I'm a potato. I absolutely love world building and lore. I'm constantly on the lookout for a unique world to explore as I read through.
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I think, technically, Noah could act against Barbatos (hurt her) and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it unless she was ok with losing her spirits. So, he should just be able to go up to her and (literally) stab her in the back. Then, BOOM! She's dead and out of the way!
Is this him or the fish?
Normally I don't give full stars on everything, but this one honestly deserves it. The characters are well developed, the world has all the lore planned out from the beginning (so everything actually fits together), there's very little unnecessary rehashing of things, it flows together pretty well. All in all, an actually quality story. For those wondering, this story does have a few of the tropes common to webnovel. There is a system, the MC is definitely op, etc. However, the MC isn't the stupidest person ever (He actually makes smart decisions). He does have a few character flaws (though they are hard to see sometimes). Overall, this story definitely has a "webnovel" feel, but is still unique in its own respect.
"and certain objects"... What?
Ah, yes. The convenient, infinitely-big, weightless storage that everyone seems to magically have on them at all times.
I thought 20 gold coins was the average yearly income for a family... How is he "poor" and still have 10?
Everything she has been given??? All hail Queen Noah!
"at least 7 meters" A few chapters ago when the other person used it it was also 8 meters.
Pretty sure he has the one detection skill that alerts him if he's in danger. Unless he combined that skill already... then idk