couldn't send the whole fleet due to after Robert took Kings Landing the Targaryens had lost the moral of their soldiers, so basically they had to keep many ships at Dragonstone to guard against mutiny, which did happen eventually which is why Viserys and Daenerys had to escape to Essos with only 5 loyal knights. after Rhaella died giving birth and the royal fleet was decimated by the storm the soldiers turned on the Targaryen children planning to offer them up to Robert as a sign of their submission.

    The rebels in Kings Landing had been sending small ships to get close enough to shout messages to the men on the walls of Dragonstone, offering them amnesty and a royal pardon if they turned over all the Targaryens.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
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  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf DaoistsGHarm

    not only that but in the books, although it doesn't directly state it, but it is implied that the Maesters had been also working towards stamping out magic from the world for ages. so it is assumed they were feeding pregnant women married to Targaryens or had Targaryen blood various concoctions to remove the magic from the baby, hence why Rhaella had so many stillborn babes, amongst many other mothers of high status. the maesters treated the pregnant ladies so could easily feed them potions without their knowledge. it is even suggested that the maester of casterly rock was the reason for Tyrion being born a dwarf, when Joanna refused to sleep with the Maester, he fed her a concoction while she was pregnant with Tyrion in an attempt to kill him, those concoctions caused the dwarfism and ended up killing Joanna in the end.

    "Don't worry, we are the elite of the Undying. We specialize in battle, especially against dragon riders. It was us who killed many of the Old Valyria dragon riders during the war with the Valyrian threat when they first began attacking Essos." The woman said with a smile which made the Maester fall into a trance.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf

    not all dragons, in the books it was a cumulative series of events that made dragons extinct. the dance of dragons was the final straw that broke the figurative camels back. in almost any world that has magic, it acts like a tide, it rises and falls. but during the dance almost all the dragon riders and dragons were killed and so no more eggs could be laid since the fall of Valyria had already wiped out almost all fire dragons. dragons never truly went extinct, only fire dragons did, ice dragons were still around but due to the Wall and Night King sucking magic and much of the knowledge on how to hatch dragons was lost. but during Valyria's height dragon riders weren't uncommon. they had thousand of dragon riders and attacked and conquered Essos, many dragons and riders died during those wars but they had plenty back at home till the Doom. after the doom there was only three adult fire dragons left along with some eggs. so no the undying didn't kill off all dragons but they did kill many back when dragons were common.

    "Don't worry, we are the elite of the Undying. We specialize in battle, especially against dragon riders. It was us who killed many of the Old Valyria dragon riders during the war with the Valyrian threat when they first began attacking Essos." The woman said with a smile which made the Maester fall into a trance.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Kirozen

    batman who laughs is a metaversal powerhouse, so Sho-El would be one level above him. Not only that but according to his lore, Sho-El has no limit to his power, he's basically like a Saiyan on crack with the powers of superman and a god of creation. so in the event he even does meet someone stronger he basically gets a zenkai boost and gains more power just by facing them, hence why in the comics he travels the Omniverse looking for powerful opponents. he's a battle maniac that is feared by even the Presence and the Great Darkness, which is the equivalent to marvels one above all and one below all. also Joker defeated batman who laughs by killing himself in one version and wonder woman using a chainsaw made from parts of her invisible jet in another. so yea Sho-El would win against him

    Not only has Sho completely demolished existances such as Superman Prime and Golden Superman with ease, he has also easily won against beings such as Imperiex, Trigon and even Mister Mxyzptik, dominating them in the end.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Taro

    its a common occurrence with Sho-El as well others, they tend to view themselves on the level of the society they are inhabiting at that time, they don't consider themselves Gods even though they are because it will have negative effects on their mind. granted there is Kal-El's uncle Dor-El I believe that did in fact reach a godly level and had that god complex as well which made him uncaring for others. he denies being royalty of the world he is in, not the royalty of his race. I am trying to stick close to Sho-El's personality since in theory they are basically the same person just one is much older than the other also Aiden was trained by Sho-El so those principals would carry over. now don't get me wrong if met by a god then Sho-El will meet them as a god as well. he generally tends to be humble but firm in character, he doesn't view himself above others even though he is. hope that explains why Aiden denies being called Lord or Ser in this context.

    Ch 37 Chapter 37: Bear Island
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Allpowerful

    The only thing I added on Brynden Rivers is the fact he started the first Blackfyre rebellion, cause honestly even in GRRM original story it is unknown exactly what started it. all others are cannon history. Brynden Rivers is not in any way a good guy, he really is a body snatching manipulative character. he could've ended the first rebellion and kept all other rebellions from happening by doing as I mentioned in my novel. granted in cannon it doesn't exactly say he killed Daeron, but it's not a stretch to say he did since he was in his hands the whole time. His ability to dream walk and enter minds is cannon, it was why he was said to have one thousand and one eyes. he used his ability to keep pressure on Blackfyre loyalists and stamp out other rebellious people.

    "Well that solves everything. Hahaha." They both said together at the same time.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Zyes1

    yes she is. you cant think of terms of our modern era. even in our own medieval times, you were an adult at 12 or 13, not 18. so there were higher expectations and training unlike what we go thru today. at very young ages they girls were told they would be married off constantly. so they tended to mature faster out of necessity. granted she isn't exactly in love per say, but kids can have crushes at that age

    "If you promise to crown me the Queen of Love and Beauty if you win then I will not tell anyone until I reach home and I will even promise to tell one person only."
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Zyes1

    originally yes. most royal lines are even in our own universe. all thru our own history most royal lines are inbred to maintain bloodline. it wasn't till the modern era that the practice was completely stopped, same with in game of thrones, even Tywin Lannister was married to Joanna who was his first cousin. many in game of thrones were inbred in some way.

    After they gave birth to his children, he matched those children together and blended the blood, this made it so his future descendants would have a strong affinity to magic.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Zyes1

    basically when sho was born, which was billions of years before krypton was destroyed, there originally weren't houses. all kryptonians only had one name. El was the first house to be formed, it translates to "of the star" thus many took on the name. even roa took the name el. then they later branched off due to differences of opinion on what to focus on which soon spawned the other houses. sho took the name el because he believed in what house el believed in, which is hope and that everyone had the potential to be a force for good, which is what sho represented himself thus he took the name when he learned of the split years later.

    "Activation Sequence Initiated... Identity confirmed... El Command Key detected... Bond with host established... Kryptonian battle suit detected... Establishing link with suit... Link established... Intiating scan of environment... Scan complete... Location confirmed, adjusting Fortress to accommodate environment... Adjustment complete... Fortress ready to be deployed."
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf Zetsuya123

    according to original story by GRRM the Starks are hesitant to kill innocent, too honorable if you aske me, so the son of the bolton that waged war was left to carry the line, guess Starks kept hoping the Bolton's would give up. starks had the loyalty of almost all the north so they didn't see as threat is my guess. but i dont roll that way wink wink. stay tuned

    Roose was excited after all, the Bolton and Stark houses have been killing each other for years. Throughout history many Stark Kings had been skinned alive and the Boltons wore those skins as cloaks. There was a lot of hatred between the two, especially since the Stark family always won in the end.
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Filme · Sykocyrus
  • Sykocyrus
    Antwortet auf alef_Rilzaki

    i appreciate your criticism and will try to implement more interactions with other characters. as far as human supremacy goes that is the halo universe. humans vs everyone else so of course he will have that logic, its kinda their thing. the emotion does come in later chapters, i include tech details due to halo universe is highly advanced weaponry therefore it is important, i will try to reduce tech info a bit. i don't consider myself a author, more of story teller, i am undecided on harem or if he will just have multiple lovers. i hope you enjoy the rest of story and will take your opinion into consideration and try to improve upon it. thank you for the comment

    Ch 34 Chapter 34: Deal on Xandar
    SPARTAN Trapped in the MCU
    Fantasie · Sykocyrus