


I survived the Fall of Reach, bitches. Now I write books and shit.

2021-01-16 BeigetretenUnited Kingdom



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  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf RikySmith123

    No, I can't. Things need drawbacks. If you find it that disgusting, just don't read those parts - at most they're only gonna be a sentence or two long. Also, you might wanna sort out your priorities. You find drinking blood disgusting...but you're completely fine with him brutally murdering a man? Okay chief.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf THICCBOY_97

    Bruh, don't do that to me. Nearly had a heart attack lmao. His name is Frederic in earlier chapters. Except it's only mentioned like once or twice because he's been by himself and all that.

    POV Change - Frederic Clancy (MC)
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf BespeckledPiglet

    I'll keep it in mind, cheers.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf MightyOzy

    He has pretty much everything he needs to become powerful, honestly. He can physically improve himself further through exercise, his intelligence is honestly already quite staggering because of his innate intelligence that's been enhanced through the Super Soldier Serum and the Augmentations from the SPARTAN programs, and most of all because of his Ghoul side he now has access to Yoki which will allow him to use Yoki Conversion when he gains enough control over it - Yoki Conversion being how Vampires in 'Rosario + Vampire' enhance their baseline strength even further. I've got my plans for the A.I side of things. There's no need to become a crime lord or to become the leader of a country - these things bring way too much attention. You'd also be naive to think SHIELD doesn't have people inside North Korea or Syria either. Humanity doesn't need strengthening either - anymore strength given to Humanity and we'd definitely wipe ourselves out. Most of all, I don't want a Mage MC or a sort of 'Magic Knight'/'Magic Fighter' who uses both. Focusing on what he has is a way for him to gain power. Biting off more than he can chew is only gonna make him stagnate and stop improving because he'd be splitting his efforts in too many different directions. Thanks for the suggestions though. I appreciate it.

    Ch 4 Becoming A Beast and Saving A Beauty
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf cheeki_breeki

    He's just naturally that tall. But I made it this way because having a SPARTAN that was normal sized just seems...weird, I guess. Plus, it's not like he's too tall for a human - there's plenty of basketball players who are about his height or even taller. Plenty of people like Hafthor Bjornsson as well. He definitely classes as a big guy though lmao. Also if it were the augments suddenly manifesting, he wouldn't have had any clothes on when he woke up in the lecture hall because they would've ripped lol.

    Ch 4 Becoming A Beast and Saving A Beauty
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf SPARTAN_B312

    *That shit is pretty deep. Or whatever I said at the end of my reply..

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf BespeckledPiglet

    Well, it goes into pretty dark territory, so I thought it best I gave a warning instead of just thrusting it onto my readers outta nowhere. I don't wanna be responsible for upsetting someone over their trauma or affecting their mental state negatively. That shit is pretty serious stuff, after all.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf CliffkunLolRekt

    That's a really shitty opinion to have lmao. So, *** workers aren't allowed to have happy relationships after they quit that type of work? A woman who's been raped doesn't deserve to have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife? Damn dude, that truly is a shit take to have. Also you think about a girls past lovers when you know about them? That's real weird, man. Just a heads-up as well, if a woman has been raped before you even get with her...that's not NTR. It just isn't NTR lmao. It's tragic for the person who had to be raped - and that's all it is.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf Machiel_schipper

    Yes, yes there is. Wolf whistling at a passing woman and then gaslighting her into being the bad guy for reacting adversely to you being a pervert is wrong.

    (*A/N - Sadly some guys actually think like this.)
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf Shentsu

    Words of true wisdom.

    Ch 4 Becoming A Beast and Saving A Beauty
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf Zyga

    My MC can still eat normal food but he won't get any nutritional value from it. Kinda like the Vampires from 'The Vampire Diaries'. He was just throwing up because he's in an extreme state of hunger and anything foreign or unneeded is being purged by his body.

    Ch 3 Waking Up In A New World
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf Kuro_uzumaki

    He'd be a half-Ghoul, which would make it Cannibalism.

    I know Ghouls from that series are mindless killing machines but the MC isn't a normal guy, is he? Let's just say his Super Soldier genetics and enhanced mind allow him to have conscious control over his new Ghoul body without him going berserk. Bit of an ass pull, I know, but it had to be done. If I carried on with him being a Ghoul from 'Tokyo Ghoul' I'd no doubt push a lot of potential readers away because of things like cannibalism and whatnot.
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf Lunarian_King

    Pretty much, yeah.

    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf cheeki_breeki

    Thank God it's all corrected. Anyway, it's less so that it doesn't taste good but rather that he was throwing up. Normal human food tastes bland to the MC but it wouldn't taste terrible. But after it becomes partially digested...it'll taste atrocious in the same way that no matter how nice the food was before, as soon as it's been thrown up, it'll taste horrid and no one in their right mind would eat it. It follows that line of logic, I guess.

    Ch 3 Waking Up In A New World
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf Lunarian_King

    Did it all get corrected this time? Because if so, thank God.

    Ch 3 Waking Up In A New World
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf cheeki_breeki

    Really? Man, Webnovel is buggy as hell, man. I might have to take down the old chapters and re-upload them. Thanks for telling me, mate.

    Ch 1 Heads-Up (Not A Chapter)
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf azertyuiop

    Vampires from Hellsing are physically weaker than Ghouls from 'Rosario + Vampire'. Ghoul also meshes better with his Super Soldier upgrades because it's a purely physical being rather than Vampires from Hellsing which are very supernatural/magical in nature.

    Ch 1 Heads-Up (Not A Chapter)
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf Edit_Failed

    Synthetic blood instead, I guess. If he doesn't want to steal from Hospitals after a certain point anyway lol.

    Ch 1 Heads-Up (Not A Chapter)
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf cheeki_breeki

    No. He's a Vampire-Type Ghoul. https://rosariovampire.fandom.com/wiki/Ghoul <--- This. Did my edits not register in the earlier chapters? Because I removed all the stuff to do with RC cells and the 'Tokyo Ghoul' stuff before I posted this update.

    Ch 1 Heads-Up (Not A Chapter)
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312
  • SPARTAN_B312
    Antwortet auf DaoistZettaiHeaven

    No. He has the powers of a Ghoul from 'Rosario + Vampire', which is this - https://rosariovampire.fandom.com/wiki/Ghoul . It's pretty much just overwhelming amounts of physical ability plus an outrageous healing factor. Pretty similar to a Ghoul from 'Tokyo Ghoul', honestly, just without the Kagune and it being more powerful.

    Ch 1 Heads-Up (Not A Chapter)
    MCU: Ultimate Ghoul
    Filme · SPARTAN_B312