

2021-03-24 BeigetretenUnited Kingdom



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  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Nathaniel_Clayton

    I am, and always will be, against animal companions in stories. They're just walking plot devices and they don't really serve any purpose in the story.

    Ch 4 Saying Goodbyes and Receiving A Cloak
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Chezebrelephaffe01

    Yeah, Robert trying to kill him when he was younger did cross my mind...except if that happened, there wouldn't be a story anymore lol.

    What a shame that I'm such a petty person.
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf EnderPL

    Between 2500ish and 3000ish. It can fluctuate depending on whether something important is happening in the chapter, however.

    Ch 4 Saying Goodbyes and Receiving A Cloak
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf dope_is_my_name

    Your paragraph comment doesn't show up in the chapter, so I have no idea what paragraph you're speaking about.

    Myrcella, who also realized this stuck her tongue out at Tommen, "You were also crying just now, crybaby Tommen! Crybaby!" and so started the bickering between the two youngest siblings. Truly, this is the side of siblings they never show you in the media. Endless bickering.
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Hollysummoapocaly

    It's the armor in the story's cover photo. Just the colors are slightly different and it doesn't have that fur mane without the red cloak being worn. Obviously the mane would also be red in color.

    The red coloring went well with the silver-white metal of my armor and the black under-armor I was wearing. My armor looked somewhat like Artoria/Lancer's armor, just without the exaggerated shoulder pauldrons.
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf blueDaoist


    Ch 4 Saying Goodbyes and Receiving A Cloak
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Metalloid

    I'll keep it a buck with you, mate - he isn't going to change much in terms of personality. His strength will go up, sure, but that's a sure-thing and isn't too surprising. Mentally, and personality wise, he's a full-grown *****. Any major character development will happen during canon and because of his decisions during canon.

    Ch 4 Saying Goodbyes and Receiving A Cloak
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Daoist888813

    He'd die. There are too many risks and as many treasures as there are across the seas in Valyria, they aren't worth it if you can't bring them back alive. Besides, it's not like he needs to rush it - he can start an expedition when he becomes King with an entire kingdom's resources behind it. That'd be waaaay more successful than what he can pull off now.

    Ch 4 Saying Goodbyes and Receiving A Cloak
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf KoroSensei14

    I mean, I was already planning on adding that at the start of the next chapter anyway, so it should be fine.

    Ch 4 Saying Goodbyes and Receiving A Cloak
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Metalloid

    I mean, when your son looks somewhat like the man who cucked you and took the love of your life away from you, you're kinda bound not to be a good dad to that kid. Besides, Robert isn't a good dad anyway - he never had a relationship with Joffrey, Myrcella or Tommen in the original series and just spent his time drinking and fucking prostitutes. He's a decent-ish person but a truly horrific parent.

    What a shame that I'm such a petty person.
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Darkzero21

    That's not what Robert is doing. He's literally just forcing someone he sees as an eyesore out of the palace and into a very dangerous job. I mean, indirectly, he is building Leo's reputation and that will help him when he ascends to take the Crown. But like I said, Robert isn't doing that intentionally.

    What a shame that I'm such a petty person.
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Eternal_D

    Yep. He wouldn't face much opposition from his Council either - most would shudder at the thought of another Targaryen on the throne. Bastard or not.

    Ch 3 Returning Successful and Being Forced Out
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Draken_Phenix

    Robert killed an innocent girl purely because she popped up on his radar and because she was a relative to the Mad King and Rhaegar. Robert is petty as hell. If Robert didn't want the MC to take the throne, he'd disregard Jon Arryn's advice and just make Joffrey the Crown Prince. He's been known to go against Jon Arryn's advice and the man didn't really give Robert much advice anyway. Certainly didn't stop him from drinking and whoring himself half to death, did he?

    Ch 3 Returning Successful and Being Forced Out
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf cheeki_breeki

    And then what? Get imprisoned for showing a blatant lack of respect for the King of Westeros? Robert already dislikes the MC, so there's no point in giving him even more reason to make his life harder. Or better yet, there's no benefit in giving Robert an actual reason to put you in a dungeon for an indefinite time.

    Ch 3 Returning Successful and Being Forced Out
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf BigStig97

    I mean, Robert did try and kill Daenerys wasn't Rhaegar (who cucked him) or Aerys (who wanted everyone dead) yet he still wanted her dead enough that he sent an assassin. The fact his firstborn son has silver-gold hair like a Targaryen would no doubt make the prideful Robert furious every time he saw him. I'd imagine it'd make him imagine Rhaegar and how he took his beloved away from him - and that's shown to really piss off Robert. Either way, being a monster hunter is no doubt going to make the MC much stronger both physically and technique-wise, so it's annoying but it's not without it's benefits. Make he most out of a hard situation and all that, I guess.

    Ch 3 Returning Successful and Being Forced Out
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Eternal_D

    Eh, maybe he will, maybe he won't. What'd be the point in saving them anyway? People with Robert's strength are uncommon but they're by no means unique or incredibly rare. I'd say the royal army probably have a few dozen men of Robert's level of physical strength.

    Ch 3 Returning Successful and Being Forced Out
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf Master_bastard

    Not until later. Even then I'm not gonna get too much into how he improves the kingdom because kingdom building isn't really my thing and I wouldn't enjoy writing it.

    Ch 1 Rebirth As A Prince and Cheats
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf BigStig97

    I'm not adding magic. The MC is already OP - there won't be a single person in the entirety of Westeros that could face him one on one and win. He has superhuman strength, speed, athleticism and durability. He doesn't need magic or runes, or rather, if I gave him magic/runes, he'd be unstoppable and that'd destroy any possible suspense I could put into the story. I don't know what you mean by 'dragonborn ns and such'. Do you mind elaborating on that?

    Ch 2 Troll Hunting
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf cheeki_breeki

    He is Robert's kid. His only legitimate kid, in fact. The reason behind his white hair is because Robert's grandmother is a Targaryen. Think of it as a recessive gene that just so happened to activate in his case.

    Ch 1 Rebirth As A Prince and Cheats
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man
  • The_Mango_Man
    Antwortet auf OGbacon

    He won't be able to defeat everyone via brute strength. Strategy and tactics will eventually have to be used. I mean, he's not gonna be able to take on an army by himself, so a pure brute force route is kinda already out. Give him another year to grow and he should be able to one-hand his maul without too much trouble while also holding a decent shield. At that point he'll have top-class offense and defense. I'm thinking of having him be paired with Margaery. It's always Sansa or Daenerys, so I think it's about time the Tyrell's get the spotlight.

    Ch 1 Rebirth As A Prince and Cheats
    Game Of Thrones: The Lion With Antlers And Scales
    TV · The_Mango_Man