

2021-03-03 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • stileto
    Antwortet auf msk46

    same name

    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf ApexDragon

    don't know if you can see this, but here's the picture of her when she was disguising as a teenager.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf IOnlyEatDinner

    sorry to disappoint, but different edelgard.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto

    teenage appearance:

    Taking a moment to drop her facade, Raynare returns to looking like her normal self. Her face becomes much more mature and beautiful, though she continues showcasing her emotions for me to see, while her chest expands by almost 50%. Seeing her actual face just makes me realize how much of a hentai-world this is. Even a first arc baddie like Raynare is incredibly attractive, easily even more so than the top models in my old life. (AN: I'm using her DxD Hero appearance btw.)
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Oh. I don't know how I didn't notice. Her pink sundress was discarded, I don't know where to, and in it's place was a black high-waist gothic Lolita dress, along with a leather and chain belt around her waist and an equally black choker around her neck. It definitely suited her a lot more than the sundress, and with the accessories I gifted her, she looked like someone cosplaying as a demon girl. It wasn't a maid outfit, but it really looked amazing on her. (AN: For those on webnovel, I'll comment the image I was basing the outfit off of.)
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto

    mature appearance:

    Quietly opening the guest door, I find that her light was still on, and pretty much everything was left untouched. Raynare was silently hugging a pillow while hunched forward, on top of the blanket. So she's a hugger. Good to know. Also, she's really cute like this. (AN: Like I said, I'm using DxD Hero appearance for her. That version of Raynare is easily in my top 5. Image in the comments.) I can ignore the fact that she's a sadistic fallen-angel, not that I really cared in the first place.
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto

    teenage appearance:

    Quietly opening the guest door, I find that her light was still on, and pretty much everything was left untouched. Raynare was silently hugging a pillow while hunched forward, on top of the blanket. So she's a hugger. Good to know. Also, she's really cute like this. (AN: Like I said, I'm using DxD Hero appearance for her. That version of Raynare is easily in my top 5. Image in the comments.) I can ignore the fact that she's a sadistic fallen-angel, not that I really cared in the first place.
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto

    white and gold weapon with red and black outfit.. seems tacky

    Dieses Kapitel wurde gelöscht
    End (08)
    Anime und Comics · Cerebro
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf CalciumLurcher

    and you would know? she's lived practically the same lifestyle, killing werewolves for a long time, she probably rarely sees anything different from the norm, which she probably also got used to quickly.

    "It- It taste's normal like any other blood but it's more filling. It's like getting drunk on good wine." Selene explained licking her lips, "Just that alone has helped me recover a lot. I have never had anything like this before."
    Marvel's Red King
    Anime und Comics · Red_Noodles
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf _SHiVA_

    I don't have one right now, but chapters definitely won't be daily. I'm writing much larger chapters now.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf ApexDragon

    His race isn't actually changed, but they usually call devil fruit users a 'whatever'-human, like luffy, a rubber-human. Also, he did lose his ability to swim, I just didn't see the need to put it in.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf 3RR0R_404


    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf Saladqueen

    I thought so too, but according to google, moving water like waves and rain doesn't effect them.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf CalciumLurcher

    more like hundreds of years of never feeling surprised.

    "It- It taste's normal like any other blood but it's more filling. It's like getting drunk on good wine." Selene explained licking her lips, "Just that alone has helped me recover a lot. I have never had anything like this before."
    Marvel's Red King
    Anime und Comics · Red_Noodles
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf Thomas_Elliott

    so the author can introduce romans background without breaking immersion.

    "But you recognized my talent for stealing and gathering intel, that's why you saved me didn't you?" Roman said with pride, "I still remember the day very clearly when you saved me from those mafias. You looked exactly like the same as you did before, it still fascinates me seeing you not age."
    Marvel's Red King
    Anime und Comics · Red_Noodles
  • stileto

    ??? does she realize what she just said to her son with under a year left to live???

    "You better enjoy it punk. You only get to be a Senior once!" She mumbled something else after but by this time I was too far up the stairs to discern what it was. Entering my room, I found Nixie conversing with Athena.
    Magus in Marvel
    Anime und Comics · Pineappl3
  • stileto

    i seriously can't imagine members of the uzumaki clan who are famous for their loyalty and friendliness glaring at an ELDER of the clan.

    Along the way, one of the Clan Members who was doing his morning exercises gave him the usual cold eyes, but Masahiko, who was in such a good mood, didn't pay any attention to him.
    Naruto: Long Live The Hokage
    Anime und Comics · 1theOverlord
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf IrreversibleFlaw

    he can, and no, they're not.

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    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf Dagda

    For your first point, I guess it's from all the fanfics I've read that have said the same thing, but if it's not canon, this is always an AU, and it makes sense in my opinion. For your second one, she can't have the school with just smarts. She absolutely needs more power to actually achieve her dream, because of the elders of her race.

    Dieses Kapitel wurde gelöscht
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto
  • stileto
    Antwortet auf SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST

    as for the random draws, most of the items are just filler items, and this isn't much of a reason, but if you read on fanfiction.net, you'd know gacha and stuff are fairly common over there, which im primarily writing on.

    Dieses Kapitel wurde gelöscht
    Gamer of Black
    Anime und Comics · stileto