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2021-08-11 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Mauritany_DL
    Antwortet auf daylightmoon123445

    Nope, if I actually got mad from something like this then I'd just be throwing stones while owning a glass house, kinda hypocritical- Though that doesn't stop some people.

    Ch 13 Chapter 11:
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL
    Antwortet auf Jekyll_et_Hyde

    Then nuke the ashes, just to be sure.

    My Master Plan has no flaws in it.
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Mauritany_DL

    Pokemom, gotta catch 'em all!

    And like that, I gained a pocket mommy.
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Mauritany_DL

    It's probably that some ancient magus made a prank chair that fell forwards whenever someone sat on it, since they didn't dare to sit on a seat of any kind they had to compromise.

    Fuck these tables, why can't they use chairs?
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Mauritany_DL


    C, fuck school.
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Mauritany_DL
    Anyway, I need to find my adorable little sister.
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Mauritany_DL

    I can confirm. No country = No bugs living there.

    My Master Plan has no flaws in it.
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Mauritany_DL
    Dear sister, I will treasure you forever but can you please stop trying to manually put my arm back in place... humans aren't lego... They'll never be lego.
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Mauritany_DL
    Antwortet auf Mauritany_DL

    Then, 2, and basically my final point; What happened with the doors? That was the main focus, not a cat. I understand that you might want to write about a more slow decline or something, but... The doors are the most interesting part of this. The cats being an introduction and Kiara getting sick is fine, no fundamental problem, but you didn't set-up an entire scene for the cats being a thing; You did for the doors with the key chain and the grand-parents. Don't misunderstand me, grammar- As you've clearly stated- Is an important thing for me, but its fixable and mostly trained by just writing things and seeing if they're correct. But the doors should be the most important and overlooming part of the story, not the cats, all you'd have to do is simple; Let him stumble upon a small door in some dusty corner, let his go ask his mom about it, then when she doesn't know about it, bring her over. But the door is gone, strange, even stranger being the weird nervous laugh from his mother as she tried to change the subject. Easy, no hard dialogue, a hook for the story; 'What are the doors? What does the mother know?'. Who knows, maybe you can even let Trish doubt himself or think that he'd use one of the keys if he sees something like it again as an excuse for him having it on him at all times. The real, only, crucial problem I have, is that you're not using the most of the mysterious grand-parents and the key-chain. Trish forgetting it is normal, just use it as an excuse in the next chapter if you're too lazy to rewrite it all- I would be- Let him remember it when he sees a weird door. Horror, the kind that wriggles in your skin long after you're done reading, is not a bunch of jumpscares. This is something that you should remember, so, use the doors. Moral of the story: USE THE DOORS. The idea is great, but it doesn't matter if you don't use it.

    Author's note:
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL
    Antwortet auf daylightmoon123445

    Bro read a joke and wrote an entire corporate apology, it's not that serious. Write what you want, perfect your craft, and most importantly; laugh, mostly at dumb comments. -This is mauritany, and I support this message.

    Ch 13 Chapter 11:
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    Do your worst, if you want me to suffer, then you'd better start writing better. Yea, I said it. Who even needs to learn for more than a week before a test? Couldn't be me. I expect every single one of them to die, let 'Her' pop up and kill the cat in front of Kiara so that she commits sudoku. Oh, and I didn't expect you were following the true way of the writer, I recommend fentanyl.

    Ch 13 Chapter 11:
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    So they got scammed, and that's why they're in debt? ...If the mom is the one that got scammed, then my theory gains validity.

    It looked like they were quite energetic for now since they started arguing about some damn candle in the corner for 'healing your inner chakra' or whatnot. Other than that, there was no other noise in the upper part of the house. Kiara doesn't seem to wake up, which is weird, since she is a natural early riser, one who wakes us all up and acts as our backup alarm. I knocked a little bit to see if she was awake, but there was no response from the other side.
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    That clue being a revolver?

    I sighed. I guess I have to search the house for any 'clues' and then split when the house is quiet in a few hours when Dad takes a nap and Mom starts reading.
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    Do you even know what their number is? Do you have a clue what their name even is? Do you have any clue how dangerous it could be to use the land line of some house that has doors that don't exist?

    I decided the only way to deal with this was to call my grandparents and ask them directly. Gramps is away on his grand tour since they hit the jackpot, and they've lived quite a great life in this house, so they must know something about it. The idea of sneaking out filled me with a rebellious thrill, the desire for answers burning within me.
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    What if, hear me out, she's already dead. Kind of like a cordyceps, she's been put under control and made some debts in order to lure in her prey. Doesn't the talk about the doors seem like perfect bait for Trish?

    She acts so innocent. What could she possibly know about this house that drove her brother, my uncle, mad until he died? And why won't she tell me, tell us, the truth about this place?
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    Best you'll get is a 'What a shame'

    "Oh, you wouldn't say that when you look down at your old man's grave and cry about it!" Dad shouted from below, his words echoing ominously in the hollow house.
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    Don't do it Trish, don't you know your old man is in there as well?

    "Ooh, you know what, son? That sounds responsible of you," Dad said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, and make sure to put out some traps if you hear anything sneaking around in the walls or something. Just make sure you kill it."
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    Okay... Trish, I recommend trying to find either a box of matches or a gun, both shouldn't be that hard to find considering your grand parents lived in the middle of the woods, probably without electricity, In the elden years.

    Kiara hadn't woken up yet. None of us suggested waking her up, and I think that was for the best. We cleaned in silence, preparing for this potentially haunted new house—or old, since it was our grandfather's house and their parents' house. The house creaked and groaned as if it were a living entity breathing around us.
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    Because... The grand parents aren't real, the mother and uncle were born from the house's flesh to experience the world for it, first it took the brother, now it would take the sister and her offspring.

    "We thought it was over," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. "For years there were no sightings of the doors and everything seemed fine, hell even better, my father won the lotto and he could pay off all our debts, and their marital life was going smooth, I thought it was nothing, that it was just a bad dream and my brother was wrong."
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445
  • Mauritany_DL

    Magic is in our blood Trish, we are the gagaki clan, and our sorcerer ancestor once stood at the pinnacle, but was betrayed by his best friend; leaving only the one meme behind before he died.

    Mom's eyes glazed over, her usual stern demeanor replaced with a haunting sadness. "Aaron and I were close," she began, her voice trembling. "When we were young, this house was different. Darker. There were... things that happened, things we couldn't explain."
    Evil is out
    Horror · daylightmoon123445