

2022-08-14 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    this brings up something I've noticed: the mind aspects most pure manifestation is electricity, it's why bolts of transcendence are lightning bolts,

    The heart, on the other hand, seemed to be a node from where all these electric lines were coming out from. At the centre of this node existed an orb, forming the of the entity's body. Externally, it seemed like an Attributed Creature, but the glowing lines weren't available in Attributed Creatures.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf Panda_Stories

    bro, he has the lifespan of a mystic grade pranic beast, taking multiple lifetimes even with that to fully explore Sumatra continent should tell you how huge it is

    It was better to have as many revival mechanisms as possible, since his ultimate goal was to one day roam and witness everything Sumatra has to offer. Considering its sheer scale, he'd need multiple lifetimes to go through all the places. This revival method was perfect for his needs.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    oh, I thought he would just combine his bodies into one with prana stitch,

    However, that didn't mean that he abandoned the other two options. Mystic Royal Art allowed him to cultivate through the Life Stage. Hence, he intended to create a Minor Treasure next that could stabilise his stack of bodies while he changed his grades.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf Treather

    it's like inala said:this nature has the advantages of both cultivator and kinesis deity, gaining the ability to stack bodies without imploding and being able to increase the space in his biome bombs while also synergizing with zingers as a whole, it's not just the best of both worlds, it's better than both worlds combined

    Ch 685 The Royal Zinger’s Tertiary Nature
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf CreepyCreeper

    the cosmic beings don't have an omniscient gps telling them where all major treasures are, they sense the beam of light released by a major treasure, and since inala knows about the cosmic beings I doubt that he would create a major treasure without a way to prevent the beam from escaping

    Two Minor Treasures and a Major Treasure; that was part of his list in order to attain the strength necessary to kill Brangara during the Third Major Disaster. Currently, the Minor Treasure he was planning to make was one of the two, which would help him and the Quip Clan in gaining a Tertiary Nature.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf Anvelope

    what if he were to combine his body's into one with prana stitch?

    Ch 685 The Royal Zinger’s Tertiary Nature
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf Prince_20_23

    I hadn't thought of that, if he was able to stack the spinning effect, anyone who gets caught in the trap could be ripped apart by the centrifugal force

    Ch 685 The Royal Zinger’s Tertiary Nature
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    this nature is also the perfect solution to his bodies stacking problem, if he can make it so that two or more bodies are combined into one seamless entity, not only will he solve the implosion issue but he'll be able to potentially combine more than ten bodies into one similarly to what he did to make the minor treasure, whereas humans have to transcend to combine their bodies into a singular whole, the only real downside of this is that he wouldn't be able to split into multiple bodies anymore, but that's already partially rectified by his half sentient biome bombs

    Now that he had a Tertiary Nature, Inala began to think of ways to use it in battle, arming himself for as many situations as possible.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    it really is perfect, even if brangara were to get his hands on it as a tangible nature, he'd only be able to use it on zingers, and due to the nature of the royal zinger he wouldnt even be able to use it on inala

    And now, armed with Prana Stitch, Inala obtained a crowd-controlling ability that allowed him to exercise his existing advantages to a whole new level. As a skill-intense ability, even if Yarsha Zahara steals its power, she could do nothing with it.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    his clan will stand atop a mountain of their deities corpses

    In the future, he planned to mass produce the Minor Treasure of Prana Stitch so that the Tertiary Nature could be granted at a faster speed to the exponentially ballooning population of the Quip Clan.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    [body aspect theorizing part two, pranic beast power system]: of all the pranic beasts, I think inala, closely followed by brangara, are the most likely to stumble on the method to cultivate the body aspect of prana without outside help, the reason I think this is simple:Clans, the way pranic beasts naturally progress through cultivating the mind aspect is by creating clans of humans, thereby tapping into humans natural affinity for the mind aspect, so I was thinking, what if a pranic beast were to make a clan comprised not of humans, but beings naturally suited to the body aspect, ie, their fellow pranic beasts? that is what both brangara and inala have created (and the empyrean tusks are on their way to create with the bone vipers), as for why I think inala is more likely to stumble on the body aspect before brangara, that is because inala has easy access to Lifeforce, which I suspect is as important to the body aspect as Data is to the mind aspect

    Ch 684 Prana Stitch
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    aw, I was hoping the Major treasure he made from his mystic grade bodies would be the spirit container, oh well

    "He…hehe!" Inala chuckled in giddiness upon succeeding at the task, staring at the object before him, a Spirit Container shaped like the Royal Zinger. "I got the correct one."
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf CreepyCreeper

    not really, the reason brangara releases a beam of light is because he IS a major treasure, what inala is doing might resemble what brangara did, but since he'd be fusing with a treasure created from his bodies instead of turning himself into a major treasure while alive, he wouldn't unleash a beam of light just like attribute didn't unleash a beam of light after it fused with him

    Two Minor Treasures and a Major Treasure; that was part of his list in order to attain the strength necessary to kill Brangara during the Third Major Disaster. Currently, the Minor Treasure he was planning to make was one of the two, which would help him and the Quip Clan in gaining a Tertiary Nature.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf Leviathan_Daoist

    and maybe that's why only mystic grade pranic beasts can transcend unless they have the nature of cultivator, as opposed to humans who can transcend even at the iron grade, humans are naturally geared towards the mind aspect, it's why they start with silver grade minds from the very beginning and don't need the Nature of cultivator to build bodies and transcend that way, pranic beasts on the other hand, are clearly geared more to the body aspect, heck, I wouldn't be surprised if when the details of the body aspect are explained pranic beasts are revealed to start with silver grade bodies with humans starting out at iron grade

    Ch 683 Creating a Minor Treasure
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    I've noticed this a while ago but never had a good opportunity to say it so I'll just say it now: pranic beasts, (or at least some of them) seem to have powers almost on par with a nature that don't take up their nature slots, examples being the empyrean tusks ability to control their exoskeleton, the zingers shrieks, and the empyrean snappers ability to condense spirit pools, these abilities haven't been given a name so I'll just call them "Traits" for now, As for what Traits are, I think they're the Body equivalent to Natures, but because the body aspect hasn't been explored on Sumatra at all yet, nobodies tried to figure out how to make them stronger, only seeking ways to gain Natures/skills based on these traits (mystic bone art and Peizo slips for example)

    Ch 683 Creating a Minor Treasure
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    wait... since this'll be a minor treasure made from his silver grade bodies, couldn't he eventually do the same with bodies at the gold and mystic grade? and there wouldn't be a problem with compatibility since the treasures are literally just pieces of him

    "Haah!" He gasped in exhaustion, slumping on the floor to sleep. Once he woke up, he observed the quantity of Nectar remaining and the number of orbs in his arsenal. After a moment of calculation, he firmed himself. Upon inspecting his condition and judging it to be optimal, he began the process once again, 'I need to hit a stack of ten and succeed. And I need to be specific with my purpose, otherwise the Minor Treasure will be something unnecessary.'
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    seems like this could easily be taken advantage of by empyrean tusks, or any mammoth clansman with mystic bone art really, this region was practically made for them if it wasn't for the kamikaze sushi

    Inala experimented with the process until he found the combination of bone material that the Comb judged as a skeleton for a living being. Once in a chamber, the Biome Bomb would simply spit out this bone part, after purposefully making it decay.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist
    Antwortet auf Anvelope

    I'm pretty sure you did specify how many hands he could use at each grade, though I don't remember specifically how many hands he was stated to be able to use per grade

    Ch 682 Quip Clan Settlement
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    speaking of which, would he be able to convert matter that didn't originate in the biome bomb into prana? say for instance, letting the seawater flow in and then converting it into a constant flow of prana?

    In response to his shriek, the Mystic Biome Bomb whirred into action and began to expand to its original size. This Mystic Biome Bomb served as the entrance into the Quip Clan Settlement. The doors opened as Inala entered inside. The effects of Perfect Biome Domination only allowed his entry, keeping the high-pressure water at bay.
    I'll Surpass The MC
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  • Leviathan_Daoist

    viralas being a dishonest slime all as always

    'This level of control is already on par with a mature Empyrean Snapper.' Virala thought in excitement. He then began to speak, "Mystic Humans can fuse with two bodies, of any Grade. I can become the Empyrean Boar King and a Mystic Ewworm. My followers can become Spirit Eaters and Gold Ewworms."
    I'll Surpass The MC
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