

2021-05-17 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Fexwind
    Fexwind2 years ago

    As the other comments have said, great prologue. The story seems promising so I'm certainly interested in reading more. The writing is a little awkward in places but that is to be expected. Overall, seems great.

  • Fexwind
    Fexwind3 years ago

    Considering this is your first novel. I'm impressed. The novel appears very well thought out so far and the writing style is great. Obviously I can't rate everything completely accurately since it's only the first chapter but what I've read so far is great. That's all I have to say so far.

  • Fexwind
    Fexwind3 years ago

    Now I will admit, so far I have only read 5 chapters. Normally I would've read more before leaving a review as books take a while to get good but not this one. This one was good enough to do now. I'm honestly really enjoying the novel and will definitely recommend to anyone who wants to read. The writing style is good, the uploads are consistent and descriptions are on point. I don't think I need to say any more. read for yourself and find out.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • Fexwind
    Fexwind3 years ago

    So far I'm enjoying this novel. The plot has great potential and I'm looking forward to it developing. The descriptions are great and put when necessary, something that I find vital in a novel. A few grammatical issues but they are rare. It appears to me that the author has been consistent with updates. I would recommend this novel.

  • Fexwind
    Fexwind3 years ago
    Antwortet auf Kinshikanata

    Apologies for the late reply. thanks for the review. I upload weekly and am hoping to upload today if not tomorrow.

  • Fexwind
    Fexwind3 years ago
    Antwortet auf Zalemon

    The lack of feeling us likely due to me being a novice writer and will be better with time. as for the superficial part. I am assuming this is due to the fact that the characters all seem to be really good looking and perfect personalities(almost). this is done for a reason.

  • Fexwind
    Fexwind3 years ago
    Antwortet auf Thalia_Ilace

    I see! The plot will start to develop in the next chapter, the first was mostly to introduce certain characters.Yes he moved to a house in the same neighbourhood but the distance was substantially longer than what he was used to. I will try make that more clear