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All I see are unnecessary restrictions in order to prevent the MC from becoming too strong for the plot. At the behest and cost of the parent route, why would you go this route instead of simply making him weaker from the start? Going through all this drivel just to keep him grounded for no other reason than simply doing so is putting sticks into your proverbial wheel, causing whatever point/plot you want developing to crash face-first into the asphalt.
.... Again? Isn't this like the third time he receives the same kind of lethal backshot? xd
When an author usually likes the comment without leaving any semblance of an answer behind, it usually means that he/she has no idea either.
I... I'm very knowledgeable regarding wow lore, I literally have written a 300k word long wow fic while adhering strictly to the lore, and I am a lifelong wow player. Yes, I am aware that their choices along the line can be... at best doubtful, but for the most part, the result is the conclusion of bad writing/retconning, but without them doing their occasional fuck up, there would be nothing to build on later. So no, I doubt I need to see more wow lore haha. The world is a gray one that much I am aware of, my previous comment is more or less based on the current "gray" state of the MC, and how I am confused about placing him near evil or morally good regarding anything else than to his own people :)
Pretty nuts how the portrayal of characters is at the moment, Malfurion = Bad guy. Tyrande = Bad guy, Undead vampire = Good guy, Miev = Good guy, yet here I am... debating if the use of the meme "Are we the bad guys?" applies to the vibe the MC gives off these last 50 chapters. Great fic so far though, even if I am getting hella confused in terms of the MC's Chaotic neutral nature :)
All that training and preparation, just to fall barely short of taking down a Pomeranian throwing a temper tantrum. Bruh, is this the guy who could take down a Zero-pointer? Is this the guy who constantly flexes like he owns the place? Because if so, this is beyond forced and borderline ridiculous.
This was a bit rushed in my opinion, why is she privy to any information? Why open up like a book regardless of how "Nice" she is when the fact is that they met mere hours ago? I doubt anyone who is on the job would randomly wander over to a stranger, make friends, and then tell them their life story as if it were a YouTube short. Regardless, I like the story so far.
I think its an attempt at portraying him as questioning the very reason they are "Heroes." Yet, it was done badly.
Was going to ask how you reached that conclusion without him being exposed to All Might doing exactly the same for some reason, is there perhaps some kinky shit going on here?
-No frustration of being whisked away to another dimension? Check. -No arguments about the moral shit talk in the previous chapter? Check. -Completely change MC's mindset/morals/behavior for no reason? Check. -Letting Constantine and Raven walk over him for no other reason than to keep her as a love interest? Check. -Removed from my collection? Check. It was good while it lasted, for being AI-generated content meant to farm revenue from Patreon of desperate readers.